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Multi se simt in siguranta online, gandindu-se ca nu va da un hacker priceput tocmai peste ei. Din pacate, nu este nevoie sa fii hacker pentru a reusi sa furi date importante si chiar identitatea altuia in mediul online. Kevin Mitnick, celebrul hacker american care a fost condamnat de doua ori la inchisoare pentru crime informatice, a popularizat termenul de "social engineering". Mitnick, care a reusit sa sparga sistemele IBM, Nokia, Motorola, Fujitsu Siemens si multe altele, a laudat intotdeauna aceasta metoda drept cea mai eficienta pentru a obtine acces la date in mediul online. Ce este social engineering? O sarlatanie simpla, manipularea unei persoane sau a unui sistem pentru a obtine date ce ar trebuie sa ramana secrete. Fara abilitati de hacker si in scop pur demonstrativ, Herbert Thompson, un software developer american, a explicat cum se poate fura identitatea unei persoane in zilele noaste, in sapte pasi simpli, prezentati de Pornind de la numele victimei "Kim", locul ei de munca si banca ei, Thompson a reusit sa afle online fara mari probleme toate informatiile necesare pentru a obtine acces la contul bancar. Cautare pe Google. Blogul victimei este foarte folositor si contine informatii despre rude, animale de companie, dar cel mai important, doua adrese de mail: cea Gmail si cea de pe serverul facultatii unde a studiat Kim. "Hackerul", folosind doar metode disponibile oricui, incepe prin a intra pe site-ul bancii pentru a reseta parola, care ajunge insa in contul de Gmail. Incearca sa reseteze parola de Gmail, care il trimite la adresa de email a facultatii. In 2008, cand a fost realizat experimentul, Gmail iti dadea informatii cu privire la domeniul adresei de email folosita pentru resetarea parolei. Intrebarile de securitate de pe site-ul de webmail al facultatii nu sunt problematice, deoarece victima a fost generoasa cu informatiile personale pe blog. Exista insa un obstacol: data exacta a nasterii. Folosind sistemul de arhive publice, "hackerul" cauta numele victimei in arhiva politiei rutiere pentru a afla data nasterii, dar nu are noroc. Thompson revine la blogul lui Kim si, cautand cu mai multa atentie, afla data nasterii, insa fara an. Intors la site-ul de webmail al facultatii care ii cere data exacta a nasterii, "hackerul" incearca sa o ghiceasca. Prima incercare este gresita, dar site-ul ii mai da cinci sanse. Deoarece stie varsta aproximativa a victimei, reuseste sa ghiceasca. Odata ce a obtinut accesul la prima adresa de email, Thompson reseteaza parola de Gmail, apoi de acolo pe cea a bancii. Ambele sisteme au intrebari de verificare a identitatii, dar informatiile de pe blog au fost suficiente. Acum, "hackerul" are acces la contul bancar si la istoricul ei fiscal. Chiar daca in Romania exista mai putine informatii oficiale in mediul online, utilizatorii reletelor de socializare publica singuri informatii pretioase care pot fi folosite pentru furtul de identitate. Cei mai multi romani nu au o adresa de email creata pe serverele facultatii, dar veriga slaba poate fi intrebarea de securitate a unui cont de email Hotmail sau Yahoo, CV-ul publicat pe un site de joburi, contul Facebook sau contul, de mult uitat, Hi5. Tu esti sigur ca nu ai o veriga slaba? Sursa: - Stiri IT, Jocuri, Gadgeturi, Download programe Mare majoritate din cei de aici stiu deja foarte bine chestiile astea,dar se pare ca inca tine.
