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Everything posted by shitshow

  1. ce patis bre mai ia un booster ca te-ai zdruncinat di tat CDC Aware Of Reports Of 'Debilitating Illnesses' After COVID-19 Vaccination: Official CDC și FDA recunosc, într-o declarație comună: rapelurile anti-Covid pot declanșa incidente de accident vascular cerebral
  2. Dr. Adrian Cacovean: Răspunsul la atacul nefondat al Colegiului Medicilor și Discursul de la Parlament încheiat cu o întrebare simplă: Au mințit, manipulat, înșelat și ucis cu sânge rece - CE MERITĂ NEMERNICII AȘTIA? Am tăcut prea mult! Ei au mințit, nenorocit oamenii, distrus economia, oprit lumea și au profanat morții din pandemie prin protocoale de înmormântare profanatoare pentru decedați! Dovezile lor sunt minciunile, secvența de 12 aminoacizi dată de guvernul chinez, testul PCR folosit fraudulos ca să creeze cazuri din pozitivitatea la propriul ADN (orice idiot știe că avem ADN), pozitivitate prezentată ca boală covid 19, ca apoi să instituie tratamente experimentale cu kaletra (medicament experimental mai toxic decât citostaticele), oxigenoterapie excesivă, sedare și în nici un caz tratamentul bolii pentru care te-ai dus la spital. Au omorât oameni, apoi au venit cu minciuna, că vaccinul ne va salva. Numai că nu era vaccin ci manipulare genetică experimentală criminală și ilegală. Au mințit, manipulat, înșelat și ucis cu sânge rece. Ce vă mai fac camarazii de experiment medical? Nimic nou pe frontul imunizării experimentale? Camarazii de șobolănie experimentală sunt toți ok? Încă nu s-a strâns lațul? Vedeți că au loturi noi de prafuri m-ARN, proaspete, conform contractului care merge înainte indiferent de ce se întâmplă în realitate. Covidolatria, o meteahnă greu de vindecat. Mulți nici acum nu s-au lămurit și susțin aceleași convingeri fanatice cum că covidul există, că vaccinurile salvează vieți, că de la vaccinuri nu se poate întâmpla nimic rău, că vaccinurile sunt sigure și ar trebui să le facă toată lumea, chiar experimental și dacă nu vor, să fie forțați, constrânși, obligați, chiar la alternativă cu excluderea din societate, izolarea, darea afară din serviciu, confiscați copiii, casa, conturile, memoria și istoria lor! Covidolatrii sunt cei mai extremiști și deraiați mintal indivizi, ei continuă să creadă în covid, pandemie, măsuri, experimente medicale chiar și când le pică morți subit și „coincidental” camarazii de experiment! Este foarte trist să vezi cum idioții care te atacă te sfidează și promovează supradozarea cu m-ARN! Nu este nici o satisfacție să-i vezi cum o încurcă de la ce promovează. Și nu au așteptat finalul speech-ului meu în care negam existența virusurilor și teoria virală. A fost singurul moment în care s-a făcut liniște completă în sală. Nimeni nu a pomenit în reacțiile de a doua zi despre asta, au pomenit despre oprirea lumii 2 ani și altele. Oricât de înfuriați sunt pe noi și pe mine, asta că nu există virusuri le-a tăiat glasul și nu au pomenit-o ca acuzație la adresa noastră sau a mea. E prea grea informația asta că nu există virusuri, nemaipomenită și de nepomenit! Vineri, 10 februarie 2023, a avut loc la Palatul Parlamentului, în premieră națională o Conferință științifică și civică intitulată „Medicină bazată pe dovezi sau dictatură cu față medicală?”. Evenimentul a fost inițiat de societatea civilă românească și a beneficiat de prezența a numeroși medici de mare valoare. Conferință s-a desfășurat în sala Alianței pentru Unirea Românilor (AUR) pentru că nici o altă formațiune politică nu și-a dat concursul în vederea organizării conferinței și nici nu și-a exprimat dorința de a participa la ea, în ciuda invitațiilor trimise. Reacția sistemului securistic nu a întârziat să apară, un ONG din rețeaua vaccinistă și președintele Colegiului Medicilor din România, dr. Daniel Coriu, deranjându-se duminică, ca la un ordin, pentru a transmite un denunț, respectiv un comunicat plin de amenințări tipice unei societăți bolșevice, nu unei democrații autentice și a unui înalt spirit științific întemeiat pe dezbateri de idei și nu pe opinii dictatoriale. Dr. Adrian Cacovean răspunde în câteva fraze la obiect acuzelor nefondate, ocazie cu care publicăm mai jos și un extras cu prelegerea sa de la Conferința în cauză, pe care dacă doriți o puteți viziona integral AICI. https://rumble.com/v299mjy-dr.-adrian-cacoveanu-vinovaii-pentru-starea-de-fapt-in-pandemie.html
  3. https://www.activenews.ro/stiri/Explozia-numarului-cazurilor-de-boli-cardiace-din-ultimele-luni-este-pusa-de-„experti-pe-seama-unei-„tulburari-de-stres-post-pandemic-desi-s-a-recunoscut-oficial-ca-serurile-Covid-pot-cauza-miocardita-si-pericardita-171301 https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/pfizer-says-3-doses-its-jab-can-neutralize-omicron-variant Răzvan Constantinescu se întoarce: DICTATURA REPETENTULUI PSIHOPAT. De ce colegii mei vaccinați au voie să infecteze studenți și pacienți, iar eu nu am voie? Vreau și eu să infectez pe cineva, măcar cu virusul demnității! Mass Formation: Deployed on You After Over 200 Years of Study https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/mass-formation-deployed-on-you-after
  4. "Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America" - Here Is The 'Spartacus COVID Letter' That's Gone Viral This is an anonymously posted document by someone who calls themselves Spartacus. Because it’s anonymous, I can’t contact them to ask for permission to publish. So I hesitated for a while, but it’s simply the best document I’ve seen on Covid, vaccines, etc. Whoever Spartacus is, they have a very elaborate knowledge in “the field”. If you want to know a lot more about the no. 1 issue in the world today, read it. And don’t worry if you don’t understand every single word, neither do I. But I learned a lot. The original PDF doc is here https://www.docdroid.net/file/download/z3E19up/covid-19-the-spartacus-letter-pdf.pdf Hello, My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough. We have been forced to watch America and the Free World spin into inexorable decline due to a biowarfare attack. We, along with countless others, have been victimized and gaslit by propaganda and psychological warfare operations being conducted by an unelected, unaccountable Elite against the American people and our allies. Our mental and physical health have suffered immensely over the course of the past year and a half. We have felt the sting of isolation, lockdown, masking, quarantines, and other completely nonsensical acts of healthcare theater that have done absolutely nothing to protect the health or wellbeing of the public from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Now, we are watching the medical establishment inject literal poison into millions of our fellow Americans without so much as a fight. We have been told that we will be fired and denied our livelihoods if we refuse to vaccinate. This was the last straw. We have spent thousands of hours analyzing leaked footage from Wuhan, scientific papers from primary sources, as well as the paper trails left by the medical establishment. What we have discovered would shock anyone to their core. First, we will summarize our findings, and then, we will explain them in detail. References will be placed at the end. Summary: COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs. Current treatment protocols (e.g. invasive ventilation) are actively harmful to patients, accelerating oxidative stress and causing severe VILI (ventilator-induced lung injuries). The continued use of ventilators in the absence of any proven medical benefit constitutes mass murder. Existing countermeasures are inadequate to slow the spread of what is an aerosolized and potentially wastewater-borne virus, and constitute a form of medical theater. Various non-vaccine interventions have been suppressed by both the media and the medical establishment in favor of vaccines and expensive patented drugs. The authorities have denied the usefulness of natural immunity against COVID-19, despite the fact that natural immunity confers protection against all of the virus’s proteins, and not just one. Vaccines will do more harm than good. The antigen that these vaccines are based on, SARS-CoV- 2 Spike, is a toxic protein. SARS-CoV-2 may have ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement; current antibodies may not neutralize future strains, but instead help them infect immune cells. Also, vaccinating during a pandemic with a leaky vaccine removes the evolutionary pressure for a virus to become less lethal. There is a vast and appalling criminal conspiracy that directly links both Anthony Fauci and Moderna to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. COVID-19 vaccine researchers are directly linked to scientists involved in brain-computer interface (“neural lace”) tech, one of whom was indicted for taking grant money from China. Independent researchers have discovered mysterious nanoparticles inside the vaccines that are not supposed to be present. The entire pandemic is being used as an excuse for a vast political and economic transformation of Western society that will enrich the already rich and turn the rest of us into serfs and untouchables. COVID-19 Pathophysiology and Treatments: COVID-19 is not a viral pneumonia. It is a viral vascular endotheliitis and attacks the lining of blood vessels, particularly the small pulmonary alveolar capillaries, leading to endothelial cell activation and sloughing, coagulopathy, sepsis, pulmonary edema, and ARDS-like symptoms. This is a disease of the blood and blood vessels. The circulatory system. Any pneumonia that it causes is secondary to that. In severe cases, this leads to sepsis, blood clots, and multiple organ failure, including hypoxic and inflammatory damage to various vital organs, such as the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys, and intestines. Some of the most common laboratory findings in COVID-19 are elevated D-dimer, elevated prothrombin time, elevated C-reactive protein, neutrophilia, lymphopenia, hypocalcemia, and hyperferritinemia, essentially matching a profile of coagulopathy and immune system hyperactivation/immune cell exhaustion. COVID-19 can present as almost anything, due to the wide tropism of SARS-CoV-2 for various tissues in the body’s vital organs. While its most common initial presentation is respiratory illness and flu-like symptoms, it can present as brain inflammation, gastrointestinal disease, or even heart attack or pulmonary embolism. COVID-19 is more severe in those with specific comorbidities, such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. This is because these conditions involve endothelial dysfunction, which renders the circulatory system more susceptible to infection and injury by this particular virus. The vast majority of COVID-19 cases are mild and do not cause significant disease. In known cases, there is something known as the 80/20 rule, where 80% of cases are mild and 20% are severe or critical. However, this ratio is only correct for known cases, not all infections. The number of actual infections is much, much higher. Consequently, the mortality and morbidity rate is lower. However, COVID-19 spreads very quickly, meaning that there are a significant number of severely-ill and critically-ill patients appearing in a short time frame. In those who have critical COVID-19-induced sepsis, hypoxia, coagulopathy, and ARDS, the most common treatments are intubation, injected corticosteroids, and blood thinners. This is not the correct treatment for COVID-19. In severe hypoxia, cellular metabolic shifts cause ATP to break down into hypoxanthine, which, upon the reintroduction of oxygen, causes xanthine oxidase to produce tons of highly damaging radicals that attack tissue. This is called ischemia-reperfusion injury, and it’s why the majority of people who go on a ventilator are dying. In the mitochondria, succinate buildup due to sepsis does the same exact thing; when oxygen is reintroduced, it makes superoxide radicals. Make no mistake, intubation will kill people who have COVID-19. The end-stage of COVID-19 is severe lipid peroxidation, where fats in the body start to “rust” due to damage by oxidative stress. This drives autoimmunity. Oxidized lipids appear as foreign objects to the immune system, which recognizes and forms antibodies against OSEs, or oxidation-specific epitopes. Also, oxidized lipids feed directly into pattern recognition receptors, triggering even more inflammation and summoning even more cells of the innate immune system that release even more destructive enzymes. This is similar to the pathophysiology of Lupus. COVID-19’s pathology is dominated by extreme oxidative stress and neutrophil respiratory burst, to the point where hemoglobin becomes incapable of carrying oxygen due to heme iron being stripped out of heme by hypochlorous acid. No amount of supplemental oxygen can oxygenate blood that chemically refuses to bind O2. The breakdown of the pathology is as follows: SARS-CoV-2 Spike binds to ACE2. