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Career Academy Hacking, Penetration Testing and Counter 17CD
AlucardHao replied to AlucardHao's topic in Tutoriale video
daca imi gasesti un loc destul de mare astfel incat sa le pot uploada toate cele 17 iso-uri cu mare placere le pun.. :wink: -
chiar super interesanta parola....
chiar super interesanta parola....
Certified Ethical Hacker 3.0 Official Course
AlucardHao replied to AlucardHao's topic in Cosul de gunoi
srry.. dau acuma un reupload la iso... asteptati putin... -
dati un reupload la fisier... ca imi da page not found.. pls
AlucardHao replied to gopo's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
citeste de aici [url]https://help.ubuntu.com/community/[/url] si vei gasi ceea ce ai nevoie.. dar in general poti citi orice e in legatura cu linuxul, deoarece aprope 70-80% din comenzi sunt identice.. asa ca mult succesc -
mi mie se pare ca rav e destul de bun.. avand in vedere faptul ca imi detecteaza orice virus... dar il suplimentez si cu un fwall Sygate personal firewall
Certified Ethical Hacker 3.0 Official Course Download: http://rapidshare.de/files/659351/CEH3C.rar.html Password: Certified Ethical Hacker 3.0 Official Course.rar
Marime totala: 4Gb {17CDuri } Release includes: # Featuring live instructor-led classroom sessions with full audio, video and demonstration components # Printable courseware # 300+ Penetration Testing Review Questions # eWorkbook - 725 pages Student eWorkbook developed by Shon Harris Our training videos will show you how to scan, test, hack and secure your own systems. The intensive demonstrations give each student in-depth knowledge and practical experience with the current security systems. You will begin by understanding how perimeter defenses work and then be lead into scanning and attacking your own networks. You will then learn how intruders escalate privileges and what steps can be taken to secure a system. Students will also learn about Penetration Testing and Countermeasures, Intrusion Detection, Policy Creation, Social Engineering, DDoS Attacks, Buffer Overflows and Virus Creation. Author: Michael J Lester - (CISSP, MCSE:Messaging & Security, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, CCNP, CCDP, CCSE+, CCI, CCEA, CTT+, Linux+, Security+, Network+, I-net+, A+) Michael holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology, and is a senior consultant and instructor for MicroLink Corporation. He divides his time between consulting and teaching. In his consulting work he performs security audits, penetration testing, network reconfigurations and design, and general troubleshooting for a range of small to large businesses. He has taught and written curricula for a variety of courses, including bootcamps for Mic*ft and Cisco certification, Check Point, Citrix and IT security, and has worked for IBM Learning Services, the University of Miami and other institutions. For the individual needs of his clients he has created specialized courses that combine several technologies into week-long, hands-on training workshops. Course Detail: Module 1 Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Security 101 Hacking Hall of Fame What are Today's hackers Like? Today's Hackers Risk Management Evolution of Threats Typical Vulnerability Life Cycle What is Ethical Hacking? Rise of the Ethical Hacker Types of Security Test Penetration Test (Pen-test) Red Teams Testing Methodology VMWare Workstation Windows and Linux Running VMWare Linux Is a Must Linux Survival Skills Useful vi Editor Commands Module 1 Review Module 2 Footprinting and Reconnaissance Desired Information Find Information by the Target (Edgar) terraserver.Mic*ft.com Network Reconnaissance & DNS Search Query Whois Databases Command-Line Whois Searches ARIN whois: Search IP Address Blocks SamSpade Tool and Website Internet Presence Look Through Source Code Mirror Website Find Specific Types of Systems Big Brother AltaVista Specific Data Being Available? Anonymizers Countermeasures to Information Leakage Social Engineering DNS Zone Transfer Nslookup command-line utility Zone Transfer from Linux Automated Zone Transfers Zone Transfer Countermeasures www.CheckDNS.net Tracing Out a Network Path tracert Output Free Tools Paratrace War Dialing for Hanging Modems Manual and Automated War Dialing Case Study www.guidedogs.com Footprinting Countermeasures Demo - Footprinting & Info Gathering Module 2 Review Module 3 TCP/IP Basics and Scanning The OSI Model TCP/IP Protocol Suite Layers Encapsulation Data-Link Protocols IP - Internet Protocol, Datagram (Packet) ICMP Packets UDP – User Datagram Protocol UDP Datagram TCP – Transmission Control Protocol TCP Segment TCP/IP 3-Way Handshake and Flags TCP and UDP Ports Ping Sweeps Good Old Ping, Nmap, TCP Ping Sweep TCP Sweep Traffic Captured Unix Pinging Utilities Default TTLs Pinging Countermeasures Port Scanning Nmap Advanced Probing Techniques Scanrand Port Probing Countermeasures Watch Your Own Ports Demo - Scanning Tools Module 3 Review Module 4 Enumeration and Verification Operating System Identification Differences Between OS TCP/IP Stack Nmap -O Active vs Passive Fingerprinting Xprobe/Xprobe2 Countermeasures SNMP Overview SNMP Enumeration SMTP, Finger, and E-mail Aliases Gleaning Information from SMTP SMTP E-mail Alias Enumeration SMTP Enumeration Countermeasures CIFS/SMB Attack Methodology Find Domains and Computers NetBIOS Data NBTscan NULL Session Local and Domain Users Find Shares with net view enum: the All-in-one Winfo and NTInfoScan (ntis.exe) Digging in the Registry NetBIOS Attack Summary NetBIOS Countermeasures What’s this SID Thing Anyway? Common SIDs and RIDs whoami RestrictAnonymous USER2SID/SID2USER psgetsid.exe and UserDump Tool LDAP and Active Directory GUI Tools to Perform the Same Actions Demo - Enumeration Module 4 Review Module 5 Hacking & Defending Wireless/Modems Phone Numbers & Modem Background Phone Reconnaissance Modem Attacks Wireless Reconnaissance Wireless Background Wireless Reconnaissance Continued Wireless Sniffing Cracking WEP Keys Defending Wireless Module 5 Review Module 6 Hacking & Defending Web Servers Web Servers in General: HTTP Uniform Resource Locator: URL Apache Web Server Functionality Apache: Attacking Mis-configurations Apache: Attacking Known Vulnerabilities Defending Apache Web Server Mic*ft Internet Information Server (IIS) IIS: Security Features IIS: Attacking General Problems IIS: IUSER or IWAM Level Access IIS: Administrator or Sys Level Access IIS: Clearing IIS Logs IIS: Defending and Countermeasures Web Server Vulnerability Scanners Demo - Hacking Web Servers Module 6 Review Module 7 Hacking & Defending Web Applications Background on Web Threat & Design Basic Infrastructure Information Information Leaks on Web Pages Hacking over SSL Use the Source, Luke… Functional/Logic Testing Attacking Authentication Attacking