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Everything posted by ovidelu47
Salut,vreau sa va prezint un nou tutorial cum puteti castiga un banut in plus fara prea multa munca. Atentie!!! : Acest tutorial nu este scris de mine ,eu l-am testat si confirm ca functioneaza si vreau sa vil prezint si voua. Instead of posting below 'Thanks' give a Rep and Thank! PART 1(THIS DOES NOT WORK WELL, ADFOC.US WILL NOT PAY YOU, BE WARNED.) Steps: Sign up for EmpireViews.com here: Register Now! After you have signed up, download the viewer here:TBN - The Botting Network and Surfer.zip (This bot doesn't have popups and will earn faster than there Firefox viewer.) Now, signup for adfoc.us here: AdFoc.us | Shrink, Share, and Earn! Adfoc.us is your main way to earn $5 each day. They pay when people click your links, the current rate is $6.50 per 1000 views for United States. Now, open EmpireViews.exe, enter your account info and click 'Start' I highly recommend you to turn on the bot the first you start up your computer. You get about 3000 - 5000 credits every hour, so leaving it on for 24 hours = ~96,000 Credits! While your browsing, go back to adfoc.us and create some links! Enter a random website, for example 'Google.com' or 'Yahoo.com' and click Shrink. You should have about five links. After you are shrinked it, copy your links and go back to EmpireViews.com and click 'Submit Links' Submit all your adfoc.us links. You can add as many views you would like, put the view length to 15 seconds, and have IP Check ON. That is it! If your views run out, submit more links. The minimum payout for adfoc.us is $10, which you obtain within 5 days! If you would like to boost your earnings, you can signup for more traffic exchange websites. Here are a list of some: Register Now! Download the Roboviews bot here: TBN - The Botting Network TBN - The Botting Network You cannot use the EmpireView viewer with the Roboviews viewer at the same time. If you want to do that, download a different bot or run one of them in sandboxie. Non-Refs: EmpireViews.com , RoboViews.com Sursa: [AUTOPILOT] Earn up to $10 Daily - TBN - The Botting Network
Deci ce sa-i fac ? Sa ii pun tastatura cu legatura directa la mufa ca sa mearga si dupa ce sa-i fac?
Din cauza tastaturi e aceasta problema,nu se poate rezolva ? Si da tastatura e cu cablu usb.
Am cautat si am incercat mai multe chestii de pe google si nu am reusit,acesta e motivul pentru care am postat nu ca sa ocup spatiu inutil.
Salut baieti, Un vecin m-a chemat sa arunc o privire la PC-ul lui- e cam in varsta, nu se pricepe. Mi-a zis el ceva la telefon si venisem pregatit cu un CD de Win XP SP3 bootabil. La power on PC apare asta: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt : \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair. Am setat din BIOS ca first boot drive sa fie DVD ROM si am introdus CD-ul bootabil. La aparitia mesajului "Press any key to boot from CD..." apasam orice tasta dar PC nu boota de pe CD ed paca nu luase comanda; tastatura e ok pentru ca intrasem in BIOS cu ea. Ma gandesc ca problema mea face ca de la tastatura sa nu fie trimisa nici o comanda atunci cand apare "Press any key to boot from CD...". Am cautat pe google dupa "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt : \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM" dar la toti le aparea optiunea cu "repair", la mine nu booteaza. Ce as putea sa fac? Mentionez ca inainte a avut tot windows sp3 pus de mine si la tinut cam 8 luni si azi am venit cu acelasi cd. Multumesc.
Eu nu am nimic cu tine,dar frate dute si lasa-ne sa traim ca suntem satuli de profesori ca tine.
Asta e un citat copiat de undeva?
Abia ti-ai facut cont,ai invatat si tu cum sa folosesti un keylogger si vi sa il testezi pe noi.....jet .
Dece nu vine careva cu o oferta de genul intai iau plata de la gogu dupa iti dau si tie partea,ati avea mai multi ,,clienti" .
Google vs site de anunturi impact mai mare!
ovidelu47 replied to laurian's topic in Black SEO & monetizare
Salut,nu te supara dar nu functiona butonul edit? -
Si eu cum pot castiga daca am multe views pe youtube?
On Si cum imi garantezi tu mie ca nu iau ban cand incerc sa le cer plata ? Ofera si tu garantia la ,,clientii" ce iti vor utiliza sistemul sa iti dea partea ta dupa ce primesc plata de la gogu. OFF Am vazut pe undeva ca exista ceva in genul in care orice vizitator va da click oriunde pe site,automat va da click fara sa vrea si pe o reclama de la google adsense,deci poti folosi metoda cat sa strangi cateva click-uri pe zi.
• Prima pagin? acesta este linkul forumului,imi cer scuze ca l-am scris gresit vedeti ca nu merge cu www . ElChief e in lucru am dezactivat eu textcapcha ca sa rezolv ceva si nu l-am activat ,o sa il activez.
Salut dupa cum spune titlul caut partener pentru un forum,linkul forumului este http://super-tutorials.com domeniul este inregistrat la godaddy pe 1 an,hostingul este platit pentru 5 luni. Vom lucra impreuna la site,vom posta articole,am mai gasit eu 4 poster de incredere care sa ma ajute pe mine si viitorul partener,faza e ca eu nu ma pricep foarte bine sa lucrez in phpbb deaceea vreau ca viitorul partener sa se descurce cu aceasta platforma. Eu voi investi si o suma modesta pentru promovare si optimizare iar profitul va fi 50/50 . Daca aveti alte intrebari lasati repley la fel si cei ce doresc sa imi fie parteneri.