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 is an enzyme that is part of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, or RAAS. The RAAS is a hormone control system that moderates fluid volume in the body and in the bloodstream (i.e. osmolarity) by controlling salt retention and excretion. This protein, ACE2, is ubiquitous in every part of the body that interfaces with the circulatory system, particularly in vascular endothelial cells and pericytes, brain astrocytes, renal tubules and podocytes, pancreatic islet cells, bile duct and intestinal epithelial cells, and the seminiferous ducts of the testis, all of which SARS-CoV-2 can infect, not just the lungs. SARS-CoV-2 infects a cell as follows: SARS-CoV-2 Spike undergoes a conformational change where the S1 trimers flip up and extend, locking onto ACE2 bound to the surface of a cell. TMPRSS2, or transmembrane protease serine 2, comes along and cuts off the heads of the Spike, exposing the S2 stalk-shaped subunit inside. The remainder of the Spike undergoes a conformational change that causes it to unfold like an extension ladder, embedding itself in the cell membrane. Then, it folds back upon itself, pulling the viral membrane and the cell membrane together. The two membranes fuse, with the virus’s proteins migrating out onto the surface of the cell. The SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid enters the cell, disgorging its genetic material and beginning the viral replication process, hijacking the cell’s own structures to produce more virus. SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins embedded in a cell can actually cause human cells to fuse together, forming syncytia/MGCs (multinuclear giant cells). They also have other pathogenic, harmful effects. SARS-CoV- 2’s viroporins, such as its Envelope protein, act as calcium ion channels, introducing calcium into infected cells. The virus suppresses the natural interferon response, resulting in delayed inflammation. SARS-CoV-2 N protein can also directly activate the NLRP3 inflammasome. Also, it suppresses the Nrf2 antioxidant pathway. The suppression of ACE2 by binding with Spike causes a buildup of bradykinin that would otherwise be broken down by ACE2. This constant calcium influx into the cells results in (or is accompanied by) noticeable hypocalcemia, or low blood calcium, especially in people with Vitamin D deficiencies and pre-existing endothelial dysfunction. Bradykinin upregulates cAMP, cGMP, COX, and Phospholipase C activity. This results in prostaglandin release and vastly increased intracellular calcium signaling, which promotes highly aggressive ROS release and ATP depletion. NADPH oxidase releases superoxide into the extracellular space. Superoxide radicals react with nitric oxide to form peroxynitrite. Peroxynitrite reacts with the tetrahydrobiopterin cofactor needed by endothelial nitric oxide synthase, destroying it and “uncoupling” the enzymes, causing nitric oxide synthase to synthesize more superoxide instead. This proceeds in a positive feedback loop until nitric oxide bioavailability in the circulatory system is depleted. Dissolved nitric oxide gas produced constantly by eNOS serves many important functions, but it is also antiviral against SARS-like coronaviruses, preventing the palmitoylation of the viral Spike protein and making it harder for it to bind to host receptors. The loss of NO allows the virus to begin replicating with impunity in the body. Those with endothelial dysfunction (i.e. hypertension, diabetes, obesity, old age, African-American race) have redox equilibrium issues to begin with, giving the virus an advantage. Due to the extreme cytokine release triggered by these processes, the body summons a great deal of neutrophils and monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages to the lungs. Cells of the innate immune system are the first-line defenders against pathogens. They work by engulfing invaders and trying to attack them with enzymes that produce powerful oxidants, like SOD and MPO. Superoxide dismutase takes superoxide and makes hydrogen peroxide, and myeloperoxidase takes hydrogen peroxide and chlorine ions and makes hypochlorous acid, which is many, many times more reactive than sodium hypochlorite bleach. Neutrophils have a nasty trick. They can also eject these enzymes into the extracellular space, where they will continuously spit out peroxide and bleach into the bloodstream. This is called neutrophil extracellular trap formation, or, when it becomes pathogenic and counterproductive, NETosis. In severe and critical COVID-19, there is actually rather severe NETosis. Hypochlorous acid building up in the bloodstream begins to bleach the iron out of heme and compete for O2 binding sites. Red blood cells lose the ability to transport oxygen, causing the sufferer to turn blue in the face. Unliganded iron, hydrogen peroxide, and superoxide in the bloodstream undergo the Haber- Weiss and Fenton reactions, producing extremely reactive hydroxyl radicals that violently strip electrons from surrounding fats and DNA, oxidizing them severely. This condition is not unknown to medical science. The actual name for all of this is acute sepsis. We know this is happening in COVID-19 because people who have died of the disease have noticeable ferroptosis signatures in their tissues, as well as various other oxidative stress markers such as nitrotyrosine, 4-HNE, and malondialdehyde. When you intubate someone with this condition, you are setting off a free radical bomb by supplying the cells with O2. It’s a catch-22, because we need oxygen to make Adenosine Triphosphate (that is, to live), but O2 is also the precursor of all these damaging radicals that lead to lipid peroxidation. The correct treatment for severe COVID-19 related sepsis is non-invasive ventilation, steroids, and antioxidant infusions. Most of the drugs repurposed for COVID-19 that show any benefit whatsoever in rescuing critically-ill COVID-19 patients are antioxidants. N-acetylcysteine, melatonin, fluvoxamine, budesonide, famotidine, cimetidine, and ranitidine are all antioxidants. Indomethacin prevents iron- driven oxidation of arachidonic acid to isoprostanes. There are powerful antioxidants such as apocynin that have not even been tested on COVID-19 patients yet which could defang neutrophils, prevent lipid peroxidation, restore endothelial health, and restore oxygenation to the tissues. Scientists who know anything about pulmonary neutrophilia, ARDS, and redox biology have known or surmised much of this since March 2020. In April 2020, Swiss scientists confirmed that COVID-19 was a vascular endotheliitis. By late 2020, experts had already concluded that COVID-19 causes a form of viral sepsis. They also know that sepsis can be effectively treated with antioxidants. None of this information is particularly new, and yet, for the most part, it has not been acted upon. Doctors continue to use damaging intubation techniques with high PEEP settings despite high lung compliance and poor oxygenation, killing an untold number of critically ill patients with medical malpractice. Because of the way they are constructed, Randomized Control Trials will never show any benefit for any antiviral against COVID-19. Not Remdesivir, not Kaletra, not HCQ, and not Ivermectin. The reason for this is simple; for the patients that they have recruited for these studies, such as Oxford’s ludicrous RECOVERY study, the intervention is too late to have any positive effect. The clinical course of COVID-19 is such that by the time most people seek medical attention for hypoxia, their viral load has already tapered off to almost nothing. If someone is about 10 days post-exposure and has already been symptomatic for five days, there is hardly any virus left in their bodies, only cellular damage and derangement that has initiated a hyperinflammatory response. It is from this group that the clinical trials for antivirals have recruited, pretty much exclusively. In these trials, they give antivirals to severely ill patients who have no virus in their bodies, only a delayed hyperinflammatory response, and then absurdly claim that antivirals have no utility in treating or preventing COVID-19. These clinical trials do not recruit people who are pre-symptomatic. They do not test pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis. This is like using a defibrillator to shock only flatline, and then absurdly claiming that defibrillators have no medical utility whatsoever when the patients refuse to rise from the dead. The intervention is too late. These trials for antivirals show systematic, egregious selection bias. They are providing a treatment that is futile to the specific cohort they are enrolling. India went against the instructions of the WHO and mandated the prophylactic usage of Ivermectin. They have almost completely eradicated COVID-19. The Indian Bar Association of Mumbai has brought criminal charges against WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan for recommending against the use of Ivermectin. Ivermectin is not “horse dewormer”. Yes, it is sold in veterinary paste form as a dewormer for animals. It has also been available in pill form for humans for decades, as an antiparasitic drug. The media have disingenuously claimed that because Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug, it has no utility as an antivirus. This is incorrect. Ivermectin has utility as an antiviral. It blocks importin, preventing nuclear import, effectively inhibiting viral access to cell nuclei. Many drugs currently on the market have multiple modes of action. Ivermectin is one such drug. It is both antiparasitic and antiviral. In Bangladesh, Ivermectin costs $1.80 for an entire 5-day course. Remdesivir, which is toxic to the liver, costs $3,120 for a 5-day course of the drug. Billions of dollars of utterly useless Remdesivir were sold to our governments on the taxpayer’s dime, and it ended up being totally useless for treating hyperinflammatory COVID-19. The media has hardly even covered this at all. The opposition to the use of generic Ivermectin is not based in science. It is purely financially and politically-motivated. An effective non-vaccine intervention would jeopardize the rushed FDA approval of patented vaccines and medicines for which the pharmaceutical industry stands to rake in billions upon billions of dollars in sales on an ongoing basis. The majority of the public are scientifically illiterate and cannot grasp what any of this even means, thanks to a pathetic educational system that has miseducated them. You would be lucky to find 1 in 100 people who have even the faintest clue what any of this actually means. COVID-19 Transmission: COVID-19 is airborne. The WHO carried water for China by claiming that the virus was only droplet- borne. Our own CDC absurdly claimed that it was mostly transmitted by fomite-to-face contact, which, given its rapid spread from Wuhan to the rest of the world, would have been physically impossible. The ridiculous belief in fomite-to-face being a primary mode of transmission led to the use of surface disinfection protocols that wasted time, energy, productivity, and disinfectant. The 6-foot guidelines are absolutely useless. The minimum safe distance to protect oneself from an aerosolized virus is to be 15+ feet away from an infected person, no closer. Realistically, no public transit is safe. Surgical masks do not protect you from aerosols. The virus is too small and the filter media has too large of gaps to filter it out. They may catch respiratory droplets and keep the virus from being expelled by someone who is sick, but they do not filter a cloud of infectious aerosols if someone were to walk into said cloud. The minimum level of protection against this virus is quite literally a P100 respirator, a PAPR/CAPR, or a 40mm NATO CBRN respirator, ideally paired with a full-body tyvek or tychem suit, gloves, and booties, with all the holes and gaps taped. Live SARS-CoV-2 may potentially be detected in sewage outflows, and there may be oral-fecal transmission. During the SARS outbreak in 2003, in the Amoy Gardens incident, hundreds of people were infected by aerosolized fecal matter rising from floor drains in their apartments. COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers: The vaccines for COVID-19 are not sterilizing and do not prevent infection or transmission. They are “leaky” vaccines. This means they remove the evolutionary pressure on the virus to become less lethal. It also means that the vaccinated are perfect carriers. In other words, those who are vaccinated are a threat to the unvaccinated, not the other way around. All of the COVID-19 vaccines currently in use have undergone minimal testing, with highly accelerated clinical trials. Though they appear to limit severe illness, the long-term safety profile of these vaccines remains unknown. Some of these so-called “vaccines” utilize an untested new technology that has never been used in vaccines before. Traditional vaccines use weakened or killed virus to stimulate an immune response. The Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines do not. They are purported to consist of an intramuscular shot containing a suspension of lipid nanoparticles filled with messenger RNA. The way they generate an immune response is by fusing with cells in a vaccine recipient’s shoulder, undergoing endocytosis, releasing their mRNA cargo into those cells, and then utilizing the ribosomes in those cells to synthesize modified SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins in-situ. These modified Spike proteins then migrate to the surface of the cell, where they are anchored in place by a transmembrane domain. The adaptive immune system detects the non-human viral protein being expressed by these cells, and then forms antibodies against that protein. This is purported to confer protection against the virus, by training the adaptive immune system to recognize and produce antibodies against the Spike on the actual virus. The J&J and AstraZeneca vaccines do something similar, but use an adenovirus vector for genetic material delivery instead of a lipid nanoparticle. These vaccines were produced or validated with the aid of fetal cell lines HEK-293 and PER.C6, which people