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Everything posted by mandeamarian

  1. Licenta este pentru versiunea 5.2.50. Daca nu o gasiti, o uploadez eu.
  2. Poker Made Easy Calculatem Pro makes it easy to know when you should fold, raise or call * ? Instantly know the chances that your hand will win * ? Adjusts advice based on your preferred playing style * ? Works with 250+ poker rooms http://www.calculatempro.com/download/CalculatemProSetup.exe Name: SHVtYSBEYW5pZWwyMjUy Serial #: VFkyRkRDRVFWV1U1VFdGNQ== Bafta.
  3. HotKeySet("{F9}", "Terminate") ; daca apesi pe F9, se opreste scriptul... sau cel putin ar trebui ;Schimba Optiunile aici! ;------------------------------------------------------------- ;Numarele la care formezi, separate de un spatiu. ;Ex: "1234 4567 7890" etc. Global $numbers = "012263913792983" ;De cate ori sa formez numarele intr-un ciclu Global $cycles = 10 ;Timpul de asteptare intre formari, intr-un ciclu, in secunde Global $dialtime = 3 ;Cat timp sa astept intre ciclurile de formare, in secunde Global $waittime = 600 ;Bagam PIN? 0 = nu, 1 = da Global $inputpin = 0 ;Numar PIN? In format: 1 = {NUMPAD1}, 2 = {NUMPAD2} etc. ;De exemplu, pentru PIN 1234: {NUMPAD1}{NUMPAD2}{NUMPAD3}{NUMPAD4} Global $pin = "{NUMPAD1}{NUMPAD2}{NUMPAD3}{NUMPAD4}" ;Ce facem dupa ciclul de formare? 0 = nimic, 1 = ascundem zoiper, 2 = omoaram zoiper Global $dosomething = 0 ;Unde sa scriu informatiile? ;Ex: 0 cu 0 == colt stanga sus Global $tipx = 0 Global $tipy = 150 ;------------------------------------------------------------- ;NU MAI EDITA DE AICI! Func SleepTime($seconds) for $i = $seconds to 0 step -1 $displaymessage = "Sleeping " & $i & " seconds" $displaytitle = "Dialing " & $numbers ToolTip($displaymessage, $tipx, $tipy, $displaytitle, 1, 5) Sleep(1000) Next Return True EndFunc Func DialNumber($numbertodial) ;WinSetState("Zoiper", "", @SW_DISABLE) ControlClick("Zoiper", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]") ControlSetText("Zoiper", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", $numbertodial) ControlSend("Zoiper", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", "{enter}") ;WinSetState("Zoiper", "", @SW_ENABLE) If $inputpin = 1 Then Sleep(4000) WinActivate("Zoiper") Opt("SendKeyDelay", 250) Send($pin) Send("^+3") Opt("SendKeyDelay", 5) EndIf $waitcycle = $dialtime * 1000 Sleep($waitcycle) EndFunc Global $arr = StringSplit($numbers, " ") $var=1 While $var=1 ; Infinite Loop If ProcessExists("Zoiper.exe") Then ToolTip("Zoiper exists!", $tipx, $tipy, "Checking for Zoiper", 1, 5) Else ToolTip("Zoiper is closed. Running...", $tipx, $tipy, "Checking for Zoiper", 3, 5) Run(@ProgramFilesDir & "\Zoiper Communicator\Zoiper.exe") ToolTip("Waiting for the process to be active", $tipx, $tipy, "Checking for Zoiper", 2, 5) ProcessWait("Zoiper.exe") WinActivate("Zoiper") WinWaitActive("Zoiper") EndIf For $c = 1 to $cycles ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $dosomething = 1 Then WinSetState("Zoiper", "", @SW_SHOW) EndIf If IsArray($arr) Then $iMax = UBound($arr) For $i = 1 to $iMax - 1 $displaytext = "Cycle #" & $c & " out of " & $cycles $displaytitle = "Dialing " & $arr[$i] ToolTip($displaytext, $tipx, $tipy, $displaytitle, 2, 5) DialNumber($arr[$i]) Next Endif ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next If $dosomething = 2 Then ToolTip("Sending the kill...", $tipx, $tipy, "Killing Zoiper", 3, 5) ProcessClose("Zoiper.exe") ToolTip("Waiting for it to dead...", $tipx, $tipy, "Killing Zoiper", 3, 5) ProcessWaitClose("Zoiper.exe", 10) ElseIf $dosomething = 1 Then ToolTip("Hiding!.", $tipx, $tipy, "Hiding Zoiper", 3, 5) WinSetState("Zoiper", "", @SW_HIDE) EndIf SleepTime($waittime) Wend sursa : HotKeySet("{F9}", "Terminate") ; daca apesi pe F9, se opreste scriptul... sau ce - Pastebin.com
  4. In primu rand nu e de Windows, in al-2-lea rand nu-i nici un executabil pe acolo, si in al-3-lea rand somn usor.
  5. Da ma, nu-l lua! Tie ti-se mai spune Sherlock Holmes
  6. Scuze daca am gresit sectiunea.
  7. Ma bag si "yo" ca musca-n lapte dar totusi intreb: Nu-i acelasi care l-a postat si Nytro pe 29.12.2011 ?
  8. Era o data o vorba "format c:"
  9. ))))) Tare, dar eu cred ca-i asa Welcome back, Chuck Norris [shutdown the site] Ratio: ? Upload: 0 Bytes Download: 9999999999 TB
  10. ...- ..- .-.. -. . .-. .- -... .. .-.. .. - .- - .. -. --- .. ..-. .-. . . .--. -... -..- --..-- - .-. .. -..- -... --- -..- --..-- . .-.. .- ... - .. -..- --..-- ..-. --- -. .- .-.. .. - -.-- --..-- ... -.-. .- -. . .-. -.. . .-. --- ..- - . .-. . ...- --- .. .--. . - -.-.
  11. Sa ne suga pula toti ungurii din Romania (sau aproape toti, ca unii or fi si de treaba)
  12. Sa fie de actualitate, buguri noi, idei noi!
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