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Posts posted by virusz

  1. Dramatically speed up your existing Internet broadband connection and get the best performance possible from your current Internet access.

    No technical questions; just one click and it s done.

    Free Internet speed test software included.. Full Speed will increase your online Internet speed

    with everything you do:

    faster downloads, web browsing, data streaming, e-mail. P2P and gaming.

    Instantly Get:

    1. Faster Internet access

    2. Faster download speeds

    3. Faster web site browsing performance

    4. Improve Internet and Intranet performance

    5. Quicker data download times

    6. Improved streaming music and movies

    7. Faster download for songs and video

    8. Faster performance with email

    9. Better download speed for all data

    10. Faster loading Web graphics

    11. Speed test for Web site browsing

    12. Speed test for general data transfer



  2. Some things in life should be free. Easy WiFi Radar helps you find and connect to open wireless access points with a single mouseclick. It's WiFi for Dummies. And we're giving it away.

    If you have ever tried to use Windows XP's built-in connection manager, you know what a hassle it can be to quickly check your mail or browse the web on the go. You need to browse through a list of access points, find one that you can connect to, manually try to connect to it, confirm the connection and then wait. Even if it says that's it connected, often it doesn't open a webpage or you mail will stall. Easy WiFi Radar automates all of this. It's main goal is to let you get your mail or surf the web without having to go through all of the connection trouble, and without having to pull your creditcard. Just run it and it'll connect you for FREE to the internet. It doesn't get easier than this.

    Get your mail and browse the web without being charged. The ideal WiFi-tool for frequent travellers and mobile professionals. Easy WiFi Radar will connect to open hotspots automatically and shows you exactly what it is doing in a cool animated radar screen. Access points are represented as green, yellow or red dots. It plays a sound and opens your webbrowser as soons as it succesfully finds a free connection.





  3. O lista cu site-uri de unde puteti downloada: dll-uri, ocx-uri, sys-uri, inf... and more :D

    cred ca se stie la ce ma refer, sunt unele programe care dau erori cum ca lipsesc nush ce file,

    gasiti aici:

    1. 2.'>http://www.dlldump.com

    2. 3.'>http://www.dll-download.net/

    3. 4.'>http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/

    4. 5.'>http://dll.yaroslavl.ru/

    5. 6.'>http://www.dll-files.com/

    6. 7.'>http://pacosdrivers.com/dllresults.asp

    7. 8.'>http://www.dll-downloads.com/

    8. 9.'>http://dll.yaroslavl.ru/

    9. 10.'>http://www.dynamiclink.nl/

    10. 11.'>http://dll.softandco.com/dll/

    11. 12.'>http://www.dll.ru/

    12. http://www.windll.com/ ( ocx,dll,inf,sys,vxd files )

    13. http://www.ocxdump.com/ ( ocx )

    14. ----------------------------------------------------------




  4. Including over 1,250 essential letters, contracts, board resolutions, plans, checklists, policies and spreadsheets, Business-in-a-Box is the most comprehensive library of business document templates available today. Bringing together the expertise of management consultants and lawyers, and the efficiency of an executive secretary, Business-in-a-Box is the solution you need to facilitate document writing. Save valuable time, money and effort, and start concentrating on the core activities that impact your bottom line.








  5. WinHex is a universal hexadecimal editor, particularly helpful in the realm of computer forensics, data recovery, low-level data processing, and IT security. An advanced tool for everyday and emergency use: inspect and edit all kinds of files, recover deleted files or lost data from hard drives with corrupt file systems or from digital camera cards.

    Features include:

    - Disk editor for hard disks, floppy disks, CD-ROM & DVD, ZIP, Smart Media, Compact Flash, ...

    - Powerful directory browser for FAT, NTFS, Ext2/3, ReiserFS, CDFS, UDF

    - RAM editor, providing access to other processes' virtual memory

    - Data interpreter, knowing 20 data types

    - Editing data structures using templates (e.g. to repair partition table/boot sector)

    - Concatenating and splitting files, unifying and dividing odd and even bytes/words

    - Analyzing and comparing files

    - Particularly flexible search and replace functions

    - Disk cloning, with a specialist license also under DOS

    - Drive images & backups (optionally compressed or split into 650 MB archives)

    - Programming interface (API) and scripting (professional & specialist licenses only)

    - 128-bit encryption, checksums, CRC32, hashes (MD5, SHA-1, ...)

    - Erase (wipe) confidential files securely, hard drive cleansing to protect your privacy

    - Import all clipboard formats, incl. ASCII hex values

    - Convert between binary, hex ASCII, Intel Hex, and Motorola S

    - Character sets: ANSI ASCII, IBM ASCII, EBCDIC, (Unicode)

    - Instant window switching. Printing. Random-number generator.

    - Supports files >4 GB. Very fast. Easy to use & more...

    Download + Keygen:




  6. Big AIO of net tools and other great stuff.

    Full images:







    Size : 4 GB [35 x 100 mb , 1 x 35 mb]

    Final : Iso

    Folder Password: ferbl@

    Archive password : fErBl@

    pentru mai multe informatii uitativa la poze!

    Download: --------




  7. ai mura in gura direct pe forum, cauta mai, nu cere atata!

    Cine imi zice si mie cum pornesc pc-ul? (acum sunt la un club si era pornit), la mine are doar 2 butoane si 2 "becuri" :D,nu stiu pe care sa apas, am apasat pe amandoua dar nu merge.... nu stiti?

    PS: cred ca nu l-am bagat in priza.... dar parca se aude ceva inauntru... o fii un hertz ratacit!

  8. cam lol,

    pt un futhai: ba putzo hai sa ti futh!

    pt o muire: hai ma fa o cleantza!

    pt un kiss: o iei de cap si ii bagi limba in gat!

    pt nr de tel: da ba pizdo telefonu ca de nu til fur!

    mai ales dupa ceva bere la bord iese viol!


    cam ajurea topicuri!

  9. nu mai posta astfel de cereri!

    nici nu ai incercat, cum sa reusesti?...dai un search pe form si citeste bine si baga la "cutiuta"

    cel mai tare zici?, nu exista asa ceva!

    asa crezi ca se face rost de un id? ,faci o cerere si gata?, probabil ca da, dar mul mai greu il gasesti pe ala care o sa se ocupe de asta doar pentru un ms...

  10. hackuri? ... tu nici nu stii ce ii aia.. iei mura in gura prin programe si te pricepi sa scrii un ip intr-un textbox si sa apesi un buton...deci te pricepi!

    okay, hai ca nu vreau sa te supar, Welcome, Read the fuck1ng rulz!

  11. @echo off&title RST Konsole - [url]http://rst-crew.net[/url] - %~n0.bat
    color a

    set /p cm=virusz@rst-crew:
    if "%cm%"=="rst" goto rst
    cmd /c %cm%
    goto kmd

    @echo --------------------------------------------------------
    @echo Konsole Version 0.1 - done by cucubau
    @echo - Romanian Security Team -
    @echo [url]http://rst-crew.net/[/url] - Romanian security team!
    @echo We can change the world if GOD gives us the source code!
    @echo --------------------------------------------------------
    goto kmd


    il modifici cum vrei si il salvezi intr-un fisier cu extensia bat sau cmd, il pui unde vrei, ii faci o scurtatura cu un icon frumos ..pe desktop.. si cand vrei sa faci ceva din consola doar pornesti scurtatura....


    are o micutza comanda.. niste infoz: rst


    lol!. ..


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