with certain religious convictions may object strongly to. SARS-CoV-2 Spike is a highly pathogenic protein on its own. It is impossible to overstate the danger presented by introducing this protein into the human body. It is claimed by vaccine manufacturers that the vaccine remains in cells in the shoulder, and that SARS- CoV-2 Spike produced and expressed by these cells from the vaccine’s genetic material is harmless and inert, thanks to the insertion of prolines in the Spike sequence to stabilize it in the prefusion conformation, preventing the Spike from becoming active and fusing with other cells. However, a pharmacokinetic study from Japan showed that the lipid nanoparticles and mRNA from the Pfizer vaccine did not stay in the shoulder, and in fact bioaccumulated in many different organs, including the reproductive organs and adrenal glands, meaning that modified Spike is being expressed quite literally all over the place. These lipid nanoparticles may trigger anaphylaxis in an unlucky few, but far more concerning is the unregulated expression of Spike in various somatic cell lines far from the injection site and the unknown consequences of that. Messenger RNA is normally consumed right after it is produced in the body, being translated into a protein by a ribosome. COVID-19 vaccine mRNA is produced outside the body, long before a ribosome translates it. In the meantime, it could accumulate damage if inadequately preserved. When a ribosome attempts to translate a damaged strand of mRNA, it can become stalled. When this happens, the ribosome becomes useless for translating proteins because it now has a piece of mRNA stuck in it, like a lace card in an old punch card reader. The whole thing has to be cleaned up and new ribosomes synthesized to replace it. In cells with low ribosome turnover, like nerve cells, this can lead to reduced protein synthesis, cytopathic effects, and neuropathies. Certain proteins, including SARS-CoV-2 Spike, have proteolytic cleavage sites that are basically like little dotted lines that say “cut here”, which attract a living organism’s own proteases (essentially, molecular scissors) to cut them. There is a possibility that S1 may be proteolytically cleaved from S2, causing active S1 to float away into the bloodstream while leaving the S2 “stalk” embedded in the membrane of the cell that expressed the protein. SARS-CoV-2 Spike has a Superantigenic region (SAg), which may promote extreme inflammation. Anti-Spike antibodies were found in one study to function as autoantibodies and attack the body’s own cells. Those who have been immunized with COVID-19 vaccines have developed blood clots, myocarditis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Bell’s Palsy, and multiple sclerosis flares, indicating that the vaccine promotes autoimmune reactions against healthy tissue. SARS-CoV-2 Spike does not only bind to ACE2. It was suspected to have regions that bind to basigin, integrins, neuropilin-1, and bacterial lipopolysaccharides as well. SARS-CoV-2 Spike, on its own, can potentially bind any of these things and act as a ligand for them, triggering unspecified and likely highly inflammatory cellular activity. SARS-CoV-2 Spike contains an unusual PRRA insert that forms a furin cleavage site. Furin is a ubiquitous human protease, making this an ideal property for the Spike to have, giving it a high degree of cell tropism. No wild-type SARS-like coronaviruses related to SARS-CoV-2 possess this feature, making it highly suspicious, and perhaps a sign of human tampering. SARS-CoV-2 Spike has a prion-like domain that enhances its infectiousness. The Spike S1 RBD may bind to heparin-binding proteins and promote amyloid aggregation. In humans, this could lead to Parkinson’s, Lewy Body Dementia, premature Alzheimer’s, or various other neurodegenerative diseases. This is very concerning because SARS-CoV-2 S1 is capable of injuring and penetrating the blood-brain barrier and entering the brain. It is also capable of increasing the permeability of the blood-brain barrier to other molecules. SARS-CoV-2, like other betacoronaviruses, may have Dengue-like ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement of disease. For those who aren’t aware, some viruses, including betacoronaviruses, have a feature called ADE. There is also something called Original Antigenic Sin, which is the observation that the body prefers to produce antibodies based on previously-encountered strains of a virus over newly- encountered ones. In ADE, antibodies from a previous infection become non-neutralizing due to mutations in the virus’s proteins. These non-neutralizing antibodies then act as trojan horses, allowing live, active virus to be pulled into macrophages through their Fc receptor pathways, allowing the virus to infect immune cells that it would not have been able to infect before. This has been known to happen with Dengue Fever; when someone gets sick with Dengue, recovers, and then contracts a different strain, they can get very, very ill. If someone is vaccinated with mRNA based on the Spike from the initial Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2, and then they become infected with a future, mutated strain of the virus, they may become severely ill. In other words, it is possible for vaccines to sensitize someone to disease. There is a precedent for this in recent history. Sanofi’s Dengvaxia vaccine for Dengue failed because it caused immune sensitization in people whose immune systems were Dengue-naive. In mice immunized against SARS-CoV and challenged with the virus, a close relative of SARS-CoV-2, they developed immune sensitization, Th2 immunopathology, and eosinophil infiltration in their lungs. We have been told that SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines cannot be integrated into the human genome, because messenger RNA cannot be turned back into DNA. This is false. There are elements in human cells called LINE-1 retrotransposons, which can indeed integrate mRNA into a human genome by endogenous reverse transcription. Because the mRNA used in the vaccines is stabilized, it hangs around in cells longer, increasing the chances for this to happen. If the gene for SARS-CoV-2 Spike is integrated into a portion of the genome that is not silent and actually expresses a protein, it is possible that people who take this vaccine may continuously express SARS-CoV-2 Spike from their somatic cells for the rest of their lives. By inoculating people with a vaccine that causes their bodies to produce Spike in-situ, they are being inoculated with a pathogenic protein. A toxin that may cause long-term inflammation, heart problems, and a raised risk of cancers. In the long-term, it may also potentially lead to premature neurodegenerative disease. Absolutely nobody should be compelled to take this vaccine under any circumstances, and in actual fact, the vaccination campaign must be stopped immediately. COVID-19 Criminal Conspiracy: The vaccine and the virus were made by the same people. In 2014, there was a moratorium on SARS gain-of-function research that lasted until 2017. This research was not halted. Instead, it was outsourced, with the federal grants being laundered through NGOs. Ralph Baric is a virologist and SARS expert at UNC Chapel Hill in North Carolina. This is who Anthony Fauci was referring to when he insisted, before Congress, that if any gain-of-function research was being conducted, it was being conducted in North Carolina. This was a lie. Anthony Fauci lied before Congress. A felony. Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli are colleagues and have co-written papers together. Ralph Baric mentored Shi Zhengli in his gain-of-function manipulation techniques, particularly serial passage, which results in a virus that appears as if it originated naturally. In other words, deniable bioweapons. Serial passage in humanized hACE2 mice may have produced something like SARS-CoV-2. The funding for the gain-of-function research being conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology came from Peter Daszak. Peter Daszak runs an NGO called EcoHealth Alliance. EcoHealth Alliance received millions of dollars in grant money from the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (that is, Anthony Fauci), the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (part of the US Department of Defense), and the United States Agency for International Development. NIH/NIAID contributed a few million dollars, and DTRA and USAID each contributed tens of millions of dollars towards this research. Altogether, it was over a hundred million dollars. EcoHealth Alliance subcontracted these grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a lab in China with a very questionable safety record and poorly trained staff, so that they could conduct gain-of-function research, not in their fancy P4 lab, but in a level-2 lab where technicians wore nothing more sophisticated than perhaps a hairnet, latex gloves, and a surgical mask, instead of the bubble suits used when working with dangerous viruses. Chinese scientists in Wuhan reported being routinely bitten and urinated on by laboratory animals. Why anyone would outsource this dangerous and delicate work to the People’s Republic of China, a country infamous for industrial accidents and massive explosions that have claimed hundreds of lives, is completely beyond me, unless the aim was to start a pandemic on purpose. In November of 2019, three technicians at the Wuhan Institute of Virology developed symptoms consistent with a flu-like illness. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, and Ralph Baric knew at once what had happened, because back channels exist between this laboratory and our scientists and officials. December 12th, 2019, Ralph Baric signed a Material Transfer Agreement (essentially, an NDA) to receive Coronavirus mRNA vaccine-related materials co-owned by Moderna and NIH. It wasn’t until a whole month later, on January 11th, 2020, that China allegedly sent us the sequence to what would become known as SARS-CoV-2. Moderna claims, rather absurdly, that they developed a working vaccine from this sequence in under 48 hours. Stephane Bancel, the current CEO of Moderna, was formerly the CEO of bioMerieux, a French multinational corporation specializing in medical diagnostic tech, founded by one Alain Merieux. Alain Merieux was one of the individuals who was instrumental in the construction of the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 lab. The sequence given as the closest relative to SARS-CoV-2, RaTG13, is not a real virus. It is a forgery. It was made by entering a gene sequence by hand into a database, to create a cover story for the existence of SARS-CoV-2, which is very likely a gain-of-function chimera produced at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and was either leaked by accident or intentionally released. The animal reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 has never been found. This is not a conspiracy “theory”. It is an actual criminal conspiracy, in which people connected to the development of Moderna’s mRNA-1273 are directly connected to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and their gain-of-function research by very few degrees of separation, if any. The paper trail is well- established. The lab-leak theory has been suppressed because pulling that thread leads one to inevitably conclude that there is enough circumstantial evidence to link Moderna, the NIH, the WIV, and both the vaccine and the virus’s creation together. In a sane country, this would have immediately led to the world’s biggest RICO and mass murder case. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Shi Zhengli, and Stephane Bancel, and their accomplices, would have been indicted and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Instead, billions of our tax dollars were awarded to the perpetrators. The FBI raided Allure Medical in Shelby Township north of Detroit for billing insurance for “fraudulent COVID-19 cures”. The treatment they were using? Intravenous Vitamin C. An antioxidant. Which, as described above, is an entirely valid treatment for COVID-19-induced sepsis, and indeed, is now part of the MATH+ protocol advanced by Dr. Paul E. Marik. The FDA banned ranitidine (Zantac) due to supposed NDMA (N-nitrosodimethylamine) contamination. Ranitidine is not only an H2 blocker used as antacid, but also has a powerful antioxidant effect, scavenging hydroxyl radicals. This gives it utility in treating COVID-19. The FDA also attempted to take N-acetylcysteine, a harmless amino acid supplement and antioxidant, off the shelves, compelling Amazon to remove it from their online storefront. This leaves us with a chilling question: did the FDA knowingly suppress antioxidants useful for treating COVID-19 sepsis as part of a criminal conspiracy against the American public? The establishment is cooperating with, and facilitating, the worst criminals in human history, and are actively suppressing non-vaccine treatments and therapies in order to compel us to inject these criminals’ products into our bodies. This is absolutely unacceptable. COVID-19 Vaccine Development and Links to Transhumanism: This section deals with some more speculative aspects of the pandemic and the medical and scientific establishment’s reaction to it, as well as the disturbing links between scientists involved in vaccine research and scientists whose work involved merging nanotechnology with living cells. On June 9th, 2020, Charles Lieber, a Harvard nanotechnology researcher with decades of experience, was indicted by the DOJ for fraud. Charles Lieber received millions of dollars in grant money from the US Department of Defense, specifically the military think tanks DARPA, AFOSR, and ONR, as well as NIH and MITRE. His specialty is the use of silicon nanowires in lieu of patch clamp electrodes to monitor and modulate intracellular activity, something he has been working on at Harvard for the past twenty years. He was claimed to have been working on silicon nanowire batteries in China, but none of his colleagues can recall him ever having worked on battery technology in his life; all of his research deals with bionanotechnology, or the blending of nanotech with living cells. The indictment was over his collaboration with the Wuhan University of Technology. He had double- dipped, against the terms of his DOD grants, and taken money from the PRC’s Thousand Talents plan, a program which the Chinese government uses to bribe Western scientists into sharing proprietary R&D information that can be exploited by the PLA for strategic advantage. Charles Lieber’s own papers describe the use of silicon nanowires for brain-computer interfaces, or “neural lace” technology. His papers describe how neurons can endocytose whole silicon nanowires or parts of them, monitoring and even modulating neuronal activity. Charles Lieber was a colleague of Robert Langer. Together, along with Daniel S. Kohane, they worked on a paper describing artificial tissue scaffolds that could be implanted in a human heart to monitor its activity remotely. Robert Langer, an MIT alumnus and expert in nanotech drug delivery, is one of the co-founders of Moderna. His net worth is now $5.1 billion USD thanks to Moderna’s mRNA-1273 vaccine sales. Both Charles Lieber and Robert Langer’s bibliographies describe, essentially, techniques for human enhancement, i.e. transhumanism. Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum and the architect behind the so-called “Great Reset”, has long spoken of the “blending of biology and machinery” in his books. Since these revelations, it has come to the attention of independent researchers that the COVID-19 vaccines may contain reduced graphene oxide nanoparticles. Japanese researchers have also found unexplained contaminants in COVID-19 vaccines. Graphene oxide is an anxiolytic. It has been shown to reduce the anxiety of laboratory mice when injected into their brains. Indeed, given SARS-CoV-2 Spike’s propensity to compromise the blood-brain barrier and increase its permeability, it is the perfect protein for preparing brain tissue for extravasation of nanoparticles from the bloodstream and into the brain. Graphene is also highly conductive and, in some circumstances, paramagnetic. In 2013, under the Obama administration, DARPA launched the BRAIN Initiative; BRAIN is an acronym for Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies®. This program involves the development of brain-computer interface technologies for the military, particularly non-invasive, injectable systems that cause minimal damage to brain tissue when removed. Supposedly, this technology would be used for healing wounded soldiers with traumatic brain injuries, the direct brain control of prosthetic limbs, and even new abilities such as controlling drones with one’s mind. Various methods have been proposed for achieving this, including optogenetics, magnetogenetics, ultrasound, implanted electrodes, and transcranial electromagnetic stimulation. In all instances, the goal is to obtain read or read-write capability over neurons, either by stimulating and probing them, or by rendering them especially sensitive to stimulation and probing. However, the notion of the widespread use of BCI technology, such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink device, raises many concerns over privacy and personal autonomy. Reading from neurons is problematic enough on its own. Wireless brain-computer interfaces may interact with current or future wireless GSM infrastructure, creating neurological data security concerns. A hacker or other malicious actor may compromise such networks to obtain people’s brain data, and then exploit it for nefarious purposes. However, a device capable of writing to human neurons, not just reading from them, presents another, even more serious set of ethical concerns. A BCI that is capable of altering the contents of one’s mind for innocuous purposes, such as projecting a heads-up display onto their brain’s visual center or sending audio into one’s auditory cortex, would also theoretically be capable of altering mood and personality, or perhaps even subjugating someone’s very will, rendering them utterly obedient to authority. This technology would be a tyrant’s wet dream. Imagine soldiers who would shoot their own countrymen without hesitation, or helpless serfs who are satisfied to live in literal dog kennels. BCIs could be used to unscrupulously alter perceptions of basic things such as emotions and values, changing people’s thresholds of satiety, happiness, anger, disgust, and so forth. This is not inconsequential. Someone’s entire regime of behaviors could be altered by a BCI, including such things as suppressing their appetite or desire for virtually anything on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Anything is possible when you have direct access to someone’s brain and its contents. Someone who is obese could be made to feel disgust at the sight of food. Someone who is involuntarily celibate could have their libido disabled so they don’t even desire sex to begin with. Someone who is racist could be forced to feel delight over cohabiting with people of other races. Someone who is violent could be forced to be meek and submissive. These things might sound good to you if you are a tyrant, but to normal people, the idea of personal autonomy being overridden to such a degree is appalling. For the wealthy, neural laces would be an unequaled boon, giving them the opportunity to enhance their intelligence with neuroprosthetics (i.e. an “exocortex”), and to deliver irresistible commands directly into the minds of their BCI-augmented servants, even physically or sexually abusive commands that they would normally refuse. If the vaccine is a method to surreptitiously introduce an injectable BCI into millions of people without their knowledge or consent, then what we are witnessing is the rise of a tyrannical regime unlike anything ever seen before on the face of this planet, one that fully intends to strip every man, woman, and child of our free will. Our flaws are what make us human. A utopia arrived at by removing people’s free will is not a utopia at all. It is a monomaniacal nightmare. Furthermore, the people who rule over us are Dark Triad types who cannot be trusted with such power. Imagine being beaten and sexually assaulted by a wealthy and powerful psychopath and being forced to smile and laugh over it because your neural lace gives you no choice but to obey your master. The Elites are forging ahead with this technology without giving people any room to question the social or ethical ramifications, or to establish regulatory frameworks that ensure that our personal agency and autonomy will not be overridden by these devices. They do this because they secretly dream of a future where they can treat you worse than an animal and you cannot even fight back. If this evil plan is allowed to continue, it will spell the end of humanity as we know it. Conclusions: The current pandemic was produced and perpetuated by the establishment, through the use of a virus engineered in a PLA-connected Chinese biowarfare laboratory, with the aid of American taxpayer dollars and French expertise. This research was conducted under the absolutely ridiculous euphemism of “gain-of-function” research, which is supposedly carried out in order to determine which viruses have the highest potential for zoonotic spillover and preemptively vaccinate or guard against them. Gain-of-function/gain-of-threat research, a.k.a. “Dual-Use Research of Concern”, or DURC, is bioweapon research by another, friendlier-sounding name, simply to avoid the taboo of calling it what it actually is. It has always been bioweapon research. The people who are conducting this research fully understand that they are taking wild pathogens that are not infectious in humans and making them more infectious, often taking grants from military think tanks encouraging them to do so. These virologists conducting this type of research are enemies of their fellow man, like pyromaniac firefighters. GOF research has never protected anyone from any pandemic. In fact, it has now started one, meaning its utility for preventing pandemics is actually negative. It should have been banned globally, and the lunatics performing it should have been put in straitjackets long ago. Either through a leak or an intentional release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a deadly SARS strain is now endemic across the globe, after the WHO and CDC and public officials first downplayed the risks, and then intentionally incited a panic and lockdowns that jeopardized people’s health and their livelihoods. This was then used by the utterly depraved and psychopathic aristocratic class who rule over us as an excuse to coerce people into accepting an injected poison which may be a depopulation agent, a mind control/pacification agent in the form of injectable “smart dust”, or both in one. They believe they can get away with this by weaponizing the social stigma of vaccine refusal. They are incorrect. Their motives are clear and obvious to anyone who has been paying attention. These megalomaniacs have raided the pension funds of the free world. Wall Street is insolvent and has had an ongoing liquidity crisis since the end of 2019. The aim now is to exert total, full-spectrum physical, mental, and financial control over humanity before we realize just how badly we’ve been extorted by these maniacs. The pandemic and its response served multiple purposes for the Elite: Concealing a depression brought on by the usurious plunder of our economies conducted by rentier-capitalists and absentee owners who produce absolutely nothing of any value to society whatsoever. Instead of us having a very predictable Occupy Wall Street Part II, the Elites and their stooges got to stand up on television and paint themselves as wise and all-powerful saviors instead of the marauding cabal of despicable land pirates that they are. Destroying small businesses and eroding the middle class. Transferring trillions of dollars of wealth from the American public and into the pockets of billionaires and special interests. Engaging in insider trading, buying stock in biotech companies and shorting brick-and-mortar businesses and travel companies, with the aim of collapsing face-to-face commerce and tourism and replacing it with e-commerce and servitization. Creating a casus belli for war with China, encouraging us to attack them, wasting American lives and treasure and driving us to the brink of nuclear armageddon. Establishing technological and biosecurity frameworks for population control and technocratic- socialist “smart cities” where everyone’s movements are despotically tracked, all in anticipation of widespread automation, joblessness, and food shortages, by using the false guise of a vaccine to compel cooperation. Any one of these things would constitute a vicious rape of Western society. Taken together, they beggar belief; they are a complete inversion of our most treasured values. What is the purpose of all of this? One can only speculate as to the perpetrators’ motives, however, we have some theories. The Elites are trying to pull up the ladder, erase upward mobility for large segments of the population, cull political opponents and other “undesirables”, and put the remainder of humanity on a tight leash, rationing our access to certain goods and services that they have deemed “high-impact”, such as automobile use, tourism, meat consumption, and so on. Naturally, they will continue to have their own luxuries, as part of a strict caste system akin to feudalism. Why are they doing this? Simple. The Elites are Neo-Malthusians and believe that we are overpopulated and that resource depletion will collapse civilization in a matter of a few short decades. They are not necessarily incorrect in this belief. We are overpopulated, and we are consuming too many resources. However, orchestrating such a gruesome and murderous power grab in response to a looming crisis demonstrates that they have nothing but the utmost contempt for their fellow man. To those who are participating in this disgusting farce without any understanding of what they are doing, we have one word for you. Stop. You are causing irreparable harm to your country and to your fellow citizens. To those who may be reading this warning and have full knowledge and understanding of what they are doing and how it will unjustly harm millions of innocent people, we have a few more words. Damn you to hell. You will not destroy America and the Free World, and you will not have your New World Order. We will make certain of that. * * * This PDF document contains 14 pages, followed by another 17 pages of references. For those, please visit the original PDF file at https://www.docdroid.net/file/download/z3E19up/covid-19-the-spartacus-letter-pdf.pdf https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/damn-you-hell-you-will-not-destroy-america-here-spartacus-covid-letter-thats-gone-viral Each home kit contained the following: Paracetamol tablets [tylenol], Vitamin C, Multivitamin, Zinc, Vitamin D3, Ivermectin 12 mg [quantity #10 tablets], Doxycycline 100 mg [quantity #10 tablets].
