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nici un site/institutie din romania nu are o asemenea baza de date. deci provenienta acestor adrese de email e cel putin suspecta. Chiar daca site-ul e din afara tot nu iti ies 6 milioane. (oricum nu ies valide)
foarte bine arata. poate adaugi niste desene (gen facute cu creta) pe background.
ne trebuie 2 surubelnite, 1 scooter, 1 ferrari 599, 2 bax-uri de bere. revino cand schimbi buletinul.
no dump to file, no https support. pro?
Dra3Q il are (sau cred ca il are). i-am dat pm dar nu a raspuns. si eu il vreau daca faci rost de el dau bonus super.
Sal. Am un xbox 360 modat (falcon) adus din UK. Mi-am dat comanda de kinect din state. I-am intrebat pe cei de la microsoft romania daca o sa am probleme de compatibilitate si au zis ca nu au idee dar sa sun in state. Am dat un mail in state si am primit acest raspuns: Thank you for contacting Microsoft online support for XBOX. I am Ronnie and I will be helping you today with this issue. As I understand that you wanted to know if you purchase a Kinect Sensor from US if it will work to your Xbox 360 that was purchased from Europe. I appreciate the opportunity to be of help. Power voltage differences may damage the Xbox 360 console. Power voltages can be different in different countries or regions. Some conversion devices adapt foreign power supplies to work with local voltages, but these devices may not work as expected. Additionally, these devices often do not work with high-power devices such as desktop computers and Xbox 360 consoles. In some cases, these devices can damage the Xbox 360 console. Note If you use a power converter and the console is damaged, the console will not be covered under warranty. Note: The Xbox 360 console is designed to work only with Xbox game discs that are sold in the same region as the console. For example, North American game discs only work with North American Xbox consoles. Similarly, Japanese game discs only work with Japanese Xbox consoles, and European game discs only work with European Xbox consoles. The following regions use the corresponding game encoding standards: . North America and South America (United States, Canada, Mexico, Chile, and Brazil): NTSC . Asia (Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan): NTSC-J . Europe, South Africa, India, Australia, and New Zealand: PAL Note you cannot modify an Xbox 360 console from one region to play discs or to play Marketplace content that was produced for a different region. In addition to that, Kinect doesn't have a region code only Xbox console and game disc. deci e totul ok? nu? PS. aveti idee cand apare noul firmware ce trece de AP25?
dupa ce ca is saracii nemultumiti le mai iei si datele...
pentru cei care vor sa invete despre virtualizare le recomand debian + openvz. DA containerle sunt separate si pana acum sigure. daca o masina virtuala e compromisa serverul e safe. Downloads - Proxmox VE daca vreti click click server
aaaa... pas. mai bine linkurile sa fie afisate pentru cei cu peste 100 posturi sau 150 in functie de sectiune. urasc 1337 |4ng
cat db a avut bubuitura?
depinde pentru ce il folosesti. pentru debian, ubuntu poti gasi suport foarte usor. iti recomand 64 bit si mai mult RAM.
Another short post for today and another open source, multi-threaded password cracker for today! Hashkill is a multi-threaded open source password cracker. It uses the OpenSSL library to crack different types of password hashes.It supports plugins that can be created to crack many other services. Its features are: • Supports 4 modes (bruteforce, dictionary, hybrid, markov) • multithreaded • 31 plugins for different hash types, including also zip passwords, ssh passphrases, etc • session autosave/resume • SSE2-accelerated The following plugins are currently available: 1. apr1 – Apache apr1 plugin 2. cisco-pix – Cisco PIX password hashes plugin 3. desunix – DES(Unix) plugin (.htpasswd) 4. hashunix – MD5(Unix)/SHA256(Unix)/SHA256(Unix) plugin (shadow files) 5. ipb2 – md5(md5(salt).md5(pass)) plugin (IPB > 2.x) 6. ldap-sha – LDAP SHA plugin 7. ldap-ssha – LDAP SSHA (salted SHA) plugin 8. lm – LM plugin 9. md4 – MD4 plugin 10. md5-passsalt – md5(password,salt) plugin (joomla) 11. md5-saltpass – md5(salt,password) plugin (osCommerce) 12. md5 – MD5 plugin 13. md5md5 – md5(md5(pass)) plugin 14. mssql-2000 – Microsoft SQL Server 2000 plugin 15. mssql-2005 – Microsoft SQL Server 2005 plugin 16. mysql-old – MySQL < 4.1 plugin 17. mysql5 – MySQL > 4.1 plugin 18. ntlm – NTLM plugin 19. oracle-old – Oracle 7 up to 10r2 plugin 20. oracle11g – Oracle 11g plugin 21. phpbb3 – phpBB3 hashes plugin 22. privkey – SSH/SSL private key passphrase plugin 23. ripemd160 – RIPEMD-160 plugin 24. sha1 – SHA1 plugin 25. sha1sha1 – sha1(sha1(pass)) plugin 26. sha256 – SHA-256 plugin 27. sha512 – SHA-512 plugin 28. smf – SMF plugin 29. vbulletin – md5(md5(pass).salt) plugin 30. wordpress – WordPress hashes plugin 31. zip – ZIP passwords plugin Looks like a promising cracker. Give it a try! Download hashkill v0.2.3b here.
The first book to use the unexpected discoveries of neuroscience to help us make the best decisions. Since Plato, philosophers have described the decision-making process as either rational or emotional: we carefully deliberate, or we blink and go with our gut. But as scientists break open the mind's black box with the latest tools of neuroscience, they re discovering that this is not how the mind works. Our best decisions are a finely tuned blend of both feeling and reason and the precise mix depends on the situation. When buying a house, for example, it's best to let our unconscious mull over the many variables. But when we're picking a stock, intuition often leads us astray. The trick is to determine when to use the different parts of the brain, and to do this, we need to think harder (and smarter) about how we think. Jonah Lehrer arms us with the tools we need, drawing on cutting-edge research as well as the real-world experiences of a wide range of deciders from airplane pilots and hedge fund investors to serial killers and poker players. Lehrer shows how people are taking advantage of the new science to make better television shows, win more football games, and improve military intelligence. His goal is to answer two questions that are of interest to just about anyone, from CEOs to firefighters: How does the human mind make decisions? And how can we make those decisions better? Jonah Lehrer - How We Decide.pdf (download torrent) - TPB
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am crezut ca a scris radu de la piticigratis.com asta
era cu directie? ms mult
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piggybanking e o idee foarte buna dar wpa2 e foarte greu de spart. iar vecinii deja au schimbat wep-ul . a uitat de masini virtuale. dar asta deje e paranoia.