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  1. Description Easy Python Decompiler is python bytecode decompiler, decompiles pyc & pyo files. Python version 1.0 to 3.3 are supported. This project is based two excellent decompiler "Uncompyle2" & "Decompyle++" No python installation is necessary for decompiling! You can decompile a single file or a whole directory. Unicode filenames are supported.. Home page & Download: Easy Python Decompiler | Free Development software downloads at SourceForge.net
  2. Learn Close Combat Training: Military Hand-To-Hand Combat Captain Chris is an unarmed combat instructor for members of the US & UK Special Forces and dozens of military and para-military professionals and mercenaries around the globe. 24+ hours of high quality content PRICE:$297 Link: https://www.udemy.com/closecombattraining Free Coupon: CAPCCTRETIRED
  3. Usr6


    DeVry University - Cyber Security: Protect and Defend This course will provide a broad overview of cyber security concepts and practices. Starting with threat analysis and risk management, additional lessons explore core technologies such as encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems. Cloud security is also featured, as are incident response, disaster recovery, and how to conduct cyber exercises. Hacker Vs Cracker Malware Risk Management Cryptography Identity and Authentication Authentication Mechanisms Perimeter Security Cloud Security Intrusion Detection Incident Response Contingency Planning Table Top Exercise Resources (podcast) https://www.udemy.com/cyber-security
  4. Over the weekend, Microsoft released Security Advisory 2963983 which describes a new zero-day vulnerability found in Internet Explorer. (It has also been assigned the CVE designation CVE-2014-1776.) This remote code execution vulnerability allows an attacker to run code on a victim system if the user visits a website under the control of the attacker. While attacks are only known against three IE versions (IE 9-11), the underlying flaw exists in all versions of IE in use today (from IE 6 all the way to IE 11). This vulnerability may linger unpatched in many systems for some time, as it is the first vulnerability affecting Windows XP systems that will not be patched. We had warned before that the risk for using Windows XP would increase over time, and this vulnerability is proof of that. This means that for the millions of users still using this particular operating system, they will be left with a security hole that will never be fully fixed. (Our primer Managing Your Legacy Systems contains best practices for securing Windows XP systems.) Serious as this vulnerability is, it’s not all bad news. First of all, the vulnerability is only able to run code with the same privileges as the logged-in user. Therefore, if the user’s account does not have administrator rights, the malicious code will not run with them either, partially reducing the risk. (Of course, this is only true if the user’s account isn’t set up as an administrator.) Secondly, some workarounds have been provided by Microsoft as part of their advisory; of these enabling Enhanced Protected Mode (an IE10 and IE11-only feature) is the easiest to do. In addition, the exploit code requires Adobe Flash to work, so disabling or removing the Flash Player from IE also reduces the risk from this vulnerability as well. We will continue to monitor this threat and provide new information as necessary. Sursa: Internet Explorer Zero-Day Hits All Versions In Use | Security Intelligence Blog | Trend Micro Informatii suplimentare: New Zero-Day Exploit targeting Internet Explorer Versions 9 through 11 Identified in Targeted Attacks | FireEye Blog
  5. Usr6


    Python drivers: https://github.com/MalwareLu/avcaesar-api-python-driver
  6. Technical Analysis of CVE-2014-1761 RTF Vulnerability. Recently, Microsoft announced that an RTF sample exploiting CVE-2014-1761 is in the wild. The sample has just become publicly known. I spent some time analyzing the vulnerability and this blog describes what I found. The sample I analyzed has a SHA1 value of 200f7930de8d44fc2b00516f79033408ca39d610. The main module that was used in my analysis is wwlib.dll with file version of 14.0.7113.5001 used in Microsoft Office 2010. Aici: Technical Analysis of CVE-2014-1761 RTF Vulnerabil... - HP Enterprise Business Community Patch analysis of latest Microsoft Office vulnerability (CVE-2014-1761): I wrote about a Microsoft Word vulnerability, which was at that point a zero day, a few weeks ago. Microsoft released the update for this vulnerability with their April 2014 Patch Tuesday. There is some confusion in the industry about the nature of this vulnerability, so I analyzed the patch -- in the process, confirming my previous findings. This blog discusses my results, along with some additional interesting findings related to previous security updates of the RTF parser in Microsoft Office. CVE-2014-1761 was patched with security bulletin MS14-017. MS14-001 was the latest relevant security update before this update. I compared WWLIB.DLL binaries extracted from MS14-001 (pre-patch binary) and MS14-017 (post-patch binary). Aici: Patch analysis of latest Microsoft Office vulnerab... - HP Enterprise Business Community
