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Everything posted by JohnyCNAM

  1. Am vazut la market ca multi vand/cumpara RDP-uri si ma gandeam ca sunt...habar n uam cum sa explic...credeam ca sunt ceva cu care poti pica site-uri sau sa faci chestii de genul, sau ma gandeam ca faci bani in sensul ca santajezi victimele. Acum sunt mult mai lamurit.
  2. Nu sunt de acord cu afirmatia ca numarul de posturi are vreo relevanta asupra cunostintelor. Multam Nytro de lamuriri.(din cate vad pe forumu asta tu si inca cativa sunteti ca niste "bunici" la care apelezi cu intrebari de genu:bunicu de ce zboara fluturii?...) Bravo si tine-o tot asa.
  3. Am si eu cateva enigme si sper sa le aflu raspunsurile: 1)Ce este un rdp? 2)Cum poate fi folosit sa faci rau sau sa faci bani? 3)Ce este un smtp(stiu ca este server mail transfer protocol)? 4)Cum e faza cu smtp-urile?(eu credeam ca exista doar 3 sau 4 smtp-uri cum ar fi ce lde la yahoo, gmail si inca cateva) 5)Ce poti face cu un smtp? Sper sa poata cineva sa-mi raspunda intr-un singur post la toate. Multumesc frumos si o zi buna.
  4. GAta am vazut.Scuze. Se tot falea ala pe HF si ma gandeam ca a facut vreun update.
  5. Nu a ma fost postata+ ca asta e cel mai bun de pe HF.
  6. comes with a current (012/23/11) working proxy list ready to go. add or remove proxys as you like, there is no limit on how many proxys you can add! supports custom referrers so adfly thinks the links have been clicked on youtube or your blog or anywhere you want it to show! There is no limit on number of referrers you want the bot to pick from! malware free unlike a couple other adfly bots I have tried here! Virus Scan: Adfly_v152.exe MD5:087416b2f25224e8a04b7d7c00001491 - VirSCAN.org Scanners did not find malware! Download link: Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: adf.zip Sursa:HF
  7. Oare serverele de stealer mai sunt detectate, amu ca ai scanat?
  8. E destul de frumos site-ul. De incarcat se incarca repede, arata bine, eu iti dau nota 9(in calitate de vizitator).
  9. Ok.Sunt cam nedumerit(chiar nu am habar deloc). Pentru inceput ce reprezinta stub-ul?
  10. Aceeasi nelamurire ca si grax: Ce fel de site-uri? Ce fel de continut trebuie postat? Cam ce venit e la mijloc? Dupa ce vad raspunsurile la intrebarile de mai sus o sa mai vorbim.
  11. Bha da v-o dati rau de tot pe offtopic. Piesa a devenit mai cunoscuta datorita lui Florin de la Romanii au Talenturi.
  12. Multumesc sQuiz, asa se numeste.
  13. Va salut, Stie cineva cum se numeste piesa din videoclipul acesta? Florin Limbovici la Romanii au Talent (dans pe o sfoara) | online, video, semifinale
  14. JohnyCNAM


    Lasati aici numarul si bag eu 5 euro de proba. Doar un numar. Primul venit primul servit.
  15. JohnyCNAM


    De curiozitate: Daca am transferat vreo 4 euro dintr-un cont orange, si nu m-am "protejat" ce pot patii?
  16. Ai un paypal verificat?
  17. Are rost sa mai spun ceva? PS:L-o arestat pe Tinkode si eu nu stiu? Bafta la trolling si injuraturi dupe ce cititi asta pt. ca jumate din voi asta sunteti(si eu ma numar in categoria de pusti de 15 ani care nu stie cu ce se mananca viata si de aceea suport consecintele.
  18. Pana la urma cu ce sa incep referitor la c++?
  19. Si eu am aceeasi chestie ca tine(varsta etc) LA mate sunt chiar bun, as vrea sa invat c++ sau php dar nu am habar c um sa incep. Stiu una alta insa foarte basic. Ce manuale sa imi iau etc?
  20. E bun pt a sparge pagini de stealer.
  21. Eu sunt pro. Dar s fie trusted pe "nivele". De ex: trusted intre x-y $ etc. Si tu nu imi dai teapa de 100 de $ daca vad ca esti trusted pt. 5$
  22. Ma bag si eu. Da-mi pm.
  23. Iti dau eu 3 euro.
  24. Am primit azi urmatorul mail: GOOD DAY I am writing this letter with due respect and sorrowful heart, and with a hope that my mail should be put into consideration, My name is Miss Rosemary Collins , I presently live in Ghana in a hotel. I am 21 years old single girl and I am from Zimbabwe in west Africa, i am the only child of my late parents Mr and Mrs. Collins Abudulai. my father was a very wealthy Cocoa merchant based in zimbabwe before he was poisoned to death by his business associates in one of their outings, he really cared for me because I am motherless. Before the death of my father in August 2010 in a private hospital here in Zimbabwe, he secretly called me on his bedside and told me that he has the sum of Ten million US dollars (US$10,000,000.00) left in a fixed / suspense account at Bank of Ghana. He also explained to me that it was because of this wealth that he was poisoned by his business associates which my uncle master-minded so that he will take over my father's property because my father has no male child as the tradition demands, that in case of death, that I should seek for a foreign partner in a country of my choice where i can transfer this money and use it for Investment purposes such as real estate and hotel or into any lucrative trade business. I wrote to the bank in Ghana to claim the fund the bank send me and invitation to come to Ghana unknowing they ask me to produce a guarantor before the money can be release to me. The bank told me that my late father left an instructions with the bank that in case of he dies that i have to attain the age of 27 -30 years before the fund will be released to me, while the bank insist i should present guardian who shall receive the money on my behalf and to guide me to receive the fund, document has stipulated in the agreement with the bank. this is why i have write to you because you seems to be a nice person i believe you will not double cross me after you receive the fund in your possession My dear i am humbly seeking your assistance in the following ways: 1) To provide a bank account where this money would be transferred to in your country.and to look for a good business we shall establish on. 2) To serve as the guardian of this fund since i am a girl of 21 years and to make an arrangement for me to come over to your country to further my education after the money had been transferred. Moreover, I am willing to offer you 40% of the total sum as compensation for your effort, I have all the vital documents covering the deposit and the ownership which i can send to you through scan or fax on request. i will be waiting to hear from you so that i will forward you the bank contact for you to contact them,Thank and God bless you protect me. Hope to hear from you soon. this is my phone number.you can contact me with it : +233247646301 . Hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Rosemary Collins Care credeti ca e smecheria?
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