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Everything posted by aelius

  1. Atat e pentru end user. Pentru ISP, in functie de volum si upstream, este in jur de 70 euro per 100 mbps. (vorbesc de latime de banda internationala, nu MAN de Romania )
  2. La ce este utilizat 'ssh_config' ? Dar 'sshd_config' ?
  3. @wtf; vorbeste cu el pt. preturi Daca vrei sa faci hosting iti trebuie mai multe: whmcs, cpanel, un server dedicat sau un vps mai bun. Ce buget ai de start ? AGSQ, scuze, dar ne pisem pe economia din tara asta de doi lei. V-ati batut in preturi pana ati ajuns la nivelul la care nu mai puteti oferi suport tehnic si toate cele. Din 2001 decand lucrez in industria de hosting, am invatat ca nu trebuie sa-i consideri concurenti pe ceilalti si sa-ti vezi de treaba ta. Tinta ta, de om cu firma si toate cele sunt clienti persoane juridice nicidecum site-urile de 1 euro cu manele. Mai mult, trebuie sa-i spui din prima omului ce-i oferi (concret). Uite exemplu: In semnatura ta ai la acel server in specs "NIC: 1Gbps Port". Pentru oamenii tehnici asta nu inseamna nimic. Serverul poate fi conectat la port gigabit intr-un switch in care mai sunt inca 22 de servere iar latimea de banda sa fie de 2-3 mbps. Oamenii vad aia iar cand le ceri 700 euro per gigabit garantat international au impresia ca e japca
  4. aelius

    Sallz !

    A, deci iti place sa utilizezi juno,vadim,stealth si alte tool-uri si sa dai jos cu site-urile.
  5. aelius

    Sallz !

    Salut, Defineste-ne ce este un "Land attack" si un "TCP RST flood (spoofed)" @KhiZaRix
  6. Din PM: 1. Threadul a fost inchis de omul ce ti-a dat warn pe buna dreptate 2. Vad ca ti-ai pus la profil "Location: In sat la aelius )" 3. Vad ca te-ai autentificat pe forum si de pe IP de aol. Tipic ce spuneam mai sus de Alexandria. Crezi ca ma intereseaza daca pe coloana din mysql este 0 sau 1 la banned in dreptul tau? Deja aud fosnetul lanului de porumb din orasul ala cu 6 blocuri.
  7. Nu toata lumea locuieste intr-un oras in care peste noapte au inceput sa apara masini scumpe, haine de firma si telefoane de sute de dolari la oameni care nu aveau nici dupa ce bea apa. Sa spun numele orasului ? Sunt vreo doua in Romania de genul ala: Rm. Valcea si Alexandria. Habar nu aveam ce e ala CRG
  8. Aia nu-s hackeri, sunt doar niste plozi vai de steaua lor ce se uita doar sa strice lucruri.
  9. Nu e nevoie de 50 de posturi pentru a scrie tutoriale sau chestii care le consideri utile pentru comunitate
  10. Intai ajuti si nu ceri. O sa ti se ofere daca meriti. Da, sunt multi care au primit VIP. Chiar si dupa 4-5 luni de la inregistrare.
  11. // update Am readus servere i5 (cateva deocamdata). Mai am pe stoc ceva servere din alta generatie. Xeon 3430 @ 2.4 GHz 4 Core, 4 Threads, 8 MB Cache 1 x 500 GB SATA Memory: 8 GB Monthly traffic: 20 TB Network Port Speed: 100Mbps Two IP Addresses Monthly cost: 35 euro Setup fee: 0 Memory upgrade: - Upgrade to 16 GB Memory: 8 euro/month - Upgrade to 32 GB Memory: 14 euro/month // edit: mai e un server
  12. aelius


    pai ce, ciorile ie oameni ? ))
  13. Nene, ai luat-o razna ? Ce saracia e cu topicul asta
  14. aelius


    Au batut calul. Vad ca-s si ciori, cum adica "doi romani" Bine ca s-au dus, maine fac gratar )
  15. Hahahaha, asta e tare. @Zatarra de aici => https://rstforums.com/forum/showgroups.php Nu sunt neamuri )
  16. aelius

    Fun stuff

  17. Segment 6 - DMARC Information for Domain Owners and Third Parties - Download PDF - Source: http://www.m3aawg.org/
  18. Segment 5 - DMARC Information for Mailbox Providers - Download PDF - Source: http://www.m3aawg.org/
  19. Segment 4 - DMARC Reporting - Download PDF - Source: http://www.m3aawg.org/
  20. Segment 3 - DMARC Policy Records - Download PDF - Source: http://www.m3aawg.org/
  21. Segment 2 - DMARC Identifier Alignment - Download PDF - Source: http://www.m3aawg.org/
  22. Segment 1 - What is DMARC ? - Download PDF - Source: http://www.m3aawg.org/
  23. DMARC - What is it? DMARC, which stands for "Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance", is a technical specification created by a group of organizations that want to help reduce the potential for email-based abuse by solving a couple of long-standing operational, deployment, and reporting issues related to email authentication protocols. DMARC standardizes how email receivers perform email authentication using the well-known SPF and DKIM mechanisms. This means that senders will experience consistent authentication results for their messages at AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! and any other email receiver implementing DMARC. We hope this will encourage senders to more broadly authenticate their outbound email which can make email a more reliable way to communicate. Why is DMARC Important? With the rise of the social internet and the ubiquity of e-commerce, spammers and phishers have a tremendous financial incentive to compromise user accounts, enabling theft of passwords, bank accounts, credit cards, and more. Email is easy to spoof and criminals have found spoofing to be a proven way to exploit user trust of well-known brands. Simply inserting the logo of a well known brand into an email gives it instant legitimacy with many users. Users can't tell a real message from a fake one, and large mailbox providers have to make very difficult (and frequently incorrect) choices about which messages to deliver and which ones might harm users. Senders remain largely unaware of problems with their authentication practices because there's no scalable way for them to indicate they want feedback and where it should be sent. Those attempting new SPF and DKIM deployment proceed very slowly and cautiously because the lack of feedback also means they have no good way to monitor progress and debug problems. DMARC addresses these issues, helping email senders and receivers work together to better secure emails, protecting users and brands from painfully costly abuse. How Does DMARC Work? A DMARC policy allows a sender to indicate that their emails are protected by SPF and/or DKIM, and tells a receiver what to do if neither of those authentication methods passes - such as junk or reject the message. DMARC removes guesswork from the receiver's handling of these failed messages, limiting or eliminating the user's exposure to potentially fraudulent & harmful messages. DMARC also provides a way for the email receiver to report back to the sender about messages that pass and/or fail DMARC evaluation. Who Can Use DMARC? DMARC policies are published in the public Domain Name System (DNS), and available to everyone. Because the specification is available with no licensing or similar restriction, any interested party is free to implement it. Source: DMARC.org - Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance
  24. Uite: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/f7wdnq5hqnqlwp0/IMG.jpg Ai in partea stanga doua servere, fiecare cu nginx as proxy, iar in dreapta site-ul clientului protejat vizitatori -> nginx (proxy/frontend) -> website (backend) Ere o ironie cu proxy-ul pus peste rst.
  25. Pauza 3 zile. Multumim pentru vizita
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