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Everything posted by gamer

  1. gamer


    pe filelist nu gasesti nimic bun.. inafara de conturi pe trackere romanesti.. am cu sutele. daca vrei steam-uri'n shits cea mai buna metoda e upload cybergate pe tptb.
  2. gamer

    [RST] Meeting

    tocmai iesisera (pentru buna purtare)
  3. spore?!? dude.. singurul lucru care imi place la spore este creature creator sa ma joc prin el
  4. daca vrei tu bamboocha din toata inima
  5. cum gasesc un freeboard??
  6. bWFqb3JpdGF0ZWEgYXUgdXBsb2FkIHBlc3RlIDFUQiAuLg== @cosminn wIKMw8eOBMZFERzbBWf6q+OMcg=5ELAlv8NOBMZM30zbBWw6qIcQ3SzbB+Omcg=5E+OlvIKUcg=5vxcQqWf13SzbBSzdy0zba0zba0zbB+Kbcg=5wINOBMZlD8QeE5GG
  7. cum pusca mea ai decriptat toata aia? si florin91: 0288bde0c2d593f2b5766f61b826a650
  8. sau nu decripteaza tu md5-u ala cate caractere are textul criptat?
  9. bamboocha, daca gandesti stii exact unde trebuie sa te duci
  10. sper sa nu fie muisti rauvoitori. bamboocha: metoda anti-noob
  12. daca esti newbie in ubuntu dc nu l-ai instalat intai in vmware? sau sa dai test run (fara instalare, doar ruleaza) +1 kabron
  13. gamer


    taceti ba ca e uber funny
  14. ce marfa patinezi pe oameni in prototype
  15. 18 posturi... nu prea am incredere..
  16. gamer


    Romanians feed primarily on sunflower seeds. Scientists believe that the average Romanian would eat seeds non stop if he/she wouldn't have to abuse their children and sleep. Romanians only drink p?linc? and ?uic? [pronounced tzuii-kah]. ))) mor prea adevarat The average Romanian is an extremly complicated and intelligent creature. An example of this is the following: A Romanian fucktard ate a bag of cherries without unseeding them, his ass got clogged up with cherry seeds so he shoved a hammer up his ass to try and crush the seeds (srsly). However, the handle of the hammer broke and the hammer head remained in his ass. Apparently, this particular fucktard wanted moar, so he shoved another hammer up his ass to try get the first one out/smash the seeds. However, the monkey learned from its previous mistake and tied a string around the hammer head so he could pull it back out. The string broke and he ended up with two hammer heads in his ass. The fucktard tried for three days to take the hammer heads out himself before visiting a doctor or Romanian Orthodox priest. si povestea asta e adevarata am vazut la stiri
  17. la level 16 nu stie nimeni? va rog eu
  18. gamer

    [VAND] Conturi

    care isi mai face reclama in topicul meu suge pula bubu28 da-mi pm cu idul tau si vorbim
  19. gamer


    mijto, ms mult. pare interesant
  20. gamer


    ok ms mult. ma gandeam si la un overclock. am citit ca ajungi lejer la 3.6 ghz cu coolerul si pasta termala stock.
  21. gamer


    cum se comporta la gaming? eu as vrea sa imi mearga toate jocurile actuale fara probleme cel putin la setari medium
  22. gamer


    vreau sa imi iau un procesor. am un prieten cu un AMD Athlon II X2 215 si placa video ATI HD4350 si zice ca ii merg perfect call of duty modern warfare si avatar la setari maxime... ce imi recomandati pe slot 775 pentru gaming in limita a 350 lei? am tot ati hd4350.
  23. gamer

    [VAND] Conturi

    ms mosad, sony, iti dau si e-mailul cu parola cu tot la ele
  24. gamer

    [VAND] Conturi

    Vand conturi pe The West si pe Triburile - Jocul online (la cerere caut si pe alte jocuri online) Am asa: Pe The West: --toate conturile sunt pline de bani-- cont1: lumea3: level 75 cont2: lumea3: level 91 cont3: lumea3: level 81 cont4: lumea3: level 43 cont5: lumea3: level 72 cont6: lumea3: level 63 cont7: lumea3: level 50 cont8: lumea3: level 52 cont9: lumea4: level 77 lumea6: level 70 lumea7: level 60 lumea8: level 42 cont10: lumea4: level 81 lumea6: level 67 cont11: lumea4: level 59 lumea6: level 62 lumea8: level 42 Pe Triburile: conturi intre 6000-20000 puncte si un cont de 441.709 pcte pe lumea 12 --Pret variabil in functie de level-iteme-- --La fiecare cont cumparat primiti 2 conturi filelist (upload peste 1TB) GRATIS--
  25. gamer


    a mai fost povestea asta acu cateva luni, ca nuj ce lau prins pe unu cu cateva sute de albume la share si i-au dat zeci de mii de euro amenda. treaba e facuta doar ca sa arate aia de la politie ca nu stau degeaba si sa dea un "exemplu" amatorilorilor. eu sunt uploader pe filelist, ar trebui sa fiu primu la care vine politia.
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