  7. Extract and decode the configuration settings, create SNORT and YARA signatures for common rats Here is a list of the currently supported RATS: Adwind Arcom BlackNix Blue Banana Bozok CyberGate DarkComet DarkRat Graeme jRat LostDoor njRat Pandora PoisonIvy Punisher SpyGate SmallNet Vertex VirusRat xtreme Upcoming Decoders BlackShades NetWire Gh0st Plasma Any Other Rats i can find. Online: MalwareConfig.com Download scripts: https://github.com/kevthehermit/RATDecoders //L.E. ii dai un executabil (build rat) si el iti extrage config-ul ex: http://malwareconfig.com/config/23c3b61ecdff3d67479d70b5d4d91dea
  8. The GrenXPaRTa hackers group breached the systems of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and leaked user accounts and email addresses with SHA-1 encrypted passwords, according to screen captures hackers posted on Twitter. On Friday the hackers posted two screen captures to prove they accessed systems of NASA’s Ames research center. “#NASA Hacked & #LEaked Data By #GrenXPaRTa & My Team @HagashTeam,” the hackers entitled both screen captures. The targeted web site was “ace.arc.nasa.gov” and the breach seems to be part of an Anonymous operation dubbed OpLeak involving many hacking groups. The leaked data contained database administrator accounts and user accounts as well as partner names, corporation and email addresses. All of the above had attached encrypted SHA-1 passwords, and some had the plain text password near the hash. The screen captures showed how the hackers logged into the NASA database with the username “colleen,” meaning that this account was probably hacked first, giving the hackers access. The GrenXPaRTa hacker group also targeted and leaked data in the last few week of some high-profile companies and universities such as Walmart, ExxonMobil and Stamford University. Disclaimer: The leak was originally posted on Pastebin but at the time of the writing it was already removed. Sursa: Hackers Breach NASA Database, Leak Account Credentials, Emails and Passwords | HOTforSecurity
  9. http://yurichev.com/writings/RE_for_beginners-en.pdf Autor: Dennis Yurichev Please donate! Dennis Yurichev: Donate I worked more than year on this book, here are more than 600 pages, and it’s free.
  10. Google has decided that a smallish (for The Chocolate Factory) wad of cash is a trivial price to pay for maintaining its reputation, and has begun refunding punters who fell for the fake “virus shield” scam. Uncovered by Android Police earlier this month, the fake virus scanner was nothing more than an icon that changed shape when a user tapped it. The app hit the number-one spot on Google Play before decompilation revealed its true nature and it was pulled – but that still meant that at least 10,000 users had paid $US3.99 for the app. Sursa: http://news.hitb.org/content/google-refund-buyers-fake-anti-virus-app
  11. Kaspersky virtual tour via: Tur virtual in laboratoarele Kaspersky
  12. CANDIDATUL IDEAL: Un spammer e un personaj foarte destept, rapid, organizat si mereu in cautare de metode ingenioase. Ca analist in laboratorul antispam, tu trebuie sa combati toate metodele lui! Asta presupune: sa fii si mai destept, mai rapid si mai organizat; atunci cand cauti, sa si gasesti metode ingenioase de combatere a spam-urilor; sa ai initiative; si in plus sa ai spirit de observatie si sa fii foarte atent la detalii; sa fii comunicativ, entuziast si dedicat, pentru a te incadra perfect in echipa care exista acum Asa vei reactiona rapid la aparitia de spam-uri noi si poate chiar vei anticipa anumite tendinte. Trebuie sa ai curajul sa-ti asumi responsabilitatea pentru deciziile pe care le iei si sa faci asta in timp util! O buna cunoastere a algoritmilor si lucrul anterior in limbaje de scripting (Perl, Python, Php etc.) sunt un plus De asemenea daca esti familiar cu MongoDB, RabbitMQ, NodeJS e foarte bine, pentru ca altfel, oricum va trebui sa devii. Spam-urile si fraudele online nu apar doar in limba engleza. Daca stii una din limbile franceza, germana, spaniola (sau chineza!) vom fi foarte bucurosi! RESPONSABILITATI: Cautam o persoana desteapta, meticuloasa si vigilenta care sa ne ajute sa crestem performanta modulului Antispam din Bitdefender. Tipuri noi de spam, sau de fraude pe internet apar cat ai zice "phishing"! Tu va trebui: sa creezi si sa intretii semnaturi cu ajutorul carora sa le detectam. sa supraveghezi testarea automatizata a acestor semnaturi si sa gestionezi update-urile. sa colaborezi cu echipele de dezvoltare si de research pentru a-ti crea unelte necesare si pentru a gasi impreuna noi metode de detectie. Link: Spam Researcher la Bitdefender, Iasi - BestJobs
