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Everything posted by albastrel

  1. pai da pentru ca trebuie sa ii il rootezi si inca sau momentan nu pot roota 5su, doar vam aratat m-ai sus trebuie cryptat dupa ce ii stergi setupul in rest habar nu am
  2. iKeyMonitor Spy App is featured as 100% undetectable iPhone Spy App and Android Spy App. It is an Key Logger for iPhone/iPad/iPod/Android that logs SMS, keystrokes, passwords, websites, screenshots and delivers logs to you by email or FTP.
  3. Tutorial Iphone 4 GSM IOS 7.1.1 (important) Icloud Bypass and carrier signal restore 1.restore to IOS 7.1.1 2.upon restore remove from pc do not let itunes detect that its locked. no sim installed no wireless (important point) 3.turn off phone close itunes and enter DFU Mode (Google it how to enter DFU Mode) 4.Launch ssh_rd_rev04b-iPhone4-RevA.jar (download) 5.when its done connect to Localhost port 2022 user root pw alpine using WinSCP (Download) 6.once scp loads open terminal window and run mount.sh 7.get to root and go mnt1/applications 8.Backup folder Setup.app Just in case we need it later and delete it from iphone. 9.move back another step and copy the Mnt1 and Mnt2 folders (download) 10.* Restart the Iphone. use tiny umbrella (download) to get out of recovery mode. should be bypassed however itunes will still ask for the unlock info, so do not connect it to itunes. (important) 11.now enter DFU mode again 12.reconnect with ssh*.jar and winscp remember to run mount.sh 13.navigate to /mnt2/root/Library/ and placed the Caches folder (download) 14.in that same folder place Lockdown folder (download) 15.add these to the lockdown folder. https://mega.co.nz/#!JJEw3QoQ!XjhE4MJ9nLAl4zZojrilr548M3TPNBvR5mPjpAVj3CQ 16.now navigate to /mnt1/usr/libexec and put the lockdownd file : https://mega.co.nz/#!wA01lRQS!Zq9HDrLTvI9WH4zsIxpHhg_hfrxDDAJZasw74llu00I 17.* Restart and itunes will greet you to your new Iphone. no sim yet. 18.add wireless. 19.now add your icloud account to it 20.send a msg to it from icloud then erase/wipe the iphone from remote and finally remove from icloud. 21.Iphone will reboot to inactivated state.. restore to 7.1.1 22.put in your sim and youre golden THIS RESTORES CELL SERVICE AS THE SETUP.APP HAS A SETUP FILE THAT EXECUTES WHEN ACTIVATION ENDS THIS IS WHAT ENABLES ALL THE FUNCTIONS OF THE IPHONE. Files: https://mega.co.nz/#!hMVynQyJ!icPKoo7pOsRLOMOC-mlcUndfPugaJcf5fz1T1TIsqiU
  4. Am o veste proasta cu serverele XAMPP azi 14/12/2014 au updatat securitatea SSL, adica au pus WARNuri sau coduri care ii anunta ca vrei sa le pui un certificat fals si sa iti activezi iphoneul ma refer de la 4s in sus... Imi pare rau...... dar cei care au putut sa isi activeze iphoanele sau ideviceurile sa le tina asa, FARA RESTORE SAU UPDATAT LA IOS! Si inca ceva sa nu va m-ai bazati pe DOULCI ca au inchis serverele tot azi..... problema a fost updatarea securitatii la SSL, singura solutie este ce-a de sus cu intratul in IPSW si cryptare care nu am reusit sa o refac....oricum IPHONE 4 ramane pe bypass rootabil si poti sa ii faci bypass cu ce am pus.... si crashurile in LOST MODE pe orice idevice, atat. Succes
  5. albastrel


    Daca este in meniu si are ios 7.1.1 poti sa il stergi din meniu, dar daca este activat si are contul de icloud, poti sa il jailbreakuesti si sa ii instalezi SSH pe el sa il poti accesa din WinSCP cu adresa de WIFI 192.168.0.x sau cat ai acolo u.. trebuie sa ii copii lockdownul sa il ai in PC tot de la A la Z dar oricum e greu... si sa il scoti trebuie sa modifici lockdownul sau cashurile alea si este f greu m-ai ales ca au securizat iar azi, 12/10/2014 ora 00:00 apple SSLurile certificatele apple, cand bagi unu fals iti da WARN si lor la fel acolo la ei si nu te lasa sa il activezi.. a si inca ceva DOULCI s-a oprit azi din activari, deci nu va m-ai bazati pe iei ca nu or sa m-ai faca nimic.... care au reusit sa le activeze, sa nu le dea restore sau sa updateze iosul, atat. Deci cu astea fiind spuse numai la IPHONE 4 vor merge activarile si bypassul dar rootat, atat. Succes!
