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Everything posted by Pastilatu'
Scanari....stit voi :@ Latvia passport scan: http://rapidshare.de/files/21778263/...atvia.jpg.html Lithuania pasport scan: http://rapidshare.de/files/21778406/...tuvos.jpg.html Russian passport scan: http://rapidshare.de/files/21778739/...l_Rus.jpg.html Slovak passport scan: http://rapidshare.de/files/21778465/...lovak.jpg.html Slovak passport cover scan: http://rapidshare.de/files/21778859/...cover.jpg.html Ukraina passport scan: http://rapidshare.de/files/21779287/...l_Ukr.jpg.html American express Travel cheque http://rapidshare.de/files/21779692/...lcheq.JPG.html Sweden dl 2002 http://rapidshare.de/files/21780501/..._2002.rar.html Social security card: http://rapidshare.de/files/21780724/S.S._Card.jpg.html Phone Bill: http://rapidshare.de/files/21780761/Phone_...e_Bill.jpg.html Canadian scans: http://rapidshare.de/files/21780852/...scans.rar.html College id scans: http://rapidshare.de/files/21781026/...scans.rar.html Social securityfont and bank and front included,can make urself) http://rapidshare.de/files/21781411/SS_Card.rar.html Photo security lines with tutorial: http://rapidshare.de/files/21781323/...orial.rar.html MC TM Vector: http://rapidshare.de/files/21781370/...ector.rar.html
http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TFirstAlbum.rar [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TFitnessFab.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TFixItCenter.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TFloralEssence.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TFlowerShop.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TFreshFolio.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TFreshGamer.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TFreshlyFragrent.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TFromCorporateToHome.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TFuriouslyFast.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TFurnishedSpace.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TFurnitureFactory.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TFurryFriends.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TGadgetMart.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TGadgetShop.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TGeneralAgreement.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TGigahertzStation.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TGigaRecords.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TGoldStone.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TGoodCredit.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TGourmetDelight.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TGradeSchoolEvents.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TGraduallyRising.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TGrayStone.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TGreenAcres.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TGreenerPastures.rar[/url] [url]http://site343.mysite4now.com/mareno/templates/TGreenFrameGamma.rar[/url] Pace scrie la fiecare pentru ce e...gigarecords , gadget shop...vedeti voi ..
:@pacat a fost ...caterinca :@ si .....ne-am mai jucat cu alea de cola....e complicat meniul ala...
:@ ce as va fac daca ne-at dat schema...schema...si nu prea a mai venit nimeni :@ pace pentru phatmoas sponsoru :@ :@
hmmm eu sustzin bitdefenderu chiar isi face treaba face de cealalte.. :?
BITDEFENDERUL ESTE PE NUMARUL 1 ! Eu il folosesc ......am licentza originala de la el... sie super bun frate deci gaseste si radminul original .... :@ ca virus...sterge serveru si lasa vieweru
:@ poate cineva scoate bani pentru a il crea viu :@ stati calmi ca daca era vorba de ashea ceva....se gasea de mult ,ganditiva ca e illegal sa iti schimbi indentitatea.... daca era vorba de satelitii alte aberati.... :@ era dus in fata curtzi ...extradat...alte nebuni......totusi....era toata lumea pe el....ganditiva cati bani se scotea din chestia asta...., eu acuma daca ma duc si fac un album cu unu care are o voce asemanatoare cu 2PAc si ...il public....am dreptate ca o sa fac vanzari de de va cumpar vila RST ba chiar hotel :@ nu are sens ....logica... pace !! as putea fi eu 2PAc....poate e kw3rln ....... :@ pace....asta e din lipsa de aberatie...ganditiva ca una din puterile lume e MASSMEDIA ! l-ar fi gasit de mult :@
lasa ca a zis ca o sa isi schimbe numele cand e sa moara :@ :@ :@
nu plec bah nicaieri eu nu plec fara net langa mine....ar trebui sa fie o versiune a forumului WAP :@
:@ si mie la fel...mie total aiurea...plm parkouristi sunt un gen de oameni....adik ...daca sunt manelist(ceea ce nu sunt, sunt ciorapar) dar ca idee.... testez lumea
haide sa ii hackerim si dati nr meu de telefon si idul meu poate dau peste o vreo satanista buna deaia care sa rupa carnea de pe tine in timp ce te fute hahahahah
To hide your IP and DNS!!! http://rapidshare.de/files/14330080/DC_IS.EXE.html [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/14330098/DC_IS.DOC.html[/url] Damaged Cybernetics presents....       ==============================================       THE DAMAGED CYBERNETICS INTERNET SERVICES PACK       ==============================================               Written by Royce EyeDent Spoofer --------------- EyeDent spoofer will allow you to fake your user name on any ident request.  Which means you can lie to ftp sessions, telnet sessions, irc sessions (which is a telnet session anways) from windows. Just type who you want to be:  billgates, boom your billgates. And if you tell the remote system any different it won't belive you because you are billgates. No it doesn't change your host names but you can still have lots of fun, get on as other people on irc, get into their bots, mail servers, web sites and other goodies, or just piss off ftp servers. Finger Client/Keep Alive ------------------------ This is just a normal finger client with a twist.  You can set a time interval that, upon triggering, will automatically finger the host name for you.  If there isn't a light bulb over your head yet, allow me to clarify.  Say your internet provider has an idle time-out and boots you after one hour of inactivity, ... get it? When you run the DC_IS Pack, it automatically icon-izes into your systray and runs in the background.
http://rapidshare.de/files/26649829/Mud_B.rar Sculptare in 3D !! super progam....pentru pasionati de maya....bryce....3dmax...e usor si e tare
e prea tare...pe idul de msn am dat linku asta la americani si au ramas socati nu stiau asta :@
:@ :@ :@ tare frate :@ :@ :@ :@
cred ca am indeplinit conditile din aceasta rubrica...fiind offtipic fata de topicul central al forumului Hacking...aici e locul unde ne destindem si ne cunoastem....
:@ m-as prezenta si eu la chestile astea parkour....dar mie aiurea....sa ma bag in seama cu fortza
plm tocmai a fost uploadat pe torrente...e demo....adik e crackuit nebuni...dar e demo
da...si eu mai fac si deaia nu mam apucat de dailalta...
pey da sunt igenic... am grija de mine din minut in minut...ashea e frumos :@
tare ideea...asta si cautam :@
sunt gabor 100% v-am prins ......hahahaha
bah da mai bagati multe deastea....mai aveti un pic si ne intrebati si adresa completa....sunteti mana in mana cu F.B.I cu nebuni astia...sau SPIR... :@
cam...asta e....acuma e mai updatata..... :@
prea tare ideea pace