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Everything posted by malsploit

  1. https://rstforums.com/forum/89266-salariu-programatori-romania-8.rst#post572255
  2. De obicei nu imi pierd vremea cu chestii de genul. Am facut ceva verificari si o sa va las pe voi sa trageti concluzia. https://rstforums.com/forum/members/cosminalexandru41/ https://rstforums.com/forum/members/scalexandru/ https://rstforums.com/forum/members/RoyalChint/ ************** Angajez 3-4 programatori CosminAdry (Stan Cosmin Alexandru) TEPAR - ArenaWeb https://rstforums.com/forum/82329-cautare-de-programator-web.rst Puteti sa sapati si voi si o sa dati de mai multe informatii. Ban permanent si pe contul asta.
  3. Informatica - Instructiuni in C - aplicatii rezolvate Inchidem threadul.
  4. True Detective Blacklist The Following The Americans Homeland
  5. Buna idee. Ai deja 2 cartonase rosii. Probabil, colegii mei au fost mai indulgenti si nu au vrut sa primesti ban pentru acumulare de infractiuni, dar noi suntem deschisi la sugestii, iti vom anula alea 2 cartonase galbene si o sa primesti unul rosu. Asta inseamna ca primesti 3 rosii care se transforma automat in ban 5 zile. @M2G scuze ca m-am bagat peste decizia ta. Omul a vrut sa gandim
  6. A primit ban omul. Incercati sa nu mai comentati in threadul asta.
  7. Studying for the CEH and looking for some free study questions? If you haven’t seen the Skillset exam prep engine, it’s definitely worth checking out. Skillset offers thousands of free practice questions for the CEH exam and a wide array of other IT certs. The questions for the CEH are categorized by the specific skillsets required for the exam, so you know where you are strong and where you need to study more. Examples include cryptography, penetration testing, social engineering and more. Skillset gives you ultimate control over your studies and can drill on any single, or multiple skills, by creating custom tests via the test builder. Questions are further sub divided into difficulty level: beginner, intermediate and expert. While you practice, Skillset uses a fairly accurate algorithm to determine when you are actually ready to sit for the exam. How would you like to not guess, but KNOW that you are ready to sit for an exam in advance? Best of all, it’s all free. Not freemium, not almost free, not free now but pay later, but free. Check out the CEH practice questions here: CEH Exam and CEH Practice Questions - Skillset --------------- CEH Practice Exam: Thousands of Test Questions - InfoSec Institute
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  8. http://f.pariuri-x.ro/strategii-pariuri-sportive/42326-strategia-minutul-urmatorului-gol-cu-intervale-de-10-minute-%96-prezentare-si-intrebari.html https://rstforums.com/forum/57508-vand-o-metoda-de-facut-bani-la-pariuri-sportive.rst
  9. Eu te mai tineam cateva zile nedormit. Te puneam intr-o camera cu peretii albi, lumina aprinsa tot timpul si cateva zile lasam o piesa Heavy metal la maxim, daca tot iti place muzica tare. Dupa cateva ore, pun pariu ca incepeai sa plangi si sa vorbesti cu peretii. Dupa ce ieseai de acolo, ti-era frica sa mai asculti muzica si in casti.
  10. Nu returneaza nimic serverul. Probabil stocheaza datele undeva si doar atat.
  11. Gresisem la o intrebare si nu am mai modificat.
  12. curl --data "r=4&t=279&nume=nume&prenume=prenume&telefon=072xxxxxxx&email=email@email.com" hxxps://fbapps.ro/supernet/
  13. Postul tau e la fel de interesant pe cat suntem noi de interesati de subiectul asta. @Castiel la urmatoare remarca de genul asta, primesti cartonas rosu. Se transforma in ban pentru o luna.
  14. 18-09-2011, 05:53 PM Putin probabil sa iti raspunda.
  15. Asta nu e tutorial. Il mutam unde trebuie. Acum serios. Cum credeti ca o platforma care arata asa si are multe vulnerabilitatii va va plati ? view-source:http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:m0K1qF6L5G0J:ds.eimimo.com/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ro http://eimimo.com/index.php/member/cancellation/bsmb1Z73D7lS1Dti?id=[xss]
  16. malsploit


    Foarte subtil La multi ani wildchild. Sa ai o viata lunga si frumoasa.