  13. Learn HTML5, CSS, MySQL, PHP, jQuery & AJAX - Introduction Learn HTML5, CSS, MySQL, PHP, jQuery & AJAX - Introducing Komodo Edit Download Komodo Edit: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Configure Komodo Edit: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Introducing XAMPP: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Download and install XAMPP: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Change Apache server timezone: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course XAMPP Tools & phpMyAdmin: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Introduction to HTML5: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Bare bones HTML (1): AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Bare bones HTML (2): AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Bare bones HTML (3): AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Introduction to Styling: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course CSS reset: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Styling with Classes & IDs: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Adding Classes to HTML: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course CSS Box Layout: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course HTML-shiv for IE8: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Styling with CSS (1): AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Styling with CSS (2): AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Styling with CSS (3): AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Styling with CSS (4):AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Styling with CSS (5): AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course How to make a CSS sprite: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Cross-browser compatibility check: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course HTML validation: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Introduction to PHP: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Combining PHP and HTML: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course PHP string delimiters: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course PHP conditions: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course PHP loops: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course PHP includes: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course PHP arrays: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Passing variables with GET: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Passing variables with POST: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Guarding against missing variables: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course PHP functions and variable scope: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Passing data to PHP functions with parameters: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course What is a database? - AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Create a MySQL database and add tables: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Insert MySQL database records in phpMyAdmin: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Import data into MySQL database with phpMyAdmin: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Select records from a MySQL database with phpMyAdmin: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Update MySQL database records in phpMyAdmin: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Nested SQL query: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Delete MySQL records, tables & database with phpMyAdmin: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development MySQL in PHP - Initialise & connect to database: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course MySQL in PHP - Select all records from database: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course MySQL in PHP - Select database records: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course SQL injection demonstrated: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course SQL injection prevented with mysql_real_escape_string: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development SQL injection prevented with prepared statements: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course MySQL in PHP - Insert MySQL database records: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course MySQL in PHP - Delete MySQL database records: AJAX-Powered Dynamic Website Development Course Playlist:
  14. Usr6


    Multumesc, Am primit acordul lui @sulea pentru a face publica metoda prin care am gasit solutia. Desi este un challenge de reverse engineering poate fi rezolvat si prin metode care nu au nimic in comun cu RCE, eu am creat un script in python care gaseste solutia prin brute force from subprocess import * for i in range (0,1000000): p = Popen("crackme.exe", stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) p.stdin.write(str(i)+ "\n") print i, if p.stdout.read() != "nr=": break Solutii identificate: 9360 19360 29360 74896 84896 94896 140432 150432 160432 205968 215968 225968 271504 281504 291504 337040 347040 357040 402576 412576 422576
