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Unde gasesc legea propririi unui cont bancar prin ordin executoriu?
Intenso replied to activated's topic in Discutii non-IT
Cum a zis si rotube poti intra in executare silita dar avand in vedere ca din suma de 1.000 LEI pe care tu trebuia sa o platesti ei deja ti-au luat din cont deja 800 LEI pentru 200 LEI eu zic ca nu se merita sa te complici cu avocat deoarece banii care ei ti i-au luat deja nu ii mai recuperezi tu inapoi niciodata chiar daca zici ca nu ai primit nici vreun aviz sau ordin judecatoresc ( ei oricum fac sa apara imediat niste foi si dau vina pe posta ca din cauza aceea nu ai primit nimic sau mai stiu eu ce motive..) In al doilea rand, ma gandesc ca daca nu le dai aia 200 LEI avand in vedere ca si-au recuperat 80% din suma deja ma gandesc ca poate nu se ajunge in tribunal pentru 200 lei totusi. Cum Romania e tara tuturor posibilitatilor probabil sa te bage in tribunal si pentru 200 LEI cine stie... SFAT: Daca ai dovezi ca tu ai renuntat la serviciile lor inainte sa pleci din tara atunci e posibil sa iti recuperezi banii si spun asta ca de cele mai multe ori cand anunti ca renunti la serviciile lor de cele mai multe ori ei inca spera pana in ultima zi si chiar dupa incercand sa te atraga cu oferte special create pentru tine si bla bla... Daca ai ceva dovezi cum ca i-ai anuntat ca din data de X.X.XXX tu renunti la serviciile oferite de ei atunci se merita sa vorbesti cu un avocat si se poate rezolva. -
Unde gasesc legea propririi unui cont bancar prin ordin executoriu?
Intenso replied to activated's topic in Discutii non-IT
Vezi art. 728 si cauta pe google mai multe detalii caci parerile sunt impartite.. Din cate stiu eu nu au voie sa iti opreasca toti banii daca ai 1 singura poprire. Cel mai bine este sa te consulti cu un avocat. -
- 21 replies
Ba toate ca toate dar atat te vaiti, precum o catea in calduri. Intai vii cu filme ca tu i-ai facut combinatia cu Madalin, ca dupa te-au sarit din schema ca au facut CSD-ul... Ca oricum CSD-ul are tot team-ul de este prezentat pe web praf... ca toti sunt vai de p**a lor si asa mai departe. Intrebarile mele sunt urmatoarele: 1. De ce p**a mea ai vrut sa faci parte dintr-un TEAM praf cum sunt aia toti de acolo ? 2. Crezi ca la CSD (sau oricare alta firma), se angajeaza asa cum ti se scoala? E o companie de pentesting, daca te-a refuzat cineva, au facut-o pentru ca nu ai ce cauta acolo. Incep sa cred ca asa ca intre baieti fie vorba... Il tii la loc de cinste pe TinKode de indata ce esti cu ochii pe el ca pe butelie dar pe forum vad ca o arzi "extra ghengsta"...
- 21 replies
A aparut si m1 dar nu mai are rost...
