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Everything posted by ema2peu

  1. eu in loc sa primesc de la custom "from" ce am pus eu , primesc de la root@localhost.localdomain , pe alt server cu username: biz, primesc de la biz@localhost.localdomain , e f.... senderu sau rooturile care le folosesc ?ms
  2. serios? si sa mori tu ca nu ti l-ai bindat?
  3. Frumos din partea ta , La Multi Ani!
  4. am incercat pe 2 numere si nimic ,a dat mesaju ala cu ¨FonMoney - Wir haben leider technische Probleme, bitte versuchen Sie es später. // Intampinam probleme tehnice, va rugam reveniti mai tarziu.¨ si nimic .
  5. dar numai merge pe codu ala 1212 sau numai merge deloc ? ca mai sunt 2 coduri *1215 *1217
  6. esti cu muia si tu si filmu asta al tau
  7. astia da puternici f**** m*** m*** de sclavi
  8. stie cineva ceva despre rezultatele testelor de pe site`ul asta? grc.com>>>services>>>ShieldsUp
  9. ema2peu

    Cumpar Root

    cumpar root de pagina, pm me. edit am rezolvat.
  10. ema2peu

    IP bucuresti

    sunt in iasi si cand ma uit pe whatismyip.com vad ip the bucuresti , ar trebui sa-mi faci griji ? ms. si pe pc pe desktop am un ip pe laptop am acelasi ip ca pe desktop, e ceva in neregula?
  11. adica ? iti vin in mail smtp`urile? ms
  12. PHP Notice: Undefined variable: users in root/folder/folder on line 30 asta imi da pe unele rooturi a mai patit cineva asa ?
  13. stie cineva? am incercat pe putin 5 rdp`uri si tot asa se intampla
  14. ai cumva si un dictionar? daca nu cer prea mult , ms
  15. am cumparat niste rooturi de la el sunt chiar mai bune decat zice el , 70mb/s download ,3gb ram , 4 cpu si alte 2 putin mai slabute dar isi fac treaba, ms !
  16. Il folosesc si eu de vreo 3 luni e ok, isi merita toti $
  17. ai idee dupa atatea ore de ce imi da ERROR la alea ? ms..
  18. asta da, multumesc frumos !
  19. schimb 10 smtp`uri pe 1 rdp sa mearga advanced mass sender.
  20. eu zic ca reuseste sa-ti mentina constientu treaz si urmeaza etapa urmatoare "morti,iad , demoni ?i oameni arzând" citeste despre lucid dreaming
  21. As the name says this tool deals with Proxies. You have seen many Proxy Tools out there that are smart too but this one is different. Trust me. This tool uses a technique which is different from other Proxy Checkers. Research has been conducted on Proxy Checking Techniques and the BEST one is applied in this tool. The tool has been made flexible for user comfort. All in One with almost all features you can expect. (Pardon me if I missed something). Poizon Proxy Processor: (Features) User-friendly interface. Fully Multi-Threaded with asynchronous operation threads. No Thread termination wait to suffer after pressing Stop. Flexible to close application any time even when threads are running and working. This tool contains 3 tools in one. 1] Poizon Proxy Downloader A very smart and speedy proxies downloader. Inner engine is build with comprehensive Regular Expressions to extract proxies from almost any kind of web page or a text file or any other text formatted file. The best match will be { iport, <td>ip</td><td>port</td> } Good in flexibility to allow user to add new proxy sites. Worth usefull functions like adding, editing, deleting etc. Rating column to rate sites according to your view. Progress of downloading and bytes receiving. List Sorting. 2] Poizon proxy Checker Proxy checker with Ultra Sonic Speed that you have never seen. Can scan a huge list of sites within minutes. Flexible to allow user to import and export proxy lists. Duplicate proxies remover. Surprising feature of identifying countries against IP's within seconds. Works on GeoIP data which is bundled with the tool. Nice looking interface with progress controls. Scan IP Range, This is one of the wonderful feature of this tool. When you dont have an IP list and want to scan the Proxy Servers on the internet then this tool will generate a list for a given range of IP's and then you can check them at the point. This way you can find Proxy Servers your way without downloading any IP list from a website. List Sorting. Download Link: http://www.multiupload.com/M480U8WA5N Virus Total: https://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=da5bc2c951e884fd30b2e7ed23e0efb75a67dd298ce86538d14213dbc87c42c2-1314362782 Credits to p0iz0neR
  22. awesome , thanks
  23. nu merge , am scris`o si manual si cu CTRL+V.. !
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