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Everything posted by sanvas

  1. If it's an iOS device, do a back-up and then erase phone. Restore the phone and avoid installing unknown stuff like Configuration Profiles or trusted root certificates. If you have an Android device... - short check > uninstall all unused and unknown apps, check device admin apps - revoke access to unknown apps. A RAT should also drain battery so you can check for apps that do that and are unknown by you. - long process> back-up media files (copy photos, videos, docs etc. to other storage) do a factory reset and install only apps you trust from the store. Recopy your media files.
  2. Salutare! Chiar daca e vechi topic-ul ... poate sunt interesati. Eu am urmat urmatorul curs de pe edx: https://www.edx.org/course/cybersecurity-fundamentals A fost super ok si am impresia ca a atins elemente de baza pe zona de it / info sec. E free, il recomand. Prezinta lucruri pe intelesul tuturor si au si ceva exericitii basic pentru a intelege conceptele. Numai bine!
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