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Everything posted by Pacpac1992

  1. https://www.sendspace.com/file/kogvti
  2. Filename: Gerador Crypt By ~ Zeed.exe Type: File Filesize: 3747840 bytes Date: 08/06/2015 - 22:46 GMT+2 MD5: db22e83efba333f778b2a585e591fcc9 SHA1: 2e5082f993e22c8081694e9b7d80a4763c1f9a86 Status: Infected Result: 1/35 AVG Free - OK Avast - OK AntiVir (Avira) - OK BitDefender - OK Clam Antivirus - OK COMODO Internet Security - OK Dr.Web - OK eTrust-Vet - OK F-PROT Antivirus - OK F-Secure Internet Security - OK G Data - OK IKARUS Security - OK Kaspersky Antivirus - OK McAfee - OK MS Security Essentials - OK ESET NOD32 - OK Norman - OK Norton Antivirus - OK Panda Security - OK A-Squared - OK Quick Heal Antivirus - OK Solo Antivirus - OK Sophos - OK Trend Micro Internet Security - OK VBA32 Antivirus - OK Zoner AntiVirus - OK Ad-Aware - OK BullGuard - OK FortiClient - OK K7 Ultimate - OK NANO Antivirus - OK Panda CommandLine - OK SUPERAntiSpyware - OK Twister Antivirus - OK VIPRE - Trojan.Win32.Generic.pak=21cobra Download https://www.sendspace.com/file/egto0z
  3. @SoyeyLamooye Esti prea terminat crede-ma nu esti decat un copil care stie doar sa injure si sa "scarpine" tastele cu tupeu, in rest nu esti decat un cacat cu ochi.
  4. Kingdom care merge cryptat si suporta toate versiunile de browser, cube recovery care e prea lejer de facut .
  5. Nu va mai chinuiti cu "coailii" degeaba, sunt alte stealere mult mai usor de facut si mult mai bune acum fara suparare mi se pare prea exagerat, 1 la mana nu merge cryptat, 2 la mana nu ramane fud nici 2 zile deci nu se merita.
  6. Bine ai venit.
  7. Bine ai venit!
  8. Scan server: Screen Cpanel: Suporta si ultima versiune de firefox. https://www.sendspace.com/file/2z840x Pentru cei care nu se pricep au video tutorial video aici->
  9. Update la link nu merge.. Error (429) This account's public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled! Edit: mersi.
  10. Scan.. Link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/pgd39h
  11. Eu nu reusesc sa il fac deloc.. un video tutorial ar fi bine venit, zic eu.
  12. Nu e crypter ca sa il afecteze.. e pur si simplu un program de schimbat ico, si extension spoofer. Atata tot.
  13. Scan..: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/c5af6a67789d4e7d54262a119ff10162257cb653b848c827fc86fb201dcaa62f/analysis/ Link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/rh30ko
  14. Link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/kcqfbe
  15. Link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/etsh8i
  16. https://www.sendspace.com/file/ipeqgz
  17. Scan https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/ed4e3606a73d9a4ea6e3d9c3d33d60a72e4eccd54f45ec8c5b8d1bf97bb61b84/analysis/ https://www.sendspace.com/file/8815l7
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