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Posts posted by sEdward

  1. Mi-ar fi greu sa-ti explic, pentru ca sunt oarecum strain de asa ceva. Sunt aici altii mai informati care ti-ar putea explica. Eu incerc sa-ti explic, dar poate te informez eronat.

    Sunt 3 tipuri de astfel de site-uri: poker, bet si ceva gen ruleta.

    Cele de poker:

    Iti pui arme, cutite, ce ai tu in inventar pe steam pe acel site, le transforma in coins si tu cu acei coins joci poker. Daca castigi o anumita suma, iti poti cumpara ceva de acea contravaloare, daca nu, pierzi.

    Cele de bet, numele vorbeste de la sine. Plasezi o arma, un cutit, sau mai multe iteme, pe o anumita echipa si daca castigi, iti iei itemele inapoi plus o valoare in plus. Ca la pariurile de fotbal.

    Si cele ca ruleta, au inrpcinipiu mai tampit. Pui tu si inca 49(sau cum este setat site-ul) iteme in joc. Fiecaruia dintre voi vi se atribuie un procent direct proportional cu valoarea itemelor iar procentul ala este procentul tau de castig. Dar sunt multi care au castigat si cu 1.8% in fata celor cu 40-50.

    Profitul tau este scos dintr-o taxa, care se iau din itemele puse/scoase din site, in general de 1-3%.

    Asta, sau daca esti adminul unui site tip "ruleta" poti trisa si poti seta care va fii urmatorul "castigator" al betului.

  2. Vi pe RST si intrebi de browser-ul preferat? :))

    Nu vreau sa fiu rautacios dar este cam aiurea.



    Dar nu am intrebat care este cel mai bun. Doar vroiam sa stiu de ce va place browserul x sau y.

    Stiu, si imi asum, ca nu e o intrebare foarte inteligenta, dar se poate discuta pe ea, pana la urma de aia e sectiunea off-topic.

    Na, in fine, sa ai o zi faina! :)

  3. Am testat hitleap si cam la fel, la ei azi le ai maine iti sterg vizualizarile.

    Ai testat recent? Nu stiu sigur daca s-a facut updateul de care vorbeam

    Oricum tot ce se poate, nu te poti increde in siteurile/programele de genul niciodata.

    Ia vezi, incearca teslahits.com l-am folosit acum 1 luna si a fost cat de cat decent, poate inca mai e bun.

  4. Tin sa va anunt urmatoarele lucruri:

    1 Vizitele se contorizeaza normal cam intr-o zi am luat 700 de views si 12 abonati.

    2 Fix dupa aproximativ o sapatamana acele vizite au fost sterse din statistica youtube+ castigurile din adsense cele obtinute cu ajutorul acestor vizite false.

    3 Se pare ca doar abonatii au ramas

    4 Daca stiti un alt sitem sa functioneze va rog sa il postati.

    Special pentru yt parca mai erau UltraViews, YouTubeBoost, etc. Sunt bune, majoritatea nu sunt prea bune.

    Cred ca hitleap o sa fie ok pentru ca s-a facut un update (sau se va face) unde vps-urile si toate ipurile false nu vor mai fi acceptate in sistem. Deci, doar cu pc-ul de acasa il poti utiliza, ceea ce e cat de cat decent si cred ca va ajuta destul de mult la contorizarea vizualizarilor.

  5. Prin vanzare de minute, acum o sa se scumpeasca mult minutele ca nu mai merge folosit VPS si alte porcarii de genul pe el. O sa fie mai safe si pentru youtube si multe alte chestii pt ca va merge doar pe ip real. Dar oricum pentru adsense nu cred ca va functiona. Oricum acum e momentul sa cumperi minute, cat timp sunt ieftine ca in cateva zile le va creste pretul.

  6. Site-ul asta te plateste ca sa faci review la un product, ti-l alegi tu dintr-o lista.

    Pe mine inca nu m-au platit, mai intai trebuie sa imi verifice review-ul (1-2 zile), dar am inteles ca platesc.

    Ei platesc prin Amazon Gift Card ($5) dar eu le-am cerut BTC sau PayPal, vedem daca se poate.

