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Si acuma...daca se poate...un avatar mai trendy decat asta...tot pentru urban friends Pace
Vreau si eu un userbar pentru echipa mea daca se poate UrbanFriends se numeste .... Am postat logo poate ...ajuta...la ceva.. Pace
pt astea ar trebui sa se faca o categorie Software & Others Request (( REQUIRE 30+ POSTS! ))
Goal: To learn how to hex edit "trojans" or anything else making them UD to AV programs. Definitions: UD: Undetected AV: Anti-Virus FW: FireWall *Make sure the program which you are reading this in has WORD WRAP *ON* *And the word *Click* in the tutorial is written that way so you can easily scim through the tutorial if you would like. _________________________________ To begin, HexEditing is a difficult and partially effective method used to make "trojans" UD. In some cases this method will not work because the AV has tagged a vital part of the code. There are a few necessities you will need: Hex Workshop or another HexProgram (Hex Workshop is used in this tutorial) : Download Link http://www.download.com/3000-2352-10004918...page&tag=button :Your Server is needed (this is what you are hexing) :A little time and a good attitude (alwayz good) : ) __________________________________ Ok lets begin... 1) First open up "Hex Workshop" and *Click* File:open: Find your server or whatever you are hexing and *Click* it and then *Click* open. 2) In you workfield all the HexValues should pop-up. Get familiar with the file look at certain bytes this will help you understand more. 3) Scroll down to about the middle and *Click* the first offsett on the left side. Grab it and drag down as you drag down do NOT let go or you will have to return and do it again. Keep holding it down until your at the bottom of the file Offsett 1. 4) Seeing half the file highlighted. Right *Click* and *Click* Fill. A new window should open, in the textbox instead of 0 put 00. Then *Click* Ok. 5) What you have just done is cut the file in half. The 00 byte has no values at all, another common used byte used in hexing is 90 it is the no-operation byte. 6) Ok now you have half the file filled with 00's right? Good... Point your arrow to the left hand corner. *Click* File: Save As. Save the file 1.exe. Be sure to remember the offsett you cut the file at. 7) Go to the directory you saved 1.exe in, and right *Click* it and find a tab called Scan It For Viruses with your AV logo beside it. Once its done scanning if it is detected that means the detected string is not in that half which you filled with 00's. _How an AV detects Malware_ An AV program is very powerfull it stops about 98% of common malware from infecting your PC. Our goal like said earlier is to be apart of that 2%. An AV when it scans a file looks for a string it could be anywhere in the file. Most likely it is in the most vulnerable spot, via if you arn't carefull you could corrupt your server. The detected string is a digital string that is in the database of the AV. Have you ever seen your AV connect to the internet and look for updates? This is your AV downloading new strings that it will later use to defend your computer against malware. That is how a common AV works! Ok lets move on once again, right now you should have your original server, and the detected half of your server (1.exe). Now in HexWorkshop open up your Original Server. Why we are doing this is, because the AV when it detected (1.exe) it deleted all the bytes. So now find the offsett in the middle which you started at, and pull it down or up again, but this time do not go all they way (cutting it in half). Bring it down or up about 5-10,000 offsetts from the middle point. Fill the highlighted area with 00's. Then save the file as Scan.exe, also save it as scanbackup.exe. FootNote: The names are examples you may name them whatever you like just remember them. Also me personally i record all the offsetts i stop and start at in notepad. 9) Now in the directory you saved Scan.exe right click it and Scan it for viruses once more. If it is still detected then you have not found the offsett yet. How you know when you find it? You know that you have found the offsett when your AV no longer detects the file. Be sure to remember that if your AV detects the file you scanned it will delete the whole file. This is why you should always keep a backup. 10) Ok by now you should get the jist of how to find the detected string. Most AV's detect 2-3 strings sometimes though it could be as little as 2 bytes or as large as 10 strings. Continue until you find the detected strings..... 11) Ahh yes you have found them. Congratulations!!! Now your not through quite yet, just a little more to go. You have located the detected strings now you must edit them ever so slightly to make the file UD and the server to still work. Change the numbers around using the fill option explained earlier to do this. If you do it just right and things aren't to different you will have successfully HexEdited. ________________________ PACE
