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Everything posted by virusz

  1. BeEF is a browser exploitation framework. This tool will demonstrate the collecting of zombie browsers and browser vulnerabilities in real-time. It provides a command and control interface which facilitates the targeting of individual or groups of zombie browsers. Enhancements in the latest version include: * Integration with Metasploit via XMLRPC * Mozilla extension exploitation support * New browser functionality detection modules * Tiered logging for module actions and results Screen: + http://www.bindshell.net/tools/beef/screenshots/autopwn.png BeEF provides an easily integratable framework that demonstrates the impact of browser and Cross-site Scripting issues in real-time. Development has focused on creating a modular framework. This has made module development a very quick and simple process. Current modules include metasploit, port scanning, keylogging, TOR detection and more. ------------------ Install Standard Standard Install Instructions * Extract the BeEF tar file to the webroot * Check BeEF directory permissions and ownership of BeEF directories and files * Open a browser and connect to http://beefsite/beef/ o Follow install instructions BackTrack BackTrack Install Instructions Set ServerName Edit ServerName in '/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf'. * ServerName <your domain/IP> Extract BeEF to HTTP Server * cp beef-v*.tgz /usr/local/apache/htdocs * cd /usr/local/apache/htdocs * tar xzvf beef-v*.tgz Setup BeEF from Browser * Browse to http://<your domain/IP>/beef/ * Follow Instructions * Click 'Finished' Verifying Install Use a browser to connect to 'http://beefsite/beef/hook/example.php'. Now a zombie will appear in the zombie section of the BeEF UI. After a zombie has connected, select the 'alert' module. Enter an 'Alert String' and click send. Now check the target browser and you will see that an alert dialog box is shown. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Video: NTLM Challenge Credential Theft with BeEF and Metasploit on Vimeo Executing Browser AutoPWN Through BeEF on Vimeo Upgrading BeEF in Samurai WTF on Vimeo -------------------------- Download: http://www.bindshell.net/tools/beef/beef-latest.tar.gz Homepage: BindShell.Net: BeEF
  2. Distributia Include: Backtrack 3 Backtrack 4 beta Ultimate Boot CD Organizational Systems Wireless Auditor (OSWA) Assistiant Slax 6 Ophcrack XP Ophcrack Vista Damn Small Linux Damn Vulnerable Linux --------------------- Screen: --------------------- Download ISO: http://mirror.cc.vt.edu/pub/katana/katana-1.0-beta.rar Size: 6 GB --------------------- Homepage: http://www.hackfromacave.com/katana.html
  3. Blue Beam.....
  4. Salut, nu am gasit un titlu chiar bun dar cred ca v-ati prins despre ce este vorba, am vazut ca lumea intreaba de mai multe ori, chiar aici pe forum, asa ca cea mai simpla metoda de a face asa ceva fara a cunoaste "programare" este prezentata in video-ul de mai jos: Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/290868868/video.rar.html Mirror: http://fisierulmeu.ro/57T5VPNDVTGW/video-rar.html Parola arhiva: reclamalasite In arhiva aveti tot ce va trebuie! ----- http://chiptune.com http://www.chiptunes.org/files/Artists/ -------------- Cine nu are chef sa downloadeze arhiva poate intelege despre ce e vorba: 1. Downloadam programul PunchIT de aici http://www.accessroot.com/arteam/site/download.php?list.9 2. extragi arhiva,pornesti programul alegi executabilul, output, sound file, PunchIT si programul tau canta cand il rulezi....
  5. vezi ca nu ai pus nici un link, dupa ce il pui poate revin cu un edit
  6. ai incercat: /etc/init.d/networking start ? /etc/init.d/NetworkManager start
  7. PenTBox is a Security Suite with programs like Password Crackers, Denial of Service testing tools (DoS and DDoS), Secure Password Generators, Honeypots and much more. Destined to test security/stability of networks and more. Programmed in Ruby, and oriented to GNU/Linux systems (but compatible with Windows, MacOS and more). It is free, licensed under GNU GPL. Do you want to include your Ruby security tool into the Box? Contact me! Or you can see and improve the code. Homepage: http://www.pentbox.net/ Releases: http://www.pentbox.net/download_pentbox/releases/ e frumos!