  5. valabil si doctorul Fauci la comentarii: James 2 hours ago So he basically says the vaccine doesn’t work for the delta variant, but the blame is on the people who won’t get the vaccine (which doesn’t work). He must think we’re complete idiots at this point. marcus 19 minutes ago You have to take into account that there is literally brain dead sick people everywhere who still worship and follow this crap. in curand in Romenistan: CDC recomandă, din nou, purtarea măștii în interior, chiar și pentru vaccinați. Statele americane fără mască au avut mai puține cazuri de Covid decât cele cu mască. Contradicțiile lui Fauci. BOMBĂ: CDC renunță la metoda de diagnosticare RT-PCR Un editorial excepțional al lui Tucker Carlson,de  la Fox News
  6. "This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit": mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries Dr. Robert Malone, a pioneer in the field of mRNA vaccines, shared a viral Twitter thread on Friday which lays out a disturbing trend; the most-vaccinated countries in the world are experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases, while the least-vaccinated countries are not. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/worrying-me-quite-bit-mrna-vaccine-inventor-shares-viral-thread-showing-covid-surge-most People in France who enter a bar or restaurant without a COVID pass face 6 months in jail, while business owners who fail to check their status face a 1 year prison sentence and a €45,000 fine. Yes, really. https://summit.news/2021/07/16/french-face-6-months-in-jail-for-entering-a-bar-or-restaurant-without-a-covid-pass/ Sute de mii de protestatari mărșăluiesc în Franța pentru a spune NU „pașaportului rușinii” și obligativității vaccinării și a scanda LIBERTÉ! Manifestațiile pe care nu le vede Google și presa mituită din întreaga lume. https://www.activenews.ro/stiri/Sute-de-mii-de-protestatari-marsaluiesc-in-Franta-pentru-a-spune-NU-„pasaportului-rusinii-si-obligativitatii-vaccinarii-si-a-scanda-LIBERTÉ-Manifestatiile-pe-care-nu-le-vede-Google-si-presa-mituita-din-intreaga-lume.-VIDEO-AnonymeCitoyen-via-ActiveNews-168078 din 120 de milioane de vaccinuri la o populație de 20 de milioane de oameni cat a comandat guvernul romaniei tot o punem de o miocardita cu RECUNOAȘTERE OFICIALĂ a OMS și EMA, după SUA( CDC) , Canada și Israel. https://www.activenews.ro/stiri/„Teoria-Conspiratiei-ActiveNews-cu-MIOCARDITA-a-devenit-RECUNOASTERE-OFICIALA-a-OMS-si-EMA-dupa-SUA-Canada-si-Israel.-Cate-vieti-ar-fi-fost-salvate-daca-autoritatile-de-la-Bucuresti-si-din-lume-faceau-acest-anunt-de-la-primele-avertismente-167921
  7. incep sa se vada deja efectele negative,trebuia sa te uiti si la data articolelor... alt site "mizerabil" din cele mituite cu zeci de milioane de euro pt cobai (mai schimba tactica de manipulare ,ce fel de instructiuni iti dau cei de la sri ?!,mai lasa berea si fii atent,viitorii hackeri ai Romaniei sunt cu ochii pe tine) : "Doar 3028 de medici vor să vaccineze dintr-un total 10940, adică aproximativ 30%, a anunțat Gheorghiță, marți, în conferință de presă. "Doar 30% din medicii de familie s-au înscris pentru a-și vaccina anti-COVID pacienții, ceea ce este mai puțin decât ne așteptam", a precizat Valeriu Gheorghiță." https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/actualitate/cum-se-va-face-vaccinarea-in-cabinetele-medicilor-de-familie-gheorghita-programarile-se-realizeaza-pe-listele-deschise-de-doctori-1486319 ps: am avut covid manifestandu-se ca o gripa mai puternica in primele 3 zile,am luat paracetamol cu ceai de lamaie si miere de albine,plimbari lungi la padure pentru a respira aer curat in abundenta.Dupa 3 zile mi-am revenit din acea gripa,insa dupa o saptamana mi-a disparut gustul si mirosul dar nu am intrat in panica ...nu e prima data (si nici ultima) dupa alte gripe care le-am avut...mi-au revenit simturile in cateva zile.Daca eram isteric dupa atat de multa propaganda,fugeam ca o fatcow(no ofense) la primul centru sa ma programez cat mai repede,dar nu trebuie sa fii barbat doar in fata ecranului calculatorului...
  8. Autoritățile au mințit! Doar 43% din cadrele medicale s-au vaccinat Raportările Guvernului privind procentul de vaccinați din Sănătate sunt complet false, arată sindicaliștii de la Federația Solidaritatea Sanitară. Aceștia susțin că, potrivit informațiilor directe primite de la unitățile din sistem, procentul real al imunizărilor în rândul cadrelor medicale este, de fapt, de circa 43%. Federația acuză autoritățile că folosesc date false pentru a convinge populația să se vaccineze. Informațiile existente pe Platforma de monitorizare a impactului pandemiei Covid-19 asupra lucrătorilor din sănătate arată că ponderea vaccinării în rândul angajaților din Sănătate este de 43,42%, susțin reprezentanții Federației Solidaritatea Sanitară. Procentul a reieșit în urma răspunsurilor primite în mod oficial de la unități sanitare care totalizează un număr de 117.927 lucrători (respectiv 58,964% din totalul lucrătorilor din sănătate). ”Există o incoerență a declarațiilor oficiale în timp. În data de 16.02.2021, pe pagina RO vaccinare, au fost publicate următoarele informații: <<Din cele aproximativ 250.000 de persoane eligibile, până în data de 14 februarie 2021 au fost vaccinate cu ambele doze de vaccin 89.96% dintre acestea (98.84% cu o doză)>>, ele reluând declarațiile oficiale. În 13.04.2021 (la aproape două luni distanță) aceiași oficiali au făcut următoarea declarație: <<Luând în considerare raportările curente privind personalul din sectorul sanitar aferent anului 2019 de la INS proporția vaccinaților din etapa 1 este de 89,2%>>. Cu alte cuvinte, conform datelor oficiale, în mod ciudat ponderea lucrătorilor din sănătate vaccinați a scăzut în loc să crească. Ratarea identificării unei probleme (de dragul raportării unei campanii reușite sau pentru a utiliza cifre eronate în vederea convingerii populației să se vaccineze) determină imposibilitatea rezolvării ei. Cu alte cuvinte, dacă responsabilii ratează ponderea corectă a lucrătorilor din sănătate vaccinați, atunci nu vor demara acțiunile necesare pentru protecția lucrătorilor din sănătate. Solicităm public intervenția Ministerului Sănătății în clarificarea acestei situații, respectiv în colectarea completă și corectă a datelor privind vaccinarea lucrătorilor din sănătate și publicarea lor. Colectarea datelor trebuie să fie urmată de o campanie adecvată care să aibă ca scop creșterea ponderii lucrătorilor din sănătate la cca. 90% (adică la nivelul pe care autoritățile au anunțat că deja l-ar fi atins)”, se arată într-un comunicat al Federației Solidaritatea Sanitară. Gheorghiță activează medicii de familie Coordonatorul Centrului de Vaccinare, Valeriu Gheorghiță, i-a băgat, miercuri, în ședință pe medicii de familie, pentru a afla motivele reticenței acestora de a-și înscrie cabinetele pentru imunizarea populației. Principalele nemulțumiri ale medicilor au fost legate de faptul că oamenii nu vor să se vaccineze cu AstraZeneca și că există riscul să rămână cu dozele în stoc la cabinete. Deși li s-au promis câte 40 de lei pentru fiecare vaccinare și că nu li se vor imputa dozele pierdute, entuziasmul medicilor de familie a rămas la fel de scăzut, mai ales că promisiunile nu au fost materializate în niciun act normativ. Pfizerul a venit, dar nu a ajuns În 12 aprilie, în România a intrat o nouă tranșă de vaccin de la Pfizer BioNTech, de 511.290 doze. Până ieri însă dozele nu au ajuns în centrele de vaccinare decât într-o cantitate infimă. Dacă în 14 aprilie existau 8.714 doze de vaccin Pfizer în țară, ieri, 15 aprilie, numărul dozelor Pfizer la nivel național ajunsese la doar 22.033 de doze. Pe listele de așteptare la vaccinul Pfizer se mai aflau, în 15 aprilie, 333.820 de persoane, restul de 16.493 și 3.397 fiind înscrise pentru Moderna, respectiv, AstraZeneca. https://www.national.ro/coronavirus/autoritatile-au-mintit-doar-43-din-cadrele-medicale-s-au-vaccinat-718716.html https://www.activenews.ro/stiri/MEDICII-NU-SE-VACCINEAZA.-DOAR-43-din-sistemul-medical-s-au-vaccinat.-Federatia-Solidaritatea-Sanitara-acuza-autoritatile-de-umflarea-datele-si-de-minciuna-166343