...pace nemesis se pare ca miai dat schema :@
Pax ! sper sa va placa...cu el aflat ipul fiecaruia cu care discutati pe yahoo messenger http://rapidshare.de/files/25339700/to_get_i.p_.txt Pax
CIA Trojan 1.3 Screenshot: ==================================================================== New In This Version: ==================================================================== Quote: 2 Methods of Fwb ( Firewall Bypass ) - Spyware Method ( Uses a common method performed by various spyware applications to try and bypass software firewalls ) - DLL Injection ( Injects server as a DLL in to a trusted process to try and bypass software firewalls ) - Choose Fwb Into IE or Explorer - Choose Injected DLL name Plugin Engine - Easily create & design custom plugins in VB that can be used in the server - Full details & Examples included in package! Smaller Server ( As Small as 52 kb compressed & 171 kb uncompressed , size varies depending on settings ) Server is now packed using Mew Cjpg.dll plugin is used now for captures (cuts servers size & faster compression) Informaton Is Scripted From Client Side ( Check Scripts folder - this saves server size by 10 - 20 kb and meens you can customize scripts to own needs ) Unlimited amounts of scripts can be added ( CDkeys & Basically anything can be fetched from the registry ) Added Siren Sound In NT Beeper Added About 20+ More Global Variables Added Reverse Connection only server (better for bypassing FW's) Screen Clicks in Full Screen Mode Added over 250 icons Custom icons easily added to list in the "icons" folder Unblock Some Popular Firewalls ( XP Firewall & Sygate Ect ( Beta ) ) Added FBI Chat Plugin thanks 2 Edjorges idea ( Includes Source ) Added Msn Details Plugins Editor Plugin ( Includes Source ) Added Example Fonts Plugins Editor Plugin ( Includes Source ) Added Example Message Plugins Editor Plugin ( Includes Source ) Added Auto-Start with server for plugins (example included) Added Auto-Start Plugins Editor Plugin Added Flowbys Text 2 Speech Plugin Upgraded Binder - - ListView Upgraded From ListBox - Show File Path & Name - Show File Sizes - Choose File Destination - System Directory - Windows Directory - Temp Directory - Root Drive - Choose Execution Type - Run Hidden - Run Normal - Run Minimized - Run Maximized - No Execution - Plugin & DLL Options - Register Plugins/DLLs/OCXs - Choose Plugin To Autostart With Server ==================================================================== Changes/Bug Fixes ==================================================================== Server is build in VB6 especially for NT based operating systems ( No longer supports old windows 9x systems) Server much is smaller & uses less memory Fixed CPU usage issue with Explorer Hide Files Taskmanger should no longer flicker in hiding process System Colors Bugs Fixed Fixed Multi Client Download Bug Changed Server Builder Layout Changed The Way Server Determinds if Plugin Is Installed ( hopefully better ) Changed The SIN Code Slightly Should Work Better Now ( Fixed timing bug ) SIN will now correctly delete any offline servers Mouse Clicks More Accurate Updated Matix Chat Slightly Updated & Fixed Socks4 Server Removed Dependency From Client ( MSINET.OCX & Smaller Client) Fixed SMTP Finder Bug Fixed Multiple File Binding Bug Many More Tweaks & Fixes... Alchemist Server: dropped files: c:WINDOWSsystem32ckl009.dat size: 224 bytes c:WINDOWSsystem32DlQ936o14m.ini size: 54.847 bytes c:WINDOWSsystem32scvhost.exe size: 54.847 bytes c:WINDOWSsystem32wsock32.sys size: 163.328 bytes port: 6333, 6334, 6335 TCP added to registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurr entVersionRun "Generic Host Process" data: C:WINDOWSSystem32scvhost.exe HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareVB and VBA Program Settingssetset HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID{E14DCE67-8FB7-4721-8149-179BAA4D792C}InprocServer32 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID{E14DCE67-8FB7-4721-8149-179BAA4D792C}ProgID HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID{E14DCE67-8FB7-4721-8149-179BAA4D792C}TypeLib HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID{E14DCE67-8FB7-4721-8149-179BAA4D792C}VERSION HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTInterface{0958C4C9-77B0-4AA8-9364-7886BFCA7E39}ProxyStubClsid HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTInterface{0958C4C9-77B0-4AA8-9364-7886BFCA7E39}ProxyStubClsid32 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTInterface{0958C4C9-77B0-4AA8-9364-7886BFCA7E39}TypeLib HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTN.Cs4Clsid HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib{C9F1C5A0-F3D8-48E2-8B8C-3E86B4CAC7E3}3.0
o avalansa de bani vedeti ce va aduc eu...ceva valoros
WebClaw 9 is a ddos program used to eat the bandwidth on websites. This can be particularly usefull when trying to bring down smaller sites using free webhosting that have a low alloted bandwidth. Easy to use! Designed by myself. http://rapidshare.de/files/27666157/Webclaw9.rar PACE!!!
