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Everything posted by adi003user

  1. Multumesc. L-am adaptat putin deoarece trebuie sa ruleze la 10 min #!/usr/bin/python import os print "\n\nMountul trebuie sa fie deja existentr\n" server = "ip" shared = "share" user = "user" password = "pass" location = "/root/kit" #funny fisier = "test.txt" text = "fuck eco-drives" mountare = "mount.cifs //%s/%s %s -o username=%s,password=%s" % (server,shared,location,user,password) scriere = "echo '%s\n' >> %s/%s" % (text,location,fisier) os.system(mountare) os.system(scriere)
  2. ok. thanks. astept
  3. Sal, Vreau un script in python care sa scrie un fisier txt intr-un share de windows. am inteles ca trebuie sa folosesc WNetAddConnection2. Am tot citit pe net si majoritatea solutiilor se bazeaza pe mount. Eu nu vreau mount. am gasit scriptul asta bash de ex dar eu vreau in python #/bin/bash SERVER_IP="" SHARE_NAME="c$" USR_NAME="myusername" USR_PASSWORD="mypassword" DOMAIN="mydomain" mount.cifs //$SERVER_IP/$SHARE_NAME -o username=$USR_NAME,password=$USR_PASSWORD,dom=$DOMAIN /mnt/Bluecoatman/
  4. de ce nu inchiriezi un server?
  5. ) wtf... sa interzica si firewall urile si no login pe root ) fiecare site sa aiba cel putin 1 xss si 2 sqli
  6. +1 rep )
  7. ### # Title : SMF 2.0 RC5 Remote Shell Upload Exploit # Author : KedAns-Dz # E-mail : ked-h@hotmail.com # Home : HMD/AM (30008/04300) - Algeria -(00213555248701) # Twitter page : twitter.com/kedans # platform : php # Impact : Remote Shell Upload # Tested on : Windows XP sp3 FR ## # [?] ~ ********* In The name of Allah ************ ### # Go0Gle D0rk : "Powered by SMF 2.0 RC5 " # Exploit : You Are Can Upload The Shell in (attachments) Folder from 'SMF 2.0 RC5' (+) In Any Topic .. Submit New Reply and Upload Shell (*.gif) on Attachment (+) After Reply .. You Are Can Access to Shell in : > http://[target/Path]/attachments/{fileID}_{fileHASH} > The HASH Is encoder by : SHA1 (+) Because the 'SMF 2.0 RC5' Change the Any Attach name Ex : '1_86e1d5b5ec318635ec9ece9b4586bd8c1d07faca' << This is From Ex file I'm uploaded From My Local SMF (+) After You Are Detect The SHA HASH .. access in the shell ! Usage : OR access in this url : > http://[target/Path]/index.php?action=dlattach;topic={topicID};attach={attach-SHELL-id};image but this access with URL not succeeding always # ** In The Peace of Allah ** ================================================================================================= #================[ Exploited By KedAns-Dz * HST-Dz * ]=========================================== # Greets To : [D] HaCkerS-StreeT-Team [Z] < Algerians HaCkerS > # Islampard * Zaki.Eng * Dr.Ride * Red1One * Badr0 * XoreR * Nor0 FouinY * Hani * Mr.Dak007 * Fox-Dz # Masimovic * TOnyXED * r0073r (inj3ct0r.com) * TreX (hotturks.org) * KelvinX (kelvinx.net) * Dos-Dz # Nayla Festa * all (sec4ever.com) Members * PLATEN (Pentesters.ir) * Gamoscu (1923turk.com) # Greets to All ALGERIANS EXPLO!TER's & DEVELOPER's :=> {{ # Indoushka (Inj3ct0r.com) * [ Ma3sTr0-Dz * MadjiX * BrOx-Dz * JaGo-Dz (sec4ever.com) ] * Dr.0rYX # Cr3w-DZ * His0k4 * El-Kahina * Dz-Girl * SuNHouSe2 ; All Others && All My Friends . }} , # 1337day.com * Packet Storm ? Full Disclosure Information Security * exploit-db.com * bugsearch.net * exploit-id.com # Metasploit Framework Penetration Testing Software | Metasploit Project * SecurityReason.com - Our Reason is Security * All Security and Exploits Webs ...
  8. vreau si eu. am pierdut contul. bad ratio
  9. poti afla multe dinspre un om din mailuri practic e un jurnal... si din parole. o colega avea parola divort2009... deci...
  10. pot fi transferate fisiere prin facebook. Download: Embedding Hidden Files In Jpeg Images ? Packet Storm poate fi folosit ca spatiu de stocare
  11. daca ma chinuiam nu puteam inventa atat. hmm pacat ca nu exista un tool de trasformare audio -> text. cred ca avem un blog cu un biliard followers
  12. imi trebuie azi sau cel tarziu maine o antena (si placa wireless) nu prea gasesc in magazinele online. stie cineva de unde pot sa cumpar? (compatibila backtrack. nu mai am chef sa caut firmware beta, alpha etc
  13. targeted pe it dar mult mai putin?
  14. @little123 poti folosi tor pentru signup plus o cartela de vodafone prepaid rulezi imaginea din ram deci din pacat nu se pastreaza logurile dupa restart. a.. poti instala openvpn... @totti93 welcome
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  17. bogdaproste sa iti dea dumnazau sanatate
  18. stealer. retard
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  20. poti instala mac leopard pe unele pc-uri. eu l-am instalat pe un laptop acer. doar wireless-ul nu mergea
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  22. WVVoU01HTkViM1pNTW1SMlluazFibUpET1cxYVNFWllVV2M5UFE9PQ== le. ce anume studiezi? Le2. WVVoU01HTkViM1pNTW1SMlluazFibUpET1dwVFIyaHdZV2M5UFE9PQ== pe asta nu l-am folosit niciodata
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