Authorization Debug Proxies: @stake webproxy Input Validation Attacks Attacking Session State Attacking Web Clients Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Threats Defending Web Applications Module 7 Review Module 8 Sniffers and Session Hijacking Sniffers Why Are Sniffers so Dangerous? Collision & Broadcast Domains VLANs and Layer-3 Segmentation tcpdump & WinDump Berkley Packet Filter (BPF) Libpcap & WinPcap BUTTSniffing Tool and dSniff Ethereal Mitigation of Sniffer Attacks Antisniff ARP Poisoning MAC Flooding DNS and IP Spoofing Session Hijacking Sequence Numbers Hunt Ettercap Source Routing Hijack Countermeasures Demo - Sniffers Module 8 Review Module 9 Hacking & Defending Windows Systems Physical Attacks LANMan Hashes and Weaknesses WinNT Hash and Weaknesses Look for Guest, Temp, Joe Accounts Direct Password Attacks Before You Crack: Enum Tool Finding More Account Information Cracking Passwords Grabbing the SAM Crack the Obtained SAM LSA Secrets and Trusts Using the Newly Guessed Password Bruteforcing Other Services Operating System Attacks Hiding Tracks: Clearing Logs Hardening Windows Systems Strong 3-Factor Authentication Creating Strong Passwords Authentication Windows Account Lockouts Auditing Passwords File Permissions Demo - Attacking Windows Systems Module 9 Review Module 10 Hacking & Defending Unix Systems Physical Attacks on Linux Password Cracking Brute Force Password Attacks Stack Operation Race Condition Errors Format String Errors File System Attacks Hiding Tracks Single User Countermeasure Strong Authentication Single Sign-On Technologies Account Lockouts Shadow Password Files Buffer Overflow Countermeasures LPRng Countermeasures Tight File Permissions Hiding Tracks Countermeasures Removing Unnecessary Applications DoS Countermeasures Hardening Scripts Using SSH & VPNs to Prevent Sniffing Demo - Attacking Unix Systems Module 10 Review Module 11 Rootkits, Backdoors, Trojans & Tunnels Types Of Rootkits A Look at LRK Examples of Trojaned Files Windows NT Rootkits NT Rootkit AFX Windows Rootkit 2003 Rootkit Prevention Unix Rootkit Prevention Windows netcat netcat: Useful Unix Commands netcat: What it Looks Like VNC-Virtual Network Computing Backdoor Defenses Trojans Back Orifice 2000 NetBus SubSeven Defenses to Trojans Tunneling Loki Other Tunnels Q-2.4 by Mixter Starting Up Malicious Code Defenses Against Tunnels Manually Deleting Logs Tools to Modify Logs Demo - Trojans Module 11 Review Module 12 Denial of Service and Botnets Denial-of-Service Attacks CPUHog Ping of Death Teardrop Attacks Jolt2 Smurf Attacks SYN Attacks UDP Floods Distributed DoS DDoS Tool: Trin00 Other DDoS Variation History of Botnets Anatomy of a Botnet Some Common Bots Demo - Denial of Service Module 12 Review Module 13 Automated Pen Testing Tools General: Definitions General:What? General: Why? Core Impact™ Framework Core Impact™ Operation Canvas™ Framework Canvas™ Operation Metasploit Framework Metasploit Operation Demo - Automated Pen Testing Module 13 Review Module 14 Intrusion Detection Systems Types of IDSs Network IDSs Distributed IDSs (DIDSs) Anomaly Detection Signature Detection Common IDS Software Products Introduction to Snort Attacking an IDS Eluding Techniques Testing an IDS Hacking Tool - NIDSbench Hacking Tool - Fragroute Hacking Tool - SideStep Hacking Tool - ADMmutate Other IDS Evasion Tools Demo - IDS and Snort Module 14 Review Module 15 Firewalls Firewall Types Application Layer Gateways ALGs (Proxies) Stateful Inspection Engine Hybrid Firewall Host-Based Firewall Network-Based Firewall DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) Back-to-Back Firewalls Bastion Hosts Control Traffic Flow Multiple DMZs Controlling Traffic Flow Why Do I Need a Firewall? What Should I Filter? Egress Filtering Network Address Translation (NAT) Firewall Vulnerabilities IPTables/NetFilter Default Tables and Chains iptables Syntax 1 iptables Syntax 2 Sample IPTables Script 1 Sample IPTables Script 2 Persistent Firewalls Firewall Identification Firewalk Tunneling with Loki Tunneling with NetCat/CryptCat Port Redirection with Fpipe Denial-of-Service Attacks Risk? Demo - Firewalls and IP Tables Module 15 Review Module 16 Honeypots and Honeynets What Is a Honeypot? Advantages and Disadvantages Types and Categories of Honeypots Honeypot: Tarpits Honeypot: Kfsensor Honeypot: Honeyd Sample Honeyd Configuration High-Interaction Honeypot Project HoneyNet Types of Honeynets The Main Difference is Data Control GEN II Data Control: Honeywall CD Gen II Data Capture: Sebek & Sebek II Automated Alerting Testing Legal Issues Demo - Setting up a Honeypot Module 16 Review Module 17 Ethics and Legal Issues The Costs Relation to Ethical Hacking? The Dual Nature of Tools Good Instead of Evil? Recognizing Trouble When It Happens Emulating the Attack Security Does Not Like Complexity Proper and Ethical Disclosure CERT’s Current Process Full Disclosure Policy Organization for Internet Safety (OIS) What Should We Do from Here? Legal Meets Information Systems Addressing Individual Laws 18 USC SECTION 1029 18 USC SECTION 1030 1030: Worms and Viruses Blaster Worm Attacks Civil vs. Criminal 18 USC SECTIONS 2510 and 2701 Digital Millennium Copyright Act Cyber Security Enhancement Act Module 17 Review Course Closure Download from fast server and no restrict with max speed up to 15Mb/s Quote: Module.17.Ethics.and.Legal.Issues-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6840462/UDK_17.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6728633/UDK_17.r00.html Module.16.Honeypots.and.Honeynets-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6728267/UDK_16.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6726954/UDK_16.r00.html Module.15.Firewalls-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6726260/UDK_15.rar.html pass: KELCYRA4EVER@UDK http://rapidshare.com/files/6725396/UDK_15.r01.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6725197/UDK_15.r00.html Module.14.Intrusion.Detection.Systems-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6724069/UDK_14.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6722015/UDK_14.r00.html Module.13.Automated.Pen.Testing.Tools-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6720596/UDK_13.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6719802/UDK_13.r00.html Module.12.Denial.of.Service.and.Botnets-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6719274/UDK_12.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6718584/UDK_12.r00.html Module.11.Rootkits.Backdoors.Trojans.Tunnels-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6718324/UDK_11.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6717488/UDK_11.r00.html Module.10.Hacking.Defending.Unix.Systems-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6717040/UDK_10.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6716095/UDK_10.r01.