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Everything posted by MaHaReT

  1. numa interfatza
  2. MaHaReT


    Bun Venit !
  3. intrebare , u de ce tea'i apucat de hack ? ? ? cam matinala intrebare [7:13]
  4. Motor de cautare pentru RapidShare : http://www.f-forge.com?d=XMbLlwG1v9dUohy20PYO
  5. si eu ma altur , si sa incepem sa rasandim virusu manelelor pe cat mai multe siteuri si pc'uri !!
  6. mult o sa mai dezbatem chestia cu "prima fata hackeritza" pe aici .... ! o so' dam si'n nr de tel , id de mess , dastea [off topic]
  7. e dea' noastra
  8. se pare ca io si nos suntem cei mai mici ... am 15 ani si nos 11[e tare pustiu]
  9. bun venit !! is curios ce varsta ai !!
  10. wow na'm, stiut ca sunt fete "pasionate" de "rau"
  11. France , Brasil ... go home !
  12. d!G!t@L_hPo6 ia ceva bun pt rapidshare [folositzil cat merge , nu stiu cat rezista ca de obicei daca se connecteaza mai multe ip-uri o data il sterg aia] RapidShare Premium : Login: 1272861 Password: 2938153
  13. frate , dowlandez , apare fiseru SPART , dezarhivez , tot SPART , si ala nu mil recunoaste nici un prog , da surpriza , il mai pot dezarhiva o data si inca o data si inca o data si tot asa ... pana fac scurta la clic ! ce sa fac ??
  14. unele sunt private nu ca's avea eu , io mai zic inca o data , is N00B !!
  15. MaHaReT

    Fun stuff

    http://www.wiggerl.com/ccr/01.mov http://www.wiggerl.com/ccr/02.mov http://www.wiggerl.com/ccr/03.mov http://www.wiggerl.com/ccr/04.mov http://www.wiggerl.com/ccr/05.mov http://www.wiggerl.com/ccr/06.mov http://www.wiggerl.com/ccr/07.mov http://www.wiggerl.com/ccr/08.mov http://www.wiggerl.com/ccr/09.mov http://www.wiggerl.com/ccr/010.mov http://www.wiggerl.com/ccr/011.mov http://www.wiggerl.com/ccr/012.mov http://www.wiggerl.com/ccr/013.mov http://www.wiggerl.com/ccr/014.mov Neste filmuletze tari rau !!
  16. [+] Targets: with 300 Threads [+] Scan In Progress... - Connecting to Sending Exploit to a [Win2k] Server.... FAILED - Connecting to Sending Exploit to a [WinXP] Server.... FAILED - Connecting to Sending Exploit to a [WinXP] Server.... FAILED - Connecting to Sending Exploit to a [WinXP] Server... - Conectando con la Shell Remota... Microsoft Windows XP [Versi?n 5.1.2600] © Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:WINDOWSsystem32>. - Connection Closed - Connecting to Sending Exploit to a [WinXP] Server... FAILED . - Connecting to Sending Exploit to a [Win2k] Server... - Conectando con la Shell Remota... Microsoft Windows 2000 [Versi?n 5.00.2195] © Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp. C:WINNTsystem32>exit Cam asa ceva "ii" in el , scanezi ip-urile , si el cauta primu vulnerabil ( la kaht [eu cu ala am umblat] erau vulnerabile Xp fara sp2) am auzit ca la 2 merge si sp2 si la 3sp3
  17. nu mah , sal angajeze la nasa
  18. TrojanHunter http://rapidshare.de/files/2234235/whoth42.rar.html High-speed file scan engine capable of detecting modified trojans. - Memory scanning for detecting any modified variant of a particular build of a trojan. - Registry scanning for detecting traces of trojans in the registry. - Ini-file scanning for detecting traces of trojans in configuration files. - Port scanning for detecting open trojan ports. - TrojanHunter Guard for resident memory scanning - detect any trojans if they manage to start up . - LiveUpdate utility for effortless ruleset updating via the Internet . - Add custom trojan definitions and detection rules. - Process list giving details about every running process on the system, including the path to the actual executable file. - Accurate removal of all detected trojans - even if they are running. - Built-in netstat viewer. - Extensive help files. - Free technical support via e-mail. - Complete list of all autostarted programs.
  19. MaHaReT

    5 prog

    Vatos ajan Backdoor Proagent Protat Turkojan http://rapidshare.de/files/20035925/tronje..._hepsi.rar.html
  20. de udne sa stiu ? acuma am gaist si io poza sincer as proba'o da nam unde ))
  21. numa ca pe la mine prin oras'u meu de carton nu prea sunt "pesi shop" datsea
  22. http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/metasploit1
  23. http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/...ktrackplaintext
  24. http://irongeek.com/downloads/keymail.c
  25. http://www.thruthewire.net/videos/knoppix1.swf
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