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Everything posted by florin_darck

  1. Din pacate nu se accepta. In poza se vede. Nu suntem logati cand "sare" alertul
  2. Target : Click me ! Level : medium.. maybe hard Cerinte - postati o imagine cenzurata - nu dati hint-uri Nu trebuie sa fiti logati. Cei care il rezolvati cu account nu se accepta PS: Daca nu va descurcati va mai dau un hint pe parcurs. Proof Solvers Simple 1.danyweb09 [pm cu rezolvarea corecta] 2.SilenTx0 3.Renegade 4.23. 5.daNNy.bv Chrome 1.danyweb09 2.SilenTx0 3.VaD_SuNeTe Challenge Closed
  3. Faci public, scrii pe twitter/blog ce ti-au zis si se fac de ras.[asta e doar o optiune]
  4. Ce vorbesti ma? Cum adica sunt pe o mana cu ps-axl ? Sunt in Hy dar asta nu inseamna ca vreau raul cuiva sau sunt impotriva rst-ului. Nu comenta daca nu stii. PS: ma abtin sa nu injur pentru ca nu vreau sa zica lumea ca nu sunt educat
  5. Tu cine mai esti ma ? Ai fost in HY si ti-a fost sters contul pentru inactivitate si te "razbuni" facand publice posturi ?
  6. Hai frate .. vorba ta "e doar trecutul" + ca si acum sunt pline de xss'uri alea.
  7. @Tromfil real @Cril nu aveam ce face
  8. HoF..La sfarsitul lunii voi aparea in lista [asa mi-au spus ei]
  9. Target : Microsoft Home Page | Devices and Services Author : florin_darck Vulnerability : XSS persistent # 04-may-2013 - I found the xss # 05-may-2013 - I reported the xss # 06-may-2013 - They asked an attack scenario # 06-may-2013 - They accepted the vuln. and opened a case # 17-may-2013 - They fixed the xss. PS: now is just a self
  10. Sa ne traiesti. La multi ani !
  11. $ doar daca il vinde ON : Bravo @hate.me am vazut pe HF din astia
  12. Nu onmouseover . Ai pm cu link
  13. http://i.imgur.com/pqzA0QB.png
  14. Am reusit cu requests. But now what ? http://i.imgur.com/MQARyKS.png
  15. L-ai testat ? Poate fac eu ceva gresit. nu ma pricep la python.
  16. Il vroiam pe cel gasit de Domnul.Do dar cat timp ati gasit xss sa zicem ca e bine HINT : swf // added to solvers
  17. Target : c-egg.com Level : maybe medium Nu dati hint-uri - postati o imagine cenzurata Proof : Solvers : SWF Domnul.Do Toshib4 XgaMeR akkiliON Sega hate.me Sweby danyweb09 Simple Sega qwerty12 danyweb09 Renegade
  18. 1. Tutorial pentru a face reclama 2. Un FULL, retine, FULL tutorial de sql injection ar trebui sa aiba cateva sute de mb nu 30 de randuri.
  19. Si eu am raportat un XSS de vreo 3 saptamani si abia acum vreo 2-3 zile mi-au raspuns ON : gj @akkiliON asa am patit eu cu cei de la apple
  20. Normal ca dupa ce a fost raportat+reparat. Cine e prost sa faca public xss in facebook neraportat ? nimeni
  21. Da. In chat. Si unul cu ajutorul dropbox.
  22. Tridium vulnerability exposes companies to outsider threats. At Cylance, we have an ongoing project to identify vulnerable Internet facing Industrial Control Systems (ICS) at scale. Our project is far from complete, but we wanted to share a story which we think our readers might be interested in. While looking through our scan results, we came across an interesting Tridium Niagara device on the Internet. (The two gold keys… means it’s secure) It turns out, Google is using Tridium Niagara for various Building Management Systems (BMS) in their Google Wharf 7 building. For those that don’t know what the Google Wharf 7 is, here is a picture of the inside: (Google Wharf 7 – what a nice building!) A quick interrogation of the Tridium device yields a wealth of information about the specific platform version (a slightly outdated version) and OS specifics (QNX running on an embedded device). Armed with a few pieces of data, we utilized a custom exploit to extract the most sensitive file on a Tridium device, the config.bog file. The config.bog file contains the specific configurations for this particular device, but more importantly, it also contains the usernames and passwords for all the users on the device. A snippet from the config.bog file we took from Google is presented below. (Encoded password for the device administrator) Once we have access to the config.bog file, we used a custom developed tool to decode the passwords for all the users on the device. (Decoded Admin password) With the device administrator password in hand… we can now take over the Google Tridium Device (Google Wharf7) (The third floor of this building showing water and HVAC systems) (Access to a variety of Building Management features) (We don’t know what this button does… and we were afraid to test it ) Of course, once we’re done perusing the building automation systems, we could always root the device (we did not do this… but we could have!) We reported this issue to the Google Vulnerability Rewards Program (VRP). After much heckling from my former colleagues at Google, they quickly pulled this system offline. We also applaud Google for creating a program like the VRP and giving us the chance to share our story with a wider audience. At the time of this blog post, this exact issue affects tens of thousands of devices on the Internet and thousands of different organizations. Thank you Google for helping us raise awareness on this issue! I asked that any proceeds from the VRP be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project, but apparently this issue doesn’t qualify for VRP rewards. If you have a corporate campus or a modern building of any sort… you’re likely running similar systems someplace on your network. We’ve already discovered over twenty five thousand of these systems facing the Internet… one down, twenty four thousand, nine hundred, ninety nine to go If Google can fall victim to an ICS attack, anyone can. Billy Rios, Cylance, Inc. Terry McCorkle, Cylance, Inc. Source : Cylance.com | Securing the Unsecurable through Presponse.
  23. 500 $ pe un xss e putin de obicei . Au dat si 4000 @redcoder: cand cineva gaseste ceva in facebook afli de pe twitter de obicei O vulnerabilitate recenta platita cu 4200 $ http://filosottile.github.io/a-bug-worth-4200$/
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