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6715972/UDK_10.r00.html Module.9.Hacking.Defending.Windows.Systems-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6715069/UDK_09.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6713938/UDK_09.r00.html Module.8.Sniffers.and.Session.Hijacking-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6713247/UDK_08.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6712499/UDK_08.r00.html Module.7.Hacking.Defending.Web.Applications-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6711979/UDK_07.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6711299/UDK_07.r00.html Module.6.Hacking.Defending.Web.Servers-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6710708/UDK_06.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6709868/UDK_06.r01.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6709625/UDK_06.r00.html Module.5.Hacking.Defending.Wireless.Modems-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6708894/UDK_05.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6708175/UDK_05.r00.html Module.4.Enumeration.and.Verification-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6708011/UDK_04.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6707208/UDK_04.r01.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6706652/UDK_04.r00.html Module.3.TCP.IP.Basics.and.Scanning-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6705955/UDK_03.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6705537/UDK_03.r01.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6705496/UDK_03.r00.html Module.2.Footprinting.and.Reconnaissance-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6705071/UDK_02.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6704509/UDK_02.r01.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6704019/UDK_02.r00.html Module.1.Ethical.Hacking.and.Penetration.Testing-LiBiSO http://rapidshare.com/files/6703435/UDK_01.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6702722/UDK_01.r02.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6702600/UDK_01.r01.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6702161/UDK_01.r00.html check files: http://rapidshare.com/files/6701699/sfv.sfv.html http://rapidshare.com/files/6701698/md5.md5.html pass: KELCYRA4EVER@UDK
Package Includes: Featuring live instructor-led classroom sessions with full audio, video and demonstration components Printable courseware 300+ Penetration Testing Review Questions eWorkbook - 725 pages Student eWorkbook by Logical Security Module 1 Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Security 101 Hacking Hall of Fame What are Today's hackers Like? Today's Hackers Risk Management Evolution of Threats Typical Vulnerability Life Cycle What is Ethical Hacking? Rise of the Ethical Hacker Types of Security Test Penetration Test (Pen-test) Red Teams Testing Methodology VMWare Workstation Wind0wz and Linux Running VMWare Linux Is a Must Linux Survival Skills Useful vi Editor Commands Module 1 Review Module 2 Footprinting and Reconnaissance Desired Information Find Information by the Target (Edgar) terraserver.M'***zoft.com Network Reconnaissance & DNS Search Query Whois Databases Command-Line Whois Searches ARIN whois: Search IP Address Blocks SamSpade Tool and Website Internet Presence Look Through Source Code Mirror Website Find Specific Types of Systems Big Brother AltaV_I_S_T_A Specific Data Being Available? Anonymizers Countermeasures to Information Leakage Social Engineering DNS Zone Transfer Nslookup command-line utility Zone Transfer from Linux Automated Zone Transfers Zone Transfer Countermeasures www.CheckDNS.net Tracing Out a Network Path tracert Output Free Tools Paratrace War Dialing for Hanging Modems Manual and Automated War Dialing Case Study www.guidedogs.com Footprinting Countermeasures Demo - Footprinting & Info Gathering Module 2 Review Module 3 TCP/IP Basics and Scanning The OSI Model TCP/IP Protocol Suite Layers Encapsulation Data-Link Protocols IP - Internet Protocol, Datagram (Packet) ICMP Packets UDP – User Datagram Protocol UDP Datagram TCP – Transmission Control Protocol TCP Segment TCP/IP 3-Way Handshake and Flags TCP and UDP Ports Ping Sweeps Good Old Ping, Nmap, TCP Ping Sweep TCP Sweep Traffic Captured Unix Pinging Utilities Default TTLs Pinging Countermeasures Port Scanning Nmap Advanced Probing Techniques Scanrand Port Probing Countermeasures Watch Your Own Ports Demo - Scanning Tools Module 3 Review Module 4 Enumeration and Verification Operating System Identification Differences Between OS TCP/IP Stack Nmap -O Active vs Passive Fingerprinting Xprobe/Xprobe2 Countermeasures SNMP Overview SNMP Enumeration SMTP, Finger, and E-mail Aliases Gleaning Information from SMTP SMTP E-mail Alias Enumeration SMTP Enumeration Countermeasures CIFS/SMB Attack Methodology Find Domains and Computers NetBIOS Data NBTscan NULL Session Local and Domain Users Find Shares with net view enum: the All-in-one Winfo and NTInfoScan (ntis.exe) Digging in the Registry NetBIOS Attack Summary NetBIOS Countermeasures What’s this SID Thing Anyway? Common SIDs and RIDs whoami RestrictAnonymous USER2SID/SID2USER psgetsid.exe and UserDump Tool LDAP and Active Directory GUI Tools to Perform the Same Actions Demo - Enumeration Module 4 Review Module 5 Hacking & Defending Wireless/Modems Phone Numbers & Modem Background Phone Reconnaissance Modem Attacks Wireless Reconnaissance Wireless Background Wireless Reconnaissance Continued Wireless Sniffing Cracking WEP Keys Defending Wireless Module 5 Review Module 6 Hacking & Defending Web Servers Web Servers in General: HTTP Uniform Resource Locator: URL Apache Web Server Functionality Apache: Attacking Mis-configurations Apache: Attacking Known Vulnerabilities Defending Apache Web Server M'***zoft Internet Information Server (IIS) IIS: Security Features IIS: Attacking General Problems IIS: IUSER or IWAM Level Access IIS: Administrator or Sys Level Access IIS: Clearing IIS Logs IIS: Defending and Countermeasures Web Server Vulnerability Scanners Demo - Hacking Web Servers Module 6 Review Module 7 Hacking & Defending Web Applications Background on Web Threat & Design Basic Infrastructure Information Information Leaks on Web Pages Hacking over SSL Use the Source, Luke… Functional/Logic Testing Attacking Authentication Attacking Authorization Debug Proxies: @stake webproxy Input Validation Attacks Attacking Session State Attacking Web Clients Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Threats Defending Web Applications Module 7 Review Module 8 Sniffers and Session Hijacking Sniffers Why Are Sniffers so Dangerous? Collision & Broadcast Domains VLANs and Layer-3 Segmentation tcpdump & WinDump Berkley Packet Filter (BPF) Libpcap & WinPcap BUTTSniffing Tool and dSniff Ethereal Mitigation of Sniffer Attacks Antisniff ARP Poisoning MAC Flooding DNS and IP Spoofing Session Hijacking Sequence