  9. te cred,te cred,sigur ca esti... "Liberal leftists destroy everything they touch, the millions of useful idiots who don't have the capacity to absorb anything beyond what is written on your average restaurant menu, think they are supporting a benevolent socially and culturally aware political entity, but are actually being conned by one of the most dangerous political movements in history, who have become so powerful they can completely disrupt a duly elected US president for his whole term, and then push forward a semi senile miscreant as the new leader under suspicion of election fraud, while successfully suppressing all attempts to investigate it. They have become so powerful that it has now become socially unacceptable to have a right wing view, this movement is entrenched in the US, the EU and emanates out of the UN, this is not progressive politics, it is pure Evil, hiding behind phony goodwill" https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/european-union-single-market-tragic-farce
  10. in domeniul sanitar s-au vaccinat mai putin de 50% (amenintati fiind si cu demiterea) ,doctorii si asistentele cei "mai multi oameni fara simt elementar de logica",au devenit antivaxxeri...pana si colegii tai de la sri sunt in acelasi procent(si colegele,sa nu fac discriminare hello there girls,trans non-binary nazi fairy princess) procentele enumerate de tine sunt valabile si la nr reali de bolnavi de covid adica cat o gripa de sezon,in nici un caz de pandemie,dar daca bigfarma are nevoie de miliarde de $ de la cobai dornici "va meritati soarta"... cum am mai spus nytro asteptam video cu vaccinarea
  11. mda alt fake news lansat de o agentie a COMISIEI EUROPENE: Iată ce afirmă EudraVigilance despre baza lor de date: Reacții totale pentru vaccinul experimental ARNm Tozinameran (cod BNT162b2 , Comirnaty ) de la BioNTech / Pfizer: 2.540 decese și 102.100 leziuni până la 13.03.2021 COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE PFIZER-BIONTECH (TOZINAMERAN) 7.604 Tulburări ale sângelui și ale sistemului limfatic incl. 15 decese 4.636 Tulburări cardiace incl. 276 decese 22 Tulburări congenitale, familiale și genetice incl. 2 decese 2.683 Tulburări ale urechii și ale canalului auditiv 52 Tulburări endocrine 2.941 Tulburări oculare incl. 2 decese 23.074 Tulburări gastrointestinale incl. 125 de decese 72.072 Tulburări generale și condiții la locul de administrare incl. 957 decese 102 Tulburări hepatobiliare incl. 12 decese 1.928 Tulburări ale sistemului imunitar incl. 11 decese 6.020 Infecții și infestări incl. 275 decese 2.198 Leziuni, otrăviri și complicații procedurale incl. 32 de decese 4.565 Investigații incl. 111 decese 1.567 Tulburări de metabolism și nutriție incl. 49 de decese 37.365 Tulburări musculo-scheletice și ale țesutului conjunctiv incl. 22 decese 55 Neoplasme benigne, maligne și nespecificate (incl. Chisturi și polipi) incl. 3 decese 44.993 Tulburări ale sistemului nervos incl. 185 de morți 81 Sarcina, puerperalul și condițiile perinatale incl. 2 decese 57 Probleme legate de produs 3.742 Tulburări psihiatrice incl. 28 de decese 525 Tulburări renale și urinare incl. 37 de decese 545 Tulburări ale sistemului reproductiv și ale sânilor 8.788 Tulburări respiratorii, toracice și mediastinale incl. 294 decese 10.808 Tulburări ale pielii și ale țesutului subcutanat incl. 18 decese 229 Dificultăți sociale incl. 6 decese 69 Proceduri chirurgicale și medicale incl. 4 decese 4.820 Tulburări vasculare incl. 74 de decese Reacții totale pentru vaccinul experimental mARN ARNm-1273 ( CX-024414) de la Moderna: 973 de decese și 5.939 de răni până la 13/03/2021 COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414) 330 Tulburări ale sângelui și ale sistemului limfatic incl. 9 decese 501 Tulburări cardiace incl. 96 de decese 1 Tulburări congenitale, familiale și genetice 116 Tulburări ale urechii și labirintului 6 Tulburări endocrine 181 Tulburări oculare incl. 2 decese 1.283 Tulburări gastrointestinale incl. 40 de decese 4.198 Tulburări generale și condiții la locul de administrare incl. 393 decese 21 Tulburări hepatobiliare 219 Tulburări ale sistemului imunitar incl. 1 moarte 515 Infecții și infestări incl. 57 de decese 236 Leziuni, otrăviri și complicații procedurale incl. 16 decese 411 Investigații incl. 36 decese 165 Tulburări de metabolism și nutriție incl. 18 decese 1.727 Tulburări musculo-scheletice și ale țesutului conjunctiv incl . 23 de decese 12 Neoplasme benigne, maligne și nespecificate (incl. Chisturi și polipi) incl. 3 decese 2.324 Tulburări ale sistemului nervos incl. 111 decese 15 Sarcina, puerperiul și afecțiunile perinatale 4 Probleme legate de produs 271 Tulburări psihiatrice incl. 14 decese 93 Tulburări renale și urinare incl. 10 decese 34 Tulburări ale sistemului reproductiv și ale sânilor incl. 1 moarte 817 Tulburări respiratorii, toracice și mediastinale incl. 93 de decese 740 Tulburări ale pielii și ale țesutului subcutanat incl. 11 decese 48 Circumstanțe sociale incl . 3 decese 40 Proceduri chirurgicale și medicale incl. 4 decese 368 Tulburări vasculare incl. 32 de decese Reacții totale pentru vaccinul experimental AZD1222 (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) de la Oxford / AstraZeneca : 451 decese și 54.571 leziuni până la 13/03/2021 COVID-19 VACCIN ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) 1.180 Tulburări ale sângelui și ale sistemului limfatic incl. 11 decese 2.080 Tulburări cardiace incl. 63 de decese 17 Tulburări congenitale, familiale și genetice 1.237 Tulburări ale urechii și labirintului 41 Tulburări endocrine 1.977 Tulburări oculare incl. 1 moarte 17.491 Tulburări gastrointestinale incl. 15 decese 42.367 Tulburări generale și condiții la locul de administrare incl. 198 de decese 32 Tulburări hepatobiliare incl. 1 moarte 578 Tulburări ale sistemului imunitar 3.340 Infecții și infestări incl. 46 de decese 853 Leziuni, otrăviri și complicații procedurale incl. 2 decese 2.384 Investigații incl. 3 decese 2.676 Tulburări de metabolism și nutriție incl. 5 decese 22.858 Tulburări musculo-scheletice și ale țesutului conjunctiv incl. 4 decese 19 Neoplasme benigne, maligne și nespecificate (incl. Chisturi și polipi) incl. 2 decese 32.490 Tulburări ale sistemului nervos incl. 41 de decese 22 Sarcina, puerperiul și afecțiunile perinatale 11 Probleme legate de produs 3.105 Tulburări psihiatrice incl. 3 decese 560 Tulburări renale și urinare incl. 4 decese 266 Tulburări ale sistemului reproductiv și ale sânilor 4.293 Tulburări respiratorii, toracice și mediastinale incl. 33 de decese 6.815 Tulburări ale pielii și ale țesutului subcutanat incl. 2 decese 99 circumstanțe sociale incl. 2 decese 138 Proceduri chirurgicale și medicale incl. 4 decese 1.656 Tulburări vasculare incl. 11 decese Aceasta este o informație publică finanțată de Agenția Europeană pentru Medicamente (EMA), dar este în mod evident cenzurată de mass-media corporativă. https://ortodoxinfo.ro/2021/04/02/macel-3-964-de-morti-si-162-610-leziuni-date-extrase-din-baza-de-date-europeana-a-reactiilor-adverse-ale-vaccinurilor-c0vid-19/ https://www.globalresearch.ca/3964-dead-162610-injuries-european-database-adverse-drug-reactions-covid-19-vaccines/5740942
  12. de pe situl conspirationist guvernamental FDA efecte adverse care se gasesc fiti fara griji si in banala aspirina: S-au făcut publice efectele adverse ale vaccinului anti covid19, sunt 22 iar „decesul” este pe listă Avand in vedere si ca ex CEO pfizer mentiona si de infertilitate, nytro gandeste-te serios la legiunea ta viitoare sa nu te lase femeia pentru niste neo-nazisti conspirationisti care s-au injectat numai cu votca ruseasca.Nu te lua dupa iohannis care mai mult ca sigur a primit un placebo cu vitamine ,sa fim seriosi e mai importanta siguranta nationala a primului din stat si potentialul daca pateste ceva dupa doza. Mai bine chiar faci un joc win,android... gen ruleta ruseasca,roata norocului :" incearca-ti norocul :ce efect advers vei lua dupa vaccin,incearca inainte de doza pfizer sa vezi daca ai nimerit corect!" iti dai seama cate milioane de $ poti sa faci,pacat ca bigtech iti va inchide contul mai rapid decat twitter lui trump.