Da fara bot,alt exploit la site nu mai stiti?
am primit si eu 2 plati de 0.5 $ fiecare de la ei o s amai incerc.
Ok asa o sa fac.
TR Adf.ly Bot Exchange Mode Proxy Mode Version 1.0 What It Does This will generate you views for adfly. To Use it, Follow these steps: Open Up TBM (TrafficRoit Bot Manager) Click Basic Pro Tab, then click refresh list! Click TR_ADFLY_BOT Click Start Bot! Enjoy! Features Your Bot has the ability to go to Adfl.y and Bot you Views. Other Features Include: Proxy Mode (Enable to get a list of proxys to use) Proxy Mode How To - Add you adf.ly code (Example: adf.ly/aBc12 Code = aBc12 Turn on Proxy Mode Click a Proxy from the list Wait to see if Proxy is Live (If proxy is live it will change your ip adress) Click Start Button Repeat 3 - 5 Done Exchange Mode(1 Members IP = 5 Hits) Exchange Mode How To - Click your Short Link Company Add your Code (Example: adf.ly/aBc12 Code = aBc12) Add your link to Server Enable Exchange Mode Done Download: AdF.ly - shrink your URLs and get paid! Aveti nevoie de cont pe siteul : AdF.ly - The URL shortener service that pays you! Earn money for every visitor to your links. (ref link),(non ref : adf.ly) si pe siteul : TrafficRoit (link ref),(non ref: trafficroit.com) Sursa: TR Adf.ly Bot - TBN - The Botting Network .
O noua metoda de castig pe adf.ly garantata
ovidelu47 replied to ovidelu47's topic in Black SEO & monetizare
Postati aici cei carora va functionat metoda si daca nu primiti linkul de activare in maxim 48 de ore la la siteul de surf,trimiteti mail la administrator sa vi-l activeze.- 16 replies
- adf.ly
- adf.ly bot
(and 3 more)
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Salut o sa va prezint o noua metoda de castig pe adf.ly cred ca este una din putinele care functioneaza (Testata de mine). NOTE :- This is only a tip and will benefit your adf.ly earnings. Click the spoiler below to show you the method Exploit Status :- WORKING Works for other PTC Sites :- YES Can be banned for this :- No 100% invisible exploit REQUIREMENTS 1.) AdF.ly - The URL shortener service that pays you! Earn money for every visitor to your links. Account (REF Link) 2.) SionIAM Account (REF Link) Instructions 1. Got to sioniam and register as a new user. After registering in the sub-sections towards your right of the screen you will find a section called Frame Breaker Surf 2. Below it you will find Silver Surfer section. Click it. 3. Now in the top you will see a link to download the Silver Surfer Application. Download and install it 4. Now come back to the main page. Open a new tab and login to your adf.ly account 5. Create a link if not created or use your existing links. Copy your selected link 6. Now scroll downwards your sioniam account below you will see a section called points to click. 7. There you can see a text box and add button. 8. Paste your adf.ly url there and click add. 9. Now Start Silversurfer you installed. 10. Click on the second tab called Details. Now head back to your sioniam account scroll up. On the top you will see SilverSurfer URL: http://sioniam.com/silversurf.php?id=xxxx 11. Copy your SilverSurfer URL and paste it into the texbox in the tab and click Submit. 12. Now open the browser tab and you will see your SilverSurfer URL click start and you will start earning points which will automatically assigned to your adf.ly link in the points to click section. I RECOMMEND YOU TO RUN THIS ONLY WHEN YOU USE YOUR COMPUTER. THIS WILL INCREASE YOU VIEWS UPTO 50 Per link per day On an average you will get 50 clicks per day (depends upon how much you surf) So 50x7x30=10920 views which is nearly 3 - 4 Dollars you will earn + your normal adf.ly earnings IF YOU ARE BENEFITED BY THIS METHOD +Rep and Thanks appreciated . NOTE :- Don't waste your time in adf.ly bots etc NONE OF THEM are working (even my adf.ly click-me 1.3.2 bot). Adf.ly has powerful proxy and bot protection. Sursa:(TIP) How to boost your adf.ly earnings - TBN - The Botting Network
- 16 replies
- adf.ly
- adf.ly bot
(and 3 more)
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Cea mai usoara metoda de facut bani cu ShareCash + Adfly
ovidelu47 replied to ZeroCold's topic in Black SEO & monetizare
Sunt metode frumoase de castig pe adf.ly si fara investiti,o sa postez un tutorial.- 24 replies
- adfly
- bani online
(and 1 more)
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Altceva nu stiti sa mai mearga platesc pentru metoda
Nu cred ca este asa ceva,siteul e facut sa platesti pentru a downloada nu sa descarci moka.
Ce om retardat ar face orice chiar ar manca si caca*t sa puna si el mana pe ceva moka se umilesc pentru 10 euro.
Ardamax Keylogger 3.8.9 + Serial (licenta merge si nu are virusi)
ovidelu47 replied to ovidelu47's topic in Programe hacking
Chiar daca bagati key-ul acolo nu merge functioa de remote,scuze nu am gasit o licenta sa mearga si acea functie cine detine una sa o posteze daca doreste.