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Posts posted by virusz

  1. Ping este un instrument de reþea folosit pentru a verifica dacã un anumit host poate fi accesat prin intermediul unei reþele de tip IP. Ping trimte mesaje ICMP “echo request” (în româneºte solicitare de rãspuns) prin pachete adresate host-ul vizat ºi aºteaptã rãspunsul la aceste mesaje venite sub formã de rãspunsuri ICMP “echo response” de la hostul destinaþie. Transmiþând periodic astfel de pachete ºi calculând întârzierea cu care ajung rãspunsurile, ping estimeazã timpul de round-trip, precum ºi rata de pierdere a pachetelor dintre host-uri.


    * 1 Istoria

    * 2 Exemplu de ping


    Mike Muuss a scris programul în decembrie 1983, ca instrument de depanare a comportamentului ciudat al unei reþele IP. L-a numit dupã sunetul pulsurilor unui sonar, pentru cã operaþiile sunt asemãnãtoare cu cele efectuate de un sonar activ al unui submarin, unde un operator emite pulsuri de energie (un pachet IP) cãtre destinaþie, care se reflectã când se loveºte de þintã, rãspunsul fiind capturat de cãtre emiþãtorul iniþial.

    Utilitatea folosirii ping pentru "diagnosticarea" conectivitãþii Internet a fost afectatã spre finalul lui 2003, când nu numãr semnificativ de ISP au început sã filtreze mesajele ICMP Type 8 (echo request) la marginea externã a reþelelor lor. Acest lucru se datoreazã pe de-o parte numãrului crescãtor de folosiri a ping-ului ca metodã de identificare þintelor de cãtre worms precum Welchia, care au umplut Internetul de solicitãri de tip ping pentru a localiza computere noi pe care sã le infecteze. Nu numai cã rãspunsurile venite de la þinte furnizau informaþii folositoare atactorilor, dar contribuiau semnificativ la încãrcarea cu trafic inutil a reþelelor, provocând probleme routerelor din Internet.

    Lumea s-a împãrþit astfel în douã tabere, una care susþine ca ICMP sã fie filtrat pentru a nu divulga informaþii despre arhitectura de reþea, ºi o alta care este pentru a nu filtra aceste mesaje, permiþându-se astfel o diagnosticare rapidã.

    Exemplu de ping

    Urmãtorul exemplu este rezultatul comenzii ping cãtre www.google.com dintr-un sistem Linux, folosind implementarea iputils de ping:

    $ ping www.google.com

    PING www.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.

    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=246 time=22.2 ms

    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=245 time=25.3 ms

    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=245 time=22.7 ms

    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=246 time=25.6 ms

    64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=246 time=25.3 ms

    64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=245 time=25.4 ms

    64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=245 time=25.4 ms

    64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=245 time=21.8 ms

    64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=245 time=25.7 ms

    64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=246 time=21.9 ms

    --- www.l.google.com ping statistics ---

    10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9008ms

    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 21.896/24.187/25.718/1.619 ms

    Listarea aratã cã www.google.com are o înregistrare CNAME DNS pentru www.l.google.com care este rezolvatã sub forma adresei IP Listarea aratã mai apoi rezultatele a tramiterii de 10 pinguri cãtre cu rãspunsuri sumarizate la final.

    * timpul minim de ping a fost de 21.896 milisecunde

    * timpul mediu de ping a fost de 24.187 milisecunde

    * timpul maxim de ping a fost de 25.718 milisecunde

    Urmãtorul exemplu este rezultatul comenzii ping cãtre www.google.com din Windows XP din versiunea inclusã în acest sistem de operare:

    C:\>ping www.google.com

    Pinging www.l.google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=25ms TTL=245

    Reply from bytes=32 time=22ms TTL=245

    Reply from bytes=32 time=25ms TTL=246

    Reply from bytes=32 time=22ms TTL=246

    Ping statistics for

    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

    Minimum = 22ms, Maximum = 25ms, Average = 23ms

    Listarea aratã cã www.google.com are o înregistrare CNAME DNS pentru www.l.google.com care este rezolvatã sub forma adresei IP Listarea afiºazã rezultul efectuãrii a 4 pinguri cãtre cu rezultatele sumarizate automat la final.