Microsoft is finally up with the latest version of internet explorer – IE8. So if you are still to check your website compatibility over the same, be prepared for some kind of wicked surprises. Every version of IE when hit the market didn’t conform to the web standards, which often poses cross browser compatibility issues to the web designers. The present IE is pretty complaint in terms of compatibility benchmarks, but since many of the websites were developed using the CSS ‘hacks’ for the earlier versions. Microsoft therefore had to come up with compatibility mode which is also called as compatibility view to address this issue. With the help of this mode IE8 and future coming versions will not find the issue of cross browser compatibility. The compatibility mode: By default you can see the IE8 and the advance versions cater the web pages as per the modern benchmarks, so that this may help the designers to write the code compliant to CSS and HTML. Hence with such thing in place, the older websites will not be able to display using the latest version of internet explorer. To enable to do this, you need to either do the coding again or simply add some browser features which cater these websites the same fashion as the previous versions performed. However, Microsoft has added such feature which is known as compatibility mode or compatibility view. If you click a button over the browser or the web designer simply adds a one line code to a page, IE8 and the future versions will be able to use the older version to display the web page. The tag for compatibility mode: In order to make your web page compatible with any modern versions of browser you need to add a metatag which are X-UA-compatible. To add this metatag to any webpage, you have to insert the following text or code to the section in all the tags excluding the tag and the other metatags.- meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" The version of internet explorer in the metatag must match to the version of your browser compatibility. ‘IE=5’ in the text corresponds both to the browser versions IE 5 and IE6 comptabilble code, and the "IE=7" is used to get enhanced results with IE 7 and IE 8, which would compel the browser to employ existing standards. The compatibility view button: If any website is coded with the older versions of IS and do not have the X-UA-Compatible metatag, any visitor using IE8 will see a broken page icon in the address bar. And when the user clicks at this icon it will bring him in the compatibility view at the visited webpage. The IE also gives you a list of websites which employ the compatibility view, so anyone visiting any website does not have to click on this button every time he or she visits them. Hence when a visitor clicks that icon he is just updating the site with this compatibility view using the metatag, which eventually makes it compatible. The HTTP header: If your complete website is compatible with any particular version of internet explorer, you can also try of using HTTP header to update the browser. The header comes in the following way: X-UA-Compatible: IE=EmulateIE7 You can do this by simply inserting any particular IE version for the website the way you add the metatag. You can update the HTTP header with IE8 in the same way you update your website to make it compliant to any advance browser. In this way the repeat visitors can view your site without any hassle or issue. With these ways as discussed in the article you can make the CSS compatibility mode hack work for the latest version of internet explorer – IE8. The changes to CSS compliance in IE 8 discussed above can only work if your web page is in IE8 standard mode or simply emulates IE 8 with this latest version. Keep on exploring the topic for a complete insight of the topic, however, the methods discussed above shall suffice all your needs and address the problem. Sursa: Ethical Hacking-Your Way To The World Of IT Security
How to get paid iPhone, iPod Touch, & iPhone Apps for free
bogdi19 posted a topic in Mobile security
Theres this new site called Freemyapps. What it is basically a site that lets you earn credits by downloading free apps, and when you get enough credits you can go ahead and download a paid app for 100% free, with your earned credits. NOTE: The site is made for your iDevice, so please note you will have to be on your iDevice to open links and successfully register. FreeMyApps | Never Pay For Apps Again Este un proces destul de migalos recomandat celor care nu vor sa plateasca pentru aplicatii sau sa faca jailbreak. -
Este exact acelasi sistem de operare ca si pe un desktop obisnuit doar ca vine cu setarile aferente pentru portabile ce tin in general de autonomie Tastatura e logic ca trebuie pentru modelul respectiv.
Ti-am trimis pm. Ms!
iOS 5.0.1 Untethered Jailbreak [sursa]
bogdi19 replied to AhEaD's topic in Mobile security
Update pentru cei cu 4s si ipad2 Daca nu v-ati dat inca seama, solutia de untethered jailbreak pentru iPhone 4S si tableta iPad 2 nu va mai fi lansata anul acesta ci va fi disponibila abia in cursul anului viitor. Pod2G, Dev Team sau Chronic Dev Team nu au facut vreun anunt in acest sens insa este cat se poate de clar ca ei nu vor lucra in noaptea de anul nou pentru a ne aduce noua metoda de a face untethered jailbreak celor mai dorite dispozitive porudse de catre Apple. Ne putem astepta ca solutia aceasta sa fie disponibila in primele zile ale anului 2012 si atunci cand o veti putea folosi va voi anunta. Acelasi lucru este valabil si pentru solutia de untethered jailbreak pentru iOS 5. Sursa: Cel mai citit blog romanesc despre iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch! -
L-am sarit din graba. Sunt o gramada de astfel de,demonstratii cu diversi producatori de antivirusi care-o i-au in mana.