  13. raspunsul la intrebare viza gradul de psihopat aferent,nu era atat de important exactitatea raspunsului(sunt teste psihologice gen);deja raspunsem la intrebarile lui prin comentariile anterioare dar nu avea EQ inteligenta emotionala sa-si raspunda singur.Degeaba ai IQ mare daca nu esti capabil si de sentimente umane... nytro ai ramas in urma cu propaganda MSM,acel 5% e defapt: -mutatia covid din UK (despre care CDC spunea ca nu e nici o dovada ca ar fi mai periculoasa sau nu ar fi acoperita de actualele vaccinuri) -trumpistii(Antipa sub acoperire) care au patruns in Capitoliu nu purtau masca -sau ce sustin mai nou WHO&fauci high cycle threshold (Ct) value result being interpreted as a positive result (pana acum nu era problema la statistici dar nu da bine la rezultat dupa vaccin)
  14. congresman din new york diagnosticat covid dupa ce a primit a doua doza a vaccinului Pfizer Efficacy in participants aged 16 and over In Phase 2/3, approximately 44,000 participants were equally randomized to receive 2 doses of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine or placebo at 21-day intervals. Efficacy analyzes included participants who received their second vaccination within 19 to 42 days after their first vaccination. Participants are expected to be monitored for up to 24 MONTHS after Dose 2, for SAFETY AND EFFICIENCY EVALUATIONS against COVID-19. … Note writer : That is, those who participated in the experimental process will be monitored for 24 months? Ie two years to evaluate safety and efficacy against COVID-19 ??? In other words, we have a COLD CONFESSION that for the evaluation of safety and effectiveness it takes 2 years to draw ¨safe¨ conclusions. And all this time millions of people will have been vaccinated; … What if and if…? That is, are people being vaccinated… in completely uncharted waters of safety and efficacy? Do they call this science? Is this what doctors, scientists, researchers are defending? https://www.ema.europa.eu/en?fbclid=IwAR2oGRLYA0ckW0BKUuQyjT9mZ9Zz6WDaMYAy4C95d54x_EoJDSt2-KvQqIs nytro&iohannis anuntasera ca se vaccineaza public,astept video ... ca de banat e usor...bunch of chickens Studiu: Noi dezvăluri despre eficacitatea vaccinurilor Pfizer și ModeRNA. 95%? Mai degrabă între între 19 și 29%! Minciunile Guvernului din broșura propagandistică despre vaccinul Covid
  15. Terrorist Who Murdered 224 People Released From Prison Because Of COVID-19 Adel Abdul Bary is a former Osama Bin Laden henchman convicted of murdering 224 people in two deadly bombings of US embassies in 1998. But now this terrorist is a free man, because his lawyers successfully argued that his obesity put him at greater risk of dying from COVID-19 in prison. (Nice to know he was eating so well in prison after murdering hundreds of people.) A federal judge released Bary from a New Jersey prison in October. He was then deported to the UK where he had been granted asylum back in 1997 before being sent to prison. Bary has now been reunited with his wife, and the two share a fairly posh London apartment. Thank goodness the government is keeping the public safe from COVID! Click here to read the full story. A big scandal breaks out in Germany, but also in the whole world, after the publication of the conclusions of 23 international virologists, microbiologists and relevant scientists, who prove that… all real-time PCR tests (RT-PCR) come out "FALSE POSITIVE"! The whole "pandemic response" policy was based on these tests. The research, the draconian scientific advice, on financial issues, on fines, masks, arrests, social distancing. The scandal involves the head of Merkel's viral advisory team, Dr. Christian Drosten. From 23 January 2020, When the death toll in China reached just six, Drosten and several colleagues at the Institute of Virology at Sharité Hospital and the head of a small biotechnology company in Berlin, TIB Molbiol Syntheselabor GmbH. study, in the scientific journal "Eurosurveillance", of the EU Center for Disease Prevention and Control. The article was entitled "Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR" (Eurosurveillance 25 (8) 2020). Drosten and his team claim to have developed the first effective test to detect the virus.Incredibly, the Drosten test protocol, which he had already sent to WHO in Geneva on 17 January, was officially recommended by WHO as the worldwide test to determine presence of Wuhan coronavirus, even before the paper had been published. The news was greeted with immediate approval of the test by the corrupt Director-General of the World Health Organization, the ONLY non-chief physician, Tento Anhanom. as did Merkel. Since then, the Drosten-backed test for the virus has spread through the WHO around the world as the most widely used test protocol to determine if a person can have COVID-19. The first move made by the 23 scientists, on November 27, after studies, was to ask the scientific journal to withdraw the "suffering" of Drosten, accusing him and his team of "deadly" scientific incompetence and defects in promotion. of tests. "The Corman-Drosten document was submitted to Eurosurveillance on 21 January 2020 and accepted for publication on 22 January 2020. On 23 January 2020 the document was online." scientists emphasize. And in fact, The Drosten test protocol was sent and adopted by the WHO as a global test confirming the existence of the virus on January 17, BEFORE IT WAS PUBLISHED, in the scientific journal! Both Drosten and the co-author of the "investigation" did not reveal the conflict of interest. They were both members of the editorial team of the scientific journal. Another member of Drosten's team , who provided apparent credibility to the test, was Olfert Land, head of Tib-Molbiol in Berlin, who took over the production of the test and who did not reveal his second role. . Drosten himself and the leaders, at Goethe University in Frankfurt, where he claims to have received his doctorate in 2003, are accused of degree fraud . Dr. Markus Kühbacher, an expert investigating scientific fraud as well as literary dissertations, accuses the University of covering up a dissertation that was never submitted and should have been in three copies. The two copies "disappeared" and the third and only one has been damaged by water! Dosten will face charges of having a fake doctorate. Simply put, the entire Gates Foundation, the Merkel government, the WHO and the World Medicines Agency (WEF), as well as untested vaccines, relied on the results of a PCR test, which is nothing more than a well-paid garbage can. ! I enclose the study of 23 scientists: cormandrostenreview.com https://www.globalresearch.ca/coronavirus-scandal-breaking-merkel-germany/5731891
  16. IS THE GLOBALIST "RESET" FAILING? THE ELITES MAY HAVE OVERPLAYED THEIR HAND The vaccine rush and the claims of effectiveness of 94% to 95% from Pfizer and Moderna are suspect. The average effectiveness of most vaccines is around 50% or less, and these are vaccines with hundreds of trials and years of usage. Somehow, Pfizer and Moderna were both able to produce a vaccine for a SARS type virus when multiple governments tried for over a decade to produce vaccines for SARS in China and were unsuccessful, and they were able to achieve 95% effectiveness? The public is right to be suspicious. A former Pfizer vice president, Dr. Michael Yeadon among other medical professionals have recently warned that the vaccines have not been adequately tested and that there is a risk of “indefinite infertility” for women who take the current Covid vaccine due to damaging autoimmune response. In other words, the vaccine could make many women barren and unable to have children. Governments are in the media right now claiming the vaccines “will not be mandatory”. This is a lie. At the same time they are putting mandates in place to require you to prove you are vaccinated in order to go to public places and even to go to work. Basically, you take the vaccine or you die from poverty. This is not a choice. But, I see millions of Americans standing in opposition to this agenda. I see sheriffs and police across the country refusing to enforce the agenda, even in hard-left states like California. I see protests in lockdown states like Michigan, California and New York. I see mass protests in Europe. I see the Reset scheme being exposed and the truth breaking into the mainstream. .... Unfortunately for them, the virus has not been anywhere near as deadly as they appear to have hoped. With a death rate of well below 1% for anyone outside of a nursing home with preexisting conditions, the establishment has now been forced to pump up infection numbers as a means to terrorize the populace because the death numbers are not enough to convince people to willingly hand over their freedoms. The Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for Covid 19 not counting nursing home deaths with preexisting conditions is only 0.26% of those infected. Over 40% of Covid deaths are people that are already sick and on the verge of dying anyway (And no, refusing to wear masks is not the same as endorsing “death panels”, because a death panel is about socialists refusing treatment to people at risk because of their age. No one is suggesting that old people be refused treatment, and they always have the option of staying under quarantine if they fear they will become infected. They are already retired and receiving social security, perhaps if we are going to stimulate then the bailout money should go to those most at risk so that the rest of us can continue on with normal life?) Hundreds of thousands of people die every year from diseases and illnesses including the flu, common colds and pneumonia, yet, the prospect of abandoning the Bill of Rights, submitting to economic shutdowns and wearing a muzzle on our faces wherever we go was never brought up before. Why should we ask 99.7% of Americans or the world to accept medical tyranny just to make .26% of the population feel safe? People who question the mandates are called “selfish”, but even if I was one of the people susceptible to the virus, I would NEVER demand that 99% of the population bow to totalitarianism at the off chance that I might live a little while longer. Now THAT would be selfish. Many Americans are not as stupid as the elites think. They see the inconsistencies in the rhetoric and the data and they are increasingly prone to refuse to comply. This might be why the establishment is suddenly rushing out at least two Covid vaccines in the span of half a year; they have to get the vaccine phase of the Reset underway before too many people jump from the panic bandwagon. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/globalist-reset-failing-elites-may-have-overplayed-their-hand#comment-stream De cînd au cîştigat cel de-al doilea război mondial, marxiştii, pentru care omul este doar materie, se luptă în antinomii care în realitate sunt două feţe ale aceleiaşi monede. După ce au sleit antinomia proletariat-burghezie, sărăcind în ultimul hal proletariatul internaţional şi burghezindu-se ei înşişi dincolo de imaginaţia lui K. Marx, noua antinomie a materialiştilor atei este împărţirea în umanişti şi transumanişti. Umaniştii spun că omul este numai simplu animal – drept care îşi îmbracă copilaşii în animale, le încurajează instinctele şi, în numele progresului, vor să-i sexualizeze de la grădiniţă, incapabili să înţeleagă că adevărata ştiinţă, care e bazată de cunoaştere nu pe ideologie, pune raţiunea mai presus de instincte şi nu invers. Din păcate pentru ei, umaniştii adulţi se poartă şi sunt toţi la fel, nevăzînd ironia între părutul steag individualist şi crunta realitate a uniformizării. Transumaniştii atît de mult vor să „trans-”, încît reduc omul la a fi o simplă bază de date şi îi neagă toate domeniile de viaţă afară de cea virtuală. Avînd discurs şi comportament clasic sociopat, simt nevoia să se cheme filantropi, drept care vor să transforme forţat pe tot omul într-un golem cu mixturi de fiziologie şi electro-mecanică, vaccinat cu modificatoare genetice controlate prin sateliţi. Nu oferă ştiinţă, dar pretind credinţă. Umaniştii, mai puţin bionici, dar mult mai înverşunaţi, vor un robot ideologic, care să gîndească, vorbească şi făptuiască numai ce i se dictează de „influenceri”. Raiul pe pămînt gîndit de ei este acela în care omul este „eliberat de povara libertăţii” (un dicton luciferic străvechi, care dădea vina pe Dumnezeu că a creat pe om cu liber arbitru). În războiul global dintre iraţionalişti şi psihopaţi, anul trecut păreau să cîştige umaniştii, cu harţa între categorii de gen şi rasă, dar anul acesta par să cîştige transumaniştii, care au reuşit să anuleze Drepturile Omului. Tandem de tip „junghiul şi tusea”. .... http://manastirea.petru-voda.ro/2020/12/09/internationala-pentru-fiecare/ Profesorul și medicul infecționist CHRISTIAN PERRONNE, fost vice al experților OMS pentru vaccinare pe Europa: VACCINURILE PFIZER ȘI MODERNA, O ÎNȘELĂTORIE. „Oamenii care promovează aceste terapii genetice, numite în mod fals „vaccinuri”, iau cetățenii lumii drept COBAI”. „Trebuie REFUZAT CATEGORIC tipul acesta de vaccin” (Video) traducere și transcriere a intervenției de la Sud Radio, 2 decembrie 2020 http://www.cuvantul-ortodox.ro/recomandari/profesorul-si-medicul-infectionist-christian-perronne-fost-vice-al-expertilor-oms-pentru-vaccinare-pe-europa-vaccinurile-pfizer-si-moderna-o-inselatorie-oamenii-care-promoveaza-aceste-ter/