  15. In China, some mobile phone geeks like to refresh their Android machines with images from the Internet. For some mobile phone dealers, this makes good business. They can earn extra money from refreshing phone ROMs for those users who want to erase a lot of useless applications in the original ROMs. However, making an Android ROM image is not very difficult, which makes refreshing Android devices dangerous. Once malware has been added to an image, it is hard to get rid of it. Last week, McAfee Labs acquired a sample found in some Android images from China. Among other interesting behavior, it downloads JavaScript code from a control server, and runs the code within WebView. McAfee Labs detects this threat as Android/Huigezi.A. Android/Huigezi.A runs at boot up, and when SMS messages come in and calls go out. It runs as a service in the background, and poses as a system service. Once started, it sets up a timer to restart itself every 30 minutes. The malware sends sensitive information–IMEI, IMSI and OS version–to a remote server, and get a response string in JSON format. The string contains nonstandard Base64-encoded JavaScript code. The malware injects the code to a piece of HTML, and writes it to a file under “/data/data/com.android.systemservice/cache/webviewCache/” on the device. The filename is the integer value of the current time. The following image shows one of the HTML files being injected with the malicious encoded JavaScript. The decoded JavaScript: Android/Huigezi.A sets up the binding of classes with a JavaScript interface for the HTML, and loads the HTML in the WebView client. The functions in the dex file will be executed by the JavaScript in the HTML. The payloads of this malware depend on the JavaScript downloaded from the control server. According to its code, the malware can take the following actions: Send SMS messages Post sensitive information–IMEI, IMSI, device model name, phone number, carrier name–to remote server Download some install packages and install them silently Retrieve SMS messages and store them to a hash map Set up SMS messages to be blocked Download a dex file, and load the class in it Create a shell for the remote server Android/Huigezi.A is very different than other mobile Trojans. It is more flexible for hackers to launch attacks and harder for victims to become aware of its presence. Most important: It could hide in an Android image. Users probably need to refresh their ROM images, or get root privileges and uninstall the malware with command tools, not easy task for most people. Sursa:http://blogs.mcafee.com/mcafee-labs/trojan-hides-rom-android-device
  16. This extensive course covered in more than 12 hours of high quality training video will definitely make you a Java Superstar. This course will teach you the following Learn all about Java Virtual machine and Memory management Java Syntax and basic programming specifications Object oriented programming in java Polymorphism and Abstarction in Java Exception Handling and Generics Design patterns and Code Reuse Important Data structures for Java Java Stream and Concurrency Java deployment and Tools You can do almost anything in Java after this course. You will surely be a better programmer and better still a Elegant programmer after this course. So go ahead and be the Java developer you want to be https://www.udemy.com/learn-java-programming-from-scratch/
  17. Course Syllabus Elements of signal and system theory Week 1: Digital and analog information; block diagrams: sources, systems, sinks. Simple signals and systems. Complex numbers. Analog Signal Processing Weeks 2-3: Representation of signals by electrical quantities (electric currents and electromagnetic radiation). Elementary circuit theory: resistors and sources, KVL and KCL, power, equivalent circuits. Circuits with memory: impedance, transfer functions, Thévenin and Mayer-Norton equivalent circuits. Frequency Domain Ideas Weeks 4-5: Fourier series and Fourier transforms. Signals in time and frequency domains. Encoding information in the frequency domain. Filtering signals. Modeling the speech signal. Digital Signal Processing Weeks 6-8: Analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion: Sampling Theorem, amplitude quantization, data rate. Discrete-time signals and systems. Discrete-time Fourier transform, discrete Fourier transform and the fast Fourier transform. Digital implementation of analog filtering. Communicating information Weeks 9-10: Fundamentals of communication: channel models, wireline and wireless channels. Analog (AM) communication: modulation and demodulation, noise (signal-to-noise ratio, white noise models), linear filters for noise reduction. Weeks 11-12: Digital communication: binary signal sets, digital channel models. Entropy and Shannon's Source Coding Theorem: lossless and lossy compression; redundancy. Error-correcting codes: Shannon’s Noisy Channel Coding Theorem, channel capacity, Hamming codes. Comparison of analog and digital communication. Video: https://class.coursera.org/eefun-001/lecture/preview pagina oficiala a cursului: https://www.coursera.org/course/eefun