  8. Sunt cateva modele de laptop de la acer care au probleme din fabricatie, o problema destul de des intalnita e "White Screen", adica ecranul devine alb sau alte culori din senin, rezolvarea: !1- Trebuie dus la un service autorizat. 2- Folosirea unui program care la o apasare pe tasta trimite un semnal monitorului care se va opri pana cand apasati orice tasta sau miscati mouse-ul..., cand "porneste" monitorul de cele mai multe ori aveti sansa sa isi revina din "White Screen"... Probabil ca mai sunt si alte rezolvari, noi ne oprim aici... Pentru cine doreste metoda 2 de rezolvare aveti aici un programel: screen: versiunea 0.9 - Are un GUI si optiunea de a selecta tasta dorita pentru trimiterea semnalului. http://teamvrs.evonet.ro/AcerToolInstaller.zip versiunea 0.1b - Nu are gui, doar porneste si asculta, tasta care trimite semnalul este: "Pause Break" http://teamvrs.evonet.ro/v0.1b.zip
  9. Aveti tot ce va trebuie aici: http://rapidshare.com/files/287721803/milw0rm.rar.html scriptul: @echo off> plmz.txt & setLocal enableDELAYedexpansion title milw0rm exploit downloader - batch version - d0ne by virusz@rst if not exist expl md expl set /p exp=Search for: wget -O exploits "http://www.milw0rm.com/search.php?dong=%exp%" del /Q plm.txt For /F "tokens=1 delims=" %%A in ('findstr download exploits') Do ( echo %%A>>plm.txt ) for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (plm.txt) do ( set str=%%a set str=!str:"=! set str=!str:^<=! set str=!str:^>=! set str=!str:^/=! >> plm.txt echo !str! ) ch plm.txt "exploitsdownload" "" ch plm.txt "class=style16" "" ch.com plm.txt "title=downloadDa" "" ch.com plm.txt "a href=" "" ch.com plm.txt " " "" ch plm.txt " " "" For /F "tokens=1 delims=" %%A in ('findstr "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0" plm.txt') Do ( wget -O expl/%%A.txt http://milw0rm.com/exploits/%%A ) del /Q plm.txt del /Q exploits @echo d0ne. pause>nul acum nu ma doare capu , si nu prea am putut sa il testez pentru ca nu a mers milw0rm.com cand l-am scris, in mare merge... bafta
  10. Pentru mai multe info despre wgetwin: WGET for Windows wget e un download manager,nu are el treaba cu pregatirea link-ului.. pentru a observa observa mai detaliat ce fac programele astea "downloader" foloseste un sniffer sau un program specializat, eu folosesc: Download -IEInspector HTTP Anlayzer, HTTP Sniffer, HTTP Monitor, HTTP Trace, HTTP Debug dai un: start logging, executi downloader-ul, pui linkul si in analyzer vezi ce si cum a facut programul.... Linkul de download la trilulilu ar trebui sa arate cam asa: http://fs9.trilulilu.ro:80/stream.php?type=audio&hash=5c2223114cfc85&username=mirelHaRdY=6526edeebdad08645fe88bcbd5c4a5313525a143 In link-ul de mai sus: fs9 - 9 reprezinta numarul serverului type - audio sau video hash - ul username - mirelHaRdY key - 6526edeebdad08645fe88bcbd5c4a5313525a143 In sursa paginii ai sa gasesti ceva de genu: so.addParam("quality", "high"); so.addParam("allowFullScreen", "true"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always"); //so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.addVariable("userid", "mirelHaRdY"); so.addVariable("hash", "5c2223114cfc85"); so.addVariable("server", "9"); so.addVariable("key", "d7f9374c0f6976ff1217a08fb831c98485013d64"); //so.addVariable("color", "0x00CC00"); so.addVariable("color", "0xE9EFF4"); so.addVariable("viewfile", "1"); so.addVariable("autoplay", "true"); so.addVariable("random_for_this_page", 'localconnection_1b909a7f87'); de aici extragi toate informatile necesare pentru link-ul de download bafta!
  11. vezi: Un4seen Developments - 2MIDI / BASS / MID2XM / MO3 / XM-EXE / XMPlay [2008] Using BASS.DLL to play music and sound effects. - VBForums
  12. incearca http://www.anvir.com/cgi-bin/swstat/go.pl?distr=http://www.anvir.com/downloads/taskfree.exe cand il pornesti o sa verifice fiecare fisier care e la startup si o sa te intrebe daca vrei sa il lasi acolo, are mai multe chestii, daca nu te descurci atunci reinstall windows ...
  13. mai bine cauta unu deja activat... exempu: http://www.h33t.com/download.php?id=edb9446995d5d4b2b795ceebc2427489993ed91b&f=The%20Original%20WiNDOWS%20ViSTA%20SP1%20x64%20x86%20ACTiVATED%5Bh33t%5D%20.torrent
  14. http://www.radiolynx.ro/player/t242-541
  15. fac pariu ca oameni nostrii au schimbat parolele inaintea celor de la rs in fine...
