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Everything posted by GNU

  1. Nu mai merge, te delogheaza, mai ai versiunea care mergea?
  2. Nu mai speriati omul degeaba, nu e chiar asa, unele puncte sunt adevarate(precum cauta un loc de munca unde faci ce-ti place si nu te integra emotional prea mult), dar e aiurea sa dai la cineva care isi doreste sa intre pe piata muncii pentru prima oara, il sperie si poate sa dea inapoi, nu e tocmai ok sa postezi linkul catre articol. In plus, la munca e chiar fun radem zilnic, facem caterinca, lucram in echipa calumea, ne mai si certam dar asa e in orice comunitate.
  3. Dupa ce faci 18 ani, mergi pe la firme de IT din orasul tau si intreaba de un intership, de obicei majoritatea angajeaza daca vede ca ai potential, succes!
  4. Discord - https://github.com/ABSAhmad/IpsDiscordIntegration
  5. Fa schema asta in Circuit Wizard si o sa poti vedea exact cum circula curentul - https://www.new-wave-concepts.com/ed/circuit.html
  6. Client MOSH pentru Windows http://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/
  7. GNU

    RST Bashed

  8. Mosh Remote terminal application that allows roaming, supports intermittent connectivity, and provides intelligent local echo and line editing of user keystrokes. Mosh is a replacement for SSH. It's more robust and responsive, especially over Wi-Fi, cellular, and long-distance links. Mosh is free software, available for GNU/Linux, BSD, macOS, Solaris, Android, Chrome, and iOS. https://mosh.org/#getting Pentru Windows nu exista un client, dar se poate folosi aplicatia de Chrome - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mosh/ooiklbnjmhbcgemelgfhaeaocllobloj se impaca bine cu tmux.
  9. GNU

    RST Bashed

  10. All certs issued by startssl will stop working with major browsers Trustworthiness The StartSSL certificate is included by default in Mozilla Firefox 2.x and higher, in Apple Mac OS X since version 10.5 (Leopard), all Microsoft operating systems since 24 September 2009,[10][11] and Opera since 27 July 2010.[12] Since Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Internet Explorer use the certificate store of the operating system, all major browsers include support for StartSSL certificates. On 30 September 2016, during the investigation on WoSign, Apple announced that their software will not accept certificates issued by one of the WoSign certificates after 19 September 2016, and said they will take further action on WoSign/StartCom trust anchors as the investigation progresses.[5] On 24 October 2016, Mozilla announced on its security blog that, following its discovery of the purchase of StartCom by another Certificate Authority called WoSign during its investigation on numerous issues with that CA, and that both have failed to disclose this transaction,[13] Mozilla will stop trusting certificates that are issued after 21 October 2016 starting with Firefox 51.[14] On 1 November 2016, Google announced that it too would stop trusting certificates issued after 21 October 2016 starting with Chrome 56.[15] @Nytro, incearca sa iei legatura cu support@startssl.com
  11. SSL-ul incarca corect pe browsere, au ei cache pe SSL. https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html?host=rstforums.com#hostname=rstforums.com Incercati un clear https://support.globalsign.com/customer/portal/articles/1353318-view-and-or-delete-crl-ocsp-cache https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWWoa9Ftxnk Edit: Nu incarca corect Conexiunea securizată a eșuat A apărut o eroare în timpul conectării la rstforums.com. Certificatul partenerului a fost revocat. Codul erorii: SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE Nu apare lacatul verde pentru ca unele fisiere statice sunt incarcate fara SSL.
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