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Un consultant în securitate cibernetic? a declarat pentru FBI c? a p?truns în sistemele informatice de la bordul unor avioane de aproximativ 20 de ori ?i a reu?it chiar s? controleze un motor în timpul zborului, potrivit unor documente judiciare. Chris Roberts a fost de?inut de FBI în aprilie, dup? un zbor cu United Airlines c?tre Syracuse, New York, dup? ce oficialii au v?zut mesajele sale pe Twitter despre spargerea sistemului informatic al avionului în care se afla, informeaz? CNN. O solicitare depus? de FBI pentru un mandat de perchezi?ie la un tribunal din New York descrie anchetarea lui Roberts pentru posibile infrac?iuni informatice. În timpul intervier?rii sale de c?tre FBI în februarie ?i martie, Roberts le-a spus achetatorilor c? a p?truns în sistemele de divertisment de la bordul avioanelor de 15 sau 20 de ori în perioada 2011-2014. El a declarat, de asemenea, potrivit documentului, c? o dat? a p?truns în sisteme ?i a rescris codul, ceea ce i-a permis s? emit? o comand? "CLB" de cre?tere a altitudinii. Roberts sus?ine c? ?tie vulnerabilit??ile a trei tipuri de aeronave Boeing ?i ale unui model Airbus. Roberts a afirmat pe Twitter c? a fost sf?tuit s? nu spun? prea multe, dar a precizat c? singurul s?u interes este acela de "îmbun?t??ire a siguran?ei aeriene" ?i a acuzat FBI c? a condensat "incorect" cinci ani de cercet?ri ale sale într-un singur paragraf. Documentele FBI sus?in c? agen?ii ?i speciali?tii s?i în tehnic? "cred c? Roberts a avut capacitatea ?i voin?a de a folosi echipamentul pe care îl avea atunci asupra lui pentru a accesa sau a încerca s? acceseze sistemele de divertisment de la bord ?i probabil sistemele pentru controlul zborului ale oric?rui avion echipat cu sisteme de divertisment, iar acest lucru putea pune în pericol siguran?a public?", motiv pentru care nu i s-a permis s? p?r?seasc? aeroportul Syracuse în acea sear?. Sursa: Un hacker american sus?ine c? a reu?it s? controleze motorul unui avion în timpul zborului - Mediafax
Nivel: Abecedar 526172211a0700cf907300000d00000000000000eabe7420902c0038000000fd00000002caaec2f5ba66b0461d330700200000006162632e74787400b0a02526090d0cfe8cf15981209bfe732897c20c7437ed83bfdba1b47f9f91a0542055f601d826a08f676246c43fab7089967b123f1823255586f880c43d7b00400700 P.S. NIMIC nu e intamplator Challenge-ul expira in ~ 14 zile. ---Au rezolvat challenge-ul: 1. @Byte-ul 3.
A trecut ceva vreme, toti cei care au incercat challenge-ul s-au oprit la nivelul 3: cyoau nnrbu outuy tcahn aidbe rezolvarea: youca nrunb utyou canth ideab Nu cred ca a fost chiar asa dificil )
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Basics of Bash Scripting https://www.udemy.com/basics-of-bash-scripting/
Nu sunt hacker, dar, iti accept provocarea Ai un ban de 24h(pana pe 31.03.2015 ora 21(ora RO) ), daca reusesti sa scapi de el inainte de a expira esti cool.
de la mine ai primit pentru cont multiplu. Cand o sa expire banul pe quad, poti sa-mi dai(sau oricarui alt mod/admin) un pm pentru a fi banate restul conturilor
@quadxenon e duminica, in semn de apreciere pentru munca depusa pe acest forum, ai primit dreptu la un concediu de odihna de 7 zile. Te asteptam cu forte proaspete.