    * timpul minim de ping a fost de 22 milisecunde

    * timpul mediu de ping a fost de 23 milisecunde

    * timpul maxim de ping a fost de 25 milisecunde

    original link: http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping

  2. problema cu "ciorditorii" nu se poate rezolva asa usor, pentru ca sunt "oameni de incredere" care nu se cunosc intre ei, stim cu totii ca pe internet puteam avea cate identitati vrem, si nu stiu daca vre-odata se va putea rezolva aceasta problema, doar cei care se cunosc intre ei, uite eu nu stiu pe nimeni personal dp acest forum de fapt ii stiu pe cativa dar aia nu mai sunt activi (nici nu prea au fost) , si cum nu ne stim, orcine poate spune ca eu sau altul sau nush cine e ciorditorul chiar daca e sau nu adevarat .. asta e rau totusi pe incredere se poate merge dar nu prea departe... ar fii fain sa se faca niste teste mai ales pe cei care sunt team member, niste teste de care numai un singur om sa stie (sau 2) , adik adminii, sa puna ei oamenii la incercare.. prin diverse metode.. nush una anume acum...


  3. Incearca si Azureus, e in java dar e bunicel, de utorrent nu am ce sa zic decat ca e preferatul meu, uite niste linkuri dar ma gandesc ca le-ai gasii si singur...

    Azureus (last release):


    utorrent (install):


    cat despre problema ta, este probabil din cauza seederilor :D daca netul ce il primesti tu merge cum trebuie... cauta si tu DUmeter ca e destul de bun (e un indicator de download/upload)


  4. mitzu_stefan fii atent ca tu aberezi, inainte sa folosesti ceva de pe acest forum, documenteaza-te... daca nu stii ce inseamna inseamna ca nu ai nevoie de el, si ca sa te poti folosi de el uite aici:

    un binder este in general format din 2 fisiere, un executabil si de cele mai multe ori un dll,asa, pana aici e clar, executabilul ala iti injecteaza un fisier sau mai multe (alese de tine) in acel dll care se numeste stub, dupa care il copiaza sub alt nume cu extensia exe.. deci dll-ul ala are in el un "cod" de executare (ala face diferenta dintre bindere) , si pe romaneste un binder iti face din 1 sau mai multe fisiere, un singur fisier ce are rolul de a porni sau da parametri acelor fisiere bindate... am facut o warza aici dar sper sa intelegi.....

    ps: inainte sa folosesti ceva, invata cateva lucruri despre acel ceva!


  5. Fresh UI is a fresh solution for configuring and optimizing Windows. Loaded with hundreds of useful hidden settings in Windows XP/2000/NT/ 98/95/Me, this software covers the customizing and optimizing techniques that you'll be glad to know, such as:

    - Customizing Windows User Interface (UI)

    - Optimizing system settings

    - Optimizing hardware settings

    - Customizing Windows application settings

    - Controlling user environment with policies

    Fresh UI is organized by section for easy navigation and completed with detail descriptions for easy reference.

    Release of Fresh UI 7.80.

    What's new: hidden Network (WINS) settings.

    Size: 864.8 KB



    Free Registration:


  6. NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is a professional open source system to create Windows installers. It is designed to be as small and flexible as possible and is therefore very suitable for internet distribution.

    Being a user's first experience with your product, a stable and reliable installer is an important component of succesful software. With NSIS you can create such installers that are capable of doing everything that is needed to setup your software.

    NSIS is script-based and allows you to create the logic to handle even the most complex installation tasks. Many plug-ins and scripts are already available: you can create web installers, communicate with Windows and other software components, install or update shared components and more.

    list of features

    * Generates self-contained executable installers

    * Support for ZLib, BZip2 and LZMA data compression (files can be compressed individually or together)

    * Uninstall support (installer can generate an uninstaller)

    * Customizable user interface (dialogs, fonts, backgrounds, icons, text, checkmarks, images etc.)

    * Classic and Modern wizard interface

    * Fully multilingual, support for multiple languages (including RTL langauges) in one installer. More than 40 translations are already available, but you can also create your own.

    * Page system: You can add standard wizard pages or custom pages

    * User selection of installation components, tree for component selection

    * Multiple install configurations (usually Minimal, Typical, Full), and custom configuration

    * Installer self-verification using a CRC32 checksum

    * Small overhead over compressed data size (34 KB with default options)

    * Ability to display a license agreement in text or RTF format

    * Ability to detect destination directory from the registry

    * Easy to use plug-in system (lots of plug-ins for creation of custom dialogs, internet connections, HTTP downloading, file patching, Win32 API calls, etc. are included)

    * Installers can be as large as 2GB

    * Optional silent mode for automated installations

    * A preprocessor with support for defined symbols, macros, conditional compilation, standard predefines

    * A lovely coding experience with elements of PHP and assembly (includes user variables, a stack, real flow control, etc.)

