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Everything posted by MaHaReT
aia ziceam si eu ... ! "Warning: fopen(uploads/gizK79hcmBFllsfdV55g/securitate in xp.rar): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /srv/www/htdocs/ on line 32" etc
mai nou mam apucat si de graffiti ... plm da-i cam najpa ... pk graffiti ... hack[io si hacku da sa fie acolo] deci incerc sa invatz ... cu timpu poate prind si io ....
Master this massive programming language upgrade that raises Visual Basic functionality to the level of the .NET platform. Coverage includes all core topics�plus security, debugging, and helpful information on migrating existing Visual Basic projects to Visual Basic.NET. Download
Daca folosesti Windows, orice film care l-ai vazut cu IE este in calculatorul tau, in profilul tau, Local Settings, Temporary Internet Files (sunt mai multe directoare acolo). Trebuie doar cautat. Are alt nume, dar se potriveste data, extensia, si lungimea, asa ca nu e greu de identificat. Este in format FLV. Necesita flvplayer.
faza cu punctele o staim , fataliti nu-i bine , nu trebuie sa treci de 2 ori peste o linie , vezi ca mentzioneaza ca potzi depasi cadranu ... ia ganditziva da nu mais tiu sa mro io .. stiu ca depasitzi cadranu in partea dreapta jos ... da nu mai stiu cum .. acu ma duk la somn ca maine la sc ...
... nu lea-m dld sincer , am vazut ca nu mere linku is leam cautat pe undeva ... si leam pus .. daca le uploadam io ... [oricum , incerc sa revin ... am fost absent o vreme]
Welcome to the Hacker Highschool program! This program is designed to encourage you to be well-rounded and resourceful. The core instruction theme is to harness the hacker curiosity in you and to guide you progressively through your hacker education to help you grow into a responsible role, capable of determining security and privacy problems and making proper security decisions for yourself. While there is a thrill to hacking partly because of the illegal nature of computer trespass, we want to show you that it is just as big a thrill to alert others about lapses in security and make them public without worrying about going to jail over it. As a citizen of most countries, it is not only your right, but your responsibility, to report security and privacy leaks to the proper authorities. You do this not because you can, but because many other people can't. You are helping those who can't help themselves. This is what watchdog groups do. This is what you will learn to do. Download links: Alltogether ~5Mb,
Databases are the nerve center of our economy. Every piece of your personal information is stored there�medical records, bank accounts, employment history, pensions, car registrations, even your children’s grades and what groceries you buy. Database attacks are potentially crippling�and relentless. In this essential follow-up to The Shellcoder’s Handbook, four of the world’s top security experts teach you to break into and defend the seven most popular database servers. You’ll learn how to identify vulnerabilities, how attacks are carried out, and how to stop the carnage. The bad guys already know all this. You need to know it too. - Identify and plug the new holes in Oracle and Miccrosoft SQL Server - Learn the best defenses for IBM’s DB2, PostgreSQL, Sybase ASE, and MySQL servers - Discover how buffer overflow exploitation, privilege escalation through SQL, stored procedure or trigger abuse, and SQL injection enable hacker access - Recognize vulnerabilities peculiar to each database - Find out what the attackers already know 1Mb,
uitati aici ... : parola de la arhiva : HtTp://WhItEp.nET
vezi sa nu , cine vine ? apropo , sper sa ma apuc serios de hack ca nam mai facut nimic , am considerat ca nu-s destul debun si mam luat cu pk da odata si odata tot revini nfortza , cand am gasit foumu am stat 2 saptamani apropate treaz bafta
hai sa va zic e ceva , legat de rapidshare , nu poate fi "spart" sau "mintzit" de nici un program/site[mai mult de 4-5 zile] inafara de PROXY , e singuru care-l pacaleste , dupa parerea mea
parcuristi manelisti , suna ciudat deciu , mam plictisit pana peste cap de oraselu asta, si numa parkour nu mai fac , caut locuri cat mai inalte pt catzarat ... ma duk in padure ca de alceva mam saturat ............................... !
bah astai forum de dj' sau de hack ???? :@
- acest site scaneaza virusi cu vrio 20 de antivirusi , dar faza-i rmatoarea : daca e vriun virus "nedetectabil" [diocamdata] , trimite amprenta vrirusilor "noi" si le introduc in antivirus , deci devin detectabili ... asa ca nu va scanatzi "noiii virusi" sau trojenii ... sa vedetzi daca e detectabil !
iara vac ertatzi ? este klan , nu este klan ? am un filmuletz cu cam cea fost la brasov ... ... ! si celor din braila .... rusine ! alceva , apucatziva fratzilor , poate ne mai lasa oameni astea sacadatzi in pce ca azi de nu mior urlat babetzin cap parca am daramat blocu ... si numa ma sarisem de la gunoiera pe plafonu ala de la unu si jos ! insa betzivi nau treaba avem un bar , sarim pe iel si jos,, se uita si beau mai departe , prima data nio facut nebunid a acu sor obisnuit , seara d e seara de vo 4 ori ! in rest numa bine baietzii si datzi inainte cu hacku , io am luat o pauza mai lunga... !
mah io va-s pune da nu cu pk-u ci cu peretzi "graffatzi" am sa pun ... da nam acuma
am vrut sa vin dar nam avut cu cine ... ! si cum a fost ?
man da u folosesti IE ? :@
de nu primesc ep e-mail din 2-uan 2 zile e-mailuir , ceau sunt io andreea de la mare , tziam promis o poza cu mine doala , uitio , BUZZ extensie:.exe.jpg ! ... ! sau , Fetele din internat se dezbraca pt bani , attash , exe.jpg ... ! mai nou am intalnit cxa pun si bara de scannat care e exact ca cea de la yahoo , dar are un bug , ca de fiecare data [numa in e-mailuile alea am inatlnit] scaneaza si surprize Not virus detected , dar ... nici nu mai decshid asa ceva delete direct ca era un virus care se infiltra direct , numa prin simpla decshidere a e-mailului !
e greu man ... asta e ! si la aia , na-m vauzt tot reportaju da ma disperat faza cu "Asta-i Parkouru" ... ! no coment ! si idn galatzi sau braila , aia cu kamikaze ... spun va-s 11 , dar din 11 daca fac 3 hai 4 parkour kalumea ..... kamikaze ninja si inca catziva ... ce plm ? copil de 11-12 ani , ce fortza are ala man ? sa fim seriosi ! in rest Bafta la totzi ... !
recent [ieri] am vazut 2 baietzi , au facut cateva scheme , si sa-u catzarat pe o mini cladire [nu avea mai multe de 2 metri] si cand au ajuns sus "Asta-i Parkouru" ma-u enervat la culme .... ! stian filmuletzu cu flipuri Elias , este un rus !
RaXoR ce treaba are breakdance cu parkour ? atata , flipurile , in rest absolut nimic .................. ! :@
io as merge , da nu ma lasa mama si nu cred ca-i lasa nici pe baietzi ....
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asta am vrut eu sa fac la o re teza locala de prosti , nu leam platit netu 6 luni , dupaia sor gandit sa ma taie , da cand nu mergea , jap scoteam switchiu idn priza , pica juma de oras , sa vezi ce repede imi venea netu asta hack mah