The Complete Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Course! https://www.udemy.com/penetration-testing/?couponCode=JDFREE
@quadxenon in binar folosind dictionarul: a=1, b=10, c=11, d=100, e=101, f=110, g=111, h=1000, i=1001, j=1010, k=1011, l=1100, m=1101, n=1110, o=1111, p=10000, q=10001, r=10010, s=10011, t=10100, u=10101, v=10110, w=10111, x=11000, y=11001, z=11010. dupa ce ai terminat traducerea, compara cu ce trebuie decodat si dai omului un like // L.E. Nici eu, byte-ul e de vina
#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> typedef struct { union { char * company; char * school; char * project; }; union { char * location; char * url; }; union { char * title; char * program; }; time_t started; time_t left; char * description[]; } thing_t; typedef thing_t job_t; typedef thing_t school_t; typedef thing_t project_t; #define CURRENT 0 /* I wasn't alive at the Unix epoch, so that'll work */ /* Contact Information */ char * name = "Kevin R. Lange"; char * email = "klange@toaruos.org"; char * address = "1045 Mission St, Apt 440\n" "San Francisco, CA 94103"; /* Education */ school_t uiuc = { .school = "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign", .location = "Urbana, IL", .program = "BS Computer Science", .started = 1251158400, .left = 1336608000, .description = { "Minor in International Studies in Engineering, Japan", "Focused on systems software courses", NULL } }; school_t hit = { .school = "Hiroshima Institute of Technology", .location = "Hiroshima, Japan", .program = "Study Abroad", .started = 1274745600, .left = 1278288000, .description = { "Cultural exchange program", "Intensive language course", NULL } }; school_t * schools[] = { &uiuc, &hit, NULL }; /* Projects */ project_t compiz = { .project = "Compiz Window Manager", .url = "http://compiz.org", .title = "Developer", .started = 1201392000, .left = 1264291200, .description = { "Minor plugin contributor", "Various research projects", NULL } }; project_t toaruos = { .project = "ToAruOS", .url = "https://github.com/klange/toaruos", .title = "Lead", .started = 1295049600, .left = CURRENT, .description = { "Hobby x86 Unix-like kernel and userspace", "Advanced in-house GUI with compositing window manager", NULL } }; project_t * projects[] = { &toaruos, &compiz, NULL }; /* Employment History */ job_t yelp = { .company = "Yelp, Inc.", .location = "San Francisco, CA", .title = "Software Engineer, i18n", .started = 1339977600, .left = CURRENT, .description = { "Developed several internal tools and libraries", "Provided critical input and design work for Yelp's launch in Japan", NULL } }; job_t apple_internship = { .company = "Apple Inc.", .location = "Cupertino, CA", .title = "Software Engineering Intern", .started = 1306886400, .left = 1314662400, .description = { "Built software framework for testing and verification of desktop retina display modes", "Assisted other interns with Unix fundamentals", NULL } }; job_t * jobs[] = { &yelp, &apple_internship, NULL }; void print_thing(thing_t * thing) { char started[100]; char left[100]; struct tm * ti; int i = 0; printf("%s at %s - %s\n", thing->title, thing->company, thing->location); ti = localtime(&thing->started); strftime(started, 100, "%B %d, %Y", ti); if (thing->left == CURRENT) { printf("%s to now\n", started); } else { ti = localtime(&thing->left); strftime(left, 100, "%B %d, %Y", ti); printf("%s to %s\n", started, left); } char ** desc = thing->description; while (*desc) { printf("- %s\n", *desc); desc++; } } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n\n", name, email, address); puts("Education\n"); school_t ** s = schools; while (*s) { print_thing(*s); puts(""); s++; } puts("Employment\n"); job_t ** j = jobs; while (*j) { print_thing(*j); puts(""); j++; } puts("Projects\n"); project_t ** p = projects; while (*p) { print_thing(*p); puts(""); p++; } return 0; } aici: https://gist.github.com/klange/4042963
@j1ll2013 ai un pacient nou, stim ca nu se pot face multe cu el, da macar incearca
Panda antivirus labels itself as malware, then borks EVERYTHING Spanish security firm in baffling tail-chasing auto-immune kerfuffle Panda users had a bad hair day on Wednesday, after the Spanish security software firm released an update that classified components of its own technology as malign. As a result, enterprise PCs running the antivirus software tied themselves in something of a knot, leaving some systems either unstable or unable to access the internet. A Panda spokesman confirmed the problem while advising that the issue was well in hand. "A bad update was published temporarily today [Wednesday] that resulted in some system files being detected by the Panda engine, a replacement update was promptly published removing the error and restoring the wrongly quarantined files," a Panda representative told El Reg. "At present we recommend NOT rebooting systems. This will allow us to update the system with the amended update. This update will also restore files previously detected," he added. An official advisory on the problem says that the issue was limited to Panda Cloud Office Protection, Retail 2015 products and Panda Free AV. Users are strongly advised not to restart their computer until a fix is available. El Reg heard about the Panda slip-up via a tip from reader Austin, who ought to be excused claiming overtime on the back of the problem. "Dozens of installs of Panda Antivirus across multiple sites all just detected components of itself as a virus, simultaneously," Austin explained. "Perhaps 60 in total across five sites, out of an installed base of around 300." "If you let it disinfect 'the problem' with a reboot, you have no network access post-reboot." "Files we've seen 'detected' include psanmodrep.dll and alertsmanager.dll – both key components of Panda Antivirus itself," he added. Users of Panda's antivirus took to Twitter to air their woes. Any of you with Panda Anti Virus - DO NOT REBOOT YOUR COMPUTER!!!! @panda_Security for updates- I've just lost 20 computers Worst antivirus every. Panda has today wiped files from system32 leaving rebooted computers bricked. Do not reboot, update Panda. False positives involving antivirus updates have affected all vendors from time to time. The consequent problems are at their worst when Windows operating system files are falsely classified as potentially malign and quarantined, resulting in unusable Windows systems. Panda's auto-immune screw-up would have caused comparable problems. Sursa: Panda antivirus labels itself as malware, then borks EVERYTHING • The Register