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Consiliul de Administratie al Yahoo are de gand sa vanda compania. Vestea vine ca o completare a concedierii CEO-ului Carol Bartz. Sursa care a dezvaluit informatia privind scoaterea la vanzare a Yahoo, este aceeasi care a dat presei informatiile privind concedierea CEO-ului, cu alte cuvinte, este credibila. Potrivit Business Insider, sursa a spus ca "Yahoo este dispusa sa vanda oricarui investitor serios". Pe cat de socanta este decizia Yahoo, care vine intr-o perioada critica pentru industria IT la nivel mondial, pe atat de logica este in conditiile in care compania a devenit un gigant cu picioare de lut, care trebuie "insanatosit" rapid. Yahoo este acum un conglomerat care reuneste activitati media, de continut si comunicare, a facut investitii solide in aceste segmente, dar nu are o viziune unitara asupra produselor sale, scrie presa straina. In ciuda activitatii intinse in atat de multe segmente, Yahoo a ramas mult in urma Google. Actionarii acuza faptul ca pierd bani iar decizia eliminarii unui CEO a fost surprinzator de rapid (cateva ore) urmata de decizia vanzarii companiei. Asta nu inseamna decat - pe bursa speculatiilor - ca siguatia de la Yahoo nu este tocmai roza. [+]Source Yahoo este de vanzare! | Hit.ro
Dupa parerea mea....Romania nu e tara noastra ci a tiganilor dupa anumite conceptii,comportament,etc. M-am saturat sa vad atata cretinism in tara asta si atatia cocalari precum Gigi Becali si Borcea.Iar la televizor nici nu ma uit pentru ca la stiri ce sa fie...morti,nunta lui borcea,ce cadou ia facut..etc. ba eu ma intreb..pe cine dracul il intereaza chestiile astea? Pur si simplu in Romania nu exista jurnalism. Si cine e Gigi Becali sau Borcea? chiar cine sunt astia ? niste functionari la niste echipe de fotbal si ca au bani de numa numa. Nu e adevarat,ei sunt saraci.Au asa un aer de bogati dar nu sunt.
Ce parere aveti despre " vedetele " astea gen INNA,Elena Gheorghe,Alessia si cine mai e de acest gen. Cand zic "acest gen" ma refer la acele 3 versurile de cacat si pe acel beat care merita aplauze. Mi-e jena ca sunt numiti artisti unii si de tara asta. La noi astea sunt "vedetele" : Gigi Becali (cine era gigi becali inainte ? cred ca stim cu totii) Borcea (care e cocalarul suprem) si etc.
Mircea Badea are dreptate dupa parerea mea.
Este aparuta de ieri ( 5 septembrie )
Welcome To RST CENTER !
Au mai fost discutii in legatura cu aceasta tema.
Si eu sunt din Bacau .
This shit seems to be on fire over the internet so i decided to take a look and get it for free. The Black Hole exploit kit is an unethical off-the-shelf Web application. The first instance - v.1.0.0 beta - has appeared on the black market and was advertised in August 2010 as a "System for network testing". As with most of the exploit kits, it is based on PHP and a MySQL backend. The payload of this kit usually targets Windows operating systems and applications installed on those systems, but depends on the criminals' end goal. The kit's administrative system includes several so-called "Statistical Widgets". Most widgets provide the same information as pages in other kits, like global statistics, operating systems, top countries and referrers. An interesting feature of this kit is that a criminal can create a custom widget, basically meaning that the most important and required statistics will be gathered and shown in one widget. The Black Hole exploit kit uses several protection mechanisms such as: Integrated Antivirus based on an API of popular blackhats' AVCheck services Forms database of blacklists based on referrers and IP addresses including ranges to block access to the system The kit's settings allow criminals to choose a language interface of either Russian or English, which suggests that this kit was developed in Russia, and to change name of the malicious payload file and parameters to make it undetectable by AVs. Exploits are encrypted with custom algorithms, which makes this pack difficult to analyze by AVs and generic deobfuscation tools and services. The Black Hole exploit kit uses the Java OBE (Open Business Engine) toolkit to spread exploits and successfully load the malicious executable to the victim's machine. Once a victim follows the malicious Iframe, he will download a JAR file with an encoded URL parameter, and one of the classes of this JAR file will decode this parameter into a clear text URL. The URL will be concatenated with an HTTP GET parameter which will be used in downloading other malicious payload files. The exploit kit is encrypted by the commercial php-cryptor which makes the whole distribution very regulated and sophisticated. The kit is therefore only rented by the criminals and not sold like many others. Here is a screen shot of the settings page: More Info: Infosecurity (UK) - BlackHole exploit kit now being offered for free Download: blackhole.rar Password: 123456789
WWWhack is a brute force utility that will try to crack web sites guarded by an web access password. This utility can use a word file or try all possible combinations, and by trial-and-error, will attempt to find a combination of username/password that is accepted by the web server. This shows the weakness in securing sensitive areas of your web site by the web authentication method alone. To use wwwhack 1.9 you need to set your system clock to the year 2000 or before as it expires in ’2001?. Once again this is an oldskool tool but a lot of people are still seeking it, for learning purposes I presume as there are better alternatives now like thc-hydra. Download: http://www.darknet.org.uk/content/files/wwwhack19.zip
Contents : *avast! Pro AntiVirus v6.0.1000 Final + Crack [Till 2050] *avast! Internet Security v6.0.1000 Final + Crack [Till 2050] *Instructions Included Download: Hotfile.com: Transfer de fisiere cu 1 singur click: avast![Till 2050].rar
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