Numbers Hunt Ettercap Source Routing Hijack Countermeasures Demo - Sniffers Module 8 Review Module 9 Hacking & Defending Wind0wz Systems Physical Attacks LANMan Hashes and Weaknesses WinNT Hash and Weaknesses Look for Guest, Temp, Joe Accounts Direct Password Attacks Before You Crack: Enum Tool Finding More Account Information Cracking Passwords Grabbing the SAM Crack the Obtained SAM LSA Secrets and Trusts Using the Newly Guessed Password Bruteforcing Other Services Operating System Attacks Hiding Tracks: Clearing Logs Hardening Wind0wz Systems Strong 3-Factor Authentication Creating Strong Passwords Authentication Wind0wz Account Lockouts Auditing Passwords File Permissions Demo - Attacking Wind0wz Systems Module 9 Review Module 10 Hacking & Defending Unix Systems Physical Attacks on Linux Password Cracking Brute Force Password Attacks Stack Operation Race Condition Errors Format String Errors File System Attacks Hiding Tracks Single User Countermeasure Strong Authentication Single Sign-On Technologies Account Lockouts Shadow Password Files Buffer Overflow Countermeasures LPRng Countermeasures Tight File Permissions Hiding Tracks Countermeasures Removing Unnecessary Applications DoS Countermeasures Hardening Scripts Using SSH & VPNs to Prevent Sniffing Demo - Attacking Unix Systems Module 10 Review Module 11 Rootkits, Backdoors, Trojans & Tunnels Types Of Rootkits A Look at LRK Examples of Trojaned Files Wind0wz NT Rootkits NT Rootkit AFX Wind0wz Rootkit 2003 Rootkit Prevention Unix Rootkit Prevention Wind0wz netcat netcat: Useful Unix Commands netcat: What it Looks Like VNC-Virtual Network Computing Backdoor Defenses Trojans Back Orifice 2000 NetBus SubSeven Defenses to Trojans Tunneling Loki Other Tunnels Q-2.4 by Mixter Starting Up Malicious Code Defenses Against Tunnels Manually Deleting Logs Tools to Modify Logs Demo - Trojans Module 11 Review Module 12 Denial of Service and Botnets Denial-of-Service Attacks CPUHog Ping of Death Teardrop Attacks Jolt2 Smurf Attacks SYN Attacks UDP Floods Distributed DoS DDoS Tool: Trin00 Other DDoS Variation History of Botnets Anatomy of a Botnet Some Common Bots Demo - Denial of Service Module 12 Review Module 13 Automated Pen Testing Tools General: Definitions General:What? General: Why? Core Impact™ Framework Core Impact™ Operation Canvas™ Framework Canvas™ Operation Metasploit Framework Metasploit Operation Demo - Automated Pen Testing Module 13 Review Module 14 Intrusion Detection Systems Types of IDSs Network IDSs Distributed IDSs (DIDSs) Anomaly Detection Signature Detection Common IDS Software Products Introduction to Snort Attacking an IDS Eluding Techniques Testing an IDS Hacking Tool - NIDSbench Hacking Tool - Fragroute Hacking Tool - SideStep Hacking Tool - ADMmutate Other IDS Evasion Tools Demo - IDS and Snort Module 14 Review Module 15 Firewalls Firewall Types Application Layer Gateways ALGs (Proxies) Stateful Inspection Engine Hybrid Firewall Host-Based Firewall Network-Based Firewall DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) Back-to-Back Firewalls Bastion Hosts Control Traffic Flow Multiple DMZs Controlling Traffic Flow Why Do I Need a Firewall? What Should I Filter? Egress Filtering Network Address Translation (NAT) Firewall Vulnerabilities IPTables/NetFilter Default Tables and Chains iptables Syntax 1 iptables Syntax 2 Sample IPTables Script 1 Sample IPTables Script 2 Persistent Firewalls Firewall Identification Firewalk Tunneling with Loki Tunneling with NetCat/CryptCat Port Redirection with Fpipe Denial-of-Service Attacks Risk? Demo - Firewalls and IP Tables Module 15 Review Module 16 Honeypots and Honeynets What Is a Honeypot? Advantages and Disadvantages Types and Categories of Honeypots Honeypot: Tarpits Honeypot: Kfsensor Honeypot: Honeyd Sample Honeyd Configuration High-Interaction Honeypot Project HoneyNet Types of Honeynets The Main Difference is Data Control GEN II Data Control: Honeywall CD Gen II Data Capture: Sebek & Sebek II Automated Alerting Testing Legal Issues Demo - Setting up a Honeypot Module 16 Review Module 17 Ethics and Legal Issues The Costs Relation to Ethical Hacking? The Dual Nature of Tools Good Instead of Evil? Recognizing Trouble When It Happens Emulating the Attack Security Does Not Like Complexity Proper and Ethical Disclosure CERT’s Current Process Full Disclosure Policy Organization for Internet Safety (OIS) What Should We Do from Here? Legal Meets Information Systems Addressing Individual Laws 18 USC SECTION 1029 18 USC SECTION 1030 1030: Worms and Viruses Blaster Worm Attacks Civil vs. Criminal 18 USC SECTIONS 2510 and 2701 Digital Millennium Copyright Act Cyber Security Enhancement Act Module 17 Review Course Closure CODE CD1.Ethical.Hacking.and.Penetration [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24150271/Module_1.part01.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24150273/Module_1.part02.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24150275/Module_1.part03.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24150276/Module_1.part04.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24159635/Module_1.part05.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24159637/Module_1.part06.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24159638/Module_1.part07.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24159639/Module_1.part08.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24163957/Module_1.part09.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24163959/Module_1.part10.rar[/url] CD2 Footprinting and Reconnaissance [code] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24168655/Module_2.part01.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24168656/Module_2.part02.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24168657/Module_2.part03.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24168658/Module_2.part04.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24174114/Module_2.part05.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24174115/Module_2.part06.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24310589/Module_2.part07.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24310590/Module_2.part08.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24310591/Module_2.part09.rar[/url] CD3 TCP/IP Basics and Scanning [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24321107/mod.3.part1.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24321109/mod.3.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24339724/mod.3.part3.rar[/url] CD4 Enumeration and Verification [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/25291513/module.4.part1.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/25291516/module.4.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/25297786/module.4.part3.