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Everything posted by PsYKid
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("suri")</div> Pai puteai folosi hi5 daca esti in cautare de asa ceva..(SPAM ! hehe) si noi o sa incercam sa`ti fim prieteni dar aci e "hacking" Educational Purpose Message. :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ P.S: Welcome.
Tutorial Remote Administrator {Lame version// n00b times}
PsYKid replied to PsYKid's topic in Tutoriale in romana
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("d!G!t@L_hPo6")</div> inseamna ca este parolat...de altcineva sau de adminu de la acel computer. n`ai ce sa faci. -
e veche dar e tare de tot... :@
Tutorial Remote Administrator {Lame version// n00b times}
PsYKid replied to PsYKid's topic in Tutoriale in romana
Dude ...cauta REMOTE ADMINISTRATOR 2.1 ..nu folosi clients de la versiunea noua ...cauta RADMIN 2.1!!! Ala old Style.! :@ -
Tutorial Remote Administrator {Lame version// n00b times}
PsYKid replied to PsYKid's topic in Tutoriale in romana
ha >? posteaza o poza ! -
ba da ..am vazut pe milworm ..pe forum sa te uiti ..ca str0ke ala l`a acceptat ...ca cica e vulnerabil ..asa au zis la inceput ..dar dupa aia a mers.
Eh iaca ce faceam eu in vremurile mele de glorie "LOL" ...NU radeti sunt unii care habar n`au ..dar nah..am facut si eu ce faceau si altii la inceput. Remote  Administrator 2.1 Tutorial 1.Introduction 2.Needed Tools 3.Configure 1. Introduction With this tutorial u can gain access to Windows 95/98/NT/Xp Boxez by scanning a speciffic port (4899) . You can control the victim`s computer how u like , upload everything u want ...and so on . 2. Needed Tools a) Remote Administrator 2.1 Get it from google. Angry Ip scanner 2.20 Get It from GOOGLE. 3.Configure a) Remote Administrator 2.1 This don`t need no configuration, you just install it ! Ip Scan 2.20  Here u must Configure some things . I`ll Write here..  So first thing is to unzip it wherever u like.Than go to "Options > Select Ports..> Ports: 4899" Hit OK.Than go to mIRc, connect to a server from Undernet For example and find an ip adress "/who 218.* " for example we got "" ..ok .now go to Ip Scanner and write this ip to "Ip Range: to " . U see that i have inputed the same ip but i`ve changed 172 > 180 and 70 > 255  because we scan this ip range. Ok now u have to wait cos it takes a while and to see the rezults page down to see if are any "GREEN" Ip`s ...i say this because it will appear a green mark in front of the ip , and u will see that it has open PORT: 4899 , the one u specified in configuration options.  After this go to Remote Administrator and input the ip that is Green in the box that will appear . First Try to connect throw TELNET to put a password for you box so nobody can take it.   Probably on Windows 95/98 u can`t connect to TELNET because is not supported, but u can try!  After you`re in with TELNET use this(DO NOT CHANGE THE COMMAND PROMPT ---> Default is "c:windowssystem32" it will probably be that the letter drive will be different, because they installed windows on a different partition), Here is the command u have to input to password your box : "r_server /port:4899 /pass:YOUPASSWORD /save"  , without "" .Than close the telnet , and open the FULL CONTROL option that Remote Administrator has it , and u can see the victim`s desktop and what is he doing in that moment. Other option is FILE TRANSFER where u can upload everthing u want , u can make PSYBNC/BNC/EGGDROP/MECH/E-MECH/DARKBOT/[XXX] , remember to download this bots,bouncers for WINDOWS!. And that`s all ! where [xxx]= spam scripts,trojan,scam etc. If u have something to say or if i am wrong in a part please contact me at [email]hipercritic@yahoo.com[/email] or send a PM! Good luck Gaining Bindowz Boxez! ------------------------------------------------------ Tutorial writed by PsYkID , Member of red[CODE in[s]ecurity! ------------------------------------------------------
acuzat de furtul a 8.2 GB de informatii confidentiale
PsYKid replied to MaHaReT's topic in Stiri securitate
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("maleficus")</div> pai gandeste`te si tu cam ...vreo cateva zeci de etaje de date confidentiale din fostul WTC...eu zic ca`i "putin" de tot ..ca apa calda ... eram in hawai acu in locu lu ala.. -
Iasi e cel mai mare oras studentesc ...
s`a mai zis de o mie de ori sa puneti codul sursa in CODE.
nu sunt fete ....nu le intereseaza pe ele ce facem noi aci.