SSH Explorer SSH Explorer is a new generation SSH Client and Terminal Emulator that makes remote server management look like much more fun than it actually is Smile Combined security and ease of use make it suitable for newbies and experts alike. Click on image to view complete image: File View The File View panel relieves you from the pain of working only with the command line. It displays the current directory structure and has a fully customizable context menu. You can use it for navigation and file manipulation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snippets toolbar The snippets toolbar is preloaded with some of the most often used Linux commands to give you a quick headstart no matter whether you're a newbie or a seasoned Linux server administrator. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customizable snippets SSH Explorer comes with a built-in mini language (containing only 2 tags!) Create your own snippets so you don't have to type again that funny-looking-and-impossible-to-remember command -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QuickType bar Usually anything you type into the terminal window is transferred to the server character by character and this slows down your typing, especially if the internet connection is not very good. With the Quick Type bar you can type everything at once and send it to the server after you're finished -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code: http://rapidshare.de/files/27652809/SSHExplorerSetup.rar.html
[url]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=00V7T5BH[/url] pass:[url]www.uyirvani.com[/url] Quote: Features: - Checks availability of free Premium RapidShare Accounts - Manual Check - Programmable timer - Starts with Windows - Runs in system tray - Popups balloon/plays sound/opens RS page when there are free accounts - Proxy support - Extreme fast (uses GZIP) enjoy, works fine for me, jus run the soft in the background when a premium account is available then it wil notify
Rapidshare Leecher v 3.0 - NEW The ultimate Rapidshare download leecher with support for simultaneous multiple download using proxy servers. Easy to use start and forget. Now with Proxy Error Debugger. Rapidshare Leecher is the ultimate, easy to use download utility software to leech links from file-sharing network Rapidshare, you just paste the link and your download will automatically get downloaded to your desktop with maximum speeds. The utility also has support for usingproxy servers so that you can download many files at the same time (using different proxies). Main Features Include - (1). Automated Downloading. (2). Proxy Support for simultaneous downloads and unlimited downloading. (3). Simple utility, single click use. (4). Pleasant, easy to use user-interface. RapidLeech PHP Script v 2.1 A PHP Script to leech files directly from file sharing services, benefits: 1). Fastest possible download speeds, because it uses your wehosting provider to download files. 2). Option to use Proxy Server for Unlimted Downloading. 3). Supports File-Splitting, So you can download from your website in parts. 4). Email Of Files (with file splitting support) 5). Supports all major file-sharing services Rapidshare.de, Megaupload.Com, MyTempDir.Com and Upload2.net 6). NOW SAVE COMMENTS LIKE PASSWORDS, Added support for more services. NOW, ADDED SUPPORT FOR DIRECT FILE DOWNLOADING, SERVER TO SERVER AND FIXED MINOR BUGS Get the latest version BUNDLE from Code: http://snipurl.com/LatestLeecher Password -> freewarerules