  18. Course Syllabus Tentative Schedule Week #1: • Lecture #1 – The Android Platform • Lecture #2 – The Android Development Environment • Lab #1: Setup: Students identify required software & install it on their personal computers. Students perform several tasks to familiarize themselves with the Android Platform and Development Environment. Week #2: • Lecture #3 – Application Fundamentals • Lecture #4 – The Activity Class • Lab #2 – The Activity Lifecycle & Reconfiguration: Students build applications that trace the lifecycle callback methods issued by the Android platform and that demonstrate Android's behavior when the device configuration changes (e.g., when the device moves from portrait to landscape mode and back). Week #3: • Lecture #5 – The Intent Class • Lecture #6 – Permissions • Lecture #7 – The Fragment Class • Lab #3a - Intents & Permissions: Students build applications that require starting multiple Activities via both standard and custom Intents. • Lab #3b - Permissions: Students build applications that require standard and custom permissions. • Lab #3c – Multi-pane and single-pane User Interfaces: Students build an application that uses a single code base, but creates different user interfaces depending on a device's screen size. Week #4: • Lectures #8 – User Interface Classes - Part I • Lectures #9 – User Interface Classes - Part II • Lab #4 – ToDoManager: Students build a ToDo list manager using the user interface elements discussed in lecture. The application allows users to create new ToDo Items and to display them in a ListView. Week #5: • Lecture #10 – User Notifications • Lecture #11 – The BroadcastReceiver Class • Lecture #12 – Threads, AsyncTask & Handlers • Lecture #13 - Alarms • Lecture #14 - Networking • Lab #5a – Threads: We'll write concurrent, multi-threaded code to load ToDo items from a networked server via background threads (i.e., without blocking the main UI thread). • Lab #5b - Broadcast Receiver: We'll build an application that uses a BroadcastReceiver to react when events such as connecting and disconnecting the charger occur. Week #6: • Lecture #15 – Graphics & Animation I • Lecture #16 – Graphics & Animation II • Lecture #17 – Multi-touch & Gestures • Lecture #18 – MultiMedia • Lab #6a - Gesture Sampler: Students build and application that accepts gesture input, such as using an "X" gesture to delete, using a "?" gesture to show help, etc. • Lab #6b - Bubble Popper: We'll write an application to display and animate bubbles (graphics that look like bubbles) on the device's screen. When users touch the screen where a bubble appears, the bubble pops. Week #7: • Lecture #19 – Sensors • Lecture #20 – Location & Maps • Lab #7a - Obstacle Course: Students build an application that uses the orientation of the device (tilting, rotating, etc.) to guide an object around obstacles. Week #8: • Lecture #21 – DataManagement • Lecture #22 – The ContentProvider Class • Lecture #23 – The Service Class • Lab #8a - Data Management (SQL): Students develop a database for storing and retrieving multimedia notes with textual tags. • Lab #8b - Mutlimedia Notes Content Provider: Students extend the multimedia notes database so multimedia notes can be shared via a ContentProvider across multiple applications. Video: https://class.coursera.org/android-001/lecture/preview Pagina oficiala a cursului: https://www.coursera.org/course/android
  19. <div align="center"> <font size="10" color="red">Hacked by The Guinea Pig 1337 Team Fighters! <br>We fight for Guinea pig rights in the world!</font> <br><img src="http://iceimg.com/8PYRkLrvvbFM/1-aprilie.jpg" alt="1 Aprilie"/> </div> porcusorii vorbesc limba romana, interesant )
  20. 1. nu ti-am dat acu eu ban, ai cartonas rosu pentru acuzatii nefondate 2. motivul pt care ti-am dat ieri ban, (ai fost banat azi inainte sa apuc sa-ti dau citat din regulament): 17. Postarea de vulnerabilitati in site-uri ce apartin de politie sau primarii (inclusiv screenshots). Chiar va recomandam sa nu cautati vulnerabilitati in site-uri ce apartin institutiilor statului. Penalizarea este ban permanent.