  17. Daca sunt utilizatori interesati, pot sa "donez" eu (cel putin) jumatate din suma. Daca e interesul mare, dau 100% din suma. Va ganditi
  18. Sa nu dam idei la lume. Inchidem threadul.
  19. Ever since October 2013, when the FBI took down the online black market and drug bazaar known as the Silk Road, privacy activists and security experts have traded conspiracy theories about how the U.S. government managed to discover the geographic location of the Silk Road Web servers. Those systems were supposed to be obscured behind the anonymity service Tor, but as court documents released Friday explain, that wasn’t entirely true: Turns out, the login page for the Silk Road employed an anti-abuse CAPTCHA service that pulled content from the open Internet, thus leaking the site’s true location. Tor helps users disguise their identity by bouncing their traffic between different Tor servers, and by encrypting that traffic at every hop along the way. The Silk Road, like many sites that host illicit activity, relied on a feature of Tor known as “hidden services.” This feature allows anyone to offer a Web server without revealing the true Internet address to the site’s users. That is, if you do it correctly, which involves making sure you aren’t mixing content from the regular open Internet into the fabric of a site protected by Tor. But according to federal investigators, Ross W. Ulbricht — a.k.a. the “Dread Pirate Roberts” and the 30-year-old arrested last year and charged with running the Silk Road — made this exact mistake. As explained in the Tor how-to, in order for the Internet address of a computer to be fully hidden on Tor, the applications running on the computer must be properly configured for that purpose. Otherwise, the computer’s true Internet address may “leak” through the traffic sent from the computer. And this is how the feds say they located the Silk Road servers: For many Tor fans and advocates, The Dread Pirate Roberts’ goof will no doubt be labeled a noob mistake — and perhaps it was. But as I’ve said time and again, staying anonymous online is hard work, even for those of us who are relatively experienced at it. It’s so difficult, in fact, that even hardened cybercrooks eventually slip up in important and often fateful ways (that is, if someone or something was around at the time to keep a record of it). A copy of the government’s declaration on how it located the Silk Road servers is here (PDF). A hat tip to Nicholas Weaver for the heads up about this filing.
  20. Now that we have the C10K concurrent connection problem licked, how do we level up and support 10 million concurrent connections? Impossible you say. Nope, systems right now are delivering 10 million concurrent connections using techniques that are as radical as they may be unfamiliar. To learn how it’s done we turn to Robert Graham, CEO of Errata Security, and his absolutely fantastic talk at Shmoocon 2013 called C10M Defending The Internet At Scale. Robert has a brilliant way of framing the problem that I’ve never heard of before. He starts with a little bit of history, relating how Unix wasn’t originally designed to be a general server OS, it was designed to be a control system for a telephone network. It was the telephone network that actually transported the data so there was a clean separation between the control plane and the data plane. The problem is we now use Unix servers as part of the data plane, which we shouldn’t do at all. If we were designing a kernel for handling one application per server we would design it very differently than for a multi-user kernel. Which is why he says the key is to understand: => The Secret to 10 Million Concurrent Connections -The Kernel is the Problem, Not the*Solution - High Scalability -
  21. Intrebarea ta e mult prea generica. Ai nevoie de cunostinte elementare. Chiar daca esti incepator, nu trebuie sa ai pretentia ca cineva sa iti explice cum functioneaza o baza de date. E timp pierdut pentru oricine si nu e productiv nici macar pentru tine. Citeste regulamentul si o sa observi ca deja ai incalcat cateva reguli. Putem sa o consideram lipsa de respect. E ca si cum ai intra neinvitat intr-o casa, noi te primim si tu te pisi pe covorul din sufragerie. https://rstforums.com/forum/16747-cum-se-pun-ntreb-ri-n-mod-inteligent.rst
  22. Utilizatorul respectiv a primit avertizare. Foloseste buton de report si rezolvam noi. Daca raspunzi cu aceeasi moneda si vrei ca noi sa fim corecti, o sa primesti si tu un avertisment. Cei care au fost off-topic au primit cartonas rosu.
  23. Iar umpleti threadul cu cacat? Primesti ban pe chat, trimiti un mesaj privat unui moderator/admin si se rezolva. Suntem oameni intelegatori.
  24. Angajeaza programatori la fel de buni. Tu ai nevoie de servicii, nu de ajutor. Serviciile se platesc.
  25. Ala l-am cumparat eu. Intr-o saptamana ajunge. Mi-au venit deja astea doua: MPIE MP-P7 4.5 FWVGA MTK6572 Dual Core Android 4.2.2 3G Phone P05-MPP7 - TinyDeal DOOGEE TURBO DG2014 5 MTK6582 4-Core Android Phone P05-DG2014 - TinyDeal Primul se misca impecabil. Camera nu e extraordinara, dar in linii mari e bun telefonul. Al doilea se misca extrem de bine, camera foarte buna, semnal full intr-un loc in care, cu celelalte telefoane pe care le aveam, trebuia sa ma misc de colo-colo.
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