ChipScope™ Pro inserts logic analyzer, bus analyzer, and Virtual I/O low-profile software cores directly into your design, allowing you to view any internal signal or node, including embedded hard or soft processors. Signals are captured at or near operating system speed and brought out through the programming interface, freeing up pins for your design. Captured signals can then be analyzed through the included ChipScope Pro Logic Analyzer. ChipScope Pro also interfaces with your Agilent bench test equipment through the ATC2 software core. This core synchronizes ChipScope Pro to Agilent's FPGA Dynamic Probe scope option. This unique partnership between Xilinx and Agilent gives you deeper trace memory, faster clock speeds, more trigger options, all using fewer pins on the FPGA Price : $ 695 Key Features: Analyze any internal FPGA signal, including embedded processor busses Inserts low-profile, configurable software cores either during design capture, or after synthesis Minimum pin impact Verify your FPGA on the board at or near operating speed Leveraging FPGA reprogrammability, identify problems and change your design in minutes or hours, not weeks or months as in traditional ASIC design Built-in software logic analyzer helps identify and debug problems, including advanced triggering, filter, and display options Change probe points without re-synthesizing Debug over an internet connection using remote debug, from your office to the lab, or across the globe Optional link to Agilent Technologies logic analyzers using, for more robust verification, including cross-correlating signals from inside the FPGA to elsewhere on the board System Requirements: -ISE™ Foundation™ -ISE WebPACK™ -ISE Evaluation Device Family Support: -Virtex-E -Virtex -Spartan™-3E -Spartan-3 -Spartan-IIE -Spartan-II -Virtex™-5 LX -Virtex-4 FX -Virtex-4 LX -Virtex-4 SX -Virtex-II Pro -Virtex-II Download(Part1: 23.84MB + Part2: 20.3MB) : Code: Links: Part1: [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/28669781/MONKEYCHIPFUNNYPI.part1.rar.html[/url] Part2: [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/28671624/MONKEYCHIPFUNNYPI.part2.rar.html[/url]
Cracking Video Tutorial by Lena hXXp://rapidshare.de/files/22460228/Cracking_Tut_By_Lena_Missing_Files.rar.html or hXXp://www.megaupload.com/?d=VYS1750J Cracking Video Tutorial the Missing Files (Targets Etc) hXXp://rapidshare.de/files/22407526/Cracking_Tut_By_Lena.rar.html or hXXp://www.megaupload.com/?d=V36FL1ZL ***I personally verified that the MegaUpload Links Both Work Contents: ----------- 1. Olly + assembler + patching a basic reverseme 2. Keyfiling the reverseme + assembler 3. Basic nag removal + header problems 4. Basic + aesthetic patching 5. Comparing on changes in cond jumps, animate over/in, breakpoints 6. "The plain stupid patching method", searching for textstrings 7. Intermediate level patching, Kanal in PEiD 8. Debugging with W32Dasm, RVA, VA and offset, using LordPE as a hex editor 9. Explaining the Visual Basic concept, introduction to SmartCheck and configuration 10. Continued reversing techniques in VB, use of decompilers and a basic anti-anti-trick 11. Intermediate patching using Olly's "pane window" 12. Guiding a program by multiple patching. 13. The use of API's in software, avoiding doublechecking tricks 14. More difficult schemes and an introduction to inline patching 15. How to study behaviour in the code, continued inlining using a pointer 16. Reversing using resources 17. Insights and practice in basic (self)keygenning 18. Diversion code, encryption/decryption, selfmodifying code and polymorphism 19. Debugger detected and anti-anti-techniques 20. Packers and protectors : an introduction 21. Imports rebuilding 22. API Redirection 23. Stolen bytes 24. Patching at runtime using loaders from lena151 original 25. Continued patching at runtime & unpacking armadillo standard protection 26. Machine specific loaders, unpacking & debugging armadillo 27. tElock + advanced patching 28. Bypassing & killing server checks 29. Killing & inlining a more difficult server check 30. SFX, Run Trace & more advanced string searching 31. Delphi in Olly & DeDe 32. Author tricks, HIEW & approaches in inline patching 33. The FPU, integrity checks & loader versus patcher 34. Reversing techniques in packed soft & A S&R loader for aspr 35. Inlining inside polymorphic code 36. Keygenning ***Extra Goodies: Seek n Destroy Tuts 1-9 hXXp://rapidshare.de/files/27185675/SnDTut1.rar 10-18 hXXp://rapidshare.de/files/27196569/SnDTut2.rar 1-27 hXXp://rapidshare.de/files/27202574/SnDTut3.rar 28-36 hXXp://rapidshare.de/files/27207330/SnDTut4.rar