  6. Restore Itunes - DeveloperDiskImage! - iDecryptIt - http://www.girlshare.ro/34207910 - TransMAC - http://www.girlshare.ro/34207912.2 1. Get firmware 7.1.2 or 8.0 for idevice 2. Enter with winrar in firmware and extract .dmg 3. Enter in iDecryptIt, now select Device, model, and version and click Get Keys 4. Copy Root FS Key in the box in Key case at Decrypt (langa boxul Select Input File) and click Decrypt box 5. Wait decrypt 6. Join TransMAC 7. Open diskimage (exemplu: 058-4520-010_decrypted.dmg) 8. U are in diskimage (adica ati decriptat firmwareul si puteti umbla in el) 9. Now for bypass (DELETE SETUP.APP) 10. Acum salvam, inchidem si ii schimbam numele din (exemplu: 058-4520-010_decrypted in 058-4520-010 cum este in ipsw) 11. Acum nu am habar sau inca nu stiu cum sa il CRYPTAM inapoi ca sa mearga RESTORE in ITUNES! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DeveloperDiskImage IPSW 1. https://code.google.com/p/chronicdev/wiki/DeveloperDiskImage
  7. Nu e bine nici ca am postat tot ce stiu?? Pentru chestiile astea se iau mii de euro asa ca.... se poate muta topicul.
  8. Need MAC OS 10.7 - For Execute this application!!!! no Windows!!!!! 1. http://www.girlshare.ro/34206843
  9. BACKUP Icloud in idevice. Domains.plist
  10. Apple PC HIDDEN FOLDER 1. ALT + T (My Computer) < FolderOption < View < select Show hidden files and folder, OK 2. Join C:/ 3. Join ProgramData < Apple < Lockdown 4. iDevice Number ID, plist join, CERTIFICATE for activate idevice
  11. CRASH idevice html! http://www.girlshare.ro/34206826.5
  12. Carrier! com.apple.purplebuddy.plist
  13. Linux - 1. http://www.girlshare.ro/34206823.2 - libideviceactivation-1.0.0 2. GirlShare - Download libusbmuxd-1.0.10.rar - libusbmuxd-1.0.10 IOS 8, 8.x.x.x.x.x 1. http://www.girlshare.ro/34206834.2 - ios8_activationlib
  14. Care stie Darwin (bypass orice idevice) 1. http://www.girlshare.ro/34206768.2
  15. Magic iTunes numbers: Offset 2048912: 33C0C3 Offset 257074: 28 Offset 257013: 33C9B1 Add " albert.apple.com" to c:/windows < system32 < drivers < etc < hosts iPhone Activation Server Requirements: 1. .NET Framework 2.0 2. xampp < htdocs < isrv_35 (http://www.girlshare.ro/34206804.5) Install Notes 1). Download UltraEdit-32, install it. 2). Download isrv_35, extract it to desktop or anywhere you want. 3). You might wanna backup the original iTunes.exe(located under C:/Program Files < iTunes) first. 4). Run UltraEdit-32, open file iTunes.exe, use Ctrl+G to go to address 2048912, then enter 33C0C3. Do the same for the rest two offsets: Go to address 257074 then enter 28 and go to 257013 then enter 33C9B1. Save the file and close UltraEdit-32. 5). Open Windows explorer and go to c:/windows < system32 < drivers < etc. Open the "hosts" file in ULTRAEDIT and add the line albert.apple.com to it. This will redirect any DNS query of "albert.apple.com" to your local host. Save & exit. 6). All you need to do is to run "Server" first, leave it running and then run iTunes. Now when you plug in your iphone it will activate automatically in about 60 seconds. iPhone Activation Server security information