    * Installers have their own VMs that let you write code that can support:

    o File extraction (with configurable overwrite parameters)

    o File/directory copying, renaming, deletion, searching

    o Plug-in DLL calling

    o DLL/ActiveX control registration/unregistration

    o Executable execution (shell execute and wait options)

    o Shortcut creation

    o Registry key reading/setting/enumerating/deleting

    o INI file reading/writing

    o Generic text file reading/writing

    o Powerful string and integer manipulation

    o Window finding based on class name or title

    o User interface manipulation (font/text setting)

    o Window message sending

    o User interaction with message boxes or custom pages

    o Branching, comparisons, etc.

    o Error checking

    o Reboot support, including delete or rename on reboot

    o Installer behavior commands (such as show/hide/wait/etc.)

    o User functions in script

    o Callback functions for user actions

    * Completely free for any use. See License.

    * More

    File Release Notes and Changelog:


    Homepage -


    Size: 1.4 MB



  7. pai dak stiai dc nu ne-ai spus si noua? :D, nu-i bai... vedeam noi nu? :), ma io cred ca ar trebui facut un singur Thread cu titlul "Scamuri" (sau cum vreti voi, in care sa se posteze numai asa ceva.. am vaz ca si avhackteam a postat niste scamuri care cred ca sunt numai bune .. :D ... bafta!

  8. Picture: http://i10.tinypic.com/2s0h8bp.jpg

    Welcome to Delphi 10 Lite, a mod of Delphi 2006 that doesn't require .NET.

    1. FEATURES.






    7. CONTACT.



    - Extremely small size. Only Standard Components and Database Components

    are included.

    - Optional components have been moved to supplemental installers, which may

    be downloaded separately.

    - The help system has been substituted by the Delphi 7 help, which is far

    better and doesn't require the .NET Framework SDK.

    - Included OpenHelp utility from Delphi 7.

    - Included programming font Monospac821 BT. Recommended setting: size 8 with

    ClearType activated.

    - The Delphi Tweaks utility, located in the "Delphi 10 Lite" group, lets you

    enhance the Delphi IDE in several ways. Optimum settings have already been

    set, so you don't really need to run Delphi Tweaks unless you want to go

    back to the default values.

    - BORLNDMM.DLL has been updated to FastMM v4.62.

    - Refactoring, ErrorInsite, and ActiveX support have been disabled, as they

    require the .NET Framework.

    - Update 1 has been installed (version of the IDE is 10.0.2166.28377)



    - Windows 2000/XP or higher.

    - 160 MB of disk space.

    For the rest, the requirements are similar to those of Delphi 7.



    Delphi 10 Lite includes the following components:

    - Borland Standard Components

    - Borland Database Components



    Delphi 10 Lite supplemental installers include the following components:

    - Borland ActionBar Components

    - Borland ADO DB Components

    - Borland BDE DB Components

    - Borland Control Panel Applet Package

    - Borland DataSnap Connection Components

    - Borland dbExpress Components

    - Borland Editor Emacs Enhancements

    - Borland Editor Script Enhancements

    - Borland InterBase Express Components

    - Borland Internet Components

    - Borland Markup Language Wizards

    - Borland MyBase DataAccess Components

    - Borland Sample Components

    - Borland SimpleDataset Component (DBX)

    - Borland SOAP Components

    - Borland WebSnap Components

    - Delphi 1.0 Compatibility Components

    - Internet Explorer Components

    - Microsoft Office 2000 Sample Automation Server Wrapper Components

    - Microsoft Office XP Sample Automation Server Wrapper Components



    The help system has been substituted by the Delphi 7 help, which is far

    better and besides it doesn't require the .NET Framework SDK.

    Only the reference materials have been included. These are:

    - Delphi Object and Component Reference

    - Delphi Language Guide

    - Delphi Compiler Messages and Warnings

    - Delphi Compiler Options and Directives

    - Microsoft Win32 Programmer's Reference

    - Glossary

    If you need a programmer's guide, there are some excellent books out there,

    such as the Delphi 6 Developer's Guide, by Xavier Pacheco and Steve Teixeira.

    NOTE: There is no context-sensitive help, sorry. However, you can access the

    help from the Delphi main menu or clicking on the Help icon in the toolbar.



    Delphi Tweaks is an utility that lets you enhance the Delphi IDE in several

    ways that require modifying the binaries. Hence the IDE needs to be closed

    before saving any changes. Optimum settings have already been set, so you

    don't really need to run Delphi Tweaks unless you want to go back to the

    default values.