  16. muriti aia care ati schimbat parolele.. mortii vostri.. nu meritati nimic
  17. la prima vedere se pare ca are deja in el user si pwd de la rapidshare.. deci nu genereaza asa e.. de aia zice ca nu poti "genera" mai mult de 10 SWC00410B58_Accountid____8458347___Password_: unicode 'Accountid = 8458347 | Password = BVbEKRUB | Expires on Sat, 16. May 2009',0000h dd 00000002h SWC00410BF0_2: unicode '2',0000h dd 00000096h SWC00410BF8_Accountid____5936175___Password_: unicode 'Accountid = 5936175 | Password = DUkaaGu3KY | Expires on Thu, 23. Jul 2009',0000h dd 00000002h SWC00410C94_3: unicode '3',0000h dd 00000092h SWC00410C9C_Accountid____8551293___Password_: unicode 'Accountid = 8551293 | Password = jwEAfNqy | Expires on Thu, 20. Aug 2009',0000h dd 00000002h SWC00410D34_4: unicode '4',0000h Align 8 dd 00000092h SWC00410D40_Accountid____8101220___Password_: unicode 'Accountid = 8101220 | Password = GSCHADzd | Expires on Wed, 18. Mar 2009',0000h dd 00000002h SWC00410DD8_5: unicode '5',0000h dd 00000002h SWC00410DE0_6: unicode '6',0000h dd 0000008Ch SWC00410DE8_Accountid___1842659___Password__: unicode 'Accountid = 1842659 | Password = 141188 | Expires on Sun, 17. May 2009',0000h Align 4 dd 00000002h SWC00410E7C_7: unicode '7',0000h dd 00000090h SWC00410E84_Accountid___7595664___Password__: unicode 'Accountid = 7595664 | Password = uDLW26Yk | Expires on Wed, 10. Jun 2009',0000h Align 4 dd 00000002h SWC00410F1C_8: unicode '8',0000h dd 0000008Eh SWC00410F24_Accountid___7946726___Password__: unicode 'Accountid = 7946726 | Password = jlct1975 | Expires on Thu, 7. May 2009',0000h dd 00000002h SWC00410FB8_9: unicode '9',0000h dd 00000094h SWC00410FC0_Accountid___6506943___Password__: unicode 'Accountid = 6506943 | Password = MpRp4pcWQg | Expires on Fri, 20. Mar 2009',0000h Align 4 dd 00000004h SWC0041105C_10: unicode '10',0000h Align 4 dd 0000008Eh SWC00411068_Accountid___8304290___Password__: unicode 'Accountid = 8304290 | Password = YQJFkTnB | Expires on Sun, 3. May 2009',0000h am incercat vre-o 2.. la unu i-a schimbat vre-un sobolan parola si unu a depasit limita de down
  18. e..da, scuze , src: function GetComputerNetName: string; var buffer: array[0..255] of char; size: dword; begin size := 256; if GetComputerName(buffer, size) then Result := buffer else Result := '' end; function t1(s:string):integer; var comp : string; begin comp := GetComputerNetName; result := length(s)*length(comp); end; function x1(s:string):string; begin result := inttostr(length(s) + $1420); end; function t2(s:string):string; var er : integer; compname : string; begin compname := GetComputerNetName; er := length(s) + $1420; er := er + t1(s); er := er * $3E8; result := inttostr(er); end; function generate(s:string):string; var comp : string; tern : string; sn : string; begin comp := GetComputerNetName; tern := comp+inttostr(t1(s))+ x1(s) + t2(s); sn := strtobase64(tern); if ((ord(sn[length(sn)])) = $20 ) then result := copy(sn,1,(length(sn)-1)) else result := sn; end; function re(u:string):string; begin u:=generate(form1.caption); re:=u; end; + e:string; begin e:=generate(form1.caption); if form1.Caption=(edit1.Text) then begin edit2.text := generate(edit1.text);
  19. done.... keyword: Label2 video: http://rapidshare.com/files/205739033/clip000d0007.7z.html next: crackme v4 - download: http://rapidshare.com/files/205768427/crackmev4.exe.html target: aflati keyword-ul pentru a primi parola...., le postati aici pe forum bafta
  20. noise boon, pun unu facut acuma repede sa nu ma injure careva... target: keyword download: http://rapidshare.com/files/205356919/crackme_v2.exe.html MD5: 65B6B1915266EE432D6405D12A69060D xact poti pune sursa? propun sa se faca cate un video cum s-a rezolvat fiecare crack-me.. ca si asa nu mai se mai baga aproape nimeni la ele si macar poate vede ceva ala care incearca.... plm..
  21. : rst, well done nu stiu keyword-ul , eventual o sa dau un edit cand aflu
  22. bafta ......
  23. nu, de notepad
  24. @ben20: am vazut ca ai postat si la ajutor, te rog citeste si respecta regulile inainte sa postezi totusi: http://www.priamos-project.com/versions.htm
  25. "Da, ai ghicit parola, deci cmiN e cretin :P" daca erai cretin nu faceai un crackme sau alte chestii...
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