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/25297787/module.4.part4.rar[/url] CD5 Hacking & Defending Wireless/Modems [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24480780/module_5.part1.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24480781/module_5.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24480784/module_5.part3.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24480785/module_5.part4.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24480786/module_5.part5.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/24480787/module_5.part6.rar[/url] CD6 Hacking & Defending Web Servers [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28925031/Module.6.Hacking.Defending.Web.Servs.part01.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28925032/Module.6.Hacking.Defending.Web.Servs.part02.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28925034/Module.6.Hacking.Defending.Web.Servs.part03.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28925035/Module.6.Hacking.Defending.Web.Servs.part04.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28931012/Module.6.Hacking.Defending.Web.Servs.part05.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28931013/Module.6.Hacking.Defending.Web.Servs.part06.rar[/url] CD7.Hacking.Defending.Web.Applications [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/26188740/Module.7.part1.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/26188742/Module.7.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/26196529/Module.7.part3.rar[/url] CD8. .Sniffers.and.Session.Hijacking [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/26196533/Module.8.part1.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/26360406/Module.8.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/26360407/Module.8.part3.rar[/url] CD9.Hacking.Defending.Wind0wz.Systems [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/26370153/Module.9.part1.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/26376136/Module.9.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/26370156/Module.9.part3.rar[/url] CD10.Hacking.Defending.Unix.Systems [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28216732/Module_10.part01.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28216733/Module_10.part02.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28216734/Module_10.part03.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28216735/Module_10.part04.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28216737/Module_10.part05.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28216740/Module_10.part06.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28222043/Module_10.part07.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28222044/Module_10.part08.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28222045/Module_10.part09.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28222046/Module_10.part10.rar[/url] CD .11.Rootkits.Backdoors.Trojans.Tunnels [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28236225/Module_11.part01.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28236226/Module_11.part02.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28236228/Module_11.part03.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28236229/Module_11.part04.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28236231/Module_11.part05.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28236233/Module_11.part06.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28238956/Module_11.part07.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28238959/Module_11.part08.rar[/url] CD.12.Denial.of.Service.and.Botnets [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28250428/Module_12.part1.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28250430/Module_12.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28250431/Module_12.part3.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28250432/Module_12.part4.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28250433/Module_12.part5.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28250434/Module_12.part6.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28250435/Module_12.part7.rar[/url] CD.13..Automated.Pen.Testing.Tools [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28259605/Module.13.part01.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28259607/Module.13.part02.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28259608/Module.13.part03.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28259610/Module.13.part04.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28259612/Module.13.part05.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28259613/Module.13.part06.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28259614/Module.13.part07.rar[/url] CD.14.Intrusion.Detection.Systems [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28268932/Module_14.part01.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28268933/Module_14.part02.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28268935/Module_14.part03.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28268936/Module_14.part04.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28268937/Module_14.part05.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28268938/Module_14.part06.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28275713/Module_14.part07.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28275714/Module_14.part08.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28275715/Module_14.part09.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28275716/Module_14.part10.rar[/url] CD .15.Firewalls [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28283458/Module_15.part01.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28283459/Module_15.part02.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28283460/Module_15.part03.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28283461/Module_15.part04.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28283464/Module_15.part05.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28283465/Module_15.part06.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28338024/Module_15.part07.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28338028/Module_15.part08.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28338029/Module_15.part09.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28338030/Module_15.part10.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28338032/Module_15.part11.rar[/url] CD. 16.Honeypots.and.Honeynets [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28345006/Module_16.part01.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28345007/Module_16.part02.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28345008/Module_16.part03.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28345009/Module_16.part04.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28345010/Module_16.part05.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28345011/Module_16.part06.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28354433/Module_16.part07.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28354435/Module_16.part08.rar[/url] CD. 17 .Ethics.and.Legal.Issues Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/28354436/Module_17.part1.rar [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28354437/Module_17.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28354438/Module_17.part3.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28354439/Module_17.part4.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28357536/Module_17.part5.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28357537/Module_17.part6.rar[/url] PASS included in rar file description
