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Everything posted by sosetutza

  1. tot aia .....nici o diferenta
  2. tiam trimis un pm cu el....
  3. Am uploadat tot ce trebuie sa puneti pe host . Nu uitati sa modifiati in login.php si sa puneti emailul vostru, login.php il puteti deschide cu notepad. Si sa repetam povestea de la yahoo scam page. Va faceti cont pe lx.ro Si folositi programul Smart Ftp Client ca sa uploadati fisierele pe host. aici aveti linkul de download- http://rapidshare.com/files/258246042/filelist.rar.html - http://rapidshare.com/files/258246208/filelist.rar.html - http://rapidshare.com/files/258246388/filelist.rar.html - http://rapidshare.com/files/258246488/filelist.rar.html L-am mai reuploadat de 4 ori ! Nu mai am fisierele in pc .... deci nu le mai pot uploada din nou!
  4. nui nimic:D se mai intampla
  5. pe lx.ro tiai facut cont? Asta este cel pentru incepatori.....acuma o sa fac si unu video ca vad ca si reikoku are probleme. [inainte era pus doar index.html. si yahoo.php fara host si programul necesar.]
  6. am facut eu...merge pe lx.ro si cad multi am facut 37 de id in 2 zile o sa fac un tutorial pentru incepatori ...
  7. Dupa cum am zis ...o sa fac un tutorial pentru incepatori....asa ca lam editat acesta . In primul rand trebuie sa va faceti cont pe http://www.lx.ro/ Apoi downloadati un client ftp, de recomandat e smart ftp pe care il puteti downloada de aici http://www.smartftp.com/download/ Dupa ce ati terminat copiati ce e mai jos intr-un editor de texte,si windowsul are asa ceva si se numeste notepad. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Yahoo! Mail: The best web-based email!</title> <!-- Refresh login page every 15 minutes --> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0"> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="900"> <meta content="index,follow" name="robots"> <meta content="Yahoo! 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It's the most comprehensive free service in this roundup, with sophisticated security features, a configurable spam filter, Norton Anti-Virus scanning and cleaning, and the ability to integrate cleanly with Yahoo! Messenger. Yahoo! Mail was the first Web-based mail service to include a detailed address book, calendar, and notepad, and these work as well as ever. You can also sync their content with mobile devices. ...Yahoo! Mail takes the lead overall." -- <i>PC Magazine</i>, June 22, 2005.</p> <p class="close"><a class="yregnlnk" onclick="yreg_popLayer('h2_list');">Close</a></p> </div> </div> <!-- End hidden layer --> </div> <!-- end bottom ad call --> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <!-- Bottom ad insert ends --> <!-- END ADS --> <!-- end left side content --> </div> </div> <!-- begin footer --> <div id="yregft"> <p>Copyright © 2008 Yahoo! Inc. 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Please go back and try again."; } ?> Acesta il salvati yahoo.php Nu uitati sa puneti emailul vostru! Dupa ce ati facut cont pe lx primiti email cu niste date. Intrati in smart ftp : Dati file-new remote browser si o sa trebuiasca sa completati acolo cu ce ati primit in emailul de la lx ,adica HOST,USERNAME si PASSWORD, apoi dati ok. Apoi din nou dati file si dati new local browser. Dupa ce ati dat new local browse o sa va apara ca si explorer,unde puteti sa cautati prin computer si langa fereastra cu siteul de la lx, deci ecranul va ete inpartit in 2 bucati ,una siteul si una computerul vostru.Cautati fisierele index.html si yahoo.php ,apoi dati clic dreapta pe fiecare si dati smart ftp si chiar ultimul este siteul vostru si dati pe el,in acel moment fisierele sunt uploadate pe site. Cam atat este. Daca aveti nelamuriri intrebati
  8. multumesc mult....imi e de ajutor
  9. Nu imi cereti id de messenger!

    Nu il dau numai celor care cred eu ca este necesar sa il aiba!

    Daca trimiteti PM folositi limba romana sau engleza!

    Nu vreau sa vad prescurtari de genu (dc? ; kkt ; plz ; ms)

    NU IMI CERETI SA FAC CEVA DE GENU:-"spartul' unui id de messenger

    -"spartul' unui cont de HI5

    -flood server counter-strike

    Daca nu respectati aceste conditii nu va mai obositi sa trimiteti PM pentru ca am sa-l ignor!