  21. pentru ace ai luat kick2: (17:22:12) RST: Ban of user Oust revoked. (17:22:17) ******: ) (17:22:22) ********: be **** (17:22:23) ******: Cine ia dat kick (17:22:25) ******: ? (17:22:32) ********: somi bag pola n mota (17:22:39) ******: Be valy sami polan mata (17:22:40) ******: )))))))) (17:22:45) ******: Hai noro (17:22:46) ******: C (17:22:48) ******: ) (17:22:49) Usr6: eu (17:22:53) RST: Oust logs into the Chat. (17:22:56) ******: Is pe.tel scz ca scriu asa (17:22:58) ******: ) (17:22:59) Oust: Ce-ai ma? (17:23:05) Oust: De ce ai dat kick? (17:23:20) Oust: Era minora cumva? (17:23:22) Usr6: inca o minora si ai ban pe chat pana maine (17:23:26) Usr6: da (17:23:35) Oust: Ia vezi tu... (17:23:37) Oust: Cu abuzurile astea. (17:23:45) *******: arde-l (17:23:48) *******: pac ban (17:23:49) ********: )) (17:23:56) ********: fa-i reclamatie la arzoi (17:23:59) ********: fa revolta Oust (17:24:03) ********: eu te sustin ! (17:24:06) Oust: Ce pula mea ma? (17:24:10) Oust: Nici nu era minora. (17:24:11) Usr6: succesuri (17:24:18) Oust: Ba, dar daca nu-ti place, da-mi ignore (17:24:22) Oust: Si lasa-ma-n pula mea. (17:24:23) ******: Usr6 intr-un fel nu prea ai drept sa-i aplici vreo sanctiune pt ca poate posta pe chat ce vrea el (17:24:27) ********: ASA (17:24:34) ********: impune-ti punctul de vedere (17:24:36) Oust: Nu are ma niciun drept. (17:24:38) ********: ia atitudine (17:24:44) Oust: Dar asa vrea el sa fie "jm3k3r" (17:24:44) *********: Oust, tu daca primesi ban pe chat o zi, te sinucizi (17:24:47) Usr6: *******, aia de unde ai scos-o? (17:24:48) **********: https://www.facebook.com/profil?e.php?id=100004241174460&sk=photo?s ********2 (17:24:51) RST: ************** logs into the Chat. (17:25:02) Oust: Daca primesc ban pe chat nu mai intru. (17:25:11) *******: usr6: (17:25:12) RST: ----- Regulament chat ----- 1. Persoanele ce arunca injurii membrilor chatului sunt sanctionate - ban 60 de minute 1.1 Glumele intre membrii ce se cunosc nu sunt sanctionate conform reg.1. Important de stiut este ca si aici exista totusi o limita! 2. Oricine este binevenit pe chat, dar va amintim ca avem toleranta 0 fata de prostia omeneasca 3. Moderatorii/Adminii chatului nu sunt pusi de pomana, de aici rezulta ca orice atac, direct sau indirect asupra lor duce la sanctionare 4. Chatul nu are legatura cu forumul, este facut doar pentru a discuta intr-un mod mai rapid, deci daca luati ban pe chat nu inseamna ca ramaneti fara acces la forum. 5. Orice persoana care intrerupe o discutie interesanta, mai ales legata de una din temele forumului, poate fi banata X minute fara drept de apel. 6. Contestatiile in ceea ce priveste sanctionarea pe chat sunt luate in considerare DOAR atunci cand exista motive serioase, dovezile sunt pe masura. 7. Un admin/moderator are voie sa faca ce vrea el. Daca considerati ca abuzeaza de acest drept postati aici: https://rstforums.com/forum/4282?7-important-abuzuri-de-putere.rst ---------------------------- (17:25:16) Usr6: chatul e pentru a discuta una alta, nu e chatul redtube:) (17:25:16) ********: )))))))))0 (17:25:24) ******: Usr6 pe chat se poate posta orice, regulamentul chatului nu specifica: NU AVETI VOIE SA POSTATI POZE CU MINORE (17:25:25) *******: 7. Un admin/moderator are voie sa faca ce vrea el. Daca considerati ca abuzeaza de acest drept postati aici: https://rstforums.com/forum/4282??7-important-abuzuri-de-putere.rs?t (17:25:30) Oust: Asa e. (17:25:36) Oust: Vezi ce zice ******. (17:25:39) *******: de cand e FACEBOOK redtube? (17:25:44) Oust: Vezi-ti ba Usr6 de treaba ta si stai in banca ta. (17:25:58) ********: asa Oust ! (17:26:03) ********: ia atitudine (17:26:10) ********: isi bat astia pula de tine ? (17:26:17) Oust: De era kw3 aici, iti stergea userul pentru ca mi-ai dat kick c-am pus o poza c-o gagica. (17:26:20) Usr6: ok, care mai sunteti pe baricade alaturi de oust? (17:26:25) ******: Usr6 imi cer scuze ca te contrazic dar acttul tau de sanctionare directa nu a avut un motiv intemeiat care sa se incadreze in regulile chatului. (17:26:32) Oust: Nu erai tu aici cand era kw3, curgeau pozele cu pizde (17:26:39) *******: ******* (17:26:42) *******: besi ma de aici (17:26:42) ********: ****** )))))))) (17:26:55) Oust: Voua va e frica de pizde ma (17:26:58) Oust: Tu si fallen (17:27:02) Usr6: oust, ai sa mai fii pe chat cand o sa fie kw3, bafta (17:27:06) RST: Oust has been logged out (Kicked). am cenzurat nick celorlalti participanti la discutie la cererea lor
  22. (17:25:02) Oust: Daca primesc ban pe chat nu mai intru. sper sa te tii de cuvant
  23. Testul complet pentru ceh v7: https://rstforums.com/forum/74820-ceh-8-torrent.rst#post483482
  24. Usr6


  25. The following course is about OBIEE: Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite (OBIEE+ and ESSBASE) is a complete, open, and architecturally unified Business Intellegence system for the enterprise that delivers abilities for reporting, adhoc query and analysis, online analytical processing(OLAP), dashboards, and scorecards. All enterprise data sources, as well as metrics, calculations, definitions, and hierarchies are managed in a Common Enterprise Information Model, providing users with accurate and consistent insight, regardless of where the information is consumed. Users can access and interact with information in multiple ways, including web-based interactive dashboards, collaboration workspaces, search bars, ERP and CRM applications, mobile devices, and Microsoft Office applications. The course covers topics from how to create a basic repository in Oracle to how to create entire Dashboard for reporting services. Link: https://www.udemy.com/oracle-business-intelligence-enterprise-edition-obiee/?couponCode=RITFREE
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