sper sa fie de folos tuturor.. punetiva tare pe linux authentication /usr/bin/auth/ freeradius 0.9.3 : GPL RADIUS server encryption /usr/bin/crypto/ 2c2 : multiple plaintext -> one ciphertext 4c : as with 2c2 (think plausible deniability) acfe : traditional cryptanalysis (like Vigenere) cryptcat : netcat + encryption gifshuffle : stego tool for gif images gpg 1.2.3 : GNU Privacy Guard ike-scan : VPN fingerprinting mp3stego : stego tool for mp3 openssl 0.9.7c outguess : stego tool stegbreak : brute-force stego'ed JPG stegdetect : discover stego'ed JPG sslwrap : SSL wrapper stunnel : SSL wrapper super-freeSWAN 1.99.8 : kernel IPSEC support texto : make gpg ascii-armour look like weird English xor-analyze : another "intro to crytanalysis" tool forensics /usr/bin/forensics/ sleuthkit 1.66 : extensions to The Coroner's Toolkit forensic toolbox. autopsy 1.75 : Web front-end to TASK. Evidence Locker defaults to /mnt/evidence biew : binary viewer bsed : binary stream editor consh : logged shell (from F.I.R.E.) coreography : analyze core files dcfldd : US DoD Computer Forensics Lab version of dd fenris : code debugging, tracing, decompiling, reverse engineering tool fatback : Undelete FAT files foremost : recover specific file types from disk images (like all JPG files) ftimes : system baseline tool (be proactive) galleta : recover Internet Explorer cookies hashdig : dig through hash databases hdb : java decompiler mac-robber : TCT's graverobber written in C md5deep : run md5 against multiple files/directories memfetch : force a memory dump pasco : browse IE index.dat photorec : grab files from digital cameras readdbx : convert Outlook Express .dbx files to mbox format readoe : convert entire Outlook Express .directory to mbox format rifiuti : browse Windows Recycle Bin INFO2 files secure_delete : securely delete files, swap, memory.... testdisk : test and recover lost partitions wipe : wipe a partition securely. good for prep'ing a partition for dd and other typical system tools used for forensics (dd, lsof, strings, grep, etc.) firewall /usr/bin/fw/ blockall : script to block all inbound TCP (excepting localhost) flushall : flush all firewall rules firestarter : quick way to a firewall firewalk : map a firewall's rulebase floppyfw : turn a floppy into a firewall fwlogwatch : monitor firewall logs iptables 1.2.8 gtk-iptables : GUI front-end shorewall 1.4.8-RC1 : iptables based package honeypots /usr/bin/honeypot/ honeyd 0.7 labrea : tarpit (slow to a crawl) worms and port scanners thp : tiny honeypot ids /usr/bin/ids/ snort 2.1.0: everyone's favorite networks IDS ACID : snort web frontend barnyard : fast snort log processor oinkmaster : keep your snort rules up to date hogwash : access control based on snort sigs bro : network IDS prelude : network and host IDS WIDZ : wireless IDS, ap and probe monitor aide : host baseline tool, tripwire-esque logsnorter : log monitor swatch : monitor any file, oh like say syslog sha1sum md5sum syslogd network utilities /usr/bin/net-utils/ LinNeighboorhood : browse SMB networks like windows network neighborhood argus : network auditor arpwatch : keep track of the MACs on your wire cdpr : cisco discovery protocol reporter cheops : snmp, network discovery and monitor tool etherape : network monitor and visualization tool iperf : measure IP performance ipsc : IP subnet calculator iptraf : network monitor mrtg : multi router traffic grapher mtr : traceroute tool ntop 2.1.0 : network top, protocol analyzer rrdtool : round robin database samba : opensource SMB support tcptrack : track existing connections password tools /usr/bin/pwd-tools/ john 1.6.34 : John the Ripper password cracker allwords2 : CERIAS's 27MB English dictionary chntpw : reset passwords on a Windows box (including Administrator) cisilia : distributed password cracker cmospwd : find local CMOS password djohn : distributed John the Ripper pwl9x : crack Win9x password files rcrack : rainbow crack servers /usr/bin/servers apache ircd-hybrid samba smail sshd vnc net-snmp tftpd xinetd packet sniffers /usr/bin/sniff/ aimSniff : sniff AIM traffic driftnet : sniffs for images dsniff : sniffs for cleartext passwords (thanks Dug) ethereal 0.10.0 : the standard. includes tethereal ettercap 0.6.b : sniff on a switched network and more. filesnarf : grab files out of NFS traffic mailsnarf : sniff smtp/pop traffic msgsnarf : sniff aol-im, msn, yahoo-im, irc, icq traffic ngrep : network grep, a sniffer with grep filter capabilities tcpdump : the core of it all urlsnarf : log all urls visited on the wire webspy : mirror all urls visited by a host in your local browser tcp tools /usr/bin/tcp-tools/ arpfetch : fetch MAC arping : ping by MAC arpspoof : spoof arp arpwatch : montior MAC addresses on the wire despoof : detect spoofed packets via TTL measurement excalibur : packet generator file2cable : replay a packet capture fragroute : packet fragmentation tool (thanks again Dug) gspoof : packet generator hopfake : spoof hopcount replies hunt : tcp hijacker ipmagic : packet generator lcrzoex : suite of tcp tools macof : flood a switch with MACs packetto : Dan Kaminsky's suite of tools (includes 1.10 and 2.0pre3) netsed : insert and replace strings in live traffic packETH : packet generator tcpkill : die tcp, die! tcpreplay : replay packet captures tunnels /usr/bin/tunnels/ cryptcat : encrypted netcat httptunnel : tunnel data over http icmpshell : tunnel data over icmp netcat : the incomparable tcp swiss army knife shadyshell : tunnel data over udp stegtunnel : hide data in TCP/IP headers tcpstatflow : detect data tunnels tiny shell : small encrypted shell vulnerability assessment /usr/bin/vuln-test/ Way too many to list them all. There's much from THC, ADM, RFP, NMRC, TESO, Phenoelit. Be very careful with these tools. Remember, no guarantees are offered and you are entirely responsible for your own actions. ADM tools : like ADM-smb and ADMkillDNS amap 4.5 : maps applications running on remote hosts IRPAS : Internet Routing Protocol Attack Suite chkrootkit 0.43 : look for rootkits clamAV : virus scanner. update your signatures live with freshclam curl : commandline utility for transferring anything with a URL exodus : web application auditor ffp : fuzzy fingerprinter for encrypted connections firewalk : map a firewall rulebase hydra : brute force tool nbtscan : scan SMB networks ncpquery : scan NetWare servers nessus 2.0.9 : vulnerability scanner. update your plugins live with nessus-update-plugins nikto : CGI scanner nmap 3.48 : the standard in host/port enumeration p0f : passive OS fingerprinter proxychains: chain together multiple proxy servers rpcinfo : hmmmm.... info from RPC? screamingCobra : CGI scanner siege : http testing and benchmarking utility sil : tiny banner grabber snot : replay snort rules back onto the wire. test your ids/incidence response/etc. syslog_deluxe : spoof syslog messages thcrut : THC's "r you there?" network mapper vmap : maps application versions warscan : exploit automation tool xprobe2 : uses ICMP for fingerprinting yaph : yet another proxy hunter zz : zombie zapper kills DDoS zombies wireless tools /usr/bin/wireless/ airsnarf : rogue AP setup utility airsnort : sniff, find, crack 802.11b airtraf : 802.11b network performance analyzer gpsdrive : use GPS and maps kismet 3.0.1 : for 802.11 what else do you need? kismet-log-viewer : manage your kismet logs macchanger : change your MAC address wellenreiter : 802.11b discovery and auditing patched orinoco drivers : automatic (no scripts necessary) misc No, there is no root password. Try "sudo cmd" or "sudo su root" or just type in "rootme". Firebird is pre-populated with security related bookmarks. The fluxbox keys file is prepopulated with the following settings: Alt-F1 : first workspace Alt-F2 : second workspace Alt-F3 : third workspace Alt-F4 : fourth workspace Alt-F5 : root shell Alt-F6 : root filemanager Alt-F7 : mozilla firebird Alt-F8 : text editor Alt-F9 : nmap Alt-F10 : nessus Alt-F11 : ethereal Alt-F12 : blockall inbound TCP User Mode Linux : /usr/bin/uml : boot a virtual Linux machine OpenMosix : clustering technology built into the kernel Limited NTFS RW support built into the kernel toram and tohd cheatcodes : copy the filesystem to ram or a harddrive at boot and free up the CD drive. GTKeyboard : mouse driven keyboard to bypass hardware keyboard Download: [url]http://mirror.betadome.com/rescue/knoppix-std/knoppix-std-0.1.iso[/url]
asta ce fac.. ii dau burn cu nero pe un cd?
O problema cu un joc ...:( va rog ajutati`ma
AlucardHao replied to darkboy's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
sau o alta problema ar putea fi motorul de grafica folosit.. pune directx 9 in caz ca nu ai.. si verifica-ti registri ca sa nu fie prea incarcati si sa dai si un defragment pe partitii(pe toate) si parerea mea ca dupa ce faci toate astea o sa mearga excelent. programu recomandat de mine pt inlaturarea registrilor nefolositori si care ingreuneaza calcu e EasyCleaner linku e: http://baixaki.ig.com.br/download/Easy-Cleaner.htm il instalezi... intri in el si dai pe registry... astepti sa termine de scanat tot apoi dai select all si delete... la fel faci si pentru fisierele care nusunt necesare in calculator sau sunt dublate... e f bun programelu si te ajuta in materie de curatare registri.. -
Reset all your windows system accounts pass to no pass USB!!
AlucardHao replied to Sub_Zero's topic in Programe hacking
da un reupload la fissier... pls.. -
Sothink swf decompiler e un decompilator foarte bun pt flash.. treansforma swf-urile in flauri... cu tot cu cod sursa/animatii/fonturi... fara a modifica continutul swf-ului... http://depositfiles.com/files/968762 pt a-l face full NAME:Alucard Team SERIAL:000014-VYNZ10-HCFEQF-0UJ86R-PV06VD-D009VC-Z81MJR-K7869Q-52K8R3-31J8X9
Ce distributie folositi?
AlucardHao replied to Fila's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
salut...dak as putea sa imi dau si eu cu parearea e in felul urmator: 1) incepatorii sa inceapa cu un live cd de la knoppix/hoppix/ubuntu pentru a invata comenzile de vaza si cum sa se descurce pe o platforma linux si sa lucreze pe toate tipurile de interfete: linie de comanda(care e pentru cei de nivel mediu de obicei; dar daca te obisnuieti e perfect ; X windows gmone si kde) 2)pt. cei de nivel medu eu as recomanda phlak/red hat 8(red hat 9 are o gramada de bug-uri); suse indiferent de versiune 3)Iar pt cei cu adevarat avansati le recomand din inima freebsd(dar tre sa invete singuri cum se manuieste deoarece nu exista la ora actuala foarte multe tutoriale sau carti legate de freebsd) Eu unul folosesc whoppix si freebsd; deoarece inv si fratemiu sa lucr pe linux asa ca acestea is sfaturile mele in legatura cu distributiile de linux si cam care ar fi cele mai recomandate de toti utilizatorii LUG de aici din IASI -
Ok first off I’d like to say 2 things: 1. This guide is only intended for people who want to learn 2. I don’t condone releasing viruses in any way Taking the above into consideration I’d like to say welcome to the world of virus programming I’m hoping upon reading this you well become as fascinated by viruses as I am and continue to study and write new unique viruses. Most of the virus writing guides I’ve seen are lengthy, boring and out of date, this guide will try to be the opposite short, fun and to the point. Now this is what you will need to start programming: Win32 API Reference <- Not Required but very helpful A C++ Compiler – I Recommend DEV for people who do not wish to buy and Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 for people with money and serious programmers, however DEV works fine. Even if you have never programmed before you should be able to carry along with this one, but it helps if you know a little bit of C++. Ok lets begin fire up DEV or MSVC and select new Win32 GUI for DEV users and Win32 for MSVC. Now with DEV it makes some generated code for GUI apps, delete it all leaving something like this: Now compile and run the code nothing should happen (if a black window pops up it means you didn’t goto win32) The reason nothing happened is because or program doesn’t do anything. It runs and exits we need to make it do something first of all add this code to the project in between the { } and before return 0;. MessageBox(NULL,”Hello”,”Messagebox Example”,MB_OK); Now compile and run the program again A message box should pop up, cool ay? But its not much of a virus lets make it do some cool stuff. Add the following code to your project: Once again make sure the code is before return 0; and the { }.Ok compile and run the code, now open up the system32 directory in you windows folder (for those who don’t know goto run in the startbar and type: %windir%\system32 Ok look for a file called virus.exe in the system32 folder. Don’t believe me that its our virus? Run the file it should come up with a message box saying “Hello”. Cool is it not? Ok time to explain how this works: char sytem[MAX_PATH]; This is the buffer to hold the system32 directory. char