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Propun un titlu , pe langa "Bautor de ...." si titlul "Trusted seller" pentru ca userii sa faca diferenta dintre scammeri si cei de incredere. Titlul sa I se acorde dupa x tranzactii reusite (de la Market) cu un feedback de la cumparator . So ?
Nu este updatat e un timer bazat pe o ratie globala /ora sau /zi si se imparte ratia la timp de ex : in lume se fac 10.000 (numar fictiv) de accidente cu masina pe zi si ei cu cronometrele lor smechere determina cat de repede ar trebui sa se miste ca sa ajunga la 10.000 intr-o zi
Eu inteleg ca vrei sa te faci remarcat , dar pe aici trebuie sa vii cu ceva mai bun sa ne dai pe spate
Sa-ti traiasca familia si la multi ani ! May I have the link ?
Sa me jucam cu banurile ? In viata reala ai munci sa ai un statut si o sa dai statutul ala pe o sansa 50% de a deveni un om important si 50% sa ajungi la inchisoare ? Mda....
Nu te-ai uitat la tot tutorialul de pe youtube ! (vb.net big sh!t)
VB.NET rezolva orice da niste detalii
Ceva in vb.net nu vrea tipa ?
ATENTIE : Astazi , 15 februarie totul pe kudos a reintrat in normal cererea mea (si a unui prieten) de "Untracked Offer" a fost trimisa la cei de la Luminosity (sau de unde aveti survey) in caz ca nu vi s-au completat ofertele trimiteti un ticket la Untracked Offer Hi We have just submitted your recent untracked credit request on gifts.kudosnetwork to the relevant advertiser for processing. Please note that this process isn't guaranteed but we will do our best to get your account credited for you. We will email you when your request has been approved or declined. This was an automated email. Do not reply. KUDOS network Admin Team
1. Inregistrati-va aici 2. Selectati optiunea de 3 luni 3. Folositi codul promotional : 2294AA3 4. Conformati adresa de e-mail Done ! Pentru adresa de ip europeana : nl.vpnywhere.com Pentru adresa de ip americana : us.vpnywhere.com //Daca nu stiti cum sa va conectati : http://www.vpnywhere.com/setup_1_7.html Daca va da eroarea cum ca nu merg user/pass asteptati cateva ore si o sa mearga
Hackers from Team r00tw0rm again hit NASA. According to Latest tweet by Hackers, They claim to hack the one of the Sudomain of Nasa (Link is not exposed by hackers and claimed to be reported for Fix). Hackers claim to hack GB's of database and they Leaked sample of database include Users names, Same Hackers Yesterday Hack and Expose the Database of United States Census Bureau and Vulnerable link was also Exposed.
Tot eu sa va dau idei ....puneti tata sistemul intr-un rdp --> profit
Va puteti face o imagine a jocului Download : http://www.mediafire.com/?5cadimaeo004aee Scopul jocului este sa cobori cat mai multe nivele pe scari in jos fara sa te pisi pe tine. Jocul genereaza momente scary la intervale si locuri random asa ca niciun walkthrough nu o sa va ajute. Have fun
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Din ce tara sunt sa stiu ?
Introduction Sometimes site that is your TARGET just isn't hackable. Even Acunetix Web Security Scanner can't find useful vulnerability. In that kind of situation the only thing that might work is to hack site (backdoor site) that is on same server and through that site and through server to penetrate the site. Tools required: GNY.Shell Shell - Pestebin Finding Backdoor Site To find backdoor site go to http://www.domaintools.com/ and in Whois Lookup enter your TARGET site As a result you'll get Whois Record Look for "Reverse IP" In our case 25 other sites hosted on this server. Click on it to see names of the hosted sites on the same server. You will see few of them, to see all, click on more... To see them all you must be a member. You can easily Sign up for a FREE account by cicking on Create an Account (use some ********* email service for that) As a member you can see all 25 other sites hosted on that server. Hacking Backdoor Site Here we have 25 potentional backdoor sites and our target one. Let's say after analysing we find that our backdoor sites No17 (as example) and target No22 Backdoor site can be any one from the list who can be hacked and sell uploaded By cicking on var/ at www.backdoorsite.com we go straight to root of the server Where we can find our www.target.com dir. Sometimes premisions isn't drwx but dr-x which is more then enough to read configuration file. With data from that file we can hack unhackable site...
E mai bun ca Blender ?
Dureaza pana la 72 de ore pana se propaga nameserverele
Deci vrei sa imiti postarea unui document wordpress sa arate cum ca ar face-o un om ? Nu inteleg de ce vrei dar se poate face in vb.net acum se pune problema data de Petzy
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NU ai ce face , te asigur asta urasc la profesori , daca nu-i pupi in cur te ameninta cu repetentia daca vrei sa faci ceva fa-o in limita extremelor "Poti sa ma reclami dincolo de Funeriu - Profu de fizica"
Mai bine urmeaza basescu sper