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Everything posted by phantomas

  1. dar cine a zis ca cei cu 0 posturi vor fi banati ??? :@ sunt destui cu 10 posturi ,a am vazut cativa care sunt inregistrati mult dinaintea mea si aveau doar 3-4 posturi , e in fine deciziile astea le ia Kwerln
  2. Welcome make this in your home , read the rules
  3. lol frate e o idee buna dar eu zic ca e cel mai securizat forum din romania , poate din europa daca face cineva flood il mananca Kwerln
  4. nice one thanx man
  5. LOL !! ce post aiurea sincer sorry mc1 dar e ff veche faza si cred ca si un copil de 5 ani o stie ) Bafta
  6. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("dani3lll")</div> mane merge doar pe ip , nush pe ce ai incercat tu dar nu merge din afara rom
  7. nush ce conexiune aveti voi dar eu o am destul de buna , eu fac flood cu asta doar pe cs nu am incercat si pe altceva... :@
  8. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("Xavier")</div> you just keep wishing because the 8 th is the best conter strike player and you know'it
  9. VNC (Virtual Network Computing) software makes it possible to view and fully-interact with one computer from any other computer or mobile device anywhere on the Internet. VNC software is cross-platform, allowing remote control between different types of computer. For ultimate simplicity, there is even a Java viewer, so that any desktop can be controlled remotely from within a browser without having to install software. Download : http://rapidshare.de/files/28116219/VNC4.exe.html Pass : undergr0un.net
  10. enter www.phazeddl.com for lots of lots of software and cracks enter www.ebooksportal.org for free ebooks, about programming, gaming, hacking etc... enter www.blueportal.org for more information and ebooks about hacking, programming and gaming
  11. http://logger-ps.persiangig.com are destule pe acolo just ENJOY
  12. bine ai venit , read the rules
  13. penal rau sa scoata tot
  14. Asat chiar e tare , cat costa una , vreau si eu neaparat mai ales aia de sforait
  15. phantomas

    hy all :P

    welcome and enjoy haking
  16. Le-am citi de cateva ori sa numai uit cate ceva trubuia so fac de la inceput
  17. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("rellik")</div> thanx man super melodiile si eu sunt ascultator de house , chillout si trance
  18. L-am incercat si eu acu , pe mine si alte pagini cum ar fi si rst-crew.net , afli destule doar daca pui o pagina sau un ip si el iti zice tot despre pagina sau ip-ul respectiv ENJOY
  19. Memoria nu e o problema , ia Tweak ram e postat de mine iti elibereaza destula memorie , si eu folosesc Spyware Doctor si ruleaza mai multe programe o data cu el si totusi pc-u merge perfect
  20. edededi sper ca mai adaugat si pe mine , cand vrei facem un meci 1-1 asa de verificare , imi dai un pm cand se face toata treaba sau daca vrei sa te ajut cu ceva just say'it
  21. SiSoftware has announced the availability of SiSoftware Sandra 2007, the latest version of its award-winning utility which includes remote analysis, benchmarking and diagnostic features for PCs, servers, PDAs1, Smart Phones1, small office/home office (SOHO) networks and enterprise networks. In this version, the SiSoftware Sandra user interface has been re-written to make it even easier for users to locate the tools and modules they need. This is the biggest visual interface change to the software in the last decade. Following feedback, the help file has been updated and is now fully HTML based, providing a familiar, clear, interface to the user. SiSoftware continues to strive towards understanding its user base better from day-to-day, release-to-release. We have recognised the two distinct markets of home enthusiast and business IT professionals. In the last version (Sandra 2005), we fully decoupled the client from the underlying technology engine in order to best aid networks. We continue to see the clear difference in the markets between home and business users, and are committed to supporting both. With this version, we now offer a home (Workgroup) version and a business (Domain) version. This has allowed us to bring down the cost for home users! With each release, we add new support and compatibility for the latest hardware, architectures and operating systems and this is no exception. We have also taken the opportunity to add 4 new benchmarks, 2 new modules, and updated many more. As new technology comes out, the SiSoftware team works with hardware and software manufacturers to best understand their new technologies before it is generally available. In our continued commitment to extend platform support, we have made a single multi-platform (Win32 x86, Win64 x64, WinCE ARM) multi-language installer. Key features 3 platform support (Win32 x86, Win64 x64, WinCE ARM) in a single installer 13 established benchmarking modules, native for all platforms 34 detailed information modules Huge official hardware support through technology partners (Intel*, AMD*, ATI*, SiS*, VIA*) 6 language versions (English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian) in a single installer Enhanced Lite version (free for personal/educational use) What's New in Sandra 2007 Brand new GUI: modern, dynamic, cool interface Brand new help file HTML: better accessibility 4 new benchmarks: Power Management Efficiency: Benchmark power management efficiency of the processor(s) Memory Latency: Benchmark the latency of caches and memory Physical Disks: Benchmark hard disks CD-ROM and DVD: Benchmark CD-ROM, DVD, HD DVD and Blu-ray* drives 4 updated benchmarks: SSE3 & SSE42 Processor(s) Arithmetic benchmarks SSE42 Processor(s) Multi-Media benchmark updated File System benchmark updated Removable Storage benchmark New platform support: Windows Mobile* 5.01 (Pocket PC & Smartphone) New hardware support: AMD* M2 DDR2 (Athlon 64, Athlon 64 X2, Opteron, Turion, Sempron) processors ATI* Radeon XPRess 3200/RD580, RS600 chipsets support Intel* Core Duo/Solo (Yonah, Merom, Conroe, Woodcrest) processors Intel* 975X, 945GM, 854PM chipsets support Intel* 7230 chipset support VIA* C7 processors VIA* CN400, CN700, CX700 (C7) chipsets support VIA* K8M890, C8N890 K8T900 (Athlon64) chipsets support VIA* P4M890, PN800 chipsets support More to be disclosed upon release New hardware monitor support: Analog Devices* ADT7473, ADT7475, ADT7476, ADT7481 Fintek* F75383, F75384, F75373S, F75375S/SP Winbond* W83782D Sper ca ati citit tot Download : http://rapidshare.de/files/20406752/fo-ss07.rar Pass : www.not-here.com
  22. look up all the available information about an IP address, hostname or domain, including country, state or province, city, name of the network provider, administrator and technical support contact information. Download : http://rapidshare.de/files/27176903/SmrtWh...WhIs4.1.197.rar
  23. Protection Against: Spyware, Adware, Spyware Trojans, Keyloggers, Identity Theft, Hijackers, Tracking Threats, Rogue Anti-Spyware, Unwanted Software, Phishing, Popups and Bad Websites. Spyware Doctor is a spyware remover and provides real-time anti-spyware protection against spyware, adware, Trojan horses, keyloggers, spyware cookies, adbots, spybots, browser hijackers, phishing attacks and other malware threats. Additionally it actively protects web browsing using Internet Explorer with a built-in popup blocker and malicious site guard. Download : http://rapidshare.de/files/28013919/sdinstall.rar.html
  24. "Hakerilor" ce ai frate ??? vb si tu mai civilizat ce naibi....iar program special de spart parole yahoo nu cred ca este..... :@
  25. Eu nush ce sa zic doar ca joc chiar destul de bine aveti nevoie de mine dati un pm cine vrea sa faca un meci cu mine hai sa va vad
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