  16. Pentru MACBOOKuri - aparat cu usb care il faci HOME MADE! care gaseste solutia la 4 digit! E BUN SI PENTRU IDEVICEURI CARE SUNT PAROLATE tot cu 4 DIGIT! ADIKA COD PIN de telefon! 1. GirlShare - Download MACBOOK digit 4.rar
  17. Carrier fix - incercat dar... tot nu ia la mine! lasd.plist v3 https://cl1.apple.com/1/v3/lasd.plist ------------ Ce este sus este v3, dar este si v2, v1 - https://cl1.apple.com/1/v2/lasd.plist , https://cl1.apple.com/1/v1/lasd.plist Step
  18. Daca ati reusit bypass pe alte ideviceuri, hai sa le punem pe toate aici (dati de stire si hai sa rezolvam ideviceurile oamenilor gratuit, (linux, backdoor, ubuntu, windows, mac OS) orice linie sau bypass. Am un OCX detector idevice (fake) PENTRU ITUNES, cei care au reusit sa faca bypass pe tel, tableta dar si in itunes, dar le da erroare la restore backup pe USERUL de icloud care e in idevice, voi pune aici dllul, pentru a putea da restore fara sa va dea erroare (asta se pune in Folderul ITUNES! din C:/ inlocuind pe celalalt si avem aici un FAKE detector) GirlShare - Download ITDetector.ocx
  19. Hai sa va dau si (buddy WIFI) adika CRASH pe telefoane, tablete, etc!!! Merge doar pentru LOST MODE! U need XAMPP (google, download, install) and Fiddler (google, download, install) 1. ----- http://www.girlshare.ro/34206714.3 Asta este buddy (il pui in folderul buddy) exemplu jos! 2. Configurare Fiddler pentru wifi in optiuni!
  20. Iphone 4 - bypass in setup! 1. DFU MODE 2. Download ssh - (GirlShare - Download ssh.jar) 3. Download winscp (google search) 4. Enter SSH and wait to flash room 5. Enter WinSCP and add (localhost, port - 2022, user root, pass alpine) 6. Need MOUNT ROOM (add in line - mount.sh) ex. este pe google sau youtube 7. Copy mnt1 and mnt2 din linkul de jos si in idevice (in winscp) - 3,1(GSM normal) sau 3,2(2012) 8. Intrii in tel treci de pasi Engleza sau Romana etc, la Wifi, wifiul si iti sare direkt in Locatie 9. Voala u have bypass! Iphone 4 GSM normal - GirlShare - Download iPhone 4-3,1.rar Iphone 4 GSM (modelul 2012) GirlShare - Download iPhone 4-3,2.rar Sarbatori fericite!
  21. Pe mine ma intereseaza daca ati reusit sa aveti semnal la iphone 4... am incercat cu LASD, cu purplebuddy, network_settings, carrier_bundle! Am reusit cu carrier_bundle sa stea in Searching...(nu intra in No service) si nu o ia nici asa, se blocheaza telu... WTF nu merge, nu o ia! Trebuie sa fie o smecherie! Daca o ia la 4.... merge si 5!
  22. bateria e umflata si e dusa, dute si schimbai bateria.
  23. min@criss e cel care are totul si e adevarat in rest totul este pentru bani.
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