pathtofile[MAX_PATH]; This is the buffer to hold the path to our virus. HMODULE GetModH = GetModuleHandle(NULL); This one my be hard to grasp for some but bare with me. GetModH holds the handle to our virus GetModuleHandle() gets the handle and stores it there. GetModuleFileName(GetModH,pathtofile,sizeof(pathtofile)); This gets the FileName of our virus using the handle we got before and storing the path to it in pathtofile. GetSystemDirectory(system,sizeof(system)); Basically this finds out what your system directory is. Remember not everyone’s window’s directory is c:\windows\system32. Mine is d:\winnt\system32 on this box, the reason for this is we want to copy to an existent system32 directory. strcat(system,”\\virus.exe”); Ok we have the system32 directory c:\windows\system32 or whatever now we need a place to copy to. This function binds to strings together to form one. So our system buffer now says: c:\windows\system32\virus.exe or whatever the case maybe. Note \\ is not a typo \\ is how c++ interprets \. A single \ is seen by c++ as an escape character and if you have one your virus will not work! CopyFile(pathtofile,system,false); Pretty self explanatory copy from were our virus is to were we want it to be. What false means if virus.exe already exists it will copy over it, to stop this change false to true (leave it as false for this tutorial). Ok that’s it next we are going add code so it will startup when the computer boots. We are going to use an 3 API calls to accomplish this RegOpenKeyEx(); This opens the key we want to write to RegSetValueEx(); This sets our value RegCloseKey(); This closes the key Time to add code to our fledgling virus: Ok obviously this is going to need an more of an explanation than before. HKEY hKey is the buffer that holds the data for calls to the registry nothing else about this except you need it. RegOpenKeyEx Opens the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run this is the key for starting up for all users which is what we want. 0 is reserved and needs to stay 0. We want to open up the key with set permissions that’s why we use KEY_SET_VALUE. And then we add the buffer. The next call: hKey is the buffer “Writing to the registry example” is the message to appear in the key you can change this to something less obviously like “Windows Update” or “Norton Security Shield” anyway be creative. The next zero is the same as above reserved needs to stay 0. REG_SZ is the type of key we want. There are other types like REG_BINARY and REG_DWORD but we are using REG_SZ which is for text. (const unsigned char*) formats our string to a const unsigned char * because it doesn’t accept normal chars. system is the buffer that holds the path to our virus and the final part is the size of the string, this is calculated automatically by using sizeof. The next call closes the registry key. Ok add this to you code so it looks something like: Now run you code and open up regedit and browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run there should be a new key in the area to the right our key! Now comes the fun part of writing a virus the payload! This could be anywhere from a DdoS to making the cursor jump around the screen. Note destructive payloads are lame and frowned upon by the virus community, so do you self a favour and get the idea of destroying computers out of your mind. Besides writing a non destructive payload is more fun. Lets go with a payload I’ve written and christened The Flasher. Your code should now look like this with the payload attached: Although small don’t underestimate this payload it is very annoying try it. To fix your startbar ctrl-alt-delete find virus.exe end the process. Then find explorer.exe end it. Finally while still in task manager goto file run and type “explorer.exe” without the quotes. If that doesn’t work change EnableWindow and ShowWindow to true instead of false, remember to change it back later though. That’s it for now I’ll go in depth about Finding Windows and such next time. I’ll also teach you how to kill taskmanager. Keep experimenting there are hundreds of API calls you can use try them out. If you run into an error try and figure out what went wrong 95% of all errors are spelling mistakes.
un reupload pls...
dati un reupload pls... ca sa fac si eu challange-ul acesta.
very easy.. ce pot sa zic
Asta e ceea ce am gasit pe situl 3x.ro... oare se poate face un deface ceva??? mai ales ca am gasit r00t:*:0:0Chalie &:/root/bin/csh root:*:0:0:Charlie &:/root:/bin/csh daemon:*:1:1:Owner of many system processes:/root:/usr/sbin/nologin operator:*:2:5:System &:/:/usr/sbin/nologin bin:*:3:7:Binaries Commands and Source:/:/usr/sbin/nologin tty:*:4:65533:Tty Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin kmem:*:5:65533:KMem Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin games:*:7:13:Games pseudo-user:/usr/games:/usr/sbin/nologin news:*:8:8:News Subsystem:/:/usr/sbin/nologin man:*:9:9:Mister Man Pages:/usr/share/man:/usr/sbin/nologin sshd:*:22:22:Secure Shell Daemon:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin smmsp:*:25:25:Sendmail Submission User:/var/spool/clientmqueue:/usr/sbin/nologin mailnull:*:26:26:Sendmail Default User:/var/spool/mqueue:/usr/sbin/nologin bind:*:53:53:Bind Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin proxy:*:62:62:Packet Filter pseudo-user:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin _pflogd:*:64:64:pflogd privsep user:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin _dhcp:*:65:65:dhcp programs:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin uucp:*:66:66:UUCP pseudo-user:/var/spool/uucppublic:/usr/local/libexec/uucp/uucico pop:*:68:6:Post Office Owner:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin www:*:80:80:World Wide Web Owner:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
17 si 6 luni.... damn it deabia astept sa am 18
intrati si voi pe http://smscity.com... Aici aveti posobolitatea de a da sms-uri gratis... _______________________ am dat edit.. srry ca am fc reclama...
Intro:plateste 40 Ron ca sa obtii 100 rezolvari dificultate ridicata.(web) cerere: deface site si pune pe el parola gasita in folderu pswd.txt sau oriunde pt a avea access la toate rez http://3dsmax.lx.ro/da.html hint:se foloseste shell
Cele mai folosite Metode pentru a penetra un web-server
AlucardHao replied to buRn's topic in Tutoriale in romana
e bun tutorialu;, daor ca faza cu shellu nu mere si nici nu prea stiu cum se face. am uploadat pe site la mine un shell php mai exact c99 pe siturile: http://steevyandandrei.lx.ro/c99.php si http://danandrei2005.3x.ro/c99.php leam fc si txt pe ambele situri.. dar nu pot sa fac nik cu ele in afara sitului meu am incercat sa uploadez pe situ http://pub21.bravenet.com/passwd/show.php sau pe cel de la challange-uri dar nici ca mere in vre-un fel.. nush ce sa mai fac. ma poate ajuta cineva?