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Posts posted by virusz

  1. lolz, stai flexat ca nu de acolo l-am si iti mai spun ca nu de acolo a plecat acest exploit... in fine.. hai ca nu am vrut sa te supar dar esti enervant, nu faci nimic bun...numa sa comentezi stii, dak aveai si tu posturi folositoare poate nu te luam asa dar nu ai deocamdata. si ti-am spus hai.

  2. ma dhiuri ce sa rezolvam? ..nu avem ce, si in pm ne pierdem timpul... off-topic e deja, cui sa acord credit pt acest expl? -mai bine taci ca ai 6 posturi din care 6 nu sunt deloc folositoare.... hai.

  3. si io care ma gandeam ca puneti o tastatura plina de firmituri si de nush ce resturi prin'tre butoane....cel putin asa e a mea ..:D mai o curatz din cand in cand... nu cred ca as putea sa o schimb pentru ca imi place sa o pipai ..lol..

  4. mo59, o treaba sa stii: postul meu cu acest exploit copiat e mai bun decat postul tau care nu are nici un sens, eu l-am vazut undeva, am tradus textu' si l-am pus aici....

    inainte sa iti dai cu parerea, informeazate!!! ...noroc oricum...

  5. MDCrack-NG offers a nice, easy to use, graphical interface to control MDCrack's engine

    and offers even more:

    A convenient hash generator to quickly compute and export hashes into MDCrack's core engine.

    A password generator allows to create batch of passwords made of up to 5000 random passwords

    , generated in a row, compliant with your policy, built with one of MDCrack-NG's secured pseudo random generators.

    You can now easily choose a random password (or let it randomly choose one for you) and then

    test its strength in the same application.

    Among new options available, MDCrack-NG offers a fine control of MDCrack process's priority,

    it can manage as many MDCrack's sessions that fit your needs and offers to generate txt/html reports, ...


  6. welcome, nu fii asa rau :D, nu cred ca ai spus bine ce ai spus... "...sa distrug...", nu prea e frumos, plus ca aici nu ai sa invetzi cum sa le distrugi, aici invetzi cum sa "patrunzi" probabil sau sa "securizezi" un srv sau alte cele... in fine ... bafta

  7. Nullsoft Winamp is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity music player for Windows. Winamp supports MP3, CD, Audiosoft, Audio Explosion, MOD, WAV and other audio formats, custom appearances called skins, plus audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins



  8. SmartCode VNC Manager is a powerful yet easy to use remote administration and monitoring software for business and home network environments. It is typically used for remote network management, remote system administration and in helpdesk environments. It allows you to take remote control of any computers running VNC, Windows Terminal Servers, or Microsoft Virtual Server 2005.

    Screenshots: http://www.s-code.com/products/vncmanag/sc...creenshots.aspx



  9. cata zarva... stati flexatzi amandoi ca nu-i de cearta,aici amandoi suntetzi incapatanati si plini de sine... lasatzi-o mai moale, ar trebui sa va inpacatzi ca doar asta nu e forum de injuraturi si de "zarva" ... hai "pace" ... bafta ...pentru altzii care vretzi sa va mai certatzi, cartatziva pe privat..si avetzi putina grija ce subiecte creatzi, in orice caz nu d'astea de scandal....bafta :D lolz...

  10. timpul le rezolva pe toate.. (nu chiar) :D.... sunt si ei la inceput si s-au grabit sa puna site-u in picioare... nici eu nu ma pot loga... trebuie sa avem rabdare pana se pune mai pe picioare... :D


  11. These ISO-9660 CD image files contain the security updates for Windows released on Windows Update on August 8th, 2006. They do not contain security updates for other Microsoft products. These CD images are intended for corporate administrators who manage large multinational organizations, who need to download multiple individual language versions of each security update, and who do not use an automated solution such as WSUS. Use these images to download multiple updates in all languages at the same time.

    Caution: Be sure to check the individual security bulletins at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security prior to deployment of these updates to ensure that the files have not been updated at a later date.



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