Web vulnerabilities are not always necessary to abuse a system for financial gains. A Romanian ex-greyhat hacker turned security researcher, who goes by the nickname Tinkode, recently described a method to make money by exploiting loopholes in PayPal's chargeback feature. Chargeback allows the reversal of a PayPal transaction and can be initiated by users in several cases: non-arrival of the purchased item, the product being significantly different than advertised, or unauthorized usage of the credit card. Chargeback requests are handled by the credit card issuer by contacting PayPal, who then returns the funds to the buyer and temporarily blocks the disputed amount in the seller’s account until the claim is investigated and resolved. The scheme described by Tinkode involves a fraudster using three accounts: one verified with a personal card and used to pose as a buyer, and two others verified with virtual credit cards (VCC). Ironically, virtual credit cards are a service designed to protect online shoppers against fraud. They consist in a credit card number that can be used instead of the real one during an online transaction. One of the VCC accounts acts as a seller and is used to receive a payment from the buyer. The money is then transferred to the second VCC account in the form of a gift card. A day or two later, a chargeback request is issued by the buyer, based on one of the reasons stated by PayPal’s chargeback policy. PayPal will then launch an investigation, but with no response from the seller, the company should honor the buyer's request and retain the disputed amount from the seller’s account. Because at this point the seller has no available funds, the account is left with a negative balance, which leads to PayPal incurring the actual loss. In the end, the fraudster keeps the initial money spent on the fake purchase and the gift card that can be then transferred to the real account and withdrawn. Although chargeback fraud is known to PayPal, there are various methods to exploit the policy of the company regarding the feature. Cybercriminals have sufficient imagination to adapt the scheme and make it harder to trace the money, according to Tinkode. By creating PayPal accounts from a remote location and deleting them once the deed is done, cybercriminals could take advantage of the scheme and transfer money from their VCC accounts to accounts that belong to users whose computers are infected with credential-stealing malware and are part of botnets. Those accounts can be emptied at a later time, causing the fraudulent transactions to be traced to the botnet victims. Tinkode, who now runs his own penetration testing company, Cyber Smart Defence, claims to have presented his proof of concept attack to PayPal by submitting it through the company's Bug Bounty program despite not involving a website vulnerability. According to the hacker, the company responded to his submission more than one month later with the following reply: “Thank you for your patience while we completed our investigation. After reviewing your submission we have determined this is not a Bug Bounty issue, but one of our protection Policy. While the abuse described here is possible in our system, repeated abusive behavior by the same and/or linked account(s) is addressed. Thank you for your participation in our program.” Tinkode (R?zvan Cern?ianu) was arrested in 2012 after breaching computer systems belonging to several private and government organizations including Oracle, NASA, the United States Army, the Pentagon, the European Space Agency and the Royal Navy. He was ordered to pay around $120,000 (89,000 EUR) for the losses he caused to the aforementioned organizations, although his actions did not bring him any financial gains. We contacted PayPal for a request for comments, but the company did not immediately respond to our message. Source: Softpedia
Prin mesaj privat. Up! Inca mai am mail-uri!
Momentan nu am de australia si nu am mail+pass Spune-mi pe privat de cate ai nevoie si o sa te anunt in cat timp am ( numai sa nu ma iei cu cateva mii si chestii de genul... ) UP! care aveti nevoie dati un P.M inca mai am mail-uri!
Am vorbit cu omul si era interesat dar nu am facut nimic pana la urma. PS: Se poate inchide thread-ul asta. PS2: Acum care chiar e interesat de asa ceva poate apela la exchangeri ca avem si in RO.
Nu cer nimic. Numele si unde vreti sa primiti banii
Pot sa zic ca sunt ok baietii. Am facut o retragere prin ei cu o suma de aproximativ 400$ si totul a decurs bine. Bineinteles ca au un procent destul de considerabil (7%) dar pot sa zic ca se merita avand in vedere ca dupa ce am facut transferul BTC in maxim 1 ora am primit banii. Daca vreti sa ii folositi cel mai bine este sa ii sunati si stabiliti cum anume vreti sa ii retrageti, bineinteles prin alte metode pe care le doriti numai ca din cate am inteles inafara de comisionul lor de 7% va trebuii sa suportati tot voi si comisioanele alegerii facute.
"B?i copile, e?ti nebun??" )))))) Prea tare mosu' ...
Cel mai TARE ?OFER e din ROMÂNIA! )))))))))))))))))))))))
Am observat ca sunt mai multi exchangeri de incredere dar totusi voiam sa ajut pe cineva de aici care se ocupa cu asa ceva avand in vedere ca nu imi trebuie urgent... Decat sa dau la exchangeri sa ia comision, mai bine ii dau cu comisionul respectiv in minus + inca de 3 beri din partea mea cuiva de aici care poate a investit in asa ceva si poate si reuseste sa faca ceva cu ei.
UP! Inca am BTC !
trebuie pe forum ca nu poti viziona filmele si nici subtitrarile nu le poti lua...
Am nevoie de o invitatie pe asiacinefil.com daca ai sau daca poti face rost nu te las pe 0 ...
UP! Inca mai este stoc!
Vand BTC. Disponibil: 0.69339134 BTC $ 311.96 Pret: 950 RON ( sub pretul pietei ) Accept Wu, depunere bancara sau personal celor din acelasi oras cu mine.