  10. Creating Multiple Virtual Sites on a WAMP Server Installation When developing multiple sites, it is helpful to have a copy of each site running on your local computer. With Apache it is fairly easy to configure multiple sites under one install. This article outlines the basic steps for configuring Apache's "Named Virtual Hosts" feature under WAMP Server on Windows XP. Step 1: Tell your machine to answer to different names. By default, Windows will answer to the name "localhost" for browser requests originating on the same machine (yours). If you have WAMP Server running, you can browse to http://localhost and see your WAMP site. We can make Windows answer to multiple names by editing a file called "hosts" located in your /windows/system32 folder. Browse to: "C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc" Once there, you should see a file titled "hosts". Open that file with a text editor like notepad or Komodo Edit. You may have to change the open dialog to "all files" in order to see it. You should see a line that looks like this: localhost That tells Windows that the name "localhost" points to the machine who's IP address is, which is a standard address for "this machine". We can multiple entries for, and your browser will then associate all of them with your local computer. In our case, let's create one called "client1.localhost". Add a line to the hosts file so it looks like this: localhost client1.localhost You can add as many entries as you like and your browser should display your WAMP Server site for all of them. Save your hosts file and try visiting http://client1.localhost" in your browser. You should see your WAMP site. Note: Do not create hosts entries for external sites. This can cause hours of frustration and needless troubleshooting. For example, if you added this line: # Don't do this. google.com You would no longer be able to access google.com, because it is now associated with your local computer. The request never reaches the Internet. The same applies to client domains. For this reason, stick to something identifiable as local, like "google.localhost". Step 2: Create a Client Site Folder We need multiple site root folders to house multiple sites. Currently WAMP Server only has one site root, which typically lives at "C:\wamp\www". Let's create another one at "C:\wamp\client2". Navigate to "C:\wamp", and click "File -> New -> Folder". Rename your new folder to "client2". Create a test file called "index.html" in "C:\wamp\client2": <html> <head> <title>Hello?</title> </head> <body> Hello from Client 2! </body> </html> Step 3: Tell Apache to Serve Multiple Sites by Name WAMP configures Apache to serve a single site that usually lives in "C:\wamp\www". Apache can handle multiple sites if we tell it where to look. To open your WAMP Server Apache configuration, left-click the WAMP Server icon and select "Apache -> httpd.conf". The file should open in notepad. Look for a line like this: Listen 80 This tells Apache to listen for browser requests on port 80. Change it to this: Listen *:80 This tells Apache to listen to port 80 of any address. At the end of httpd.conf, add this: # Tells Apache to identify which site by name NameVirtualHost *:80 # Tells Apache to serve the default WAMP Server page to "localhost" <VirtualHost> ServerName localhost DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/www" </VirtualHost> # Tells Apache to serve Client 1's pages to "client1.localhost" # Duplicate and modify this block to add another client <VirtualHost> # The name to respond to ServerName client1.localhost # Folder where the files live DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/client1" # A few helpful settings... <Directory "C:/wamp/client1"> allow from all order allow,deny # Enables .htaccess files for this site AllowOverride All </Directory> # Apache will look for these two files, in this order, if no file is specified in the URL DirectoryIndex index.html index.php </VirtualHost> Step 4: Restart Apache and Test Left-Click your WAMP Server tray icon and select "Restart All Services". Browse to http://client1.localhost and you should see your new site.
  11. fitty am gasit....pe duminica il ai:D
  12. ziceti despre ce sa fac tutorial si fac!
  13. fitty sant o gramada de useri ca habar nu au sa deschida cmd....... si Mandrake1942 pe luni ai tutorialul
  14. Parola e gresita:mad:
  15. Cum sa iti scoti din startup ce nu vrei! VIDEO
  16. am sa fac unu si cu msconfig .....si alte chesti cu care til poti inbunatati:)
  17. Am vazut ca sunt si aici o gramada de useri incepatori care isi pun tot felu de teme la windows sau alte programe pentru designe,care nu fac altceva numai sa manance din rami.Asha ca am facut acest tutorial in care va arat cum sa va setati windowsul la best performance! Scuzati claritatea videoului.... Video e primu tutorial video care il fac...... Va ashtept cu intrebari.
  18. si ce vrei sa spui prin acest post?
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