    Am doua link-uri aici, unul cu referal (pentru fiecare review primesc $5) si fara referal (nu primesc nimic, clar), e decizia voastra pe care il folositi.

    Ref: SoftwareInsider.com - Leave a Review, Earn $10

    Non Ref: SoftwareInsider.com - Leave a Review, Earn $10

    Bafta :P.

    // Am uitat sa adaug, dupa ce alegeti productul cautati un review pe google si luati-va dupa ala, ca sa va fie mai usor.

  7. Mie nu mi a dat.

    When will the bitcoins be payed out?

    All compensations will be payed out after we close the online survey. This happens when we have reached the maximum number of participants we can compensate with bitcoins or the latest two weeks after launching this survey. Automation is of course not allowed and we do not pay out compensations for automatically "answered" questionnairs.

  8. https://www.soscisurvey.de/BTC_study/?r=349731

    Doar trebuie sa completati un survey (tine cam 7 min) si o sa primiti $1, nu e mult dar poate ajuta pe cineva >:D<

    Bitcoin User Study

    You are being asked to participate in a research project conducted by researchers from the Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems at the Vienna University of Technology and SBA Research. You are being asked because you are using Bitcoin. The purpose of this study is to learn about your key management strategies and your risk perception related to Bitcoin.

    We highly appreciate your willingness to participate and will therefore compensate your effort with bitcoins (details below). We expect your participation to take about 15 minutes. You will be asked to answer questions with already given answer options and open-ended questions. We expect this research to benefit society and computer science and to further make Bitcoin more secure and usable.

    As we think privacy is important, your individual privacy will be maintained in all publications or presentations and no individual-related information will be collected besides your age, gender and highest educational attainment. You will not be asked to provide your name or any information which may be used to identify you.

    Please understand that by clicking "next", you are confirming to participate in this study. You have the right to withdraw from the research at any time and you also have the right to refuse to answer any questions.

    How do I get rewarded for my participation?

    Since the participation in this survey is anonymous, you are asked to provide one of your Bitcoin addresses at the end of the questionnaire to receive a small compensation for your efforts. If this Bitcoin address can be attributed to you (e.g. because you published it previously on a Forum) information of your identity may be recoverable. Since it is not in our interest to deanonymize participants we will not perform such correlations. Although, if you have strong requirements regarding privacy it is in your best interest to take the required precautions to avoid such kind of deanonymization attempts by third parties (i.e. use a newly generated address, do not use the received rewards together with other addresses you are already linked to, use coin-shuffling/mixing etc.). If you are highly concerned regarding you privacy but still want to participate, you are of course free to not specify a Bitcoin address for compensation.

    The rewarding scheme looks as follows:

    4.2 mBTC = 0.0042 BTC ~= 1.03 EUR ~= 1.13 USD if you complete the questionare

    To further incentivise you to distribute the link to this questionaire, you will get a special link to this questionaire containing a random ID when you completed all questions. If you distribute this link further you get a small reward for every recruited participant that uses this special link which includes your random ID as a reference.

    1 mBTC = 0.001 BTC ~= 0.25 EUR ~= 0.27 USD per every recruited completion

    When will the bitcoins be payed out?

    All compensations will be payed out after we close the online survey. This happens when we have reached the maximum number of participants we can compensate with bitcoins or the latest two weeks after launching this survey. Automation is of course not allowed and we do not pay out compensations for automatically "answered" questionnairs.

    To prove that we are indeed capable of paying out the promised overall amount of 6.3965 BTC ~= 1570 EUR ~= 1700 USD, we included the following message signed with the private key ouf our Bitcoin address.

    ./bitcoin-cli signmessage 12yeU5ymM67SL5UWVSwErAgwVwwaTd1Nma "https://www.soscisurvey.de/BTC_study/"



    Note: Since soscisurvey.de is a 3rd party survey provider, our bitcoins are not stored on this server which hosts the questionnaire!

    If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us: bituse@sba-research.org

    PGPFP: 7E54 5128 0EF4 BA37 EDE3 41CB 37F9 BBCE E0E0 6841

    non-ref: https://www.soscisurvey.de/BTC_study/

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