    - Docked panels: Lets you customize the speed at which the docked panels open

    and close when they are in unpinned mode.

    - TFrame bugfix: Lets you fix a bug present in TFrame in Delphi 2006.

    Explanation: In Delphi 2006, when you create an instance of a frame, the

    IDE sets its TabStop property to "true", which is in contradiction with the

    default value of TabStop. Now imagine that you want to set TabStop to

    "false". Well.. you can't, because the IDE still believes that "false" is

    the default value, and thus it refuses to store "false" in the DFM (it

    would be a waste of disk space, in theory). Thus TabStop is always "true".

    This problem is fixed here.



  9. Daca nu poti downloada update-uri sau alte chestii de la microsoft din cauza ca windows-ul tau nu este Genuine, atunci ia "programul" asta si ai rezolvat problema! :D, merje si IE7 si WMP11 + toate softurile de la microsoft!....

    mai multe despre Genuine:



    size: 1309 KB



  10. Crimen01 esti la sectiunea programare, aici e programare, adik diferite coduri sursa pentru anumite programe ..tutoriale si tot ce tine de programare, nu neaparat si programe gata compilate... alea le gasesti de cele mai multe ori la "Programe Hack" sau "stuff tools".. bafta!

  11. Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.7.18.1 Crack

    100% working on Windows Update and Microsoft Download Center.

    Install Notes:

    1. Extract into a new empty folder

    2. Run installer.bat

    MD5 :






  12. Driver Magician offers a professional solution for device drivers backup, restoration and update in Windows operating system. It identifies all the hardware in the system, extracts their associated drivers from the hard disk and backs them up to a location of your choice. Then when you format and reinstall/upgrade your operating system, you can restore all the "saved" drivers just as if you had the original driver diskettes in your hands. After one system reboot, your PC will be loaded and running with the required hardware drivers.

    What's more, Driver Magician has a built in database of the latest drivers with the ability to go to the Internet to receive the driver updates. It saves lots of time to find the correct drivers and mature drivers will obviously increase the performance of hardware. If there are unknown devices in your PC, Driver Magician helps you to detect them easily and quickly with its built in hardware identifier database. Key features: Back up device drivers of your computer in four modes. Restore device drivers from backup in one mouse click. Update device drivers of your PC to improve system performance and stability. Live Update device identifier database and driver update database. Detect unknown devices. Back up more items such as My Documents and Registry. Restore more items from backup. Get detailed information of the hardware drivers. Clone all drivers to an auto-setup package (.EXE), so you can restore drivers without installing Driver Magician.



  13. WinHex is a universal hexadecimal editor, particularly helpful in the realm of computer forensics, data recovery, low-level data processing, and IT security. An advanced tool for everyday and emergency use: inspect and edit all kinds of files, recover deleted files or lost data from hard drives with corrupt file systems or from digital camera cards.

    Features include:

    - Disk editor for hard disks, floppy disks, CD-ROM & DVD, ZIP, Smart Media, Compact Flash, ...

    - Powerful directory browser for FAT, NTFS, Ext2/3, ReiserFS, CDFS, UDF

    - RAM editor, providing access to other processes' virtual memory

    - Data interpreter, knowing 20 data types

    - Editing data structures using templates (e.g. to repair partition table/boot sector)

    - Concatenating and splitting files, unifying and dividing odd and even bytes/words

    - Analyzing and comparing files

    - Particularly flexible search and replace functions

    - Disk cloning, with a specialist license also under DOS

    - Drive images & backups (optionally compressed or split into 650 MB archives)

    - Programming interface (API) and scripting (professional & specialist licenses only)

    - 128-bit encryption, checksums, CRC32, hashes (MD5, SHA-1, ...)

    - Erase (wipe) confidential files securely, hard drive cleansing to protect your privacy

    - Import all clipboard formats, incl. ASCII hex values

    - Convert between binary, hex ASCII, Intel Hex, and Motorola S

    - Character sets: ANSI ASCII, IBM ASCII, EBCDIC, (Unicode)

    - Instant window switching. Printing. Random-number generator.

    - Supports files >4 GB. Very fast. Easy to use.


    All Features

    1.21 mb




    Name: "RstZone"
    Addr1: "TeamRST"
    Addr2: "RST-Crew"
    Key1: 47AF4B5AB83B193257BBD946544E6B19
    Key2: 1F59029DEEA6EDA3188EF545E69B48D2
    Chksm: F2

    or keygen:


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