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Everything posted by Pastilatu'

  1. Da ...bate de baseball ....masina .... amenintari injuraturi... :@ si...fara trucaje cu bata de baseball ca am zis sa para cat mai real si.... :@ sa lovit serios.. :@ ...filmarea a fost facuta...cu o camera Kodak Easy Share ...mai e vreo 35% de uploadat si bag si episodu 1 pana atunci sariti cu pareri despre intoducere :@ sunt curios
  2. ps : editat , regizat , filmat de mine si o sa pun si episodul nr 1 ....care nu a fost terminat din motiv de lene :@ dar e prea penal...e cu actiune in el :@ da pace pentru omu Kw3rLn
  3. :@ :@ :@ aduc ...majoritatea posturilor de calitate ce pot sa spun :@
  4. :@ nu stiu am simtit nevoia sa va arata ce am facut eu cu baieti mei pax sper sa va placa chiar astept pareri...nu este despre hacking... :@ http://rapidshare.de/files/28781336/Intro_Baieti_Blanzi.avi.html
  5. sunt in ca in dilema daca sa pun poze cu nevestele mele ...amante tot satra
  6. Pastilatu'


    ooooooo pace... bine ai venit in familia RST
  7. Siteul complet 2advanced in format .fla .... Code: http://www.2advanced.com/ Ce vezi acolo...este ceea ce primesti http://rapidshare.de/files/5650747/the_one.rar.html Pace pentru oameni mei
  8. o intrebare e bun si pt messenger 8 ? pax
  9. Pastilatu'


    ooookey ! Pace omule si vezi ce aduci...sa facem share de cunostinte nu ? pace
  10. SEX MULT !!! , SALA MULTA !!!! mi homes nu mai mam prins...voi vreti sa ajnungeti campioni olimpici la aruncatu cu privirea...aoleuuuuuu haideti la sala:D trageti de fiare...ca sa nu traga ele de voi....ducetiva la oferitoarele de placere dca nu aveti gagica sa ofere deja incep sa fac rima... ca doar rimaru e primaru haideti la munca baieti trageti de tzatze si de fiare
  11. ...cica nu fake da pot sa imi poza cu "surorile" mele
  12. si eu vreau deasta :@ dar cu mafie...plus urban friends ... ashea ceva din logo sisa scrie spiridusu caddy ... si linku www.urbanfriends.iad.ro ! Pax homen ca va aduc fonturi noi astazi...momentan sunt pe lapitop nici plus nam :@
  13. :@THE BROKEN RULZ sunt prea penali.....i luv video tutorials
  14. Ooooo pace pentru omu Gangsta
  15. Da vreo eroare ? daca da poti sa imi zici ce zice ? Pace
  16. EarthDesk replaces your Windows wallpaper with a stunning dynamic image of our planet continuously updating in the background while you work. Real-time clouds (updated at 3-hour intervals) with transparency and moonlight reflection. Accurate sun, moon and city lighting. High quality twilight shading. Automatically updates when waking from sleep. Moonlight shading can be turned on or off. Complete multi-display support. Eleven different map projections. Includes both satellite and political maps Download Link: http://rapidshare.de/files/27611925/EarthDesk_v3.5.rar MD5: 9438F547454F6B88D1D0BF4D50B429BB Rar Password: th3zone.com
  17. ..eh poate ...acuma na..scuza-ma...poate poti sa introduci un spiry pe acolo...sau ceva e genu ...daca poti..sau vezi tu te descurci...pax homen DjAlex vb maine...sa vedem ce poti sa faci ...
  18. da buey ...dragutz... chiar dragutz
  19. la care zice asta :@ nare cum eu sunt uploaderu...nam sters nimic.......
  20. The Professional Solution for Manga and Comic Artists! Strongly focused on realism, productivity and inter-operability, Manga Studio EX is perfect for professionals looking for efficiency and flexibility in the design process. EX includes more than 3,000 screen tones and many built-in features, including 3D object import capabilities! http://rapidshare.de/files/26207518/GFX-Manga.Studio.Ex.v3.0.Incl.Keymaker-AGAiN.part1.rar [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/26209668/GFX-Manga.Studio.Ex.v3.0.Incl.Keymaker-AGAiN.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/26209778/GFX-Manga.Studio.Ex.v3.0.Incl.Keymaker-AGAiN.part3.rar[/url] PACE
  21. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL cauta-le mult si bine pe astea....oricum ...pace
  22. :@ :@ :@ :@ ma bucur ca va placut pax ...sau pace
  23. Collection Of Game Fonts http://rapidshare.de/files/22647914/Game_fonts.rar -------------------------------------------- Logos Font http://rapidshare.de/files/22565818/Logo.Fonts.rar -------------------------------------------- Ulead Bonus Font Pack Alchemist.ttf American Participants.ttf Battlefield.ttf Biohazard Participants.ttf Bitchin.ttf Braille AOE.ttf British Participants.ttf BulletBalls AOE.ttf Canadian Participants.ttf Carbon Block.ttf Casual.ttf Charaille AOE.ttf Christian Participants.ttf Cola Participants.ttf CropBats AOE.ttf Crown Title.ttf DeadGrit.ttf DoggyPrint AOE.ttf Dyspepsia.ttf Ethnocentric.ttf First Blind.ttf FishyPrint One AOE.ttf FishyPrint Two AOE .ttf French Participants.ttf Futhark AOE Inline.ttf Futhark AOE.ttf Goblins.ttf Haunt AOE.ttf Hebrew Participants.ttf Hippy Participants.ttf Hots.ttf Irish Participants.ttf Kinderfeld.ttf KittyPrint AOE.ttf Lilliput Steps.ttf Lochen.ttf Neuropolitical.ttf Plain Cred.ttf Port Credit Bold.ttf Port Credit.ttf Radiation Participants.ttf Satanic Participants.ttf Turkish Participants.ttf Walshes.ttf [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/22565261/Ulea.Bon.Font.rar[/url]
  24. Deniart Fonts Collection A collection of 36 ttf fonts and 54 postscript type 1 fonts. An user guide included in the package contains instructions on how to install fonts, the software license agreement, a character guide describing what each symbol represents, as well as a keyboard layout diagram. The collections included in the zip file are: DENIART Alchemy Symbols DENIART Ancient Writings DENIART Castles and Shields DENIART Magick and Mystic DENIART Medieval Dragons DENIART Meso Americano DENIART RongoRongo DENIART Signals and Signs DENIART Sublimina DENIART The Astrologer DENIART The Egyptologist DENIART Tolkien Scripts Download http://rapidshare.de/files/22808945/Den_fon.rar PAX
  25. fratelo esti cel mai tare esti fratele meu daca imi faci rost de templateul 9989 !! PACE e la communications ! PACE
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