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Everything posted by bt.ionut

  1. De ce toti care au gresit, spun ca din graba ? GTOF with this bollshet, mai degraba recunoste si gata, chiar mi-a placut introducerea ta, dar ai distrus'o cu fraza ta. Welcome, bafta ! Vei avea nevoie !
  2. I'm IN !
  3. bt.ionut


    Cine face fileice si castiga mai mult de 500 pe luna din methoda youtube, il rog sa ma contacteze. * Doar cei care folosesc fileice !
  4. Eu sincer am uitat... mi-am adus aminte saptamana trecuta dar am uitat iar Voi incerca sa ma prezint la urmatorul.
  5. wtf ? De ce titlul arata de parca a fost scris de un cocalar care nu stie ce`i un foc ? * Cred ca esti cocalar in secret. Nu te mai stradui cu scrisul, revino in lumea t@.
  6. bt.ionut


    Pai acele 10 posturi inainte de a face o cerere, trebuie sa fie de calitate, nu doar thanks, etc... Cat despre "Cererea" ta, iti spun cu parere de rau, ca ai gresit forumul.
  7. Prin transfer bancar, nu ! Am incercat eu sa ma afiliez.
  8. @M2G merci. Multumersc tuturor pentru ajutor.
  9. @Xander merci.
  10. Already now that. Vreau sa dau submit la form. Cum sa fac un form daca formul nu e al meu, ceea ce vroiam eu este in login website in vb.
  11. am codul: WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("login").InvokeMember("click") ar trebuie sa dea click pe id(login) insa nu da pentru ca e hidden, si nustiu cum sa scriu sa poata da click. "login" <div > <input style="margin-left:5px;" type="image" src="images/login.gif"/> <input type="hidden" id='login' name='login' value="sent" /> </div> merci.
  12. merci 1?
  13. de ce toti care fac daune la nasa, cia, etc primesc joburi asa de bune ? Pun pariu ca nu are nici un cacat de facultate, sau pula mea ce, sicerc sunt oameni care au si nu au un job asa de bun. fuck !
  14. Ce baze de date ? Ma duce cu gandul la multe baze...
  15. Multumesc, nu am vazut asa ceva de mult timp pe forum. * Pune tutorialul de la oriceon pentru incepatori in php, e foarte bun.
  16. true ! @kreven cu placere.
  17. bine (ca) ai plecat !
  18. http://www.1and1.com/domain-names?linkOrigin=&linkId=hd.subnav.domainregistration enjoy
  19. am sursa: Public Class Form1 Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick Timer1.Start() End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim Key As Integer Key = (Rnd() * 10) Select Case Key Case 1 TextBox1.Text = "GJKSA-AGS3-GH3SG-54JH" Case 2 TextBox1.Text = "H45HD-J5H4D-H4KN6-DJJ4" Case 3 TextBox1.Text = "MBEGA-GASGA-GASG3-J6J6" Case 4 TextBox1.Text = "MVHFG-AHDY2-HAYDH2-AHDW" Case 5 TextBox1.Text = "LAM3J-84JFH-4YS6D-2H282" Case 6 TextBox1.Text = "MAK2L-DSFAG-WHTOF-WHTS" Case 7 TextBox1.Text = "LAKFG-WJALS-GWITG-AWFS" Case 8 TextBox1.Text = "MAK2L-DSFAG-WHTOF-WHTS" Case 9 TextBox1.Text = "LAM3J-84JFH-4YS6D-2H282" Case 10 TextBox1.Text = "MBEGA-GASGA-GASG3-J6J6" End Select ProgressBar1.Increment(100) End Sub End Class 1.Cum fac ca in momentul in care progress bar1 a ajuns la 100% sa imi arate codul(keyul), sursa de mai sus, arata inainte sa ajuga bara la 100% 2. Cum fac cand progress bar1 e 100% sa imi arate un pop-up cu un text. *Merci.
  20. Anonymous has blown the whistle about the release date of their newest project, a “massively distributed and decentralized Wikipedia-style P2P cipher-space structure” expected to enter the beta-testing stage on the 5th of November 2012. According to the announcement on the AnonNews website, the new service, called TYLER, will become available on Nov. 5 and will serve as a publishing platform where users from around the world will be able to dump “evidence of illegality [,] corruption and fraud they have gathered.” Although little data has been disclosed, it is sure that this webspace will substitute for Wikileaks, a notorious wiki-style portal where key persons have disclosed confidential government information, but which suffered numerous outages and attacks against its server infrastructure. Rather than going for the conventional webhosting, Anonymous collaboratively developed a platform that blends technologies such as “FreeNet, TOR, GNUnet, e-Mule, BitTorrent I2P, Tribler” to distribute a copy of the material to other participants, who will then distribute it further, in a classical peer-to-peer style. “From the 12th of December 2012, to the 21st of December 2012, people all over the world upload the evidence of illegality [,] corruption and fraud they have gathered to TYLER. Imagine we leak it all,” reads the press release. The new platform will likely become a nightmare for anyone trying to take information off the web, since the content will be distributed worldwide and served by users with high levels of anonymity. A peer-to-peer infrastructure also has next to zero operational costs, which means that no payments are necessary, so law enforcement can’t follow the money trail. The decentralized, peer-to-peer distribution model is not new in the cyber-underground. In June 2011, the TDL-4 botnet was switched to a decentralized command and control model, which prevented law enforcement from shutting it down or tracing its mastermind. http://www.hotforsecurity.com/blog/anonymous-to-launch-decentralized-version-of-wikileaks-on-nov-5-3516.html
  21. bt.ionut

    free MYSQL

    db4free.net - get a MySQL 5.6 Database for free nustiu daca a mai fost posta, insa daca da, sterge-ti. Enjoy !
  22. Cea'ti facut ma ? I-ati futut afacerea ?
  23. Scoate ma gtop, arata neprofesional.
  24. Tu inspiri incredere ? Nu vezi ce scrii ? Daca folosesti whmcs nulled care e problema ta, atata timp cat e singurul(din cate stiu eu) care ofera domenii la preturi asa de avantajoase. @andreinick05 pune undeva sus sa poti schimba limba, engleza/romana. * Incearca sa numai faci dublu post, foloseste butonul edit.
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