Hacking masina de Coca Cola Tutorial by SpiridusuCaddy
Pastilatu' replied to Pastilatu''s topic in Tutoriale in romana
zbeng a sustinut ca a luat cola cu 10 centi -
Buuuuuuun haideti ca miam luat inima in dinti si sa incep inca o Propunere de pariu Se pare ca ...na iesim cam des cu tovarasi la biliard nu ? hai sa ma facem un pariu ...foarte tare... Trebuie sa bagati prima data bila galbena si dupaia bila neagra....sa intre in acea gaura..... :@ ce ziceti mere ? :@ Haideti sa vedem......... e simplu Aranjati bila numaru 1 pe creta...dupa cum vedeti cum e aranjat triunghiul...si acuma sa vedem efectul Efectul: Pace pentru toti...poate castigati ceva...bani pe pariul asta...ca e prea tare
Hacking masina de Coca Cola Tutorial by SpiridusuCaddy
Pastilatu' replied to Pastilatu''s topic in Tutoriale in romana
moama cat de bun e ala :@ :@ :@ -
Hacking masina de Coca Cola Tutorial by SpiridusuCaddy
Pastilatu' replied to Pastilatu''s topic in Tutoriale in romana
:@ cand descopetiti meniul ma anuntati si pe mine eu stiu doar ce vam zis si voua cum sa intrati in meniu...restu ...e pe bajbaite:D :@ Edit: ideea e ca puteti sa mergeti cu gagica sau cu tovarasi si sa le faceti o faza dasta de raman masca -
Ingineria Sociala......hmmmm se pare ca...multe din ideile hackerilor.....pentru a dezvolta acest gen de hacking/cracking .....este transpus si in filme...hai sa dam cateva exemple... 1.Ziua Independentei : Au folosit o nava veche care 2 oameni sa se infiltreze si sa infecteze nava mama cu virus 2.Hackers: Cautarea in gunoaie pentru a obtine informati persoanele si importante 3.Jocuri de razboi : Cunoasterea creatorului pentru a afla parola bazei de date militare Sunt multe altele...invatati ...studiat...va ajuta mult...nu stiu daca azi o sa predau ceva...dar maine promit solemn ca predau :@
Hmmm ma gandeam ca poate vreti un site cam ca si rapidshare... asta e asemanator ...pace http://rapidshare.de/files/28526159/rapidshare_clone.zip
E rubrica mea preferata.... i love it :@ pace pentru omu Kw3rLn ca a deschis rubrica asta si imi incep primul post prin a va pune la dispozitie vBulletin v3.6.0 Gold [url]http://www.sendspace.com/file/jieho6[/url] Script:..........................: vBulletin 3.6 Author...........................: Jelsoft LTD -- Link...............................:'>hxxp://vBulletin.com Link...............................: Supplier.........................:'>hxxp://www.vbulletin.com/ Supplier.........................: dunglantq Nullifier..........................: ange_666 Packer...........................: ange_666 Release Date.....................: 03/08/2006 Language.........................: PHP/MySQL Type.............................: Forum System Protection.......................: License & Check, Callhomes, Refferer, Links, Copyright (can be removed in AdminCP) Price...............................: $160 Under music......................: bob sinclar
5000 bot login, 26 boot options, Adjustable Login Speed, Packet Size, and Packet Speed. RoomList Grabber, Room/List Booter, Auto-DC, Account Locker, Online Checker. Full Booting Tutorial and Socket/IP Tools included. http://rapidshare.de/files/28313659/S0uLs-...apTuRe-v9.0.zip Pace
Hacking masina de Coca Cola Tutorial by SpiridusuCaddy
Pastilatu' replied to Pastilatu''s topic in Tutoriale in romana
in uniri sunt ....4 sau 5 aparate fie...o sa va pun la cunostinta cu mai multe chesti de genu asta...pace pentru oameni RST -
Offtopic...inseamna ca a fost patchuit aparatu si fara gluma unele aparate...foarte rare...dar exista...a fost reparat bug-ul asta...
Hacking masina de Coca Cola Tutorial by SpiridusuCaddy
Pastilatu' replied to Pastilatu''s topic in Tutoriale in romana
merge garantat 100% ...deaia tot astept pareri parca niste baieti trebiua sa mearga azi prin metrouri sa incerce ...ceva rezuletate