"programatoru" lu peshte...rellik ...repejor sub masa ..ai treaba :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
sustin ideea in continuare !
iha ...sa fiti voi sanatosi cate forumuri exista ...trebuie doar cuvintele magice in GOOGLE
mah eu nu vreau sa par nu`sh cum ..da voi kiar nu mai aveti ce face ?.... daca este RHZ ce mai trebe clanuri and stuff ...sau n`am inteles eu bnie..pt ce`i acest clan ?
pt sms e : *ri# mesaj. pe connex ..au pardon ...vodafone nu merge..parca :@
merge garantat ..
Deci .. Rezultatul scanarii cu antivirusi al fisierului "SERVER.EXE". 1. ViruSTOTAL Complete scanning result of "server.exe", received in VirusTotal at 06.19.2006, 15:17:41 (CET). Antivirus Version Update Result AntiVir 06.19.2006 no virus found Authentium 4.93.8 06.16.2006 no virus found Avast 4.7.844.0 06.19.2006 no virus found AVG 386 06.16.2006 no virus found BitDefender 7.2 06.19.2006 no virus found CAT-QuickHeal 8.00 06.19.2006 (Suspicious) - DNAScan ClamAV devel-20060426 06.18.2006 no virus found DrWeb 4.33 06.19.2006 no virus found eTrust-InoculateIT 23.72.42 06.18.2006 no virus found eTrust-Vet 12.6.2263 06.19.2006 no virus found Ewido 3.5 06.19.2006 no virus found Fortinet 06.19.2006 suspicious F-Prot 3.16f 06.17.2006 no virus found Ikarus 06.19.2006 no virus found Kaspersky 06.19.2006 no virus found McAfee 4786 06.16.2006 no virus found Microsoft 1.1441 06.19.2006 no virus found NOD32v2 1.1607 06.19.2006 no virus found Norman 5.90.21 06.19.2006 no virus found Panda 06.18.2006 Suspicious file Sophos 4.06.0 06.19.2006 no virus found Symantec 8.0 06.19.2006 no virus found TheHacker 06.19.2006 no virus found UNA 1.83 06.19.2006 no virus found VBA32 3.11.0 06.18.2006 no virus found VirusBuster 4.3.7:9 06.18.2006 no virus found 2. Jotti File:   server.exe Status:  MIGHT BE INFECTED/MALWARE (Sandbox emulation took a long time and/or runtime packers were found, this is suspicious. Normally programs aren't packed and don't force the sandbox into lengthy emulation. Do realize no scanner issued any warning, the file can very well be harmless. Caution is advised, however.) MD5  753f792a647161856612e2260b45a18c Packers detected:  FSG Scanner results AntiVir  Found nothing ArcaVir  Found nothing Avast  Found nothing AVG Antivirus  Found nothing BitDefender  Found nothing ClamAV  Found nothing Dr.Web  Found nothing F-Prot Antivirus  Found nothing Fortinet  Found nothing Kaspersky Anti-Virus  Found nothing NOD32  Found nothing Norman Virus Control  Found nothing UNA  Found nothing VirusBuster  Found nothing VBA32  Found nothing Incredibil ..e foarte putin detectabil. Thanks Again
eu nu cred ca merge ..dar thx anyway./
super tare ..mai ales smtp serverele alea ..is super bune...merg d`un spam. //end.
Scoate protectia la UPDATE ? ..
Shoker omu are dreptate. YceFire a postat vi pentru win32 si nu a facut nimik rau in asta. Abtine`te si tu de la comentarii inutile. Nimeni nu are nimik cu tine dar respecta ce fac altii. Am sa incerc si eu asta ...sa vad cum e. Mersi de program Ycefire.
au ..ce`am facut ..deci tipu nu stia ce face ala ..lol ..ce nuub is ..dar nah bine ca ati aflat