  17. Efectul Dunning-Kruger e valabil si pentru cei cu IQ mare care nu realizeaza ca sunt altii care pot avea inteligenta mult mai mare ca a lor, trebuie sa dea dovada si de EQ(inteligenta emotionala) in special recunoasterea propriului orgoliu care ii impedica sa-si vada ignoranta. “ It is clear that it is unthinkable for me to allow the arrival of this technology if I cannot ensure compliance with standards protecting citizens. 5G or not. The people of Brussels are not laboratory mice whose health I can sell for profit. There can be no doubt. ""Minister responsible for the environment to the government of the Brussels-Capital region...mda analfabeti si retardati... "tehnologie care nu va exista prea curand" Trollerul miliardar Ellon Musk a făcut o demonstrație live a unei probabile viitoare intervenţii asupra fiinţei umane prezentând un porc pe nume Gertrude, care trăiește de două luni cu implantul de dimensiunea unei monede. Microcipul are fire mai subțiri decât un fir de păr legate de zonele creierului responsabile pentru mișcare și simțuri. Prototipul doar citește semnalele cerebrale, dar Elon Musk vorbește de posibilitatea ca produsul său să acţioneze similar cu gândurile noastre, substituindu-se acestora şi direcţionându-ne viaţa. https://financialintelligence.ro/elon-musk-a-prezentat-porcul-cu-cip-implantat-in-creier-neuralink-vrea-sa-trateze-afectiuni-neuronale-la-oameni-cu-ajutorul-inteligentei-artificiale-video/
  18. "Life Won't Ever Be Completely Normal Again" - Renowned Infection/Immunity Expert Warns COVID Is Not Going Away and Could Be Around for 'Rest of Our Lives' "A Horrifying Future" - WEF's Vision For A Post-COVID World The World Economic Forum (WEF) has just published (October 2020) a so-called White Paper, entitled “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda – in a Post-Covid World”. This 31-page document reads like a blueprint on how to “execute” – because an execution (or implementation) would be – “Covid-19 – The Great Reset” (July 2020), by Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO (since the foundation of the WEF in 1974) and his associate Thierry Malleret. They call “Resetting the Future” a White Paper, meaning it’s not quite a final version. It is a draft of sorts, a trial balloon, to measure people’s reactions. It reads indeed like an executioner’s tale. Many people may not read it – have no awareness of its existence. If they did, they would go up in arms and fight this latest totalitarian blueprint, offered to the world by the WEF. It promises a horrifying future to some 80%-plus of the (surviving) population. George Orwell’s “1984” reads like a benign fantasy, as compared to what the WEF has in mind for humanity. The time frame is ten years – by 2030 – the UN agenda 2021 – 2030 should be implemented. Planned business measures in response to COVID-19: An acceleration of digitized work processes, leading to 84% of all work processes as digital, or virtual / video conferences. Some 83% of people are planned to work remotely – i.e. no more interaction between colleagues – absolute social distancing, separation of humanity from the human contact. About 50% of all tasks are planned to be automated – in other words, human input will be drastically diminished, even while remote working. Accelerate the digitization of upskilling / reskilling (e.g. education technology providers) – 42% of skill upgrading or training for new skills will be digitized, in other words, no human contact – all on computer, Artificial Intelligence (AI), algorithms. Accelerate the implementation of upskilling / reskilling programs – 35% of skills are planned to be “re-tooled” – i.e. existing skills are planned to be abandoned – declared defunct. Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring) – 34% of current organizational set-ups are planned to be “restructured’ – or, in other words, existing organizational structures will be declared obsolete – to make space for new sets of organizational frameworks, digital structures that provide utmost control over all activities. Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks – this is expected to touch 30% of the work force. That also means completely different pay-scales – most probably unlivable wages, which would make the also planned “universal basic salary” or “basic income” – a wage that allows you barely to survive, an obvious need. – But it would make you totally dependent on the system – a digital system, where you have no control whatsoever. Temporarily reduce workforce – this is projected as affecting 28% of the population. It is an additional unemployment figure, in disguise, as the “temporarily” will never come back to full-time. Permanently reduce workforce – 13% permanently reduced workforce. Temporarily increase workforce – 5% – there is no reference to what type of workforce – probably unskilled labor that sooner or later will also be replaced by automation, by AI and robotization of the workplace. No specific measures implemented – 4% – does that mean, a mere 4% will remain untouched? From the algorithm and AI-directed new work places? – as small and insignificant as the figure is, it sounds like “wishful thinking”, never to be accomplished. Permanently increase workforce – a mere 1% is projected as “permanently increased workforce”. This is of course not even cosmetics. It is a joke. This is the what is being put forth, namely the concrete process of implementing The Great Reset. So, you would own nothing – and be happy. Because all your necessities will be provided for. Also, it should not occur to you to disagree with the system, because – by now each one of you has been covid-vaccinated and nano-chipped – so that with 5G and soon to come 6G, your mind can be read and influenced. Please do not call this a conspiracy theory. It is a White Paper, an “authoritative report” by the WEF. DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is part of the Pentagon –and has years ago developed the technology. It is just a matter of time to implement it. And Implemented it will be, if We, The People, do not protest — Massive Civil Disobedience is of the order – and that rather sooner than later. The more we wait with action, the more we sleepwalk into this absolute human disaster. What The COVID Vaccine Hype Fails To Mention Pfizer recently announced that its covid vaccine was more than 90 percent “effective” at preventing covid-19. Shortly after this announcement, Moderna announced that its covid vaccine was 94.5 percent “effective” at preventing covid-19. Unlike the flu vaccine, which is one shot, both covid vaccines require two shots given three to four weeks apart. Hidden toward the end of both announcements, were the definitions of “effective.” Both trials have a treatment group that received the vaccine and a control group that did not. All the trial subjects were covid negative prior to the start of the trial. The analysis for both trials was performed when a target number of “cases” were reached. “Cases” were defined by positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing. There was no information about the cycle number for the PCR tests. There was no information about whether the “cases” had symptoms or not. There was no information about hospitalizations or deaths. The Pfizer study had 43,538 participants and was analyzed after 164 cases. So, roughly 150 out 21,750 participants (less than 0.7 percent) became PCR positive in the control group and about one-tenth that number in the vaccine group became PCR positive. The Moderna trial had 30,000 participants. There were 95 “cases” in the 15,000 control participants (about 0.6 percent) and 5 “cases” in the 15,000 vaccine participants (about one-twentieth of 0.6 percent). The “efficacy” figures quoted in these announcements are odds ratios. There is no evidence, yet, that the vaccine prevented any hospitalizations or any deaths. The Moderna announcement claimed that eleven cases in the control group were “severe” disease, but “severe” was not defined. If there were any hospitalizations or deaths in either group, the public has not been told. When the risks of an event are small, odds ratios can be misleading about absolute risk. A more meaningful measure of efficacy would be the number to vaccinate to prevent one hospitalization or one death. Those numbers are not available. An estimate of the number to treat from the Moderna trial to prevent a single “case” would be fifteen thousand vaccinations to prevent ninety “cases” or 167 vaccinations per “case” prevented which does not sound nearly as good as 94.5 percent effective. The publicists working for pharmaceutical companies are very smart people. If there were a reduction in mortality from these vaccines, that information would be in the first paragraph of the announcement. There is no information about how long any protective benefit from the vaccine would persist. Antibody response following covid-19 appears to be short lived. Based on what we know, the covid vaccine may require two shots every three to six months to be protective. The more shots required, the greater the risk of side effects from sensitization to the vaccine. There is no information about safety. None. Government agencies like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) appear to have two completely different standards for attributing deaths to covid-19 and attributing side effects to covid vaccines. If these vaccines are approved, as they likely will be, the first group to be vaccinated will be the beta testers. I am employed by a university-based medical center that is a referral center for the West Texas region. My colleagues include resident physicians and faculty physicians who work with covid patients on a daily basis. I have asked a number of my colleagues whether they will be first in line for the new vaccine. I have yet to hear any of my colleagues respond affirmatively. The reasons for hesitancy are that the uncertainties about safety exceed what they perceive to be a small benefit. In other words, my colleagues would prefer to take their chances with covid rather than beta test the vaccine. Many of my colleagues want to see the safety data after a year of use before getting vaccinated; these colleagues are concerned about possible autoimmune side effects that may not appear for months after vaccination. https://mises.org/wire/what-covid-vaccine-hype-fails-mention
  19. numai din linkuri iti faceai o idee dar PLM e greu a citi putin mai mult... idiocracy merged by nytroism ”BUILD BACK BETTER”, parola globaliștilor din „Marea Resetare”. Promovat de Biden, BoJo, Comisia Europeană, sloganul BBB a fost moșit de Forumul Economic Mondial
  20. https://ortodoxinfo.ro/2020/11/19/doctor-patolog-canadian-de-top-declara-coronavirusul-cea-mai-mare-farsa-din-istorie/ https://www.activenews.ro/externe/Medic-canadian-Sunt-in-domeniul-testelor-COVID-19.-Doresc-sa-subliniez-cu-litere-de-o-schioapa-ca-TESTELE-POZITIVE-NU-INSEAMNA-INFECTARE-CLINICA-.-Dr.-Rodger-Hodkinson-„Isteria-COVID-este-„cea-mai-mare-sarlatanie-comisa-vreodata-163752 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/so-what-great-reset https://www.activenews.ro/stiri/Klaus-Schwab-„parintele-Forumului-Economic-Mondial-vorbeste-de-cipuri-implantabile-in-creier-Marea-Resetare-va-duce-la-contopirea-identitatii-noastre-fizice-digitale-si-biologice-.-Tehnologia-va-permite-autoritatilor-sa-„patrunda-in-spatiul-mintii-163690 https://ortodoxinfo.ro/2020/11/19/medicii-refuza-in-masa-vaccinarea-anti-covid-manager-unii-spun-ca-au-anticorpi-altii-nu-vor-pur-si-simplu/ https://www.national.ro/social/vaccinare-cu-forta-angajatii-din-sanatate-obligati-sa-se-ofere-voluntari-702741.html
  21. [de regurgitat in pauza de heil nytroxism fixat pe botnita teoriilor conspirationiste] numai masoneria e capabila sa provoace nihilism de asemenea magnitudine ,a demonstrat de-a lungul timpului folosind si ideologii contrare,relativism moral,indiferenta religioasa,sacrificand pana si proprii pioni: https://ioncoja.ro/distrugerea-rusiei-crearea-unei-natiuni-tipic-masonice/ divide et impera https://saccsiv.wordpress.com/2020/03/25/albert-pike-mason-grad-33-despre-cumplita-si-sangeroasa-revolutie-ce-l-va-precede-pe-antihrist/ distrugerii creștinismului și ateismului, ambele cucerite și exterminate în același timp (si prin importul masiv de musulmani) https://ortodoxinfo.ro/2017/07/24/simbolistica-si-originile-masonice-ale-mainii-ascunse-din-portretele-personalitatilor-care-au-modelat-istoria-ultimelor-secole-napoleon-karl-marx-george-washington-mozart-lafaye/ https://saccsiv.wordpress.com/2014/03/20/marele-arhitect-al-universului-lucifer-demonstratia-mitropolitului-serafim-de-pireu-fratilor-masonerie-satanism/ https://ortodoxinfo.ro/2018/10/17/dezvaluire-incredibila-87-dintre-magistrati-sunt-membri-ai-marii-loji-masonice/ cat de puternici sunt numai in romania https://bucovinaprofunda.com/2020/10/21/18644/
  22. cine a trait prin copaci..printre participantii anul asta la WEF https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2020. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/davos-2020-who-is-coming-and-everything-you-need-to-know/ E folosit covid pt agenda globala marxista,asta au in comun premierul britanic si viitorul presedinte USA(Bidenhttps://www.stiripesurse.ro/revolta-republicanilor-dupa-ce-twitter-si-facebook-s-au-implicat-in-campania-electorala-blocand-dezvaluiri-despre-joe-biden-si-afacerile-de-coruptie_1517182.html?utm_medium=notification&utm_source=site&utm_campaign=os facebook si twitter se stie ca au ideologii neomarxiste) cu sloganul lor Build Back Better. ca sa-ti faci o idee despre acel gigel de pe net( Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum) si ce legatura are cu covid:
  23. https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/health-expert-mask-wearing-will-remain-mandatory-even-after-covid-vaccine Recently we saw UK PM Boris Johnson stand in front of a ‘Build Back Better’ sign, speaking to the need for a ‘great reset’. ‘Build Back Better’ happens to be Joe Biden’s campaign slogan, which raises many other questions for another time. But, to what extent are the handlers who manage ‘Joe Biden’, and those managing ‘Boris Johnson’ working the same script? The more pertinent question is to ask: in whose interest is this ‘great reset’ being carried out? https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/whose-great-reset-fight-our-future-technocracy-vs-republic The Great Reset "The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world" - Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum. Follow insights on how we can recover from COVID-19 to build a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future. https://www.weforum.org/focus/the-great-reset https://www.rt.com/op-ed/502795-boris-johnson-uk-great-reset/
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